• 제목/요약/키워드: case markers

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전이성 유방암 환자의 통합 암 치료에 대한 증례보고 (A Case Report of Metastatic Breast Cancer Patient Treated with Integrative Cancer Treatment)

  • 하수정;이성철;박소정;전형준;이연월;조종관;유화승
    • 대한암한의학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2019
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to report and observe effects of Integrative Cancer Treatment (ICT) on metastatic breast cancer patient. Method : A left breast cancer patient diagnosed with recurrence on liver and bones April 2018. The patient had received paclitaxel chemotherapy for two months and discontinued it because of tumor progression and side effects. The patient has been treated with ICT since March 2018 and has been taking capecitabine since October 2018. The clinical outcomes were measured by computed tomography, laboratory findings including tumor markers (CEA, CA15-3). The clinical outcomes were measured by computed tomography, laboratory findings including tumor markers (CEA, CA15-3), liver function test (AST, ALT), Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS), and numeric rating scales (NRS). Results : After the ICT, tumor size was partially decreased accompanying by reducing the levels of tumor markers. Major clinical symptoms induced by paclitaxel chemotherapy were improved. There were no severe adverse events induced by ICT based on National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (NCI CTCAE) version 5.0. Conclusion : This case suggests that ICT may have synergistic effect for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer patient in conjunction with capecitabine.

마황 3종 판별을 위한 KASP 마커 개발과 활용 (Development and Utilization of KASP Markers for the Identification of Three Types of Ephedra Herbs)

  • 박보름;이선희;한경문;황진우;김형일;백선영
    • 생약학회지
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    • 제53권4호
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    • pp.226-233
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    • 2022
  • Ephedra herbs are defined as stem of Ephedra sinica , Ephedra intermedia and Ephedra equisetina in the Korean Pharmacopoeia. It is important to use pure herbs to derive the safety and efficacy of herbal medicine. However, the identification of these herbs by conventional taxonomic methods is difficult. Recently, many studies have applied these DNA barcoding for the identification of herbal medicinal species using standard DNA markers. In this study, we report a case study in which the identification of Ephedra species was done by DNA barcoding. For identification of Ephedra species, 17 samples were collected, and a reference DNA barcode library was developed using 6 markers (rbcL, matK, ITS2, ycf1, ycf3, and rpoC2). To develop KASP-SNP markers, we selected 4 markers (ycf1, ycf3, rpl2, and rbcL), which were able to distinguish three Ephedra species. In the result, the specific markers for each of the three Ephedra were clustered into FAM-positive section, whereas non-targeted plants were clustered either HEX-positive or negative section. Therefore, we have developed KASP assay that allow rapid and easy Ephedra species identification using three KASP markers.

A Rare Case of Undifferentiated Carcinoma of the Colon Directly Invading the Duodenum

  • Jongryeul Lim;Jeongmin Choi;Hyun-Jung Kim;Soo In Choi
    • Journal of Digestive Cancer Research
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2023
  • Colorectal cancers often invade adjacent organs; however, direct duodenal invasion is rare. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of colorectal cancer, but an undifferentiated carcinoma type is unusual. Herein, we present a case of undifferentiated carcinoma of the colon that directly invaded the duodenum and metastasized to distant lymph nodes. An 85-year-old female patient was admitted with a 7-cm-sized colonic mass invading the duodenum, detected by computed tomography. Positron emission tomography revealed fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in the colon, duodenum, and aortocaval lymph nodes. A large encircling mass in the ascending colon and an ulcerated mass in the duodenum were revealed by colonoscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy, respectively. Pathologic examinations of the colon and the duodenum revealed nonglandular, diffusely infiltrating atypical round cells, confirming undifferentiated carcinoma of the colon. The histologic type of this tumor was distinguished using immunohistochemical (IHC) markers. Finally, microscopic characteristics and IHC markers aided in identifying the histologic type of colorectal cancer.

송과체세포종 (Pineocytoma)

  • 문충배;최병연;조수호
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 1984
  • 본 교실에서는 송과체부위종양 중에서도 매우 드문 송과체세포증환자를, 그 임상적 양상, 종양markers 및 방사선학적 조사 등을 종합분석하여 그 종양의 조직학적 성질을 미리 추정진단하므로써 최선의 치료방침을 세워 치험하고 이에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

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  • Jeon, G.J.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제8권6호
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    • pp.651-655
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    • 1995
  • A simulation study on detection of linkage between genetic markers and QTL in backcross design was conducted. The effects of various sample sizes and the degree of QTL dominance on detention of linkage were examined by using a simple regression analysis. The results indicated that as sample size increased, the standard error of the estimated slope became smaller. When the dominance effect of QTL was complete, the estimated slope tended to be negative but was statistically not significant at all with type I error of greater than 50%. With complete linkage between genetic Marker and QTL, the estimated intercept value was smallest but the estimated slope was largest as expected. In most cases with various degree of dominance and sample sizes, when the actual recombination rate became larger, greater values were obtained for the slope except in the case of complete dominance of QTL.

Differential Parental Transmission of Markers in BCL3 among Korean Cleft Case-parent Trios

  • Park, Beyoung-Yun;Sull, Jae-Woong;Park, Jung-Yong;Jee, Sun-Ha;Beaty, Terri H.
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제42권1호
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : Isolated cleft lip with or without cleft palate(CL/P) is among the most common human birth defects, with a prevalence of approximately 1 in 700 live births. The B-Cell Leukemia/lymphoma 3(BCL3) gene has been suggested as a candidate gene for CL/P based on association and linkage studies in some populations. This study tests for an association between markers in BCL3 and isolated, non-syndromic CL/P using a case-parent trio design, while considering parent-of-origin effects. Methods : Forty case-parent trios were genotyped for two single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) in the BCL3 gene. We performed a transmission disequilibrium test(TDT) on individual SNPs, and the FAMHAP package was used to estimate haplotype frequencies and to test for excess transmission of multi-SNP haplotypes. Results : The odds ratio for transmission of the minor allele, OR(transmission), was significant for SNP rs8100239(OR=3.50, p=0.004) and rs2965169(OR=2.08, p=0.027) when parent-of-origin was not considered. Parentspecific TDT revealed that SNP rs8100239 showed excess maternal transmission. Analysis of haplotypes of rs2965169 and rs8100239 also suggested excess maternal transmission. Conclusions : BCL3 appears to influence risk of CL/P through a parent-of-origin effect with excess maternal transmission.

말 늦은 아동의 문장 이해 전략 (Sentence interpretation strategies by typically developing and late-talking Korean toddlers)

  • 조수정;황민아;최경순
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2014
  • Late talkers are young children who are delayed in their expressive language skills despite normal nonverbal cognitive ability, adequate hearing and typical personality development. The purpose of this study is to investigate the sentence interpretation strategies used by Korean-speaking late talkers and age-matched normal children. Nine late talkers and nine normal children matched by age at 30-35months were participated in this study. 27 simple noun-noun-verb(NNV) sentences were generated by factorial combination of case-marker [nominal case-marker on the first noun and accusative on the second (C1), accusative on the first noun and nominative on the second (C2), and no case markers on both nouns (C0)], and animacy of the nouns [animate-inanimate(AI), inanimate-animate(IA), animate-animate(AA)]. All the children were asked to "act out" their interpretation of the given sentence. For each type of sentences the percentage of choices of the first noun as the agent was calculated. The results of group (2) ${\times}$ animacy(3) ${\times}$ case-marker(3) mixed ANOVA showed a significant main effect for 'animacy', 'case marker' and 'group(2) ${\times}$ case-marker (3)'. The late talkers relied on semantic (animacy) cues in their interpretation of the sentences, while the normal peers utilized both animacy and grammatical morpheme (case-marker) cues. The results indicated that the late-talkers' comprehension skills were also delayed.

안면비대칭 평가를 위한 Nottingham Grading System의 문제점 개선 (Improvement of Nottingham Grading System for Facial Asymmetry Evaluation)

  • 이민우;장민;김진아;신상훈
    • 재활복지공학회논문지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2017
  • 안면 비대칭은 다양한 원인에 의해 발병되기 때문에 원인 분석이 중요하고, 평가하는데 있어서 정량적인 지표가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 웹켐을 이용하여 얻은 영상을 영상처리 및 연산부를 거쳐 마커를 추적하고 마커 간의 거리를 계산하여 안면 마비를 평가하는데 정량적인 지표로 사용하던 Nottingham Grading System을 안면 비대칭을 평가하는데 적용해 보았다. 기존 Nottingham Grading System은 표정 변화에 따른 안면부의 특징점 들간의 거리변화를 합산하여 좌, 우를 비교하기 때문에 특정 케이스의 경우 측정 오류를 불러일으키는 문제점이 있었다. 기존 Nottingham Grading System과 문제점을 보완하여 개선시킨 평가지표를 이용하여 안면비대칭인 피실험자와 정상의 피실험자를 비교하였다. 기존 Nottingham Grading System에서는 안면 비대칭의 경우 99.0%, 정상의 경우 95.0%로 둘 다 정상 범위 속에 포함되었다. 하지만 개선시킨 Nottingham Grading System에서는 안면 비대칭의 경우 74.0%, 정상의 경우 93.2%의 결과가 나왔다. 본 연구의 결과로 인해, 개선시킨 Nottingham Grading System은 각 부위별 상세한 평가 및 진단이 가능하고, 기존 Nottingham Grading System의 '문제점을 보완하였음을 보여주었다.

Scrambling in Koran: A Marker-based Approach

  • Cho, Sae-Youn;Choe, Jong-Joo
    • 한국언어정보학회지:언어와정보
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between nominal markers and scrambling in Korean by providing proper LP constraints based on Cho &Chai (2000) anc Cho & Choe(2001). In doing so, we introduce a new type marker which includes case, postpositions and delimiters and propose the Adjunct LP Constraint and the Argument LP Constraint. Our LP constraints presents a solution to the problems of the previous analyses such as Kuno's (1980) Crossing-Over Constraint. The newly postulated type marker enables us to account for the scrambling possibilities of the NPs containing cases as well as postpositions and delimiters.

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Analysis of Organic Molecular Markers in Atmospheric Fine Particulate Matter: Understanding the Impact of "Unknown" Point Sources on Chemical Mass Balance Models

  • Bae, Min-Suk;Schauer, James J.
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.219-236
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    • 2009
  • Particle-phase organic tracers (molecular markers) have been shown to be an effective method to assess and quantify the impact of sources of carbonaceous aerosols. These molecular markers have been used in chemical mass balance (CMB) models to apportion primary sources of organic aerosols in regions where the major organic aerosol source categories have been identified. As in the case of all CMB models, all important sources of the tracer compounds must be included in a Molecular Marker CMB (MM-CMB) model or the MMCMB model can be subject to biases. To this end, the application of the MM-CMB models to locations where reasonably accurate emissions inventory of organic aerosols are not available, should be performed with extreme caution. Of great concern is the potential presence of industrial point sources that emit carbonaceous aerosols and have not been well characterized or inventoried. The current study demonstrates that emissions from industrial point sources in the St. Louis, Missouri area can greatly bias molecular marker CMB models if their emissions are not correctly addressed. At a sampling site in the greater St. Louis Area, carbonaceous aerosols from industrial point sources were found to be important source of carbonaceous aerosols during specific time periods in addition to common urban sources (i.e. mobile sources, wood burning, and road dust). Since source profiles for these industrial sources have not been properly characterized, method to identify time periods when point sources are impacting a sampling site, needs to avoid obtaining biases source apportionment results. The use of real time air pollution measurements, along with molecular marker measurements, as a screening tool to identify when point sources are impacting a receptor site is presented.