• Title/Summary/Keyword: bridge damage

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Optimization of ship inner shell to improve the safety of seagoing transport ship

  • Yu, Yan-Yun;Lin, Yan
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.454-467
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    • 2013
  • A practical Ship Inner Shell Optimization Method (SISOM), the purpose of which is to improve the safety of the seagoing transport ship by decreasing the maximum Still Water Bending Moment (SWBM) of the hull girder under all typical loading conditions, is presented in this paper. The objective of SISOM is to make the maximum SWBM minimum, and the section areas of the inner shell are taken as optimization variables. The main requirements of the ship performances, such as cargo hold capacity, propeller and rudder immersion, bridge visibility, damage stability and prevention of pollution etc., are taken as constraints. The penalty function method is used in SISOM to change the above nonlinear constraint problem into an unconstrained one, which is then solved by applying the steepest descent method. After optimization, the optimal section area distribution of the inner shell is obtained, and the shape of inner shell is adjusted according to the optimal section area. SISOM is applied to a product oil tanker and a bulk carrier, and the maximum SWBM of the two ships is significantly decreased by changing the shape of inner shell plate slightly. The two examples prove that SISOM is highly efficient and valuable to engineering practice.

A Lipid-derived Endogenous Inducer of COX-2: a Bridge Between Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

  • Uchida, Koji
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.347-351
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    • 2008
  • Several lines of evidence indicate that the oxidative modification of protein and the subsequent accumulation of the modified proteins have been found in cells during aging, oxidative stress, and in various pathological states including premature diseases, muscular dystrophy, rheumatoid arthritis, and atherosclerosis. The important agents that give rise to the modification of a protein may be represented by reactive aldehydic intermediates, such as ketoaldehydes, 2-alkenals and 4-hydroxy-2-alkenals. These reactive aldehydes are considered important mediators of cell damage due to their ability to covalently modify biomolecules, which can disrupt important cellular functions and can cause mutations. Furthermore, the adduction of aldehydes to apolipoprotein B in low-density lipoproteins (LDL) has been strongly implicated in the mechanism by which LDL is converted to an atherogenic form that is taken up by macrophages, leading to the formation of foam cells. During the search for an endogenous inducer of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), an inducible isoform responsible for high levels of prostaglandin production during inflammation and immune responses, 4-hydroxy-2-noennal (HNE), one of the most representative lipid peroxidation product, has been identified as the potential inducer of COX-2. In addition, the following study on the molecular mechanism of the COX-2 induction by HNE has unequivocally established that a serum component, which is eventually identified to be denatured LDL, is essential for COX-2 induction. Here I review current understanding of the mechanisms by which HNE in cooperation with the serum component activates gene expression of COX-2.

Seismic Protection for Multiple Span Continuous Steel Bridges using Shape Memory Alloy-Restrainer-Dampers (형상기억합금을 이용한 다경간 연속 강교량의 지진보호)

  • Park, Eunsoo;Kim, Haksoo
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2004
  • This paper introduces a shape memory alloy-restrainer-damper(SMA-RD) to protect multiple span continuous steel bridges from seismic loads. The type of bridges has only one fixed bearing condition on a pier and expansion bearings are located on the other piers and abutments. Due to this state and a big mass of the deck, these bridges are usually very vulnerable to column's damage on which fixed bearings are located and large deformation of abutments in passive action. Two types of SMA-RDs are developed, and their effect is inspected for protecting the bridges through seismic analyses. Conventional steel restrainer cables are also used to reduce the seismic vulnerability of the bridge and the results are compared to those of the SMA-RDs.

Early-Age and Restrained Shrinkage of Very-Early Strength Latex Modified Concrete (초속경 라텍스개질 콘크리트의 초기수축 및 구속건조수축)

  • Choi, Pan-Gil;Kim, Young-Gon;Sim, Do-Sic;Lee, Bong-Hak
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.25 no.A
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2005
  • Recently, very-early strength latex-modified concrete(below ; VES-LMC) has been developed for repairing and overlaying the old concrete bridge deck. VES-LMC provides the advantage of very-early-strength, as well as high flexural strength, bond strength, durability, resistance to corrosion, reduced water permeability and resistance to damage from freeze-thaw cycles. The compressive and flexural strength of VES-LMC are 21 MPa and 4.5 MPa at 3 hours after concrete placing, respectively. However, VES-LMC would have a relatively large shrinkage at early-age because of reduced water-cement ratio, big water self-dissipation, and rapid hydration reaction. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the early-age and restrained shrinkage of VES-LMC, having an experimental variables such as latex contents and cement types. The latex contents included 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%, and the cement types included ordinary portland cement and very-early strength cement.

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Power Loss Analysis of Transformer Caused By Current Harmonics (전류 고조파에 기인하는 변압기 손실 해석)

  • Jang, Seungyong;Han, Sanghoon;Choi, Jaeho
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates transformer losses caused by current harmonics. Electrical transformers are designed to work under sinusoidal voltage and current waves at a rated frequency. Recently, various nonlinear loads, such as power electronic converters, are connected to a power system; these converters generate current harmonics. Current harmonics increase power loss in transformers, which results in several problems, including temperature increase of the transformer and insulation damage. These problems will eventually shorten the operational life of the transformer. In this study, different types of losses caused by current harmonics in three-phase transformers are studied under linear and nonlinear load conditions. Linear loads are simulated and experimented on using pure resistance load, whereas nonlinear loads are simulated and experimented on using a three-phase twelve-pulse thyristor full-bridge rectifier. The different types of losses in three-phase transformers are evaluated analytically through the experimental result and simulation in PSiM.

Design and Implementation of Simulator Passenger Boarding Bridge Controller in integrated platform management system (통합플랫폼관리 체재에서 PBBC 시뮬레이터 설계와 구현)

  • Kim, Whi-Young
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2002.04b
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    • pp.1203-1206
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    • 2002
  • In maned airport, crews may have risks as they manage passenger control system in IPMS in damage situations such as fire in a airport. So the application of unmanned autonomous system can reduce the number of boarding crews and attribute to safe airplane tranportation. PBBC model can be used to obtain control strategy, and airplane and enhance oprators' skill by simulating the airport. The paper suggests an intelligent system of the pbbc control using microprocessor in integrated platform management system which can take measures against passenger situation of a airplane excluding unnecessary warnings with undamaged situations. The system here detected the passenger more accurately and adopted more appriate measures according to airplane status compared with conventional systems.

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Monitoring Inductance Change to Quantitatively Analyze Magnetic Wear Debris in Lubricating Oil (인덕턴스 측정에 의한 윤활유 내 자성입자 정량적 평가)

  • Koo, HeeJo;Ahn, Hyo-Sok
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.189-194
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    • 2016
  • Wear debris in lubricating oil can be indicative of potential damage to mechanical parts in rotating and reciprocating machinery. Therefore, on-line or in-line monitoring of lubricating components in machinery is of great importance. This work presents a device based on inductive measurement of lubricating oil to detect magnetic wear particles in a tested volume. The circuit in the device consists of Maxwell Bridge and LVDT to measure inductance differences between pure and contaminated oil. The device detects the passage of ferrous particles by monitoring inductance change in a coil. The sensing principle is initially demonstrated at the microscale using a solenoid. The device is then tested using iron particles ranging from $50{\mu}m$ to $100{\mu}m$, which are often found in severely worn mechanical components. The test results show that the device is capable of detecting and distinguishing ferrous particles in lubricating oil. The design concept demonstrated here can be extended to an in-line monitoring device for real-time monitoring of ferrous debris particles. A simulation using the CST code is performed to better understand the inductive response in the presence of magnetic bodies in the oil. The CST simulation further verifies the effectiveness of inductance measurement for monitoring magnetic particles within a tube.

Development of a low-cost multifunctional wireless impedance sensor node

  • Min, Jiyoung;Park, Seunghee;Yun, Chung-Bang;Song, Byunghun
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.6 no.5_6
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    • pp.689-709
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, a low cost, low power but multifunctional wireless sensor node is presented for the impedance-based SHM using piezoelectric sensors. Firstly, a miniaturized impedance measuring chip device is utilized for low cost and low power structural excitation/sensing. Then, structural damage detection/sensor self-diagnosis algorithms are embedded on the on-board microcontroller. This sensor node uses the power harvested from the solar energy to measure and analyze the impedance data. Simultaneously it monitors temperature on the structure near the piezoelectric sensor and battery power consumption. The wireless sensor node is based on the TinyOS platform for operation, and users can take MATLAB$^{(R)}$ interface for the control of the sensor node through serial communication. In order to validate the performance of this multifunctional wireless impedance sensor node, a series of experimental studies have been carried out for detecting loose bolts and crack damages on lab-scale steel structural members as well as on real steel bridge and building structures. It has been found that the proposed sensor nodes can be effectively used for local wireless health monitoring of structural components and for constructing a low-cost and multifunctional SHM system as "place and forget" wireless sensors.

Semantic crack-image identification framework for steel structures using atrous convolution-based Deeplabv3+ Network

  • Ta, Quoc-Bao;Dang, Ngoc-Loi;Kim, Yoon-Chul;Kam, Hyeon-Dong;Kim, Jeong-Tae
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.17-34
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    • 2022
  • For steel structures, fatigue cracks are critical damage induced by long-term cycle loading and distortion effects. Vision-based crack detection can be a solution to ensure structural integrity and performance by continuous monitoring and non-destructive assessment. A critical issue is to distinguish cracks from other features in captured images which possibly consist of complex backgrounds such as handwritings and marks, which were made to record crack patterns and lengths during periodic visual inspections. This study presents a parametric study on image-based crack identification for orthotropic steel bridge decks using captured images with complicated backgrounds. Firstly, a framework for vision-based crack segmentation using the atrous convolution-based Deeplapv3+ network (ACDN) is designed. Secondly, features on crack images are labeled to build three databanks by consideration of objects in the backgrounds. Thirdly, evaluation metrics computed from the trained ACDN models are utilized to evaluate the effects of obstacles on crack detection results. Finally, various training parameters, including image sizes, hyper-parameters, and the number of training images, are optimized for the ACDN model of crack detection. The result demonstrated that fatigue cracks could be identified by the trained ACDN models, and the accuracy of the crack-detection result was improved by optimizing the training parameters. It enables the applicability of the vision-based technique for early detecting tiny fatigue cracks in steel structures.

Plan for Flood Control Linked with Dam and River Basin (댐과 하천유역을 연계한 홍수 대응 방안 - 2020년 섬진강 홍수사상을 대상으로 -)

  • Kyong Oh Baek;Dong Yeol Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2023
  • In this study, a one-dimensional numerical model was constructed to propose a flood control plan linked with the dam and river basin for the flood events of the Seomjin River in 2020. The flood level reduction of the downstream river was tested based on a scenario operation of the Seomjingang Dam and was also analyzed when a storage pocket was newly constructed as one of the river basin measures. It was confirmed that Seomjingang Dam's flood control capacity would be increased if the flood limit level was drastically lowered from the current EL. 196.5 m to EL. 188.0 m. In addition, if the upper area of the (old) Geumgok Bridge (which suffered great damage due to the loss of the levee) is used as a storage pocket, it would be effective in preventing floods in the lower area of it. In the era of the climate crisis, more integrated flood management is needed and basic river management must be observed.