• Title/Summary/Keyword: approval

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The credit card approval information management using WIPI (WIPI를 이용한 신용카드 결제 정보 관리)

  • Kim, Won-Kyum;Han, Jae-Yong;Park, Hyo-Won;Lee, Sun-Heum
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.824-829
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    • 2009
  • SMS service is widely used for providing the approval information of a credit card when the payment is made by a credit card. But the message contained in the SMS is very simple and includes one time approval information. Although detailed approval informations could be retrieved by means of wire-network or mobile network services, the wire-network service could not be used on moving and the mobile network service requires high cost. In this paper, a WIPI application program managing the approval informations of a credit card based on the accumulated SMS messages in the cell phone has been developed. A cell phone user can conveniently can get the useful information such as the approval list on last month, the approval list on this month, the total amount on this month and the information about payment by installment from the developed program without any cost.

The Relationship of a Child's Need for Approval, Anxiety and Anger-in on a Child's Relational Aggression According to Gender (아동의 성별에 따른 인정욕구, 불안 및 분노억제와 관계적 공격성 간의 관련성)

  • Lee, Young Hwa;Kim, Kyong Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2013
  • The major purpose of this study was to explore the relation of a child's need for approval, anxiety and anger-in on a child's relational aggression according to gender. The study's participants included 464 boys and girls selected from fifth-and sixth-graders at an elementary school in Busan. A child's need for approval, anxiety, anger-in and relational aggression were assessed with their own self-reports. For data analysis, Cronbach ${\alpha}$, T-test, Pearson correlation coefficients, and Multiple Regression were used. The collected data was analyzed by the SPSSWIN 18.0 program. The major findings were as follows: First, child's anger-in demonstrated a significant difference among sexes. Girls indicated higher points than boys. Second, Boys' need for approval indirectly affected child's relational aggression through anger-in. Boys' anger-in was directly affected by relational aggression. Boys' anxiety was directly affected by anger-in. And boys' anxiety indirectly affected child's relational aggression through anger-in. Third, Girls' anxiety was directly affected by relational aggression. Need for approval and anxiety were directly affected by anger-in. The findings from this study indicates that child's need for approval, anxiety and anger-in are important elements in relational aggression are affected differently depending on the child's gender. Also, this study has meaning in that it can be used as fundamental data to develop a teaching plan and counseling program for children that can decrease relational aggression.

An indicator for managing the regional variations in approval rates of long-term care (LTC) service (지역별 장기요양 인정의 차이 관리지표 개발)

  • Han, Eun-Jeong;Lee, JungSuk;Park, Seyoung;Jang, Soomok;Jung, Inkyung
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.391-401
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    • 2017
  • This study develops an indicator to manage regional variations of approval rates for long-term care (LTC) service. We used LTC insurance data for grade assessment that include 433,155 applicants from 227 LTC centers across Korea in 2015. The approval rate for each center was defined as the proportion of the numbers of approved applicants out of all applicants. We assumed that the approval rates depended on the characteristics of applicants. We estimated the 'standard' approval rates from a multiple linear regression analysis using the characteristics of applicants as independent variables. The difference between the observed and the standard rates was then defined as an indicator for deviation. A center having a large difference could be considered as a center with a potential error in grade assessment. We also examined if the characteristics of investigators affected the approval rates. We found that the socio-demographic characteristics of applicants and reapplication rate for LTC grade were independent factors affecting the approval rates. Centers having the management indicator values falling outside the middle 95% of the distribution were identified as centers with an error in grading. We expect that this study will contribute to enhancing reliability and equity in LTC grading.

The Information Effect of FDA Approval Announcements on Pharmaceutical and Bio-Health Companies' Stock Prices (FDA 승인 공시가 제약 및 바이오·헬스케어 기업의 주가에 미치는 정보효과)

  • Yu Jeong Song;Sang-Gun Lee;So Ra Park
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.289-313
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    • 2024
  • Korean pharmaceutical and bio-health companies began applying for FDA approval in 2000. However, drug companies in South Korea are not required to obtain FDA approval to market their products on the South Korean market, and the approval process is highly resource-intensive. This study utilizes event study methodology to examine the information effect of US FDA approval announcements on the stock prices of pharmaceutical and bio-health companies listed on South Korean stock markets. The study's results show that FDA approval announcements caused abnormal increases in corporate stock prices, indicating that these announcements have a transnational information effect on South Korean companies' value. Furthermore, the results show that the impact of FDA approval announcements on stock prices is greater for small companies than mid-sized and large companies and in bio and healthcare industries than in the traditional pharmaceutical industry. This impact is also more significant on the KOSDAQ (Korea Securities Dealers Automated Quotation) companies than the KOSPI (Korean Composite Stock Price Index) companies and after the expansion of stock price limits. These findings signal that the information effect is more significant when regulatory controls are weaker. The results also indicate that obtaining FDA approval brings above-normal returns for companies and that FDA application is a high-risk, high-return investment.

A Study on Digital Multisignature Scheme in electronic Approval systems (디지털 다중서명 방식을 적용한 전자결재 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hui-Un;Gang, Chang-Gu;Lee, Im-Yeong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.999-1008
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    • 1999
  • In this study, we propose a new multi-party electronic approval system. We classified and analyzed several existing electronic approval systems which use the multisignature method. Based on the analysis, we developed a new multisignature method and then applied it to several existing electronic approval systems. By comparing various aspects of the new and the conventional methods, we were able to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The new method is based discrete logarithm so that it lowers the complexity requirement involved in electronic communication and rises the ability requirement, hence makes itself suitable to general electronic approval systems.

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A Role-based Storage Encryption for the Electronic Approval System of Battle Management Systems (전장관리체계 전자결재시스템을 위한 역할기반 스토리지 암호화 기법)

  • Her, Kyoung-Soon;Lee, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.71-85
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    • 2011
  • The most important factors of Electronic approval system of battle management system are availability and reliability. Therefore, the electronic approval system uses a SAN(storage area network) to construct the reliable server and storage. In this paper, we analyze the security vulnerabilities of the SAN storage that stores the critical military information in the electronic approval system of battle management system. Based on the analysis, we verify the possibility of information leakage by the inside attackers through the scenario-based experiment. And we finally propose a new storage encryption algorithm on the basis of user's role that can prevent the leakage of information by the inside attackers.

Enhanced Standardization Process and Reform Discussions in ITU-T (ITU의 정보통신표준화 절차 개선과 개혁 논의)

  • Sohn, Hong;Song, Gi-Pyeung;Park, Ki-Shik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.532-536
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    • 2001
  • In responding to rapid technological change, ITU standardization activities is changing. For example, ITU-T has established new approval process for technical Recommendations, named Alternative Approval Process. This process shortens standard approval period form 9 months to 2 months. In this paper, we analyze the new approval process, AAP, step by step. And finally, we discuss .ITU reform issues such as decision making right of private industry organizations which is ongoing.

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The Statistical Indicators of OECD and Korea for Student Health (학생 건강에 대한 OECD와 한국의 통계지표)

  • Shin, Sun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the statistical indicators of OECD and Korea for student health among Korea's approval statistics. Methods: Searching for health indicators by using Health at a Glance 2009, Society at a Glance 2009, and Education at a Glance 2009 through the formal OECD web site in 2010, and investigating the approval statistics through the Korean formal organizational web sites and published data in 2012. Results: Among OECD indicators, indicators for adolescent health were smoking and alcohol consumption, nutrition, physical activity, overweight and obesity, bullying, risk behaviors, and poverty children. However, most of Korea student health indicators were missing except poverty children and life satisfaction, because OECD has taken chiefly data from Health Behavior in School-aged Children survey (HBSC), international study, which has not been carried out in Korea. The Ministry Of Education, Science And Technology (MEST) and the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and National Youth Policy Institute in Korea have produced the major statistics for student health which was only 11 (1.3%) among 858 approval statistics. Conclusion: Identifying a current Korea school health is essential through participating actively to OECD whose statistic indicators are internationally comparable with Students Physical Development Survey, MEST's approval statistics, using Korea Student Health Examination. It was also suggested that quantitative and qualitative expansions for Korea student health statistics by the activation of approval statistics including processed statistics, and by researchers' easy expanded access to a raw data.

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A Study on the Parts Manufacturer Approval(PMA) for Parts Certification (부품등제작자증명(PMA) 제도에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Bonggu
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.29-33
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    • 2012
  • Until now, The Market of aviation parts had led by OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts because of aviation industry's nature required higher reliability and safety. But recently, The interest about PMA parts in aviation market is increasing continuously with various environmental changes, such as economic stagnation, oil price rise, development of the manufacture technique and newly rising market of Asia-Pacific region. So, this paper introduces the trend and the requirements of FAA PMA / EASA EPA in order to enhance understanding for certification for aviation parts.

A Case Study on Implementing Highway Approval/Permission System in Construction CALS (건설CALS에서 고속도로인허가 시스템 구현 사례)

  • 윤주용;김민홍;이영재
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.43-62
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    • 1999
  • This paper is to analyze business activities of approval/permission (A/P) and to describe its problems. To conduct the A/P business activities currently, there are many problems such as complex business process and different business policies among the each organization. In order to solve the problems, this paper suggests the A/P system of highway construction CALS (Commerce at Light Speed). CALS, a top down vision of complete computing integration, promises to support electronic data exchange. The A/P system is designed to classified documents based on CALS standard and store them to database. The data register to the A/P system by the Internet, and each construction company can use the A/P system by Internet also. Benefits of the A/P system is reduction in junk documents for approval/permission actives, improvement in conduct and services life cycle support.

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