• Title/Summary/Keyword: and Simulation

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Development of robot calibration method based on 3D laser scanning system for Off-Line Programming (오프라인 프로그래밍을 위한 3차원 레이저 스캐닝 시스템 기반의 로봇 캘리브레이션 방법 개발)

  • Kim, Hyun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2019
  • Off-line programming and robot calibration through simulation are essential when setting up a robot in a robot automation production line. In this study, we developed a new robot calibration method to match the CAD data of the production line with the measurement data on the site using 3D scanner. The proposed method calibrates the robot using 3D point cloud data through Iterative Closest Point algorithm. Registration is performed in three steps. First, vertices connected by three planes are extracted from CAD data as feature points for registration. Three planes are reconstructed from the scan point data located around the extracted feature points to generate corresponding feature points. Finally, the transformation matrix is calculated by minimizing the distance between the feature points extracted through the ICP algorithm. As a result of applying the software to the automobile welding robot installation, the proposed method can calibrate the required accuracy to within 1.5mm and effectively shorten the set-up time, which took 5 hours per robot unit, to within 40 minutes. By using the developed system, it is possible to shorten the OLP working time of the car body assembly line, shorten the precision teaching time of the robot, improve the quality of the produced product and minimize the defect rate.

Feasibility of hearing aid gain self-adjustment using speech recognition (말소리 인지를 이용한 보청기 이득 자가 조절의 실현)

  • Yun, Donghyeon;Shen, Yi;Zhang, Zhuohuang
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.76-86
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    • 2022
  • Personal hearing devices, such as hearing aids, may be fine-tuned by allowing the users to conduct self-adjustment. Two self-adjustment procedures were developed to collect the listener preferred gains in six octave-frequency bands from 0.25 kHz to 8 kHz. These procedures were designed to allow rapid exploration of a multi-dimensional parameter space using a simple, one-dimensional user control interface (i.e., a programmable knob). The two procedures differ in whether the user interface controls the gains in all frequency bands simultaneously (Procedure A) or only the gain in one frequency band (Procedure B) on a given trial. Monte-Carlo simulations suggested that for both procedures the gain preference identified by simulated listeners rapidly converged to the ground-truth preferred gain profile over the first 20 trials. Initial behavioral evaluations of the self-adjustment procedures, in terms of test-retest reliability, were conducted using 20 young, normal-hearing listeners. Each estimate of the preferred gain profile took less than 20 minutes. The deviation between two separate estimates of the preferred gain profile, conducted at least a week apart, was about 10 dB ~ 15 dB.

Analysis of the Evacuation Safety with the Structure and Opening/Closing of Exits in a Fire at a Highway Service Area (고속도로 휴게소 화재 시 출입문의 구조와 개폐에 따른 피난안전성 분석)

  • Lee, Jai Young;Kong, Ha-Sung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.419-425
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed the safety of evacuation according to the number of exits and the direction of evacuation routes with evacuation simulations of the Pathfinder in case of a fire at a highway service area. It was also analyzed of the difference in RSET by comparing the single or double types of the exit of a facility. The results were as follows. When only one direction exit was opened, all of the RSET were exceeded. When two or more different directions were opened according to the general principle of evacuation, all results met the RSET. The simulations showed that two or more different directions were more shortened in RSET than the one same direction. The result of the types of doors showed that the single type door was shortened in RSET rather than the double type doors. For the evacuation safety in a fire at the highway service areas, firstly, it is necessary to secure two or more exits in a fire at all times. Secondly, the exits should not be same directions. Finally, it is suggested that the exit should be installed with a single type of door.

A CFD Study on Aerodynamic Performances by Geometrical Configuration of Guide Vanes in a Denitrification Facility (탈질 설비 내 안내 깃의 기하학적 형상에 따른 공력 성능에 대한 전산 해석적 연구)

  • Chang-Sik, Lee;Min-Kyu, Kim;Byung-Hee, Ahn;Hee-Taeg, Chung
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.316-322
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    • 2022
  • The flow pattern at the inlet of the catalyst layer in a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system is one of the key parameters influencing the performance of the denitrification process. In the curved diffusing parts between the ammonia injection grids and the catalyst layers, guide vanes are installed to improve flow uniformity. In the present study, a numerical simulation has been performed to investigate the effect of the geometrical configuration of the guide vanes on the aerodynamic characteristics of a denitrification facility. This application has been made to the existing SCR process in a large-scaled coal-fired power plant. The flow domain to be solved covers the whole region of the flow passages from the exit of the ammonia injection gun to the exit of the catalyst layers. ANSYS-Fluent was used to calculate the three-dimensional steady viscous flow fields with the proper turbulence model fitted to the flow characteristics. The root mean square of velocity and the pressure drop inside the flow passages were chosen as the key performance parameters. Four types of guides vanes were proposed to improve the flow quality compared to the current configuration. The numerical results showed that the type 4 configuration was the most effective at improving the aerodynamic performance in terms of flow uniformity and pressure loss.

A Study on The Investment of The Secondhand BulkShip Using Real Option Model (실물옵션을 활용한 중고선박 가치평가연구)

  • Lee, Chong-Woo;Jang, Chul-Ho;Choi, Jung-Suk
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.95-107
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    • 2022
  • Shipping companies earn profits through cargo transportation, and therefore, investment decisions to purchase ships are more important than anything else. Nevertheless, the cash flow discount method was mainly used in the economic analysis method, which assumes that all situations are static. This study shows that the real option model is useful in the economic analysis of ship investment. This economic analysis took into account the irreversibility of investment and uncertainty of benefits. In particular, this study used a binary option price determination model among real options. In addition, the simulation was conducted using actual investment data of A shipping company. As a result of the analysis, the investment value of used ships according to the net present value method was analyzed as negative (-), but the investment value in the real option model reflecting the flexibility of decision-making was evaluated as having positive (+) economic feasibility. It was analyzed that economic feasibility is affected by profit volatility and discount rate. Therefore, this study is expected to help shipping companies make more flexible decisions by using the real option model along with the existing net present value method when making ship investment decisions.

Comparative Study on the Estimation Methods of Traffic Crashes: Empirical Bayes Estimate vs. Observed Crash (교통사고 추정방법 비교 연구: 경험적 베이즈 추정치 vs. 관측교통사고건수)

  • Shin, Kangwon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.5D
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    • pp.453-459
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    • 2010
  • In the study of traffic safety, it is utmost important to obtain more reliable estimates of the expected crashes for a site (or a segment). The observed crashes have been mainly used as the estimate of the expected crashes in Korea, while the empirical Bayes (EB) estimates based on the Poisson-gamma mixture model have been used in the USA and several European countries. Although numerous studies have used the EB method for estimating the expected crashes and/or the effectiveness of the safety countermeasures, no past studies examine the difference in the estimation errors between the two estimates. Thus, this study compares the estimation errors of the two estimates using a Monte Carlo simulation study. By analyzing the crash dataset at 3,000,000 simulated sites, this study reveals that the estimation errors of the EB estimates are always less than those of the observed crashes. Hence, it is imperative to incorporate the EB method into the traffic safety research guideline in Korea. However, the results show that the differences in the estimation errors between the two estimates decrease as the uncertainty of the prior distribution increases. Consequently, it is recommended that the EB method be used with reliable hyper-parameter estimates after conducting a comprehensive examination on the estimated negative binomial model.

Estimation of Design Rainfalls Considering BCM2 Simulation Results (BCM2 모의 결과를 반영한 목표연도 확률강우량 산정)

  • Lee, Chang Hwan;Kim, Tae-Woong;Kyoung, Minsoo;Kim, Hung Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.3B
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 2010
  • Climatic disasters are globally soaring due to recent acceleration of global warming. Especially the occurrence frequency of heavy rainfalls is increasing since the rainfall intensity is increasing due to the change of rainfall pattern, This study proposed the non-stationary frequency analysis for estimating design rainfalls in a design target year, considering the change of rainfall pattern through the climatic change scenario. The annual rainfalls, which are regionally downscaled from the BCM2 (A2 scenario) and NCEP data using a K-NN method, were used to estimate the parameters of a probability distribution in a design target year, based on the relationship between annual mean rainfalls and distribution parameters. A Gumbel distribution with a probability weighted method was used in this study. Seoul rainfall data, which are the longest observations in Korea, were used to verified the proposed method. Then, rainfall data at 7 stations, which have statistical trends in observations in 2006, were used to estimate the design rainfalls in 2020. The results indicated that the regional annual rainfalls, which were estimated through the climate change scenario, significantly affect on the design rainfalls in future.

Estimation of Habitat Suitability Index of Fish Inhabiting the Seomjin River using WDFW and IFASG Methods (WDFW 및 IFASG 방법으로 섬진강 서식 어류의 서식지적합도지수(HSI) 산정)

  • Lee, Jong Jin;Kong, Dong Soo;Hur, Jun Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.484-484
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    • 2022
  • 서식지적합도지수(Habitat Suitability Index, HSI)는 어류의 환경생태유량(Environmental Ecological Flow) 산정과 관련해 국내외에서 PHABSIM (Physical Habitat Simulation System)이나 River2D 모형과 같은 생태수리 모형에 적용되고 있으며, 특히 물리적서식지모의시스템은 흐름특성(유량유속, 수심 등)의 변화에 대한 하도구간 내 대표어종의 물리적 서식지 변화를 예측하여 대상 어종에 대한 가용서식지면적(어류가 살 수 있는 서식지 면적, Weighed Usable Area, WUA)유량 관계를 통해 서식에 필요한 최적 유량을 산정하는 데 목적이 있다. 물리적 서식지적합도지수 산정과 화학적 서식지적합도지수 산정방법은 WDFW (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2004)방법과 IFASG (Instream Flow and Aquatic Systems Group, 1986)의 방법으로 산정하였다. 섬진강에서 2020년에는 3개지점, 2021년에는 2020년 3개지점과 새로운 3개지점에 대하여 각각 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 및 11월에 어류 조사 및 물리적 조건 등에 대하여 현장 모니터링을 실시하였다. 2차년도 동안 모니터링 결과 섬진강에서는 줄납자루, 섬진자가사리, 참중고기, 참몰개, 잉어, 붕어, 칼납자루, 큰납지리, 누치, 모래무지, 피라미, 치리, 블루길, 배스 14종에 대하여 물리적 및 화학적 HSI를 산정하였다. 주요종의 WDFW 방법에 따른 큰줄납자루는 수심 0.3~0.6 m, 유속 0.1~0.4 m/s, 섬진자가사리는 수심 0.2~0.5 m, 유속 0.3~0.7 m/s, 참중고기는 수심 0.4~0.8 m, 유속 0.1~0.6 m/s, 피라미는 수심 0.3~0.7 m, 유속 0.1~0.5 m/s로 산정되었다. IFASG 방법으로 큰줄납자루는 섬진강에서는 수심 0.64 m에서 최대의 출현도를 보였으며, HSI는 0.46~0.83 m, 유속은 0.59 m/s에서 최대의 출현도를 보였고, HSI는 0.38~0.83 m/s, 하상기질의 선호도는 평균입경(𝚽m) -1.14(grevel)에서 최대의 출현도를 보였으며, HSI -3.35~0.65(grevel~sand)로 산정되었다. 화학적 HSI 산정결과 큰줄납자루는 BOD는 1.0 mg/L에서 최대 출현도를 보였고, HSI는 0.7~1.2 mg/L, T-N은 0.925 mg/L에서 최대 출현도를 보이며 HSI는 0.604~1.277 mg/L, T-P는 0.028 mg/L에서 최대 출현도를 보이며 HSI는 0.021~0.034 mg/L, SS는 3.6 mg/L에서 최대 출현도를 보이며, HSI는 2.1~5.2 mg/L의 범위로 산정되었다. 산정된 범위는 환경부 생활환경기준 BOD 매우좋음(Ia)~좋음(Ib), T-P 매우좋음(Ia)~좋음(Ib) 등급으로 각각 확인되었다. 본 과제는 3차년(2022년)이 아직 남아 있어 HSI에 대하여 약간 보정이 있을 것이며, 최종 HSI가 산정이 되면 향후 환경적 기능을 고려한 중장기 정부 정책의 활용성 높은 기초자료가 될 것이다.

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Development of A Turn Label Based Optimal Path Search Algorithm (Turn Label 기반 최적경로탐색 알고리즘 개발)

  • Meeyoung Lee
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2024
  • The most optimal route-search algorithm thus far has introduced a method of applying node labels and link labels. Node labels consider two nodes simultaneously in the optimal route-search process, while link labels consider two links simultaneously. This study proposes a turn-label-based optimal route-search technique that considers two turns simultaneously in the process. Turn-label-based optimal route search guarantees the optimal solution of dynamic programming based on Bellman's principle as it considers a two-turn search process. Turn-label-based optimal route search can accommodate the advantages of applying link labels because the concept of approaching the limit of link labels is applied equally. Therefore, it is possible to reflect rational cyclic traffic where nodes allow multiple visits without expanding the network, while links do not allow visits. In particular, it reflects the additional cost structure that appears in two consecutive turns, making it possible to express the structure of the travel-cost function more flexibly. A case study was conducted on the metropolitan urban railway network consisting of transportation card terminal readers, aiming to examine the scalability of the research by introducing parameters that reflect psychological resistance in travel with continuous pedestrian transfers into turn label optimal path search. Simulation results showed that it is possible to avoid conservative transfers even if the travel time and distance increase as the psychological resistance value for continuous turns increases, confirming the need to reflect the cost structure of turn labels. Nevertheless, further research is needed to secure diversity in the travel-cost functions of road and public-transportation networks.

The Contact and Parallel Analysis of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Using Polyhedral Domain Decomposition (다면체영역분할을 이용한 SPH의 충돌 및 병렬해석)

  • Moonho Tak
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2024
  • In this study, a polyhedral domain decomposition method for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) analysis is introduced. SPH which is one of meshless methods is a numerical analysis method for fluid flow simulation. It can be useful for analyzing fluidic soil or fluid-structure interaction problems. SPH is a particle-based method, where increased particle count generally improves accuracy but diminishes numerical efficiency. To enhance numerical efficiency, parallel processing algorithms are commonly employed with the Cartesian coordinate-based domain decomposition method. However, for parallel analysis of complex geometric shapes or fluidic problems under dynamic boundary conditions, the Cartesian coordinate-based domain decomposition method may not be suitable. The introduced polyhedral domain decomposition technique offers advantages in enhancing parallel efficiency in such problems. It allows partitioning into various forms of 3D polyhedral elements to better fit the problem. Physical properties of SPH particles are calculated using information from neighboring particles within the smoothing length. Methods for sharing particle information physically separable at partitioning and sharing information at cross-points where parallel efficiency might diminish are presented. Through numerical analysis examples, the proposed method's parallel efficiency approached 95% for up to 12 cores. However, as the number of cores is increased, parallel efficiency is decreased due to increased information sharing among cores.