• Title/Summary/Keyword: and Simulation

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Application Plan of Goods Information in the Public Procurement Service for Enhancing U-City Plans (U-City계획 고도화를 위한 조달청 물품정보 활용 방안 : CCTV 사례를 중심으로)

  • PARK, Jun-Ho;PARK, Jeong-Woo;NAM, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2015
  • In this study, a reference model is constructed that provides architects or designers with sufficient information on the intelligent service facility that is essential for U-City space configuration, and for the support of enhanced design, as well as for planning activities. At the core of the reference model is comprehensive information about the intelligent service facility that plans the content of services, and the latest related information that is regularly updated. A plan is presented to take advantage of the database of list information systems in the Public Procurement Service that handles intelligent service facilities. We suggest a number of improvements by analyzing the current status of, and issues with, the goods information in the Public Procurement Service, and by conducting a simulation for the proper placement of CCTV. As the design of U-City plan has evolved from IT technology-based to smart space-based, reviews of limitations such as the lack of standards, information about the installation, and the placement of the intelligent service facility that provides U-service have been carried out. Due to the absence of relevant legislation and guidelines, however, planning activities, such as the appropriate placement of the intelligent service facility are difficult when considering efficient service provision. In addition, with the lack of information about IT technology and intelligent service facilities that can be provided to U-City planners and designers, there are a number of difficulties when establishing an optimal plan with respect to service level and budget. To solve these problems, this study presents a plan in conjunction with the goods information from the Public Procurement Service. The Public Procurement Service has already built an industry-related database of around 260,000 cases, which has been continually updated. It can be a very useful source of information about the intelligent service facility, the ever-changing U-City industry's core, and the relevant technologies. However, since providing this information is insufficient in the application process and, due to the constraints in the information disclosure process, there have been some issues in its application. Therefore, this study, by presenting an improvement plan for the linkage and application of the goods information in the Public Procurement Service, has significance for the provision of the basic framework for future U-City enhancement plans, and multi-departments' common utilization of the goods information in the Public Procurement Service.

Parameters Estimation of Clark Model based on Width Function (폭 함수를 기반으로 한 Clark 모형의 매개변수 추정)

  • Park, Sang Hyun;Kim, Joo-Cheol;Jung, Kwansue
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.597-611
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents the methodology for construction of time-area curve via the width function and thereby rational estimation of time of concentration and storage coefficient of Clark model within the framework of method of moments. To this end time-area curve is built by rescaling the grid-based width function under the assumption of pure translation and then the analytical expressions for two parameters of Clark model are proposed in terms of method of moments. The methodology in this study based on the analytical expressions mentioned before is compared with both (1) the traditional optimization method of Clark model provided by HEC-1 in which the symmetric time-area curve is used and the difference between observed and simulated hydrographs is minimized (2) and the same optimization method but replacing time-area curve with rescaled width function in respect of peak discharge and time to peak of simulated direct runoff hydrographs and their efficiency coefficient relative to the observed ones. The following points are worth of emphasizing: (1) The optimization method by HEC-1 with rescaled width function among others results in the parameters well reflecting the observed runoff hydrograph with respect to peak discharge coordinates and coefficient of efficiency; (2) For the better application of Clark model it is recommended to use the time-area curve capable of accounting for irregular drainage structure of a river basin such as rescaled width function instead of symmetric time-area curve by HEC-1; (3) Moment-based methodology with rescaled width function developed in this study also gives rise to satisfactory simulation results in terms of peak discharge coordinates and coefficient of efficiency. Especially the mean velocities estimated from this method, characterizing the translation effect of time-area curve, are well consistent with the field surveying results for the points of interest in this study; (4) It is confirmed that the moment-based methodology could be an effective tool for quantitative assessment of translation and storage effects of natural river basin; (5) The runoff hydrographs simulated by the moment-based methodology tend to be more right skewed relative to the observed ones and have lower peaks. It is inferred that this is due to consideration of only one mean velocity in the parameter estimation. Further research is required to combine the hydrodynamic heterogeneity between hillslope and channel network into the construction of time-area curve.

Economic Effects of Eliminating Trade Barriers under Imperfect Competition (불완전경쟁하(不完全競爭下)에서의 무역장벽(貿易障壁) 완화효과(緩和效果))

  • Lee, Hong-gue
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.29-54
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    • 1992
  • Recent studies on the economic effects of trade liberalization and economic integration have emphasized the significant gains associated with product differentiation and scale economies. Securing access to markets in other countries will make it possible to increase product variety and capture scale economies, thus, expanding the gains from trade. Liberalization is also expected to introduce foreign competition into the previously closed market. Concurrently, the liberalization will improve the competitive market environment for firms selling in the domestic market. Firms will be pressed to either exit or reduce cost. The output per firm, then, will increase due to the exit of rival firms, and the average total cost will decline due to the economies of scale. 'Rationalization' of the production process will eventually follow. This paper addresses the economic effects of (counterfactual) bilateral tariff elimination between Korea and Japan. It computationally assesses the gains from liberalization as well as the resource allocations and welfare effects associated with the tariff reduction. The endogenous determination of the key parameters distinguishes this paper from others. The firm's perceived elasticity of demand and elasticity of substitution in the present model are calibrated to be consistent with the base year data. Korea, Japan, and the rest of the world are modeled explicitly. The sectoral coverage of the model includes twenty-three tradable product categories based on three-digit SITC industries and seven nontradable categories based on one-digit SITC industries. Product categories are also classified into perfectly competitive and imperfectly competitive ones. In the imperfectly competitive industries, product differentiation exists at the firm level, while the perfectly competitive industries are characterized by national product differentiation. The simulation results of bilateral tariff reduction are reported. Tariff elimination tends to increase intra-industry trade flows so that the total amount of exports and imports of both countries expand. Yet, Japan is expected to increase the bilateral trade surplus in the wake of the mutual tariff reduction. Terms-of-trade for Korea will not change, while for Japan it will deteriorate. Equivalent variations reflecting the change in consumer surplus (welfare) will favor Korean consumers. Total output, however, will not change substantially, recording 0.5 and 0.6% for Japan and Korea, respectively. An interesting finding in the analysis is that the gains from increased competition and scale efficiency are not as prevailing as expected in theory.

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  • Choi Sun-Young;Lee Sun-Hyung;Yang Jae-Ho;Han Jung-Suk
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.369-378
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    • 2003
  • Statement of Problem: Recently, resin cements have become more widely used and have been accepted as prominent luting cements. Current resin cements exhibit less microleakage than conventional luting cements. However, the constant contact with water and exposure to occlusal forces increase microleakage even in resin cements inevitably. Most bonding resins have been modified to contain a hydrophilic resin such as 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) to overcome some of the problems associated with the hydrophobic nature of bonding resins. By virtue of these modifications, bonding resins absorb a significant amount of water, and there may also be significant stresses at bonding interfaces, which may adversely affect the longevity of restorations. Therefore the reinforcement of water stability of resin cement is indispensable in future study. Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the influence of water retention on microleakage of two resin cements over the period of 6 months. Materials and Methods: 32 extracted human teeth were used to test the microleakage of a single full veneer crown. Two resin cements with different components and adhesive properties - Panavia F (Kuraray Co., Osaka, Japan) and Super-Bond C&B (Sun Medical Co., Kyoto, Japan)- were investigated. The storage medium was the physiological saline solution changed every week for 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. One group was tested after storage for 1 day. At the end of the each storage period, all specimens were exposed to thermocycling from $5^{\circ}C$ to $55^{\circ}C$ of 500 cycles and chewing simulation of 50,000 cycles, and then stained with 50% silver nitrate solution. The linear penetration of microleakage was measured using a stereoscopic microscope at ${\times}40$ magnification and a digital traveling micrometer with an accuracy of ${\pm}3{\mu}m$. Values were analyzed using two-way ANOVA test, Duncan's multiple range tests (DMRT). Results : Statistically significant difference of microleakage was shown in the 3-month group compared with the1-day or 1-month group in both systems (p<0.05) and there were statistically significant differences in microleakage between the 3-month group and the 6-month group in both systems (p<0.05). The two systems showed different tendency in the course of increased microleakage during 3 months. In Panavia F, microleakage increased slowly throughout the periods. In Super-Bond C&B, there was no significant increase of microleakage for 1 month, but there was statistically significant increase of microleakage for the next 2 months. For the mean microleakage for each period, in the 3-month group, microleakage of Super-Bond C&B was significantly greater than that of Panavia F. On the other hand, in the 6-month group, microleakage of Panavia F was significantly greater than that of Super-Bond C&B (p<0.05). Conclusion: Within the limitation of this study, water retention of two different bonding systems influence microleakage of resin cements. Further studies with the longer observation periods in viro are required in order to investigate water stability and the bonding durability of the resin cement. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS Microleakage at the Cement-tooth interfaces did not necessarily result in the failure of the crowns. But it is considered to be a major factor influening the longerity of restorations. Further clinical approaches for decreasing the amount of microleakage are required.

Bladder Volume Variations in Patients Receiving Conformal Radiotherapy to Prostate (전립선암 환자의 방사선 치료 시 방광 체적 변화)

  • Lee, Re-Na;Lee, Ji-Hye;Lee, Kyung-Ja;Ji, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 2008
  • Objective: To reduce urinary side effects in prostate cancer patients receiving radiation, patients were asked to drink certain amount of water to maintain bladder volume constant and the bladder volumes were measured weekly using ultrasound scanner. Materials and Methods: Twenty-six patients with prostate cancer who received radiation between December 2002 and August 2007 were enrolled in this study. Thirteen patients were enrolled in experimental group. These patients were asked to drink 450 cc of water, one hour prior to simulation, CT scan, and treatment. The other thirteen patients were given no information about bladder filing. Bladder, prostate, and rectum were contoured on CT and volumes were calculated. 3D conformal treatment planning was performed and effective volumes of bladder were calculated when a prescription dose of 70.2 Gy was delivered. For the patients in experimental group, bladder volumes were measured weekly using ultrasound scanner for 6-8 weeks and the bladder volume variations were analyzed. Results: Average bladder volumes and standard deviations obtained at CT scanning were $283.5{\pm}114.0\;cc$ (40%) and $181.2{\pm}120.1\;cc$ (66%) in experimental and control groups, respectively. Although it was not statistically significant, there was correlation between the bladder volumes measured from CT and ultrasound. The volumes measured using ultrasound scanner were 62% lower than the volumes using CT images on average. There was significant variations in volumes measured weekly for 6-8 weeks. It ranged between 33 - 75 %. Conclusion: Our results showed that it is possible to obtain larger bladder volume if they are asked to drink certain amount of water prior to CT scan. However, patients were unable to maintain constant bladder volumes over the 6-8 weeks of treatment period although they were asked to drink constant amount of water.

Comparison of Acting Style Between 2D Hand-drawn Animation and 3D Computer Animation : Focused on Expression of Emotion by Using Close-up (2D 핸드 드로운 애니메이션과 3D 컴퓨터 애니메이션에서의 액팅(acting) 스타일 비교 -클로즈-업을 이용한 감정표현을 중심으로-)

  • Moon, Jaecheol;Kim, Yumi
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.147-165
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    • 2014
  • Around the turn of 21st century, there has been a major technological shift in the animation industry. With development of reality-based computer graphics, major American animation studios replaced hand-drawn method with the new 3D computer graphics. Traditional animation was known for its simplified shapes such as circles and triangle that makes characters' movements distinctive from non-animated feature films. Computer-generated animation has largely replaced it, but is under continuous criticism that automated movements and reality-like graphics devaluate the aesthetics of animation. Although hand-drawn animation is still produced, 3D computer graphics have taken commercial lead and there has been many changes to acting of animated characters, which calls for detailed investigation. Firstly, the changes in acting of 3D characters can be traced from looking at human-like rigging method that mimics humanistic moving mechanism. Also, if hair and clothing was part of hand-drawn characters' acting, it has now been hidden inside mathematical simulation of 3D graphics, leaving only the body to be used in acting. Secondly, looking at "Stretch and Squash" method, which represents the distinctive movements of animation, through the lens of media, a paradox arises. Hand-drawn animation are produced frame-by-frame, and a subtle change would make animated frames shiver. This slight shivering acts as an aesthetic distinction of animated feature films, but can also require exaggerated movements to hide the shivering. On the contrary, acting of 3D animation make use of calculated movements that may seem exaggerated compared to human acting, but seem much more moderate and static compared to hand-drawn acting. Moreover, 3D computer graphics add the third dimension that allows more intuitive movements - maybe animators no longer need fine drawing skills; what they now need is directing skills to animate characters in 3D space intuitively. On the assumption that technological advancement and change of artistic expressionism are inseparable, this paper compares acting of 3D animation studio Pixar and classical drawing studio Disney to investigate character acting style and movements.

Tyrosinase Inhibition-mediated Anti-melanogenic Effects by Catechin Derivatives Extracted from Ulmus parvifolia (참느릅나무에서 추출된 catechin 유도체 화합물의 멜라닌 생성 억제 효과)

  • Taehyeok Hwang;Hyo Jung Lee;Dong-Min Kang;Kyoung Mi Moon;Jae Cheal Yoo;Mi-Jeong Ahn;Dong Kyu Moon;Dong Kyun Woo
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2023
  • As a protective defensive mechanism against ultraviolet (UV) light exposure in skin tissue, melanocytes produce the pigment melanin. Tyrosinase plays a key role in melanin production in melanocytes. However, the overproduction of melanin can lead to lesions, such as freckles and dark spots. Thus, it is clinically important to find a modulating molecule to control melanogenesis by regulating tyrosinase expression and/or activity. It is known that catechin, a plant flavonoid, can reduce melano- genesis through the downregulation of tyrosinase expression. Here, we tested whether catechin derivatives isolated from the stem bark of Ulmus parvifolia have an effect on melanin production by regulating tyrosinase in mouse melanoma cells and in vitro mushroom tyrosinase. The catechin derivatives used in this study included C5A, C7A, C7G, and C7X. Treatments using these catechin derivatives reduced melanin production in mouse melanoma B16F10 cells in which melanogenesis was stimulated by α-MSH. Notably, the anti-melanogenic effects of catechin derivatives were similar to those of kojic acid, a well-known anti-melanogenic molecule. Both C5A and C7A directly inhibited the activity of tyrosinase isolated from mushrooms in vitro. Furthermore, our in silico computational simulation showed that these two compounds were expected to bind to the active site of tyrosinase, which is similar to kojic acid. In addition, all four catechin derivatives reduced tyrosinase protein expression. In summary, our results showed that catechin derivatives can reduce melanogenesis by regulating tyrosinase activity or expression. Thus, this study suggests that catechin derivatives isolated from U. parvifolia can be novel modulators of melanin production.

Carbon Dioxide-based Plastic Pyrolysis for Hydrogen Production Process: Sustainable Recycling of Waste Fishing Nets (이산화탄소 기반 플라스틱 열분해 수소 생산 공정: 지속가능한 폐어망 재활용)

  • Yurim Kim;Seulgi Lee;Sungyup Jung;Jaewon Lee;Hyungtae Cho
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2024
  • Fishing net waste (FNW) constitutes over half of all marine plastic waste and is a major contributor to the degradation of marine ecosystems. While current treatment options for FNW include incineration, landfilling, and mechanical recycling, these methods often result in low-value products and pollutant emissions. Importantly, FNWs, comprised of plastic polymers, can be converted into valuable resources like syngas and pyrolysis oil through pyrolysis. Thus, this study presents a process for generating high-purity hydrogen (H2) by catalytically pyrolyzing FNW in a CO2 environment. The proposed process comprises of three stages: First, the pretreated FNW undergoes Ni/SiO2 catalytic pyrolysis under CO2 conditions to produce syngas and pyrolysis oil. Second, the produced pyrolysis oil is incinerated and repurposed as an energy source for the pyrolysis reaction. Lastly, the syngas is transformed into high-purity H2 via the Water-Gas-Shift (WGS) reaction and Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA). This study compares the results of the proposed process with those of traditional pyrolysis conducted under N2 conditions. Simulation results show that pyrolyzing 500 kg/h of FNW produced 2.933 kmol/h of high-purity H2 under N2 conditions and 3.605 kmol/h of high-purity H2 under CO2 conditions. Furthermore, pyrolysis under CO2 conditions improved CO production, increasing H2 output. Additionally, the CO2 emissions were reduced by 89.8% compared to N2 conditions due to the capture and utilization of CO2 released during the process. Therefore, the proposed process under CO2 conditions can efficiently recycle FNW and generate eco-friendly hydrogen product.

Effect of Human Implantable Medical Devices on Dose and Image Quality during Chest Radiography using Automatic Exposure Control (자동노출제어를 적용한 흉부 방사선 검사 시 인체 이식형 의료기기가 선량과 화질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang-Min Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.257-265
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we applied AEC(Auto Exposure Control), which is used in many chest examinations, to evaluate whether medical devices inserted into the body affect the dose and image quality of chest images. After attaching three HIMD(Human implantable medical devices) to the ion chamber, the Monte Carlo methodology-based program PCXMC(PC Program for X-ray Monte Carlo) 2.0 was applied to measure the effective dose by inputting the DAP(Dose Ares Product) value derived from the Pacemaker and CRT and Chemoport Additionally, to evaluate image quality, we set three regions of interest and one noise region on the chest and measured SNR and CNR. The final study results showed significant differences in DAP and Effective dose. There was a significant difference between Pacemaker and CRT when AEC was applied and not applied. (p<0.05) When applied, the dose increased by 37% for Pacemaekr and 52% for CRT. Chemoport showed a 10% increase in effective dose depending on whether AEC was applied, but there was no significant difference. (p>0.05) In the image quality evaluation, there was no significant difference in image quality between all HIMD insertions and AEC applied or not. (p>0.05) Therefore, when the HIMD was inserted into the chest during a chest x ray and overlapped with the ion chamber sensor, the effective dose increased, and there was no difference in image quality even at a low dose without AEC. Therefore, when performing a chest X-ray examination of a patient with a HIMD inserted, it is considered that performing the examination without applying AEC is a method that can be considered to reduce the patient's radiation exposure.

Numerical Study on Thermochemical Conversion of Non-Condensable Pyrolysis Gas of PP and PE Using 0D Reaction Model (0D 반응 모델을 활용한 PP와 PE의 비응축성 열분해 기체의 열화학적 전환에 대한 수치해석 연구)

  • Eunji Lee;Won Yang;Uendo Lee;Youngjae Lee
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2024
  • Environmental problems caused by plastic waste have been continuously growing around the world, and plastic waste is increasing even faster after COVID-19. In particular, PP and PE account for more than half of all plastic production, and the amount of waste from these two materials is at a serious level. As a result, researchers are searching for an alternative method to plastic recycling, and plastic pyrolysis is one such alternative. In this paper, a numerical study was conducted on the pyrolysis behavior of non-condensable gas to predict the chemical reaction behavior of the pyrolysis gas. Based on gas products estimated from preceding literature, the behavior of non-condensable gas was analyzed according to temperature and residence time. Numerical analysis showed that as the temperature and residence time increased, the production of H2 and heavy hydrocarbons increased through the conversion of the non-condensable gas, and at the same time, the CH4 and C6H6 species decreased by participating in the reaction. In addition, analysis of the production rate showed that the decomposition reaction of C2H4 was the dominant reaction for H2 generation. Also, it was found that more H2 was produced by PE with higher C2H4 contents. As a future work, an experiment is needed to confirm how to increase the conversion rate of H2 and carbon in plastics through the various operating conditions derived from this study's numerical analysis results.