• Title/Summary/Keyword: bone marrow metastasis

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Bone Marrow Immunoscintigraphy for the Detection of Skeletal Metastasis in Malignant Tumors: A Comparison with $^{99m}Tc$-MDP Bone Scan (악성종양에서 골수면역신티그라피를 이용한 골수전이의 평가 : $^{99m}Tc$-MDP 뼈스캔과의 비교)

  • Lee, Kyung-Han;Choi, Chang-Woon;Bang, Yung-Jue;Chung, Jun-Key;Chung, Hong-Keun;Lee, Myoung-Chul;Kim, Byoung-Kook;Kim, Noe-Kyeong;Koh, Chang-Soon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 1994
  • Although bone scan is a highly sensitive test for detecting bone metastasis, its findings are often limited in specificity and cannot be used for assessing the bone marrow. Bone marrow scintigraphy may provide useful information but previous experience with radiolabelled colloid has been disappointing. Recently, $^{99m}Tc$ labeled anti-granulocyte monoclonal antibody (anti-NCA-95 MAb) has been introduced as a new bone marrow imaging agent. To evaluate the usefulness of $^{99m}Tc$ anti-NCA MAb bone marrow scans for detecting skeletal metastasis, bone marrow scans of 44 malignant tumor patients were evaluated and compared with bone scan findings. Bone scan showed abnormal lesions in 26(59%) cases, and 18 of these patients also had an abnormal bone marrow scan. Seven of the 8 patients who had normal bone marrow scan despite bone scan lesions were confirmed to be free from metastasis. There was one case with a marrow defect despite normal bone scan but the presence of metastasis was not determined due to loss of follow up. Bone scan demonstrated a total of 64 lesions while bone marrow scan showed 38 lesions. Fifty percent (32/64) of the bone scan lesions had matching marrow defects while the remaining 50% did not. Most of these non matched lesions were suggested to be nonspecific lesions such as rib fractures or degenerative change. Meanwhile bone marrow scan was able to detect 6 new lesions not detected by bone scan, bit metastasis in each lesion was not confirmed. Bone marrow scan was also helpful in assessing equivocal bone scan lesions to be of metastatic nature in 10 patients by demonstrating a matched marrow defect. Thus $^{99m}Tc$ anti-NCA MAb bone marrow scan can help exclude metastasis in patients with nonspecific bone scan lesions and may be able to detect metastatic lesions not seen with bone scan. It appears useful as a complementary study to bone scan in evaluating malignant tumor patients.

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On the decision rule of bone marrow metatasis of cancer using logistic regression analysis (로지스틱 回歸分析을 이용한 癌의 骨髓轉移에 대한 判定基準 決定)

  • 김병수;이선주;한지숙
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.45-60
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    • 1987
  • Deciding whether a certain cancer patient is suffering from a bone marrow metastasis is quite essential to clinicians. To find a set of explanatory variables of the bone marrow metastasis, we employed the logistic regression analysis on 60 cancer patients with bone marrow metastasis (the case group) and 41 cancer patients without bone marrow metastasis (the control group). These data shown in Append were collected retrospectively from the record of Severance Hospital of Yonsei University College of Medicine from January, 1977 to December, 1985. We could establish a set of decision rules of the bone marrow metastasis specially designed for clinicians based on the explanatory variables of the best fitting logistic regression equation. We also compute the specifity and the sensistivity of our decision rules.

The Usefulness of Measurement of Whole Body Count in Assessing Bone Marrow Metastasis in Cancer Patients with Increased Periarticular Bone Uptake on Follow-up Bone Scan: A Comparison with Bone Marrow Scan (암환자의 추적 골스캔에서 관절주위 섭취증가시 전신골섭취계수 측정이 골수전이 평가에 도움이 되는가-골수스캔과의 비교)

  • Jin, Seong-Chan;Choi, Yun-Young;Cho, Suk-Shin
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.428-436
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: Increased periarticular uptake could be associated with peripheral bone marrow expansion in cancer patients with axial bone marrow metastasis. We compared bone scan and bone marrow scan to investigate whether the increased whole body count in patients with increased periarticular uptake on bone scan is useful in the diagnosis of axial marrow metastasis, and evaluate the role of additional bone marrow scan in these cases. Materials and methods: Twelve patients with malignant diseases who showed increased periarticular uptake on bone scan were included. Whole body count was measured on bone scan and it is considered to be increased when the count is more than twice of other patients. Bone marrow scan was taken within 3-7 days. Results: Five hematologic malignancy, 3 stomach cancer, 2 breast cancer, 1 prostate cancer and 1 lung cacner were included. All three patients with increased whole body count on bone scan showed axial marrow suppression and peripheral marrow expansion. Eight of 9 patients without increased whole body count showed axial marrow suppression and peripheral marrow expansion. One turned out to be blastic crisis of chronic myelogeneous leukemia, and seven showed normal axial marrow with peripheral marrow expansion in chronic anemia of malignancy. The last one without increased whole body count showed normal bone marrow scan finding. Conclusion: Increased whole body count on bone scan could be a clue to axial bone marrow metastasis in cancer patients with increased periarticular uptake, and bone marrow scan is a valuable method for differential diagnosis in these cases.

Gastric Carcinoma with Bone Marrow Metastasis: A Case Series

  • Ekinci, Ahmet Siyar;Bal, Oznur;Ozatli, Tahsin;Turker, Ibrahim;Esbah, Onur;Demirci, Ayse;Budakoglu, Burcin;Arslan, Ulku Yalcintas;Eraslan, Emrah;Oksuzoglu, Berna
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.54-57
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    • 2014
  • Gastric cancer is a major cause of cancer-related mortality. At the time of diagnosis, majority of the patients usually have unresectable or metastatic disease. The most common sites of metastases are the liver and the peritoneum, but in the advanced stages, there may be metastases to any region of the body. Bone marrow is an important metastatic site for solid tumors, and the prognosis in such cases is poor. In gastric cancer cases, bone marrow metastasis is usually observed in younger patients and in those with poorly differentiated tumors. Prognosis is worsened owing to the poor histomorphology as well as the occurrence of pancytopenia. The effect of standard chemotherapy is unknown, as survival is limited to a few weeks. This report aimed to evaluate 5 gastric cancer patients with bone marrow metastases to emphasize the importance of this condition.


  • Park, Young-Wook;Oh, Yu-Jin;Lee, Hee-Su
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.118-125
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    • 2010
  • Background and Purpose: Bone metastases rarely occur in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), so the molecular mechanisms of bone metastasis of OSCC remains unclear. Studies with animal models allow progresses in understanding the molecular events for bone metastasis and provide new targets for therapy. So we tried to establish a murine model for bone metastasis of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Materials and Methods: Human OSCC cells (KB cell line) were xenografted to nude mice via direct inoculation into the tibial marrow. Mice with tibial tumors were sacrificed once a week, until seven weeks after the injection of human tumor cells. Growth of tibial tumors were observed by histology. Expression of TGF-$\beta$ and CXCR-4 in bone OSCC (experimental) and subcutaneous tumor (control) was also evaluated by immunohistochemical staining. Results: Bone OSCC was successfully induced by intra-tibial injection of KB cells. Tumor mass was developed in the marrow tissues of tibia and finally invade the endosteum of tibia. Immunohistochemical staining showed higher expression of TGF-$\beta$ in bone tumors than in subcutaneous tumors. Conclusion: A murine model of bone metastasis of OSCC was suggested that imitated the clinical findings of distant vascular metastasis. This bone tumor model should facilitate understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of OSCC bone metastasis, and aid in the developement of treatment strategies against OSCC bone metastasis.

Gelatinous Transformation of Bone Marrow Mimicking Malignant Marrow-Replacing Lesion on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Patient without Underlying Devastating Disease

  • Lee, Joohee;Yoo, Yeon Hwa;Lee, Sarah;Kim, Hak Sun;Kim, Sungjun
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 2018
  • Gelatinous transformation of bone marrow is characterized by hypoplasia of fat cells with focal loss of hematopoietic cells and deposition of extracellular gelatinous substances. It is known to be associated with devastating underlying diseases that starve bone marrow. Here, we present a case of a patient whose magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings of vertebral column were interpreted as metastasis or hematologic malignancy, however, the final diagnosis revealed a gelatinous transformation of bone marrow. This is the first report of gelatinous transformation of bone marrow without evidence of underlying devastating disease.

Peripheral Blood Lymphocytosis without Bone Marrow Infiltration in a Dog with T-Zone Lymphoma

  • YeSeul Jeon;Hyeona Bae;DoHyeon Yu
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 2023
  • A 13-year-old neutered male mixed-breed dog presented with generalized lymphadenopathy and erythematous cutaneous lesions in the ear pinnae. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the lymph nodes revealed small to intermediate lymphocytes with a "hand mirror" configuration as the predominant cell type. Histopathological analysis of the lymph node showed an infiltrate of CD3-positive small lymphocytes compressing the follicles against the capsule owing to neoplastic cell expansion. Flow cytometric analysis revealed a homogeneous population of CD3+/CD4-/CD5+/CD8-/CD21+/CD34-/CD45- cells in both the peripheral blood and aspirated lymph nodes, which supports the diagnosis of T-zone lymphoma. Laboratory tests revealed lymphocytosis (14,144 cells/µL) in the peripheral blood. However, contrary to expectations, the bone marrow examination revealed no evidence of lymphocytic infiltration. T-zone lymphoma is an indolent lymphoma with a long survival period, and knowledge of its characteristics may affect disease staging and prognosis evaluation. Therefore, peripheral blood count as a sole screening tool for bone marrow metastasis should be used with caution.

Marrow Conversion Pattern of the Femora and Acetabulum Around Hip Joints According to Age Group : MR Evaluation (연령에 따른 고관절주위 대퇴골 및 절구뼈 골수전환 양상 : MR 평가)

  • Lee, In-Sook;Choi, Hyun-Wook;Seo, Im-Jeong;Woo, Sung-Ku;Moon, Tae-Yong
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : Marrow edema and fatty degeneration of the hip joint bones could be initial and late signs in hip joint and its bone diseases respectively, which might be differentiated from age-related marrow conversion pattern. So authors have investigated normal marrow conversion pattern of the femur and acetabulum around the hip joints. Materials and methods : Three coronal MR images of 288 hip joint bones in 144 subjects, aged 2 days to 76 years divided to 8 groups every 10 years, were retrospectively analysed for the location and appearance of the converted yellow marrow. The converted yellow marrow were divided to head, neck, and trochanter in the proximal femur and below and above 50% in acetabulum of the hip. Results : The most common type of marrow conversion is the converted yellow marrow in the entire proximal femur and below 50% of acetabulum of the hip. We observed the start of marrow conversion in just before and after 2 years old and stopped at just before and after 20 years old. Conclusion : The understanding of age-related marrow conversion pattern of the hip joint bones would provide some information for differentiation from pathologic condition of them such as edema, fatty degeneration, metastasis, or leukemia.

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Fat Quantification in the Vertebral Body: Comparison of Modified Dixon Technique with Single-Voxel Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

  • Sang Hyup Lee;Hye Jin Yoo;Seung-Man Yu;Sung Hwan Hong;Ja-Young Choi;Hee Dong Chae
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2019
  • Objective: To compare the lumbar vertebral bone marrow fat-signal fractions obtained from six-echo modified Dixon sequence (6-echo m-Dixon) with those from single-voxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in patients with low back pain. Materials and Methods: Vertebral bone marrow fat-signal fractions were quantified by 6-echo m-Dixon (repetition time [TR] = 7.2 ms, echo time (TE) = 1.21 ms, echo spacing = 1.1 ms, total imaging time = 50 seconds) and single-voxel MRS measurements in 25 targets (23 normal bone marrows, two focal lesions) from 24 patients. The point-resolved spectroscopy sequence was used for localized single-voxel MRS (TR = 3000 ms, TE = 35 ms, total scan time = 1 minute 42 seconds). A 2 × 2 × 1.5 cm3 voxel was placed within the normal L2 or L3 vertebral body, or other lesions including a compression fracture or metastasis. The bone marrow fat spectrum was characterized on the basis of the magnitude of measurable fat peaks and a priori knowledge of the chemical structure of triglycerides. The imaging-based fat-signal fraction results were then compared to the MRS-based results. Results: There was a strong correlation between m-Dixon and MRS-based fat-signal fractions (slope = 0.86, R2 = 0.88, p < 0.001). In Bland-Altman analysis, 92.0% (23/25) of the data points were within the limits of agreement. Bland-Altman plots revealed a slight but systematic error in the m-Dixon based fat-signal fraction, which showed a prevailing overestimation of small fat-signal fractions (< 20%) and underestimation of high fat-signal fractions (> 20%). Conclusion: Given its excellent agreement with single-voxel-MRS, 6-echo m-Dixon can be used for visual and quantitative evaluation of vertebral bone marrow fat in daily practice.