• Title/Summary/Keyword: boundary-making

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Utilization of Sociodrama for Lessening the Prejudice about Divorce (이혼에 대한 편견을 경감시키기 위한 소시오드라마의 활용)

  • Yoon, Il-Soo
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.25
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    • pp.91-134
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    • 2012
  • This study is to prove out that the group members' prejudice about divorce was lessened by participating in the sociodrama, making the sociodrama performed during five sessions from September 27, 2011 to November 8, 2011 as object of study. The prejudice was lessened mainly by way of role rotation, which was interpreted on the philosophical basis, '~becoming' of Gilles Deleuze, $F{\acute{e}}lix$ Guattari. The results of this study are as follows. Firstly, the lessening of prejudice about divorce was realized by way of 'true meeting'. It is achieved by the boundary-blurring between 'You' and 'I' through the 'molecular-becoming'. Secondly, the participants took a stricter stance against the divorce by a extramarital affair rather than the divorce by a domestic violence. It is thought that the boundary-blurring in the divorce by a extramarital affair is able to be accomplished more effectively than the boundary-blurring in domestic violence. Fourthly, an understanding of society not as an individual, 'I' but as a community, 'We' worked effectively in solving various social problems. This perspective is helpful in blurring the boundary between 'You' and 'I', and then in seeing 'You' and 'I' as a whole entity. In conclusion, it is found out that this sociodrama program has a considerable effect on the lessening of the prejudice about divorce.

A Study on Decision Making of Cadastral Surveying Results using Drone Photogrammetry (드론항공사진측량을 활용한 지적측량 성과결정에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Seong-Ha;Kim, Ho-Jong;Lee, Don-Sun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.79-95
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    • 2021
  • This study evaluates the applicability of determining cadastral surveying results using drone photogrammetry during the phase of determining cadastral surveying results, which is the most important stage of cadastral surveying, but known to be hardly objective and highly probable in causing a subjective misjudgment or mistake made by a surveyor. In the experiment to analyze the accuracy of boundary point extraction from drone photogrammetry results, by comparing the coordinate area of 22 parcels extracted from 2D and 3D images with the coordinate area measured from ground survey, the difference could be quantified as RMSE of 1.44m2 for 2D and 0.32m2 for 3D images. In addition, experiments to evaluate the determination of cadastral surveying result based on drone photogrammetry survey showed the RMSE measure of 0.346m towards N direction and 0.296m towards Y direction in comparison to the existing surveying results through data investigation. Based on these experiments, it is judged that cadastral surveying result based on drone photogrammetry can be determined without needing to conduct a location survey with an accuracy of approximately 0.3m in the graphical area, which also leads to possibility of reducing individual errors if drones images are used along with ground survey by objectifying the process of cadastral surveying results.

The Analysis of GIS DB for the Evaluation of Turbid Water Considering Spatial Characteristics of River Channel (하천의 공간적 특성을 고려한 탁수평가 GIS DB 분석)

  • Park Jin-Hyeog;Lee Geun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2006
  • Andong and Imha reservoir adjoins each other, but turbid water shows too much different when it rains. The characteristics of geological rock in basin and agricultural area around river boundary are pointed out as the major reason of turbid water of Imha reservoir. This study analyzed rock type of topsoil layer using soil map by National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (NIAST). Among rock types, sedimentary rock affects on the occurrence of turbid water. In the analysis of sedimentary rock type, the distribution of sedimentary rock of Imha basin shows 1.87 times higher than that of Andong basin. Also, the distribution of sedimentary rock of Imha basin shows higher than that of Andong basin within 1,600m from river channel in according to the buffer zone of river boundary. And Agricultural area of Imha basin shows higher than that of Andong basin in analysis of land cover within 1,600 m from river channel. As this agricultural characteristics of Imha basin, cover management factor of Imha basin represents more higher that that of Andong basin.

Character Segmentation and Recognition Algorithm for Various Text Region Images (다양한 문자열영상의 개별문자분리 및 인식 알고리즘)

  • Koo, Keun-Hwi;Choi, Sung-Hoo;Yun, Jong-Pil;Choi, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Sang-Woo
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.806-816
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    • 2009
  • Character recognition system consists of four step; text localization, text segmentation, character segmentation, and recognition. The character segmentation is very important and difficult because of noise, illumination, and so on. For high recognition rates of the system, it is necessary to take good performance of character segmentation algorithm. Many algorithms for character segmentation have been developed up to now, and many people have been recently making researches in segmentation of touching or overlapping character. Most of algorithms cannot apply to the text regions of management number marked on the slab in steel image, because the text regions are irregular such as touching character by strong illumination and by trouble of nozzle in marking machine, and loss of character. It is difficult to gain high success rate in various cases. This paper describes a new algorithm of character segmentation to recognize slab management number marked on the slab in the steel image. It is very important that pre-processing step is to convert gray image to binary image without loss of character and touching character. In this binary image, non-touching characters are simply separated by using vertical projection profile. For separating touching characters, after we use combined profile to find candidate points of boundary, decide real character boundary by using method based on recognition. In recognition step, we remove noise of character images, then recognize respective character images. In this paper, the proposed algorithm is effective for character segmentation and recognition of various text regions on the slab in steel image.

Automatic Camera Pose Determination from a Single Face Image

  • Wei, Li;Lee, Eung-Joo;Ok, Soo-Yol;Bae, Sung-Ho;Lee, Suk-Hwan;Choo, Young-Yeol;Kwon, Ki-Ryong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.10 no.12
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    • pp.1566-1576
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    • 2007
  • Camera pose information from 2D face image is very important for making virtual 3D face model synchronize with the real face. It is also very important for any other uses such as: human computer interface, 3D object estimation, automatic camera control etc. In this paper, we have presented a camera position determination algorithm from a single 2D face image using the relationship between mouth position information and face region boundary information. Our algorithm first corrects the color bias by a lighting compensation algorithm, then we nonlinearly transformed the image into $YC_bC_r$ color space and use the visible chrominance feature of face in this color space to detect human face region. And then for face candidate, use the nearly reversed relationship information between $C_b\;and\;C_r$ cluster of face feature to detect mouth position. And then we use the geometrical relationship between mouth position information and face region boundary information to determine rotation angles in both x-axis and y-axis of camera position and use the relationship between face region size information and Camera-Face distance information to determine the camera-face distance. Experimental results demonstrate the validity of our algorithm and the correct determination rate is accredited for applying it into practice.

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Image-Based Approach for Modeling 3D Shapes with Curved Surfaces (곡면을 포함하는 형상의 영상을 이용한 모델링)

  • Lee, Man-Hee;Park, In-Kyu
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.38-48
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose an image-based method for modeling 3D objects with curved surfaces based on the NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) representation. Starting from a few calibrated images, the user specifies the corresponding curves by means of an interactive user interface. Then, the 3D curves are reconstructed using stereo reconstruction. In order to fit the curves easily using the interactive user interface, NURBS curves and surfaces are employed. The proposed surface modeling techniques include surface building methods such as bilinear surfaces, ruled surfaces, generalized cylinders, and surfaces of revolution. In addition to these methods, we also propose various advanced surface modeling techniques, including skinned surfaces, swept surfaces, and boundary patches. Based on these surface modeling techniques, it is possible to build various types of 3D shape models with textured curved surfaces without much effort. Also, it is possible to reconstruct more realistic surfaces by using proposed view-dependent texture acquisition algorithm. Constructed 3D shape model with curves and curved surfaces can be exported in VRML format, making it possible to be used in different 3D graphics softwares.

A Numerical Study of the Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Two-Dimensional Turbulent Impingement Jet with a Confinement Plate (제한면을 가지는 이차원 난류 충돌젯트의 유동 및 열전달 특성의 수치적 연구)

  • 강동진;오원태
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.1675-1683
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    • 1995
  • A numerical study of the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of the two-dimensional impingement jet with a confinement plate has been carried out. The fluid flow was calculated by solving the full Navier-Stokes equation. In doing that, the well known SIMPLER algorithm was used and the trouble making convection term was discretized according to QUICKER scheme. The energy equation was simply solved by using the SOR method. For the Reynolds number of 10000, two channel heights, say 1.5 and 3.0 times the jet exit width, and two thermal boundary conditions constant wall temperature and constant wall heat flux were considered. Discrete heat sources were flush mounted along the impingement plate at a distance of 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, times the jet exit width from the stagnation point. The length of each heat source is 4 times the jet exit width long. The Nusselt number averaged over each heat source was compared with experiment. Comparison shows that both calculations and experiment have the secondary peak of Nusselt number at downstream of stagnation point, even though there is a little quantitative difference in between. The difference is believed due to abscure thermal boundary condition in experiment and also accuracy of turbulence model used. The secondary peak is shown to be caused by rigorous turbulent flow motion generated as the wall jet flow is retarded and developes into the channel flow without flow reversal.

Free vibration analysis of combined system with variable cross section in tall buildings

  • Jahanshahia, Mohammad Reza;Rahgozar, Reza
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.715-728
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    • 2012
  • This paper deals with determining the fundamental frequency of tall buildings that consist of framed tube, shear core, belt truss and outrigger systems in which the framed tube and shear core vary in size along the height of the structure. The effect of belt truss and outrigger system is modeled as a concentrated rotational linear spring at the belt truss and outrigger system location. Many cantilevered tall structures can be treated as cantilevered beams with variable cross-section in free vibration analysis. In this paper, the continuous approach, in which a tall building is replaced by an idealized cantilever continuum representing the structural characteristics, is employed and by using energy method and Hamilton's variational principle, the governing equation for free vibration of tall building with variable distributed mass and stiffness is obtained. The general solution of governing equation is obtained by making appropriate selection for mass and stiffness distribution functions. By applying the separation of variables method for time and space, the governing partial differential equation of motion is reduced to an ordinary differential equation with variable coefficients with the assumption that the transverse displacement is harmonic. A power-series solution representing the mode shape function of tall building is used. Applying boundary conditions yields the boundary value problem; the frequency equation is established and solved through a numerical process to determine the natural frequencies. Computer program has been developed in Matlab (R2009b, Version, Mathworks Inc., California, USA). A numerical example has been solved to demonstrate the reliability of this method. The results of the proposed mathematical model give a good understanding of the structure's dynamic characteristics; it is easy to use, yet reasonably accurate and suitable for quick evaluations during the preliminary design stages.

Preliminary Study on Digitalizing Registration Conversion (등록전환 수치화 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Du-Shin;Kang, Sang-Gu;Lee, Hyong-Sam
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.151-167
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    • 2015
  • At present cadastral surveying is being driven fort combination of digitalized cadastral map accord with real cadastral boundary between cadastral resurvey area and World Geodetic System transformation about all country. So this study is conducted to newly establish items being needed in making digitalization of parcel boundary points based on the World Geodetic System in registration conversion surveying. For this study firstly management of mountainous districts Act, related laws and registration conversion-related laws and regulations are reviewd. Secondly, economical, administrative validation by using data from 12-branch companies of LX is analyzed. Thirdly, surveying method and procedure were established through experimental surveying on the two cases such as digital and analog area. Finally, through investigating standard of estimate about cadastral surveying, it was calculated amendment of registration conversion surveying fee based on World Geodetic coordinate System.

An Improved Joint Bayesian Method using Mirror Image's Features (미러영상 특징을 이용한 Joint Bayesian 개선 방법론)

  • Han, Sunghyu;Ahn, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.671-680
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    • 2015
  • The Joint Bayesian[1] method was published in 2012. Since then, it has been used for binary classification in almost all state-of-the-art face recognition methods. However, no improved methods have been published so far except 2D-JB[2]. In this paper we propose an improved version of the JB method that considers the features of both the given face image and its mirror image. In pattern classification, it is very likely to make a mistake when the value of the decision function is close to the decision boundary or the threshold. By making the value of the decision function far from the decision boundary, the proposed method reduces the errors. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the JB and 2D-JB methods by more than 1% in the challenging LFW DB. Many state-of-the-art methods required tons of training data to improve 1% in the LFW DB, but the proposed method can make it in an easy way.