• Title/Summary/Keyword: causative verb

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A Study on Definition Related to Passive and Causative in Korean Dictionary. (피동·사동과 관련한 국어사전의 뜻풀이에 대하여)

  • CHOE, Ho Chol
    • Korean Linguistics
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    • v.48
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    • pp.333-354
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    • 2010
  • When defining the word related to passive and causative in Korean dictionary, the meaning of headword can be explained by linking them to other related words. The link could be expressed into two forms; the one is 'passive verb causative verb of A' and the other is 'passive form causative form of A.' Whichever the dictionary takes, the important thing is that the content to which it refer should be correct. However the format of 'passive verb causative verb of A' and 'passive form causative form of A' is problematic because the definition of headword does not contain semantic information but syntactic or morphological information. Generic concept 'passive form causative form' and 'passive verb causative verb' refers to respectively morphological and syntactic level but specific concept 'A' refers to semantic level. These morphological, syntactic and semantic level can not be a same dimension so the size of their denotation can not be compared. The way of transform syntactic dimension 'passive verb causative verb' and morphological dimension 'passive form causative form' into semantic dimension is removing 'verb' and 'form' from 'passive verb causative verb' and 'passive form causative form' respectively. Therefore the expression 'passive verb causative verb of A' or 'passive form causative form of A' ought be changed into 'passive causative of A.'

The Change of toxical Structure by Causativization in Korean: a generative lexicon approach (한국어 사동화와 어휘의미구조의 변화: 생성어휘부(Generative Lexicon) 이론에 의한 접근)

  • 김윤신
    • Language and Information
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.57-82
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    • 2002
  • This study explores the lexical-semantic structure of derived causative verbs in Korean based on Pustejovsky(1995)'s Generative Lexicon Theory (GL). Morphological causative verbs are derived from their root stems by affixing ‘-i, -hi, -li, -gi’ in Korean and the meanings of derived predicates are closely related to the meanings of their root verbs. In particular, the change of the ARGUMENT STRUCTURE by morphological derivation leads to the change of the EVENT STRUCTURE. The ARGUMENT STRUCTURES of derived causative verbs include a causer argument, which is added to the ARGUMENT STRUCTURE of their root verbs by means of the causative derivation. Their EVENT STRUCTURE has a headed process related to a causer and its result is the event which their root verbs denote. This approach can also suggest that the (in)directness of causative is dependent on is the semantics of its root verb.

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사동화에 의한 논항구조와 사건구조와 변화

  • 김윤신
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Language and Information Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.25-58
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    • 2001
  • This study explores the lexical-semantic structure of derived causative verbs in Korean based on Pustejovsky(1995)'s Generative Lexicon Theory (GL), Mor-phological causative verbs are derived from their root stems by affixing ‘-i, -hi, -li, -gi’ in Korean and the meanings of derived predicates are closely related to the meanings of their root verbs. In particular, the change of the ARGUMENT STRUCTURE by morphological derivation leads to the change of the EVENT STRUCTURE. In this study, causation is defined as the cause-effect relation having a causer. The ARGUMENT STRUCTURES of derived causative verbs includes a causer argument, which is added to the ARGUMENT STRUCTURE of their root verbs. Their EVENT STRUCTURE has a headed process related to a causer and their result is the event which their root verbs represent. This approach can also suggest that the (in)directness of causative is determined by which verb is its root and explain the difference between the morphological causativization and the syntactic causativization in Korean.

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An implementation of parser for special syntax processing in Korea (한국어 특수구문 처리를 위한 파서의 구현)

  • Kim, Jae-Mun;Lee, Sang-Kuk;Lee, Sang-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.31B no.11
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    • pp.124-135
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    • 1994
  • In this paper, we propose a Korean syntax analysis system for special syntax processing. HPSG, which processes syntatic and semantic analysis unificationally, is chosen for grammar description. Head-driven unidirectional active chart parser, which is efficient in Korean processing, is used for parsing mechanism. The parser of this paper can analyze not only general sentence structure which consists of complement-head, adjunct-head and head-head structure bur also special syntax which consists of auxiliay verb sentence, causative sentence, passive sentence and so on.

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Case Study on the Writing of the Papers of Journal of the Korean Association for Science Education (한국과학교육학회지 논문의 글쓰기 사례 연구)

  • Han, JaeYoung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.649-663
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated the current state of writing in research papers of science education with focus on the translationese and basic Korean grammar, and found a way of improving the Korean language. The science education research have characteristics of both social science and natural science, and of having more quantitative than qualitative research, which could influence the writing of the research paper. The translationese means the conventional expression originated from foreign language other than Korean. The basic Korean grammar includes 'agreement,' 'spelling, word spacing, punctuation mark,' 'causative suffix,' 'use of English or loanword,' and the translationese is divided in 'English,' 'Japanese,' and 'English and Japanese.' The sentences in nine research papers in the 'Journal of the Korean Association for Science Education' were analyzed, and the problematic sentences were discussed and provided with alternatives. The cases with high frequency include '-jeok,' 'use of English,' 'expression of the plural,' 'passive voice of the verb with -hada,' '-go inneun,' '-eul tonghayeo,' '-e daehayeo,' 'gajida,' 'genitive case marker -eui,' 'passive voice with subject of thing,' and 'causative suffix, -sikida.' Based on the results, the characteristics of writing of science education research papers were described as 'writing of quantitative research,' 'objective writing of academic research,' and 'writing of research of foreign origin.' In order to improve the writing of research paper of science education, the science education researcher should pay attention to basic Korean grammar and the translationese, and be familiar with the concrete examples of problematic cases. The results of this study could be used in the education of writing and grammar of Korean language.

The Processing of Thematic Role Information in Korean Verbs (한국어 동사의 의미역정보 처리과정)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Woo, Jeung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.91-112
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    • 2007
  • Two experiments were conducted to examine psychological reality and incremental nature of thematic processing in Korean sentence comprehension. By using two different types of verbs (i.e., transitive and causative verbs), we manipulated necessity of the thematic reanalysis (i.e., consistent vs. inconsistent condition) in the coordinated sentence structures. In Experiment 1, there was no significant difference in the reading times of the verbs between the consistent and the inconsistent condition. However, there was significant differences in question answering times between the two conditions. In Experiment 2 in which we changed a noun phrase of the test sentences into inanimate one, we found significant thematic reanalysis effects in the reading times of the final verbs. Based on these results we discussed the theoretical importance and universality of the thematic processes.

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