• 제목/요약/키워드: cd-rom

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The Effect of Computer-Assisted Instruction(CAI) through the Multimedia CD-ROM on the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse (CAI를 이용한 어린이 성희롱/성폭력 예방교육 효과)

  • Bae, Jeong-Yee
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.239-251
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of education for prevention of child sexual abuse (rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment etc.) of children in elementary school students. Incidences of sexual abuse in Korea is ranked 3rd in the world. Sexual abuse of children, particularly, is one of the most serious crimes that affect both the victimized children and their family. The issue related to sexual abuse of children has been ignored, and there is a lack of systematic education to prevent sexual abuse of children either for children or their parents. Furthermore, lack of knowledge and poor attitude of teachers limit their capability to provide education for sexual abuse prevention to the children. The education for teachers may change their knowledge of the sexual abuse and their attitude toward it and improve their capability in helping children. 223 Korean elementary school students participated in this study. Research design was One group pretest-posttest design. The education given to the subjects included 4 hours through the multimedia CD-ROM on the prevention of child sexual abuse. The education program was developed based on a survey. School- aged- children, parents, and teachers were interviewed to reveal their educational needs based on their experiences related to sexual abuse. This program includes such as safety education, crisis management, resource person(s), and phone numbers of available hospital. Data was collected before, during and after the education was given to the subjects, to assess their knowledge and attitude toward child sexual abuse. Two instruments were used in this study. Using Cronbach's ALPHA validity and reliability of 2 instruments were tested. The analysis of the data was done with Window SPSS 10.0 for descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. The results of this analysis were as follows : 1. After education, the score of school nurses knowledge was higher than before(t= -4.677, p=0.000). 2. After education, the score of school nurses attitude was not higher than before (t=0.131, p=0.896). The findings from this study will provide an intervention strategy for prevention of sexual abuse in children.

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An Efficient Recursive Cell Architecture for Modified Euclidean Algorithm to Decode Reed-Solomon Code (Reed-Solomon부호의 복호를 위한 수정 유클리드 알고리즘의 효율적인 반복 셀 구조)

  • Kim, Woo-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Seol;Song, Moon-Kyou
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics C
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    • v.36C no.1
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 1999
  • Reed-Solomon(RS) codes have been employed to correct burst errors in applications such as CD-ROM, HDTV, ATM and digital VCRs. For the decoding RS codes, the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, Euclidean algorithm and modified Euclidean algorithm(MEA) have been developed among which the MEA becomes the most popular decoding scheme. We propose an efficient recursive cell architecture suitable for the MEA. The advantages of the proposed scheme are twofold. First, The proposed architecture uses about 25% less clock cycles required in the MEA operation than[1]. Second, the number of recursive MEA cells can be reduced, when the number of clock cycles spent in the MEA operation is larger than code word length n. thereby buffer requirement for the received words can be reduced. For demonstration, the MEA circurity for (128,124) RS code have been described and the MEA operation is verified through VHDL.

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On-axis servo control in pickup actuator for disk type holographic data storage (디스크 형 홀로그램 정보저장장치를 위한 광축상 서보 컨트롤)

  • Kim, Sung-Phil;Song, Seok-Ho;Oh, Cha-Hwan;Kim, Pill-Soo;Kim, Ji-Deog;Lee, Hong-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.58-64
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    • 2003
  • In order to read correct data from a disk-type holographic storage medium, it is very important to implement a servo-control in the pick-up module, as in a conventional CD-ROM. We propose a novel servo-control method using a glass plate on the optical axis, which is able to compensate the mechanical errors coming from wobbling of holographic disk and spindle motor. By rotating the glass plate within $\pm$10 degrees, we can reduce the reading errors of $\pm$200 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ to $\pm$15 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$.

The Concept of Hwa-Byung in Nursing (화병의 간호학적 개념)

  • 김순용
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.1221-1232
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to study how nurses interpreted the meaning of Hwa-Byung. It was carried through a review of literature, and the result is expected to explore ways that nursing intervention can promote the understanding of Hwa-Byung. The literature review focused on cultural psychology and psychiatrists' views toward Hwa-Byung. After that, it was reconfirmed concept of Hwa-Byung in nursing devived from historical analysis of the examples of Hwa-Byung from a true record of the Cho-Sun Dynasty(CD ROM, 1997). Characteristics of patients with Hwa-Byung include 'Hwa', an aspect of somatization, and self-diagnosing. It also could find that Hwa-Byung is characterized as 'Hwa', 'somatization' and 'self-diagnosis(subjectiveness)' according to a true record of the Cho-Sun Dynasty(CD ROM, 1997). The conceptual definition of 'Hwa', 'somatization' and 'self-diagnosing (subjectiveness)' are as follows. The core concept of Hwa-Byung, 'Hwa,' has the property of 'fire', and equals the feeling of injustice. Hwa-Byung means congestion of 'Hwa'. Therefore Hwa-Byung is the accumulation of being mistreated and mortified. The feeling of mistreatment comes from subjective experiences, which cannot be in harmony with the values, beliefs and rights of the patients. The situations that they have to endure again and again, though they are the sufferers, connote suppressed aggression and powerlessness endured over time. Suppressed aggression subordinated hostility, hatred and revengeful thoughts; powerlessness subordinates frustration, resignation, and fatalism. Somatization is another form of expressing 'Hwa' through physical symptoms. The somatization of clients with Hwa-Byung plays a role in expressing non-verbalized and suppressed emotions within themselves. The clients who experiences Hwa-Byung think that they know the cause of their illness and self-diagnose their problem as Hwa-Byung. Therefore, the feeling of unfairness which is the premise of Hwa-Byung infers 'subjectiveness' In conclusion, nursing's concept of Hwa-Byung is the accumulation of feelings of being mistreated and mortified. Hwa-Byung is the internalized 'Hwa' from enduring again and again. The feeling of being mistreated comes from subjective judgements about unfairness that cannot be harmonized with the clients' values, beliefs and rights. Those who can express their 'Hwa' only through their bodies imply suppressed aggression and powerlessness.

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$\alpha$ Scaling Parameter Optimization On Watermarking Using Autostereogram (오토스테레오그램을 이용한 워터마킹에서 $\alpha$스켈링 파라미터 최적화)

  • 허덕규;이인정;김성옥
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2001
  • In recent year, the use of digital picture information and general picture information has been increased, However, numerous copyright infringement and pirate copy of picture information through Internet and CD-ROM happen very often, As a result, several methods of watermarking have been presented to solve and verify distortion of the original data, In addition, watermark data have been suggested to resolve the vastness of the original data, Watermarking methods are often used to protect the right of ownership of a copyright, However, these Watermarking methods have brought the obscurity of recognition caused by the complexity of verification procedure and the increase of magnitude computation occurrence, This paper mainly mentions about the local optimization of scaling parameter, the maximization of hiding of Watermark information and maximization of watermark information in case of restoration that determine the amount of inserted information which is used for preventing distortion and transformation of the original data caused by insertion and hiding of Watermark information on compounding Autostereogram into JPEG picture information.

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A Study on Scenario-Centered Design Process for Multimedia Contents Planning & Design - through a Case Study of Contents design of Internet Shopping Mall "Shop 'n' Chat" (멀티미디어 컨텐츠 디자인 프로세스에서의 시나리오 활용에 관한 연구 - 인터넷 쇼핑몰 “Shop 'n' Chat“의 컨텐츠 디자인 사례연구를 중심으로)

  • 김현정
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2002
  • As human-centered design has become new paradigm in the field of design, it is also needed to apply scenario-centered design methodology in planning and design new multi-media contents. In this paper, scenario-centered design process for multimedia contnets planning & design was identified through a case study of contents design of internet shopping mall "Shop 'n' Chat". The study was preceded with three kinds of scenarios during design process, which are present situation scenario to find needed contents, behavior prototype scenario to make contents concrete, and future usage scenario to design visual interface. These three stages of scenario are exampled by of finally shopping scenario between 20's girls, internet shopping scenario with using messenger, and finally navigation/interaction scenario in future internet shopping mall.

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Commercial Databases : The Keypoints and Practical Use(1) - Trends of Database Services - (상용(商用) 데이터베이스 : 그 요점(要點)과 활용(活用)(1) - 데이터베이스 서비스의 동향(動向) -)

  • Cho, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.36-53
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    • 1993
  • Nowadays we usually act based on information in order to act effectively, we should enlarge our access to information of course, we have several methods to choose from, but commercial databases are the most advantageous. One reason is that everyone has equal access to commercial databases. As a result, people or companies who use commercial database information skillfully have a distince advantage over those who don't commercial database services in japan have been changing rapidly since their birth more than twenty years ago. For example, the distribution mode of databases is changing : from the original batch(off line) to on-line and most recently to the coexistence of batch and on line with the advent of CD-ROM. It is important for us to keep up with the new trends in databases, and to utilize them effectively as a tool in the information age.

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Developing Learning Materials of Multimedia for General Science Instruction of High School (고등학교 공통과학 학습을 위한 멀티미디어 자료 구축)

  • Kim, Jae Hyun;Lee, Hee Bok;Kim, Hyun Sub;Kim, Hee Soo;Park, Jeong Wok;Park, Hyun Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.249-257
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to develop learning materials of multimediafor general science instruction of high school.this learning material was made of HTML record for each middle unit according to the general science curriculum, and was included a variety of Ietter, graph, picture, drawing, animation, and other moving image materials. And it was composed five coursewares:Content, Dictionary, Science Story,lmage Material, and Questions.The learning material is uploaded an internet website under Science Education Research Institute of Kongju National University (http://science.kongju.ac.kr), and also is provided to a CD-ROM title.

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MPEG-2 AAC Encoder Implementation Using a floating-Point DSP (부동 소수점 DSP를 이용한 MPEG-2 AAC 부호차기 구현)

  • Kim Seung-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.882-888
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    • 2005
  • MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) has already been standardized as a sophisticated next generation technology AAC provides an audio signal that has CD quality at 96-128kbps/stereo. This paper describes a high-quality and efficient software implementation of an MPEG-2 AAC LC Profile encoder. Common scalefactor and noisless coding are accelerated by $45\%$ and $27\%$, respectively, through the use of TMS320C30 instructions. The implemented encoder uses 7.5kWords of program memory, 18kWords of data ROM and 92kBytes of data RAM, respectively. The results of subjective Qualify test showed that the sound quality achieved at 96kbps/stereo was equivalent to that of MP3 at 128kbps/stereo.

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Online Information Technologies and the Changing Roles of Reference Librarians (온라인 정보기술 환경과 참고사서의 역할 재고)

  • Noh Ock-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.121-142
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    • 1998
  • Based on the comprehensive literature search and the sample library surveys, some observations are made on the impact of online information technologies for reference services. Various issues specifically with OPAC, CD-ROM, remote database access, and internet environment are overviewed as the source of and trigger for change in reference librarianship and in terms of expectations as well as difficulties. The paper then focuses on how these technologies influence on the roles of reference librarians as intermediaries in information providing, instructing, consulting, and evaluating functions. This leads to rethinking the conceptual basis of today's reference service and the competencies for reference librarians with new functions and responsibilities.

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