• Title/Summary/Keyword: aperture coupled feeding

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Design of a L-Type Aperture Coupled Circular Polarization Patch Antenna Using Microstrip Feeding (마이크로스트립 급전 L자형 개구면 결합 원편파 패치 안테나 설계)

  • 이종환;우종명
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.757-765
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, L-Type aperture coupled circular polarization patch antenna for mobile communication(IMT-2000, 1.9375 GHz), which is capable of being mounted in mobile unit, was designed and fabricated. This antenna is expanded to the $2\times2$ circular polarization array antenna for satellite mobile communications which are using the L-band frequency. The results are as followings : Returnloss 18.56 dB, beamwidth $60^{\circ}$, gain 7 dBd, axial ratio 0.9 dB in the case of single element and returnloss 28.43 dB, beamwidth $38^{\circ}$, gain 9.8dBd, axial ratio 1.5 dB in the case of $2\times2$ array, respectively.

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Design and Fabrication of Aperture-Coupled Microstrip Cylindrical Dielectric Resonant Antenna for Wireless LAN (무선 LAN용 개구결합 마이크로스트립 원통형 유전체 공진 안테나 설계 및 제작)

  • 이권익;김흥수
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.425-431
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, on aperture-coupled microstrip cylindrical dielectric resonant antenna(DRA) consisting of dielectric material with permittivity ${\epsilon}_{r}$ = 36 is designed and fabricated fir wireless LAN. First of all, the feedline length, width, slot length and width of the feeding element were calculated using the theory of microstrip transmission line. Radiation element is designed using the theory of cylindrical dielectric cavity, Resonant frequency of the fabricated cylindrical DRA is 2.449 GHz and VSWR, return loss and bandwidth is 1.009, -47 dB and 70 MHz, respectively. Front-to-back radiation ratio is about 12 dB and 3 dB beamwidth of E-plane and H-plane is 110$^{\circ}$ and 90$^{\circ}$ , respectively.

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The Design and Characteristics of Aperture Coupled Wideband Microstrip Antenna with the T-shaped Feedline (T-모양 급전선을 갖는 개구 결합 광대역 마이크로스트립 안테나의 설계 및 그 특성)

  • Jang, Yong-Ung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.32-37
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    • 2000
  • We proposed to a new method of the aperture coupled microstrip antenna with T-shaped feeding slot. We analyzed method of enhancing the bandwidth of the antenna using FDTD. And the antenna parameters are optimized to get maximum bandwidth. We also calculated the progress process of waves and the distribution of electric field in the time domain. We also calculated return loss, VSWR, input impedance, radiation pattern in the frequency domain by Fourier transforming the time domain results, respectively. It was found that the bandwidth of this antenna changes length and width of the patch, length and width of the slot, length of T-shaped feedline, position of the offset. Measured % bandwidth was 49.2 % in the center frequency 2.5 GHz. These results were in relatively food accordance with calculated values.

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X-band Microstrip 4×4 Broadband Circularly Polarized Array Antenna Using Sequential Rotation Divider Structure (시퀀셜 로테이션 분배기 구조를 이용한 X-band 마이크로스트립 4×4 광대역 원형 편파 배열 안테나)

  • Kim, Jung-Han;Kim, Joong-Kwan;Kim, Yong-Jin;Lee, Hong-Min
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.18 no.2 s.117
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    • pp.158-165
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, the circularly polarized $4{\times}4$ array antenna is proposed for the X-band. A single antenna consists of square patch and unequal cross-aperture coupled feeding. The RHCP(Right Handed Circularly Polarization) is generated by unequal cross-aperture coupled feeding. By reducing space among elements of way antenna from 0.8 ${\lambda}_0$ to 0.45 ${\lambda}_0$, the mounting area of array antenna is miniaturized. The $2{\times}2$ array antenna is designed using sequential rotation feeding network. The good level of gain, axial ratio, and impedance bandwidth are achieved. The $4{\times}4$ array antenna is extended by ${\lambda}/4$ transformer and T-junction power divider. The simulated maximum radiation gain is 15.09 dBi at 10 GHz. The simulated 3 dB Axial Ratio bandwidth is from 9.05 to 10.4 GHz(13.5%). Also the measured impedance bandwidth($VSWR{\leq}2$) of manufactured $4{\times}4$ array antenna is from 8.45 to 11.84 GHz(33.9%). The measured maximum radiation gain is 11.10 dBi at 10 GHz. The measured 3 dB Axial Ratio bandwidth is from 9.42 to 10.47 GHz(10.5%).


  • Baharuddin, Merna;Akbar, Prilando Rizki;Sumantyo, Josaphat Tetuko Sri;Kuze, Hiroaki
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.441-444
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    • 2008
  • This paper describes the development of a circularly polarized microstrip antenna, as a part of the Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar (CP-SAR) sensor which is currently under developed at the Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory (MRSL) in Chiba University. CP-SAR is a new type of sensor developed for the purpose of remote sensing. With this sensor, lower-noise data/image will be obtained due to the absence of depolarization problems from propagation encounter in linearly polarized synthetic aperture radar. As well the data/images obtained will be investigated as the Axial Ratio Image (ARI), which is a new data that hopefully will reveal unique various backscattering characteristics. The sensor will be mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which will be aimed for fundamental research and applications. The microstrip antenna works in the frequency of 1.27 GHz (L-Band). The microstrip antenna utilized the proximity-coupled method of feeding. Initially, the optimization process of the single patch antenna design involving modifying the microstrip line feed to yield a high gain (above 5 dBi) and low return loss (below -10 dB). A minimum of 10 MHz bandwidth is targeted at below 3 dB of Axial Ratio for the circularly polarized antenna. A planar array from the single patch is formed next. Consideration for the array design is the beam radiation pattern in the azimuth and elevation plane which is specified based on the electrical and mechanical constraints of the UAV CP-SAR system. This research will contribute in the field of radar for remote sensing technology. The potential application is for landcover, disaster monitoring, snow cover, and oceanography mapping.

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Design of the Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antenna with Tilted Beam (빔 틸팅 특성을 갖는 개구 급전 마이크로스트립 안테나 설계 연구)

  • 하재권;박동철
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.705-712
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, a new type of aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna with tilted-beam based on the principal of the dipole yagi antenna is proposed and investigated experimentally. Its configuration is composed by 3 types of patches; reflector, driver, and director. Tilted beam patterns are effected by many parameters as those of dipole yagi antenna; sizes of the patches, gaps between the patches, characteristics of the substrates, feeding method and etc. Therefore, in this paper, the effects of varying design parameters of this antenna are studied with a goal of enhancing the gain and tilting the beams. A microtrip patch antenna with tilted beam based on performance trade-offs is designed and fabricated. Measured and simulated results for return loss and radiation patterns are presented. It has 45$^{\circ}$ tilted beam and very close to simulation beam pattern at resonant frequency, 2.58 GHz.

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Analysis of Rectangular DRA(Dielectric Resonator Antenna) using Dielectric Waveguide Model) (유전체 도파관 모델을 이용한 육면체 공진기 안테나 분석)

  • 최원규;이범선
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.755-762
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    • 2000
  • In this work, we present the resonant frequencies, Qrad, and impedance bandwidth of rectangular dielectric resonator antenna(DRA)for a broad range of aspect ratios using Dielectric Waveguide Model. These presented data are compared with simulation and measurement. The DRA having relative permittivities of 37.84 and 90 have been fed by a coaxial cable and fed using a aperture-coupled method for comparisions. The approximate resonant frequencies are shown to have the prediction error of about 8% and impedance bandwidth is found to have large prediction variation according to feeding method. The data presented in this paper can be used when the aspect ratios of DRA have to be determined for a given resonant frequency and impedance bandwidth.

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A Broadband Microstrip Array Antenna for PCS/IMT-2000 Base-Station (PCS/IMT-2000 기지국용 광대역 마이크로스트립 배열 안테나)

  • 김태우;최재훈
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.26 no.11B
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    • pp.1620-1627
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, a broadband microstrip antenna for PCS and IMT-2000 service is designed. To obtain the broadband characteristics of an antenna, we utilized the multi-layered structure composed of two foam material layers, parasitic element and aperture coupled feeding network. The broadband characteristic is obtained by changing the size of parasitic element and the height of foam materials. In addition to that, the usage of metal layer at the distance of λ/4 from feed-line, back radiation is reduced. The bandwidth of a single element for VSWR less than 1.3 is about 550MHz. The bandwidth of a designed 1$\times$4 array antenna for VSWR less than 1.3 is about 460MHz. The gain of a designed array antenna is about 11.15∼12.15dBi and the front-to-back ratio is about 30dB.

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An Analysis of TX/RX Microstrip Single Element using FDTD at Ku-band and 8X4 Array Antenna (FDTD 방법을 이용한 Ku 대역 송수신 겸용 마이크로스트립 단일 소자 해석 및 8X4 배열 안테나)

  • 윤재승;전순익
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.830-838
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, TX/RX dual operation microstrip single antenna for satellite communication is designed, analyzed, fabricated and measured. TX/RX frequency ranges are 14.0∼l4.5 GHz, 11.7∼12.75 GHz in respectively and vertical and horizontal polarizations are used for TX and RX. This antenna uses microstrip direct feeding for RX and aperture coupled strip-line feeding for TX and accommodates stacked elements for a high directivity and wide impedance bandwidth. In an analysis of single element, FDTD and MOM was compared and FDTD analysis was more accurate because of the consideration of finite structure and imperfect two ground planes. The proposed structure facilitates generally to an extension of two dimensional array and lower an unwanted radiation by strip-line feed in TX. TX/RX 8${\times}$4 array has a return loss below -10 dB, -14 dB in TX, RX respectively and a gain ranging from 19.1∼20.7 dB in TX, 21.2∼21.8 dB in RX which has a radiation efficiency of 43∼5l %, 52∼57 %.

Design of a Dual-Frequency Microstrip Patch Antenna (이중 공진형 마이크로스트립 패치 안테나 설계)

  • 김규성;김태우;최재훈
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.1131-1137
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, a novel design method of an apertured coupled microstrip patch antenna with the single feeding structure is proposed for dual resonance frequencies with mutually perpendicular polarizations. The characteristics of this antenna are experimentally investigated. In order to achieve this goal, a new type of square patch with double notches is used as a radiator and the crossed slot and the bended mictrostrip feeder are adopted for the dual polarizations in the aperture-coupled structure. For the application of the proposed antenna, a Ku-band Tx/Rx $2\times$ subarray antenna is designed and manufactured. Also, the applicability of the antenna as a ground terminal is examined through performance analysis. According to the measurement, the gain of the antenna is 10dBi at the center frequencies of Tx and Rx, the side lobe level is lower than -13dB, and the cross polarization lebel is below 17 dB.

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