• Title/Summary/Keyword: approximate algorithm

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Gate Locations Optimization of an Automotive Instrument Panel for Minimizing Cavity Pressure (금형 내부 압력 최소화를 위한 자동차 인스트루먼트 패널의 게이트 위치 최적화)

  • Cho, Sung-Bin;Park, Chang-Hyun;Pyo, Byung-Gi;Cho, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.648-653
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    • 2012
  • Cavity pressure, an important factor in injection molding process, should be minimized to enhance injection molding quality. In this study, we decided the locations of valve gates to minimize the maximum cavity pressure. To solve this problem, we integrated MAPS-3D (Mold Analysis and Plastic Solution-3Dimension), a commercial injection molding analysis CAE tool, using the file parsing method of PIAnO (Process Integration, Automation and Optimization) as a commercial process integration and design optimization tool. In order to reduce the computational time for obtaining the optimal design solution, we performed an approximate optimization using a meta-model that replaced expensive computer simulations. To generate the meta-model, computer simulations were performed at the design points selected using the optimal Latin hypercube design as an experimental design. Then, we used micro genetic algorithm equipped in PIAnO to obtain the optimal design solution. Using the proposed design approach, the maximum cavity pressure was reduced by 17.3% compared to the initial one, which clearly showed the validity of the proposed design approach.

Mixed Operation with Express Train for Urban Railways in Seoul Metropolitan Area (대피선 설치를 통한 수도권 광역철도 급행화 방안)

  • Son, Gi-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.195-207
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    • 2007
  • The urban railways connecting between the inner city and suburb of Seoul metropolitan area, has lost the competitiveness against cars because too many stops deteriorated operating speed and passenger's level of service. This paper suggests that an express train should be introduced into the urban railway system in order to sort out such a complication. There are two considerations in the present study. Firstly, train schedule problem should be taken into account. In this regard, a new model for urban railway system was developed by revising the existing models dealing with single line freight railway. Approximate branch and bound algorithm based on conflict group rather than a single conflict was adopted. Consequently, it was found that the time saving in calculating the optimal schedule is the most meaningful contribution of the algorithm. The second consideration is associated with the application of the model. A case study was carried out using the actual operation data from Ansan line. In conclusion, the operation speed of the line can increase considerably with minimal number of new sidings.

Material Selection Optimization of A-Pillar and Package Tray Using RBFr Metamodel for Minimizing Weight (경량화를 위한 RBFr 메타모델 기반 A-필러와 패키지 트레이의 소재 선정 최적화)

  • Jin, Sungwan;Park, Dohyun;Lee, Gabseong;Kim, Chang Won;Yang, Heui Won;Kim, Dae Seung;Choi, Dong-Hoon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we propose the method of optimally selecting material of front pillar (A-pillar) and package tray for minimizing weight while satisfying vehicle requirements on static stiffness and dynamic stiffness. First, we formulate a material selection optimization problem. Next, we establish the CAE procedure of evaluating static stiffness and dynamic stiffness. Then, to enhance the efficiency of design work, we integrate and automate the established CAE procedure using a commercial process integration and design optimization (PIDO) tool, PIAnO. For effective optimization, we adopt the approach of metamodel based approximate optimization. As a sampling method, an orthogonal array (OA) is used for selecting sampling points. The response values are evaluated at the sampling points and then these response values are used to generate a metamodel of each response using the radial basis function regression (RBFr). Using the RBFr models, optimization is carried out an evolutionary algorithm that can handle discrete design variables. Material optimization result reveals that the weight is reduced by 49.8% while satisfying all the design constraints.

Real-Time Feature Point Matching Using Local Descriptor Derived by Zernike Moments (저니키 모멘트 기반 지역 서술자를 이용한 실시간 특징점 정합)

  • Hwang, Sun-Kyoo;Kim, Whoi-Yul
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.116-123
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    • 2009
  • Feature point matching, which is finding the corresponding points from two images with different viewpoint, has been used in various vision-based applications and the demand for the real-time operation of the matching is increasing these days. This paper presents a real-time feature point matching method by using a local descriptor derived by Zernike moments. From an input image, we find a set of feature points by using an existing fast corner detection algorithm and compute a local descriptor derived by Zernike moments at each feature point. The local descriptor based on Zernike moments represents the properties of the image patch around the feature points efficiently and is robust to rotation and illumination changes. In order to speed up the computation of Zernike moments, we compute the Zernike basis functions with fixed size in advance and store them in lookup tables. The initial matching results are acquired by an Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) method and false matchings are eliminated by a RANSAC algorithm. In the experiments we confirmed that the proposed method matches the feature points in images with various transformations in real-time and outperforms existing methods.

Improved Method for "Aggregation Based on Situation Assessment" ("상황 평가에 기반을 둔 병합"을 위한 개선 방법)

  • Choe, Dae-Yeong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.8B no.6
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    • pp.669-674
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    • 2001
  • In order to reflect the aggregation situation in the aggregation process, aggregation based on situation assessment (ASA) method was proposed in [1]. It consists of the situation assessment model (SAM) and the ASA algorithm. In the SAM, the value of parameter, p, is transformed into the nearest integer value [1]. The integer-typed output of SAM is used as input for an aggregation. The integer-typed output of SAM indicates the current degree of aggregation situation. The ASA algorithm produces at most finite several aggregation results between min and max. In the sequel, the ASA method can not properly handle the applications with the more sophisticated aggregation results between min and max. In order to solve this problem, we propose two improved ASA (I-ASA) methods. In these I-ASA methods, we allow the value of parameter of SAM to be a real number, and suggest two improved ASA algorithms to make continuous aggregation results between min and max. These I-ASA methods can handle both a precise aggregation and an approximate aggregation. Therefore, when compared to the ASA method [1], the proposed I-ASA methods have advantages in that they can handle the applications with the more sophisticated aggregation results and can be used in the more general applications for aggregations.

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On the Efficient Three-Dimensional Inversion of Static Shifted MT Data (정적효과를 포함한 자기지전류 자료의 효율적인 3차원 역산에 관하여)

  • Jang, Hannuree;Jang, Hangilro;Kim, Hee Joon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a practical inversion method for recovering a three-dimensional (3D) resistivity model and static shifts simultaneously. Although this method is based on a Gauss-Newton approach that requires a sensitivity matrix, the computer time can be greatly reduced by implementing a simple and effective procedure for updating the sensitivity matrix using the Broyden's algorithm. In this research, we examine the approximate inversion procedure and the weighting factor ${\beta}$ for static shifts through inversion experiments using synthetic MT data. In methods using the full sensitivity matrix constructed only once in the iteration process, a procedure using the full sensitivity in the earlier stage is useful to produce the smallest rms data misfit. The choice of ${\beta}$ is not critical below some threshold value. Synthetic examples demonstrate that the method proposed in this paper is effective in reconstructing a 3D resistivity structure from static-shifted MT data.

Compressive Sensing of the FIR Filter Coefficients for Multiplierless Implementation (무곱셈 구현을 위한 FIR 필터 계수의 압축 센싱)

  • Kim, Seehyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.2375-2381
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    • 2014
  • In case the coefficient set of an FIR filter is represented in the canonic signed digit (CSD) format with a few nonzero digits, it is possible to implement high data rate digital filters with low hardware cost. Designing an FIR filter with CSD format coefficients, whose number of nonzero signed digits is minimal, is equivalent to finding sparse nonzero signed digits in the coefficient set of the filter which satisfies the target frequency response with minimal maximum error. In this paper, a compressive sensing based CSD coefficient FIR filter design algorithm is proposed for multiplierless and high speed implementation. Design examples show that multiplierless FIR filters can be designed using less than two additions per tap on average with approximate frequency response to the target, which are suitable for high speed filtering applications.

MBO-Tree: A Hierarchical Representation Scheme for Shapes with Natural Approximation and Effective Localization (MBO-Tree: 형상의 자연스러운 근사화와 효과적인 지역화를 지원하는 계층적 표현 방법)

  • 허봉식;김동규;김민환
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 2002
  • A hierarchical representation scheme for planar curves, MBO-tree, is proposed in this paper, which provides natural approximation and efficient localization. MBO-tree is based on the Douglas-Peucker algorithm (iterative end-point fit algorithm), but approximation errors that are stored with corresponding points in MBO-tree nodes and are used for abstraction measures are adjusted by force to eliminate unnatural approximation. The error adjusting is just making the approximation error of a node in a MBO-tree to be less than or equal to that of its parent. In point of localization, the bounding area of a curve is represented with a minimum bounding octangle (MBO), which can enclose the curve more compactly compared with those of other hierarchical schemes, such as the strip tree, the arc tree and the HAL tree. The MBO satisfies the hierarchical inclusion property that is useful for hierarchical geometrical operations, such as the point-inclusion test and the polygon intersection test. Through several experiments, we found that the proposed scheme was able to approximate more naturally and to localize more effectively.

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A Contour Generation Algorithm for Visualizing Non-Lattice Type Data (비격자형 자료의 시각화를 위한 등치선도 생성 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Jun;Kim, Ji-In
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 2002
  • As a part of scientific data visualization automatic generation algorithms for a contour map have been investigated mainly on data which are defined at every lattice point. But in actual situation like weather data measurement. it is impossible to get data defined at every lattice point This is because the exact value on every lattice point can not be obtained due to characteristics in sampling devices or sampling methods. In order to define data on every lattice point where data were not sampled an interpolation method. was applied to the sample data to assign approximate values for some lattice type data but by using the non-lattice type of sample data sets. A triangle data link was defined by using non lattice points directly based on actually sample data set, not by using the pre-processed rectangle lattice points. The suggested algorithm generates a contour map a contour map only by using sample data set which are much smaller than old one without data interpolation and there is no skew on data any more since it does not need any interpolation to get the values of the defined lattice points.

A Fast Processing Algorithm for Lidar Data Compression Using Second Generation Wavelets

  • Pradhan B.;Sandeep K.;Mansor Shattri;Ramli Abdul Rahman;Mohamed Sharif Abdul Rashid B.
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2006
  • The lifting scheme has been found to be a flexible method for constructing scalar wavelets with desirable properties. In this paper, it is extended to the UDAR data compression. A newly developed data compression approach to approximate the UDAR surface with a series of non-overlapping triangles has been presented. Generally a Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN) are the most common form of digital surface model that consists of elevation values with x, y coordinates that make up triangles. But over the years the TIN data representation has become an important research topic for many researchers due its large data size. Compression of TIN is needed for efficient management of large data and good surface visualization. This approach covers following steps: First, by using a Delaunay triangulation, an efficient algorithm is developed to generate TIN, which forms the terrain from an arbitrary set of data. A new interpolation wavelet filter for TIN has been applied in two steps, namely splitting and elevation. In the splitting step, a triangle has been divided into several sub-triangles and the elevation step has been used to 'modify' the point values (point coordinates for geometry) after the splitting. Then, this data set is compressed at the desired locations by using second generation wavelets. The quality of geographical surface representation after using proposed technique is compared with the original UDAR data. The results show that this method can be used for significant reduction of data set.