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Utilization of Chitosan Hydrolysate as a Natural Food Preservative for Fish Meat Paste Products (키토산 효소분해물을 이용한 어육연제품의 유통기간 연장)

  • Cho, Hak-Rae;Chang, Dong-Suck;Lee, Won-Dong;Jeong, Eun-Tak;Lee, Eun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.817-822
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    • 1998
  • The authors found out that Aspergillus oryzae ATCC 22787 has the activity to produce a pretty strong chitosanase. Therefore, the strain was used for preparing the chitosan hydrolysate with high antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial activity of the chitosan hydrolysate was increased gradually with decreasing of viscosity of the solution. The chitosan hydrolysate showing viscosity 510cp(30C) of 2% solution was revealed the most strong antimicrobial activity. The growth of the Bacillus sp. isolated from the fish meat paste was inhibited with the concentration of 50 ppm. The astringent taste of chitosan solution was reduced with decreasing of viscosity of the solution. The fish meat paste products containing 0.3% chitosan hydrolysate was extended its shelf life by 6 days stored at 15C, 4 days at 20C and 2 days at 30C.

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Studies on the Souring of Hansan Sogokju (Korean Traditional Rice Wine) (한산 소곡주의 시어짐에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chan-Yong;Kim, Tae-Wook;Sung, Chang-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.117-121
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    • 1996
  • In order to find the reason for souring of Hansan sogokju (Korean traditional rice wine), microbial distribution, pH change and organic acids were analysed. Besides 161 mM of lactic acid as a major organic acid, small amount of acetic acid, malic acid, propionic acid were found in sogokju. Four different microbial strains were identified from the sogokju. These are two strains of Lactobacillus spp., Bacillus sp. and yeast. The pH of sogokju was changed from 4.01 to 3.29 during 18 days storage at 30C. Amount of total acidity increased from 9 to 34.86 at the same condition. Notable change in the soured sogokju was an increase of the lactic acid (from 161 mM to 192 mM). So, we could assume that it was soured by an additional production of lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria during storage. The shelf life of sogokju was 41 days below 15C degree because this temperature was hard condition for the growth of Lactobacillus spp., causative bacteria responsible for additional lactic acid production.

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Yield characteristics of Pleurotus ostreatus according to the use of spent mushroom substrate with high nitrogen content (질소원이 증진된 수확후배지를 이용한 느타리버섯 수량 특성)

  • Baek, Il-Sun;Kim, Jeong-Han;Lee, Yong-Seon;Shin, Bok-Eum;Lee, Yun-Hae;Lee, Young-Soon
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.257-262
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study was to re-use spent mushroom substrate (SMS) with increased total nitrogen (T-N) and amino acid content and reduce the amount of cottonseed meal used as nutrient supplement in Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation. Bacteria used for improvement of the T-N content were GM20-4(Bacillus sp.) and Rhodobacter sphaeroides (RS). GM20-4 was isolated from the SMS of P. ostreatus and RS was obtained from Gwangjusi agricultural technology center. SMS in T1, T2, and T3 was reused as substrate after drying and the T-N content of dried SMS (D-SMS) was increased by 0.34% by treatment with the bacteria. T1 with 8% D-SMS and T2 with 18% D-SMS had higher rates of primordia formation compared with T3 and the control. The biological efficiency of the control and of treatment with 8%, 18%, and 26% D-SMS was 110%, 114%, 112%, and 79%, respectively. Considering the economic cost, yield, and biological efficiency, T2 with 18% D-SMS as the culture substrate for P. ostreatus was shown to be the most effective for cultivation.

U-phosphate biomineralization induced by Bacillus sp. dw-2 in the presence of organic acids

  • Tu, Hong;Yuan, Guoyuan;Zhao, Changsong;Liu, Jun;Li, Feize;Yang, Jijun;Liao, Jiali;Yang, Yuanyou;Liu, Ning
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.1322-1332
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we systematically investigated the influence of some selected ligands on the U-phosphate precipitation induced by soil bacteria. These organics are widely ranging from acetate, lactate, salicylate and citrate to oxalate. The results revealed that uranium could be biomineralized on bacteria as UO2HPO44H2O or (UO2)3(PO4)24H2O. The influence of organic ligands on the biomineralization had clear-cut correlations with its complexation abilities to uranyl. It was clearly found that the U-phosphate biomineralization was affected noticeably by the strong ligands (oxalate and citrate). Further study discovered that when the organic ligands were uncompetitive with biotic PO34 for uranyl, the transformation of uranyl species from βUO2(OH)2 colloidal particles to free UO2+2-ligands ions could facilitate the U-phosphate biomineralization. However, when the organic ligands competed with biotic PO34 for uranyl, the U-phosphate biomineralization were inhibited. Our results highlight the importance of complex interactions of strong organic ligands with uranyl during the bacterial precipitation of U-P compounds and thus for the mobilization and immobilization of radio-nuclides in the nature.

Influence on Composting of Waste Mushroom Bed from Agaricus bisporus by using Mixed Organic Materials (혼용자재 특성이 양송이 폐상배지를 이용한 퇴비제조에 미치는 영향)

  • Kyung, Ki-Cheon;Lee, Hee-Duk;Jung, Young-Pil;Jang, Kab-Yeul;Yoon, Min-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.335-340
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to select organic materials (OM) and nitrogen sources in composting of waste mushroom bed from Agaricus bisporus. We examined physio-chemical properties of the organic materials and the mixture ratio for preparing the wasted mushroom bed (M) compost. The carbon content of sawdust was higher than those of rice straw (R) as OM source and the nitrogen content was high in the order of fowl manure (F)>> pig manure (P)> cow manure (C). The compost was prepared to maintain the criteria of above 25% organic matter and then the change of their ingredients was estimated during the process of fermentation. The temperature of waste mushroom bed+pig manure+rice straw (MRP) treatment was varied fast throughout fermentation, on the other hand the temperature of waste mushroom bed+pig manure+sawdust (MSP) treatment was steadily elevated to the middle of composting. The pH of the compost was somewhat high to pH 8.5~9.0 at the early stage, but decreased to 7.5 at the end stage of composting. The content of OM after fermentation was decreased to the level of 19~21% in rice straw, but the sawdust treatment maintained 25~27% organic matter. The waste mushroom bed+fowl manure+rice straw (MRF) treatment, which contains 26.2% organic matter and 0.68% nitrogen, was the highest among them. The volume of compost was reduced to 50% by using rice straw as organic matter, but reduced to 30% by using the sawdust. The contents of heavy metal in the compost were suitable within the legal criteria. The number of microorganisms were higher in the rice straw than those in the sawdust. It was high in the order of fowl manure> pig manure> cow manure. The major groups consisted of aerobic bacteria, gram negative bacteria and Bacillus sp. and their populations after fermentation were increased to 1×1011×102cfug1 rather than those before fermentation. Therefore we concluded that the waste mushroom bed+fowl manure+sawdust (MSF 3:9:1 v/v/v) treatment was suitable combination for high organic matter and nitrogen source, and the periods of composting were 50~60 days.

Biological and Functional Characteristics of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Different Kimchi (김치 종류에 따른 유산균의 생물학적 및 기능적 특성)

  • Ko, Kang Hee;Liu, Wenli;Lee, Hyun Hee;Yin, Jie;Kim, In Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 2013
  • Biological and functional characteristics of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were investigated in mustard stem/leaf kimchi (MK), cabbage kimchi (CK), young radish kimchi (YRK), and cubed radish kimchi (CRK). LAB of young radish kimchi were mainly composed of bacilli in contrast to the other kimchi. 89.2% LAB isolated from all kimchi harbored plasmids. However, LAB had an average of 4.1±0.5 plasmid bands in YRK, more than MK, CK, and CRK. Exopolysaccharides were produced by 10.9~11.1% of LAB, and were especially by LAB isolated from radish kimchi. A significant percentage of LAB (69.5%) had antibacterial activity against one sensitive strain or more. LAB from CK, YRK and CRK had antimicrobial activities against Bacillus sp., Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella Typhimurium, while the LAB from MK had activities against Vibrio parahaemolyticus higher than those from the other kimchi. In YRK and CRK, acid-tolerant LAB were twice as prevalent as those in MK and CK. Bile-tolerant LAB isolated from CRK were more prevalent than other kimchi. When 108 CFU of LAB were added to Caco-2 cells, 12.1% of LAB isolated from all kimchi showed similar adherent activity to Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. LAB of MK particularly adhered to Caco-2 cells, 2.0~4.1 fold higher than LAB in the other kimchi. From these results, biological and functional characteristics of LAB varied according to the type of kimchi and LAB existing in kimchi were limited to their respective species.

Efficacy and Safety Evaluation of an Air Sterilizer Equipped With an Electrolytic Salt Catalyst for the Removal of Indoor Microbial Pollutants (염촉매 전기분해 공기살균기의 효능 평가)

  • Sun Nyoung Yu;Ho-Yeon Jeon;Bu Kyung Kim;Ae-Li Kim;Kyung Il Jung;Gye Rok Jeon;Soon Cheol Ahn
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.500-508
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    • 2024
  • Recently, there has been increasing interest in enhancing the indoor air quality, particularly in response to the growing utilization of public facilities. The focus of this study was on assessing the efficacy and safety of an air sterilizer equipped with electrolytic salt catalysts. To that end, we evaluated the antimicrobial activity of the vapor spraying from the air sterilizer and its cytotoxicity in condensed form on human cell lines (HaCaT, BEAS-2B, and THP-1). Against the test organisms, which comprised five bacterial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium) and one fungal strain (Candida albicans), the air sterilizer exhibited relatively high antimicrobial activities ranging from 10.89 to 73.98% following 1 and 3 hr of vapor spraying, which were notably time-dependent. Importantly, cytotoxicity assessments on human cells indicated no significant harmful effect even at a 1.0% concentration. Comprehensive safety evaluations included morphological observations, gene expression (Bcl-2, Bax) tests, and FACS analysis of intracellular ROS levels. Consistent with previous cytotoxicity findings, these estimates demonstrated no significant changes, highlighting the air sterilizer's safety and antimicrobial activities. In a simulated 20-hr operation within an indoor environment, the air sterilizer not only showed an 89.4% removal of total bacteria but also a 100.0% removal of Escherichia sp. and fungi. This research outlines the potential of the developed electrolytic salt catalyst air sterilizer to effectively remove indoor microbial pollutants without compromising human safety, underscoring the solution that it offers for improving indoor air quality.

Effects of Dietary Probiotic on Performance, Noxious Gas Emission and Microflora Population on the Cecum in Broiler (복합 생균제 첨가가 육계 생산성, 유해가스 발생량 및 맹장내 균총에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Y.D.;Sin, J.H.;Kim, S.C.;Kim, Y.M.;Park, K.D.;Kim, J.H.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.559-568
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of probiotics on the performance, nutrients digestibility, noxious gas emission and microflora population on the cecum of broilers. A total of 120 broilers, consisted of 4 treatments X 3 replicates X 10 broilers per replicates, were fed the experimental diets containing 0, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5% probiotics for 5 weeks. Broilers fed the diets containing 0.1 and 0.3% probiotic had higher (p<0.05) body weight gain and feed conversion than those of the others from the 3rd to 4th week. Broilers fed 0.3% probiotic had higher (p<0.05) body weight gain and feed conversion than those of the other levels from the 5th to 6th week. Broilers fed the diets containing 0.1% and 0.3% probiotic had higher (p<0.05) body weight gain and feed conversion than those of the others from the 2nd to 6th week. Dry matter digestibility was significantly (p<0.05) improved with 0.3% probiotic. Emission of ammonia and sulfate hydrogen gas was significantly (p<0.05) decreased at 6th week. However, there was no (p<0.05) difference at the levels of 0, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5% at the 4th weeks. There was an increase in the lactobacillus sp, but there was a decrease in the microflora population of coliforms in the cecum of broiler with 0.1% and 0.3% probiotics. These results indicated that the compound probiotics of 0.10.3% were effective in the body weight gain, feed conversion, nutrients digestibility, noxious gas emission and microflora population on the cecum in broilers.

Effects of Improved Heat Treatment on Microbial Reduction and Germination in Sprout Vegetable Seeds (열처리 조건개선이 다양한 새싹채소 종자의 미생물 저감화 및 발아에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Hye-Jeong;Park, Kyeong-Hun;Hong, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Tae-Hun;Kim, Se-Ri;Kim, Won-Il;Yun, Jong-Chul;Hong, Moo-Ki;Ryu, Kyoung-Yul
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.611-617
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated the germination and reduction of microbial population in domestic (radish, Chinese cabbage, and vitamin) and imported (radish and red cabbage) sprout seeds by heat treatment (40, 50, 60, and 70C for 15 min or 30 min). The germination ratio (define the ratio) was 45-97% at 24 h after treatment <60C and was decreased at 70C. In domestic radish seed, total aerobic bacteria were decrease by approximately 1.71 log CFU/g after heat treatment at 70C for 30 min and viable coliforms were decreased to under the detection limit at temperatures over 60C. Decrease of total aerobic bacteria and coliforms in domestic Chinese cabbage seed was 1.23-1.34 and 2.77 log CFU/g, respectively, after heat treatment over 60C. In domestic vitamin seed, total aerobic bacteria were decreased by about 0.3 log CFU/g at 70C for 15 min. In imported radish seed, total aerobic bacteria were decreased 2.12-2.30 log CFU/g after heat treatment over 60C. Total aerobic bacteria in imported red cabbage seed were reduced by 0.66-0.84 log CFU/g after heat treatment over 40C and coliforms were undetectable. In case of Bacillus cereus, there was no significant difference by heat treatment in any sample. Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella sp. were not detected at the detection limit in any tested seeds at any temperature.

Impact of Compost Application on Improvement of Rice Productivity and Quality in Reclaimed Soil (간척지 토양에서 퇴비처리가 벼의 생산 및 품질개선에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Young-Hun;Kwon, Young-Rip;Ahn, Byung-Koo;Kim, Dae-Hyang;Han, Seong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.808-813
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to reduce the dependability of farmers on chemical fertilizers for rice cultivation. Soil chemical and biological properties were monitored before experiment and at the time of harvesting. The results showed that EC, available SiO2, and exchangeable Ca2+ were decreased at the time of harvesting while pH, OM, and exchangeable K+ and Mg2+ were remain unchanged, compared with soil before experiment. Population of aerobic bacteria, Bacillus sp., and fungi were also increased at the time of harvesting in the paddy field, compared with before fertilization, in the treatment of 50% soil-testing fertilizer+ 50% compost. Concentrations of N, P, and K in rice leaves increased with the fertilizers application, maximum increase was recorded in 50% soil-testing fertilizer+ 50% compost. Non-significant difference was observed in the morphological parameters of rice among the treatments. The chlorophyll contents of rice leaf increased in a similar fashion up to 60 days, thereafter, sharp decrease was observed in all the treatments. Maximum yield (per 10a) was recorded in the field treated with 50% soil-testing fertilizer+ 50% compost followed by standard applied fertilizer, 70% soil-testing fertilizer+ 30% compost, soil-testing fertilizer and unfertilized plot. Amylose content showed non-significant difference within the treatments. Protein content increased with the use of fertilizers and best protein content was recorded in the treatment of 50% soil-testing fertilizer+ 50% compost. It was concluded that the amount of the chemical fertilizer used was directly proportional to the protein content of rice grain. However, the palatability of rice grown in unfertilized field was better than the treatments but minimum yield was obtained. Hence, the treatment of 50% soil-testing fertilizer+ 50% compost, was the best among the fertilizer combinations for rice cultivation as supported by the yield, protein and palatability index.