• Title/Summary/Keyword: area mapping technique

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A Design of Parallel Turbo Decoder based on Double Flow Method Using Even-Odd Cross Mapping (짝·홀 교차 사상을 이용한 Double Flow 기법 기반 병렬 터보 복호기 설계)

  • Jwa, Yu-Cheol;Rim, Chong-Suck
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.54 no.7
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    • pp.36-46
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    • 2017
  • The turbo code, an error correction code, needs a long decoding time since the same decoding process must be repeated several times in order to obtain a good BER performance. Thus, parallel processing may be used to reduce the decoding time, in which case there may be a memory contention that requires additional buffers. The QPP interleaving has been proposed to avoid such case, but there is still a possibility of memory contention when a decoder is constructed using the so-called double flow technique. In this paper, we propose an even-odd cross mapping technique to avoid memory conflicts even in decoding using the double-flow technique. This method uses the address generation characteristic of the QPP interleaving and can be used to implement the interleaving circuit between the decoding blocks and the LLR memory blocks. When the decoder implemented by applying the double flow and the proposed methods is compared with the decoder by the conventional MDF techniques, the decoding time is reduced by up to 32% with the total area increase by 8%.

Regional Geological Mapping by Principal Component Analysis of the Landsat TM Data in a Heavily Vegetated Area (식생이 무성한 지역에서의 Principal Component Analysis 에 의한 Landsat TM 자료의 광역지질도 작성)

  • 朴鍾南;徐延熙
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 1988
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied for regional geological mapping to a multivariate data set of the Landsat TM data in the heavily vegetated and topographically rugged Chungju area. The multivariate data set selection was made by statistical analysis based on the magnitude of regression of squares in multiple regression, and it includes R1/2/R3/4, R2/3, R5/7/R4/3, R1/2, R3/4. R4/3. AND R4/5. As a result of application of PCA, some of later principal components (in this study PC 3 and PC 5) are geologically more significant than earlier major components, PC 1 and PC 2 herein. The earlier two major components which comprise 96% of the total information of the data set, mainly represent reflectance of vegetation and topographic effects, while though the rest represent 3% of the total information which statistically indicates the information unstable, geological significance of PC3 and PC5 in the study implies that application of the technique in more favorable areas should lead to much better results.

A Study for Establishing of Military Topographical DB Forest Layer Using NGIS DB (NGIS DB를 활용한 국방지형DB 산림 레이어의 효율적 구축기법 연구)

  • Kang, Joon-Mook;Lee, Cheol-Hee;Kim, Jeong-Won;Kim, Min-Gyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.257-260
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    • 2007
  • The government is spending a large amount of budget to establish NGIS due to the importance of geospatial information. This paper deals with the study of schema mapping technique which can efficiently establish military topographic DB forest layer using digital forest map and other existing geospatial DB. In order to accomplish this 1) each schema of these types of DB was analyzed then, 2) mapping table which connects related attributes was created and finally, 3) military topographical DB forest layer of the area of interest was efficiently established. This research was able to display solutions that resolved compatibility issues between existing geospatial DB of these types, established by the schema mapping techniques described in this research.

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  • Lee, Sa-Ro;Lee, Moung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.840-843
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    • 2006
  • The aim of this study was to detect landslide using satellite image and apply the landslide to probabilistic landslide-susceptibility mapping at Gangneung area, Korea using a Geographic Information System (GIS). Landslide locations were identified by change detection technique of KOMSAT-1 (Korea Multipurpose Satellite) EOC (Electro Optical Camera) images and checked in field. For landslide-susceptibility mapping, maps of the topography, geology, soil, forest, lineaments, and land cover were constructed from the spatial data sets. Then, the sixteen factors that influence landslide occurrence were extracted from the database. Using the factors and detected landslide, the relationships were calculated using frequency ratio, one of the probabilistic model. Then, landslide-susceptibility map was drawn using the frequency ration and finally, the map was verified by comparing with existing landslide locations. As the verification result, the prediction accuracy showed 86.76%. The landslide-susceptibility map can be used to reduce hazards associated with landslides and to land cover planning.

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Feasibility Mapping of Groundwater Yield Characteristics using Weight of Evidence Technique based on GIS in the Pocheon Area (GIS 기반 Weight of Evidence 기법을 이용한 포천 지역의 지하수 산출특성 예측도 작성)

  • Heo Seon-Hee;Lee Kiwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.493-503
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the weight of evidence(WofE) technique based on GIS was applied to spatially estimate the groundwater yield characteristics at the Pocheon area In Gyunggi-do. The groundwater preservation depends on many hydro-geologic factors that include hydrologic data, land-use data, topographic data, geological map and other natural materials collected at the site, even with man-made things. All these data can be digitally processed and managed by GIS database. In the applied technique of WofE, the prior probabilities were estimated as the factors that affect the yield on lineament, geology, drainage pattern or river system density, landuse and soil. We calculated the value of the weight values, W+ and W-, of each factor and estimated the contrast value of it. Results by the groundwater yield characteristic computation using this scheme were presented feasibility map in the form of the posterior probability to the consideration of in-situ samples. It is concluded that this technique is regarded as one of the effective techniques for the feasibility mapping related to the estimation of groundwater-bearing potential zones and its spatial pattern.

A Study on the Debris Flow Hazard Mapping Method using SINMAP and FLO-2D

  • Kim, Tae Yun;Yun, Hong Sic;Kwon, Jung Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2016
  • This study conducted an evaluation of the extent of debris flow damage using SINMAP, which is slope stability analysis software based on the infinite slope stability method, and FLO-2D, a hydraulic debris flow analysis program. Mt. Majeok located in Chuncheon city in the Gangwon province was selected as the study area to compare the study results with an actual 2011 case. The stability of the slope was evaluated using a DEM of $1{\times}1m$ resolution based on the LiDAR survey method, and the initiation points of the debris flow were estimated by analyzing the overlaps with the drainage network, based on watershed analysis. In addition, the study used measured data from the actual case in the simulation instead of existing empirical equations to obtain simulation results with high reliability. The simulation results for the impact of the debris flow showed a 2.2-29.6% difference from the measured data. The results suggest that the extent of damage can be effectively estimated if the parameter setting for the models and the debris flow initiation point estimation are based on measured data. It is expected that the evaluation method of this study can be used in the future as a useful hazard mapping technique among GIS-based risk mapping techniques.

Landslide susceptibility mapping using Logistic Regression and Fuzzy Set model at the Boeun Area, Korea (로지스틱 회귀분석과 퍼지 기법을 이용한 산사태 취약성 지도작성: 보은군을 대상으로)

  • Al-Mamun, Al-Mamun;JANG, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.109-125
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to identify the landslide susceptible zones of Boeun area and provide reliable landslide susceptibility maps by applying different modeling methods. Aerial photographs and field survey on the Boeun area identified landslide inventory map that consists of 388 landslide locations. A total ofseven landslide causative factors (elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, geology, soil, forest and land-use) were extracted from the database and then converted into raster. Landslide causative factors were provided to investigate about the spatial relationship between each factor and landslide occurrence by using fuzzy set and logistic regression model. Fuzzy membership value and logistic regression coefficient were employed to determine each factor's rating for landslide susceptibility mapping. Then, the landslide susceptibility maps were compared and validated by cross validation technique. In the cross validation process, 50% of observed landslides were selected randomly by Excel and two success rate curves (SRC) were generated for each landslide susceptibility map. The result demonstrates the 84.34% and 83.29% accuracy ratio for logistic regression model and fuzzy set model respectively. It means that both models were very reliable and reasonable methods for landslide susceptibility analysis.

Hybrid Tone Mapping Technique Considering Contrast and Texture Area Information for HDR Image Restoration (HDR 영상 복원을 위해 대비와 텍스쳐 영역 정보를 고려한 혼합 톤 매핑 기법)

  • Kang, Ju-Mi;Park, Dae-Jun;Jeong, Jechang
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.496-508
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose a Tone Mapping Operator (TMO) that preserves global contrast and precisely preserves boundary information. In order to reconstruct a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image to a Low Dynamic Range (LDR) display by using Threshold value vs. Intensity value (TVI) based on Human Visual System (HVS) and contrast value. As a result, the global contrast of the image can be preserved. In addition, by combining the boundary information detected using Guided Image Filtering (GIF) and the detected boundary information using the spatial masking of the Just Noticeable Difference (JND) model, And improved the perceived image quality of the output image. The conventional TMOs are classified into Global Tone Mapping (GTM) and Local Tone Mapping (LTM). GTM preserves global contrast, has the advantages of simple implementation and fast execution time, but it has a disadvantage in that the boundary information of the image is lost and the regional contrast is not preserved. On the other hand, the LTM preserves the local contrast and boundary information of the image well, but some areas are expressed unnatural like the occurrence of the halo artifact phenomenon in the boundary region, and the calculation complexity is higher than that of GTM. In this paper, we propose TMO which preserves global contrast and combines the merits of GTM and LTM to preserve boundary information of images. Experimental results show that the proposed tone mapping technique has superior performance in terms of cognitive quality.

Proposed Survey Steps for Investigation of Land-Creeping Susceptibility Areas: A Focus on Geophysical Mapping of the Yongheung-dong, Pohang, Korea

  • Kim, Jeong-In;Lee, Sun-Joong;Kim, Kwan-Soo;Lee, Jae-Eun;Sa, Jin-Hyun;Kim, Ji-Soo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.269-281
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    • 2021
  • Land creeping is the imperceptibly slow, steady, downward movement o f slope-forming soil or rock. Because creep-related failures occur frequently on a large scale without notice, they can be hazardous to both property and human life. Korea Forest Service has operated the prevention and response system from land creeping which has been on the rise since 2018. We categorized and proposed three survey steps (e.g., preliminary, regional, detailed) for investigation of creeping susceptibility site with a focus on geophysical mapping of a selected test site, Yongheung-dong, Pohang, Korea. The combination of geophysical (dipole-dipole electrical resistivity tomography and reciprocal seismic refraction technique, well-logging), geotechnical studies (standard penetrating test, laboratory tests), field mapping (tension cracks, uplift, fault), and comprehensive interpretation of their results provided the reliable information of the subsurface structures including the failure surface. To further investigate the subsurface structure including the sliding zone, we performed high-resolution geophysical mapping in addition to the regional survey. High-resolution seismic velocity structures are employed for stability analysis because they provided more simplified layers of weathering rock, soft rock, and hard rock. Curved slip plane of the land creeping is effectively delineated with a shape of downslope sliding and upward pushing at the apex of high resistive bedrock in high-resolution electrical resistivity model with clay-mineral contents taken into account. Proposed survey steps and comprehensive interpretation schemes of the results from geological, geophysical, and geotechnical data should be effective for data sets collected in a similar environment to land-creeping susceptibility area.


  • Heo, Joon;Jayakumar, S.;Lee, Jung-Bin
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.471-474
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    • 2007
  • Eucalyptus plantations play a major role in the China's ecological, social, economic and other aspects and presently China is the second largest producer of Eucalyptus in the world next to Brazil. It was introduced as an ornamental tree during 1890 but later it became a commercial crop. During 1960s large number of Eucalyptus timber were used for railway sleepers and it was also used as shelter belt for rubber trees. It becomes one of the important national resources of commercial timber once the production reached to 5 million $m^{3}/yr$. Through Eucalyptus oil, it brought about 20% of foreign exchange. In the present study, it was aimed to estimate the Eucalyptus growing area in the southern Guangdong in China in terms of aerial extent and changes between 1991 and 2001 using Landsat TM and ETM+ data. Object based classification technique and subsequent temporal change detection analysis were followed to identify the changes between the periods. In the present study, the total area was divided into three classes viz., plantation area with trees, plantation area without trees and others. Object oriented classification was found to be more accurate in the present study. Overall increase of about 23.62 $km^{2}$ was noted between 1991 and 2001 in the plantation area. With reference to the present study area, the growth of Eucalyptus growing area was 7.4% in the 10 year periods. From this study it is clear that the area under Eucalyptus cultivation is growing considerably year by year in China. However, elaborate study must be conducted considering larger areas to accurately predict the growth of Eucalyptus growing areas.

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