• Title/Summary/Keyword: boundary-making

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An Implementation of Automesh Generation Algorithm in Boundary Element Method (BEM에서의 자동요소분할 알고리즘의 구현)

  • 오환섭
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.144-149
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    • 1996
  • The automation of mesh generation in BEM is bery important in numerical analysys field for the time and efficiency. To be solve this problem Probram and Algorithm, to achive purpose of making input data and automation of mesh generation based on Expert system is developed in this study. And function of this program can be rotating and zooming, To prove efficiency and availability of program in result the stress intensity factor which is criteria of fracture mechanics is caculated and compared with other results.

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The Numerical Simulation of Harbor Calmness by Finite Element Method (유한요소법에 의한 항만 정온도의 수치모의)

  • 김남형;허영택
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.22-26
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, a finite element method is applied to the numerical calculation of the harbor calmness. The mild stop equation as the basic equation is used. The key of this model is that the bottom friction and boundary absorption are imposed. A numerical result is presented and compared with the results obtained from the other numerical analysis. These results are in very well agreement. This method calculating the calmness can be broadly utilized making the new design of harbor and fishing port in the future.

Utilization of Satellite Image for Cadastral Surveying (지적세부측량을 위한 위성영상의 활용)

  • 이종출;차성렬;김남식;강윤성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.535-538
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    • 2004
  • Recently, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs and Local Governments drafted plan to digitize cadastral maps for making effective land management and development. Cadastral map have difference in comparison with actual area's boundary since they used long time and continuously. In this study, verification of accuracy has concerned in comparison with cadastral map and IKONOS satellite image which has geometrical correction.

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Characteristics of Atmospheric Circulation in Sokcho Coast (속초연안에서 대기순환의 특성)

  • Choi Hyo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2005
  • Using three-dimensional non-hydrostatical numerical model with one way double nesting technique, atmo­spheric circulation in the mountainous coastal region in summer was investigated from August 13 through 15, 1995. During the day, synoptic westerly wind blows over Mt. Mishrung in the west of a coastal city, Sokcho toward the East Sea, while simultaneously, easterly upslope wind combined with both valley wind from plain (coast) toward mountain and sea-breeze from sea toward inland coast blows toward the top of the mountain. Two different directional wind systems confront each other in the mid of eastern slope of the mountain and the upslope wind goes up to the height over 2 km, becoming an easterly return flow in the upper level over the sea and making sea-breeze front with two kinds of sea-breeze circulations of a small one in the coast and a large one in the open sea. Convective boundary layer is developed with a thickness of about 1km over the ground in the upwind side of the mountain in the west and a thickness of thermal internal boundary layer from the coast along the eastern slope of the mountain is only confined to less than 200 m. On the other hand, after sunset, no prohibition of upslope wind generated during the day and downward wind combined with mountain wind from mountain towardplain and land-breeze from land toward under nocturnal radiative cooling of the ground surfaces should intensify westerly downslope wind, resulting in the formation of wind storm. As the wind storm moving down along the eastern slop causes the development of internal gravity waves with hydraulic jump motion in the coast, bounding up toward the upper level of the coastal sea, atmospheric circulation with both onshore and offshore winds like sea-breeze circulation forms in the coastal sea within 70 km until midnight and after that, westerly wind prevails in the coast and open seas.

A Study of Numerical Method for Analysis of the 3-Dimensional Nonlinear Wave-Making Problems (3차원 비선형 조파문제 해석을 위한 수치해법 연구)

  • Ha, Y.R.;An, N.H.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2012
  • For free surface flow problem, a high-order spectral/boundary element method is adapted as an efficient numerical tool. This method is one of the most efficient numerical methods by which the nonlinear gravity waves can be simulated and hydrodynamic forces also can be calculated in time domain. In this method, the velocity potential is expressed as the sum of surface potential and body potential. Then, surface potential is solved by using the high-order spectral method and body potential is solved by using the high-order boundary element method. Using the combination of these two methods, the free surface flow problems of a submerged moving body are solved in time domain. In the present study, lifting surface theory is added to the former work to include effects of lift force. Therefore, a new formulation for the basic mathematical theory is introduced to contain the lift body in calculation.

Large deflection behavior and stability of slender bars under self weight

  • Goncalves, Paulo B.;Jurjo, Daniel Leonardo B.R.;Magluta, Carlos;Roitman, Ney;Pamplona, Djenane
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.709-725
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    • 2006
  • In this paper the buckling and post-buckling behavior of slender bars under self-weight are studied. In order to study the post-buckling behavior of the bar, a geometrically exact formulation for the non-linear analysis of uni-directional structural elements is presented, considering arbitrary load distribution and boundary conditions. From this formulation one obtains a set of first-order coupled nonlinear equations which, together with the boundary conditions at the bar ends, form a two-point boundary value problem. This problem is solved by the simultaneous use of the Runge-Kutta integration scheme and the Newton-Raphson method. By virtue of a continuation algorithm, accurate solutions can be obtained for a variety of stability problems exhibiting either limit point or bifurcational-type buckling. Using this formulation, a detailed parametric analysis is conducted in order to study the buckling and post-buckling behavior of slender bars under self-weight, including the influence of boundary conditions on the stability and large deflection behavior of the bar. In order to evaluate the quality and accuracy of the results, an experimental analysis was conducted considering a clamped-free thin-walled metal bar. As this kind of structure presents a high index of slenderness, its answers could be affected by the introduction of conventional sensors. In this paper, an experimental methodology was developed, allowing the measurement of static or dynamic displacements without making contact with the structure, using digital image processing techniques. The proposed experimental procedure can be used to a wide class of problems involving large deflections and deformations. The experimental buckling and post-buckling behavior compared favorably with the theoretical and numerical results.

Strategies to Improve Parks' Accessibility in City - Focus on Gyeonggi-do Region - (도시공원의 접근성 향상 방안 연구 - 경기도 권역을 중심으로 -)

  • Sung Hyun-Chan;Shin Ji-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.2 s.109
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the arrangement of parks, in whole city level by using park's effective distance and to find the accessibility obstacles in case of using parks, in boundary of each parks' effective distance, so that to show how to improve communities' usage of city parks. The 8 cities in Gyeonggi-do and analysed the effective distance of parks. To find the accessibility obstacles in the boundary of parks' effective distance, 1) we choose 18 sample parks and extract obstacles - wide road, rail road, river- in interior and verify it by field survey and asking the park user's residents directly. The main findings of this study can be summarized as follows: First, Ansan city and Goyang city are only satisfied with the minimal city parks size standard, so that the rest 6 cities are lack of quantities which residents can use. The result of analyzing effective distance in whole city level, parks are mainly designated in new-town, so that most cities which have old-towns have very poor park systems to use. Because Ansan city is new-planned city, it is very effective arrangement in park systems exceptionally. Second, $96.2\%$ of park users' are living in the area which was easy to gain access not intercepted by wide road, rail road or river. Third, therefore at the stage of planning park, effective distance and resident's accessibility as well as park's supply quantitatively are needed to be considered. In addition, selection of location and elevation of resident's safety and accessibility through making a plan must be reflected. In the low accessibility area, the program to improve park's accessibility and amenity - like making small park or pocket park, linking parks with resident-friendly road etc.- has to be investigated.

A Reinvestigation on Key Issues Associated with the Yimjin(1712) Boundary Making and Demarcation: Location of 'Yipjiamlyu' and the Confluence of 'Tomungangweon' into the Sungari River (임진정계시 '입지암류(入地暗流)'의 위치와 '토문강원(土門江源)'의 송화강 유입 여부)

  • Lee, Kang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.571-605
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    • 2015
  • This research revealed that 'Yipjiamlyu' in the Mukedeng's map is geographically 'a beginning point of underf low,' whose location is on the Heishigou's riverbed(E.L. 1,840m) in the NNE side of Daegakbong peak, and that 'Tomungangweon'(Heishigou) is one of the upstream reach of the Sungari River, which, according to historical documents and my fieldwork, Mukedeng also knew at the time of Yimjin(1712) Boundary Making and Demarcation(YBMD). These findings suggest the need to reinterpret the processes of YBMD. Mukedeng set up the Baekdusanjeonggyeobi on the mistaken assumptions on the linkage of 'Yipjiamlyu' and Tumen River. It should have been set up on the Daeyeonjibong peak. Mukedeng found the 'Yipjiamlyu' on the riverbed of 'Tomungangweon'(Heishigou), went downstream, and realized that this river did not flow into the Tumen River. During the search for the source of Tumen River, he found a water stream, and regarded it as the source of Tumen River. He speculated that the water at the 'Yipjiamlyu' flows through the underground to reappear at the his 'identified' source of Tumen River. Consequently, he adjured the construction of demarcation from Baekdusanjeonggyeobi through 'Yipjiamlyu' to the his 'identified' source of Tumen River. The water stream pointed as the source of Tumen River, however, was not part of the upstream reach of Tumen River. Actually, Korean officials, who were in charge of establishing boundary features, set up the demarcation from Baekdusanjeonggyeobi through Huanghuasongdianzi to the true source of Tumen River identified by themselves, which Mukedeng had not intended. The ambiguity of the location of 'Yipjiamlyu' caused a difference between Mukedeng's original request and Korean officials' implementation in the boundary demarcation. Throughout the whole processes of YBMD, Korea(Joseon) and China(Qing) both mistook the real geography of the river system. Their understanding on Yalu River system was correct. But the identification of the spring source of the Tumen River by Korean participants was the only geographically correct result related on this river system in YBMD.

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Study for Optimal Hull Form Design of a High Speed Ro-Pax Ship on Wave-making Resistance Performance (고속 Ro-Pax선형의 조파저항성능 향상을 위한 최적 선형설계에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Dong-Woo;Choi, Hee-Jong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.36 no.10
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    • pp.787-793
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    • 2012
  • A hull form design technique to enhance the wave-making resistance performance for a medium size high speed Ro-Pax ship was studied introducing an optimization method and an automatic hull form modification method. SQP(sequential quadratic programming) was applied as the optimization algorithm and the geometry of hull surface was represented and modified using the NURBS(Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline). The wave-making resistance performance as an objective function in the optimization procedure was evaluated using the Rankine source panel method in which nonlinearity of the free surface boundary conditions and the trim and sinkage of the ship was fully taken into account. Using the Ro-Pax ship as a base hull, the hull-form optimization method was applied to obtain the hull shape that produced the lower wave-making resistance. To verify the validity of the hull-form optimization method, the numerical results was compared with the model test results.

Static deflection and dynamic behavior of higher-order hyperbolic shear deformable compositionally graded beams

  • Bensaid, Ismail;Cheikh, Abdelmadjid;Mangouchi, Ahmed;Kerboua, Bachir
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2017
  • In this work we introduce a higher-order hyperbolic shear deformation model for bending and frees vibration analysis of functionally graded beams. In this theory and by making a further supposition, the axial displacement accounts for a refined hyperbolic distribution, and the transverse shear stress satisfies the traction-free boundary conditions on the beam boundary surfaces, so no need of any shear correction factors (SCFs). The material properties are continuously varied through the beam thickness by the power-law distribution of the volume fraction of the constituents. Based on the present refined hyperbolic shear deformation beam model, the governing equations of motion are obtained from the Hamilton's principle. Analytical solutions for simply-supported beams are developed to solve the problem. To verify the precision and validity of the present theory some numerical results are compared with the existing ones in the literature and a good agreement is showed.