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Health Status and Use of Health Care Services of the Elderly Utilizing Senior citizen Centers (경로당 노인의 건강상태와 건강관리서비스 이용 관련요인 분석)

  • Shin, Sun-Hye;Kim, Jin-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.99-113
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    • 2002
  • For this study a sample of 205 people, 66 males and 139 females, over 65 years of age, residing in C-gu of S-si and utilizing senior centers, were selected, The objective of the study was to provide basic data for health promotion program development provided by health centers. A questionnaire was used to collect date on general characteristics, health status, social health status and utilization rate for health services. The instruments used in this study were the Lawton scale, to measure daily routine function, the MMSE-K developed by Folstein and modified to fit the Korea situation, for mental health status, and the CES-Dtool developed by Radloff, for emotional health status. the SPSS Window program was used to calculate percentages. Tests of significance were done using t-test and ANOVA. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify variables influencing the use of health services. The results are as follows : Of those utilizing senior citizen centers, 40.9% of males and 17.3% of the female thought they were healthy. The average score for IADL was 7.4. The daily routine of female respondents consisted of buying household articles and drugs, and other IADLs such as riding the bus or subway alone. These resulted in a higher score compared to males. For emotional health, 7.6% of the males reported depression compared to 21.6% of the females. For mental health, 48.5% of the males and 28.8% of the females were found to be in the group suspicious for dementia. On social health, 57.6% of the males and 62.6% of the females reported no intimate human relations. Of those older people who had close human relations, 52.5% of the males indicated a friend as the closest person and 53.8% of the females, their children. On use of health services, there was a significantly higher need for mobile medical care services treatment for those with lower education levels and status of window/widower. There was a significantly higher need for health exmination services for those with lower levels of exercise, greater satisfaction with sleep, higher levels of oral health care, and higher social contacts. In conclusion, there is a need to provide varied programs for the promotion of health, along with parallel resolution of social, psychological and economic issues. It is recommended that health services for elderly people provided by the health centers be implemented with full recognition of these characteristics and differences.

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A Study on the Influence of IT Education Service Quality on Educational Satisfaction, Work Application Intention, and Recommendation Intention: Focusing on the Moderating Effects of Learner Position and Participation Motivation (IT교육 서비스품질이 교육만족도, 현업적용의도 및 추천의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 학습자 직위 및 참여동기의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Ryeo-Eun;Yang, Sung-Byung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.169-196
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    • 2017
  • The fourth industrial revolution represents a revolutionary change in the business environment and its ecosystem, which is a fusion of Information Technology (IT) and other industries. In line with these recent changes, the Ministry of Employment and Labor of South Korea announced 'the Fourth Industrial Revolution Leader Training Program,' which includes five key support areas such as (1) smart manufacturing, (2) Internet of Things (IoT), (3) big data including Artificial Intelligence (AI), (4) information security, and (5) bio innovation. Based on this program, we can get a glimpse of the South Korean government's efforts and willingness to emit leading human resource with advanced IT knowledge in various fusion technology-related and newly emerging industries. On the other hand, in order to nurture excellent IT manpower in preparation for the fourth industrial revolution, the role of educational institutions capable of providing high quality IT education services is most of importance. However, these days, most IT educational institutions have had difficulties in providing customized IT education services that meet the needs of consumers (i.e., learners), without breaking away from the traditional framework of providing supplier-oriented education services. From previous studies, it has been found that the provision of customized education services centered on learners leads to high satisfaction of learners, and that higher satisfaction increases not only task performance and the possibility of business application but also learners' recommendation intention. However, since research has not yet been conducted in a comprehensive way that consider both antecedent and consequent factors of the learner's satisfaction, more empirical research on this is highly desirable. With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, a rising interest in various convergence technologies utilizing information technology (IT) has brought with the growing realization of the important role played by IT-related education services. However, research on the role of IT education service quality in the context of IT education is relatively scarce in spite of the fact that research on general education service quality and satisfaction has been actively conducted in various contexts. In this study, therefore, the five dimensions of IT education service quality (i.e., tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) are derived from the context of IT education, based on the SERVPERF model and related previous studies. In addition, the effects of these detailed IT education service quality factors on learners' educational satisfaction and their work application/recommendation intentions are examined. Furthermore, the moderating roles of learner position (i.e., practitioner group vs. manager group) and participation motivation (i.e., voluntary participation vs. involuntary participation) in relationships between IT education service quality factors and learners' educational satisfaction, work application intention, and recommendation intention are also investigated. In an analysis using the structural equation model (SEM) technique based on a questionnaire given to 203 participants of IT education programs in an 'M' IT educational institution in Seoul, South Korea, tangibles, reliability, and assurance were found to have a significant effect on educational satisfaction. This educational satisfaction was found to have a significant effect on both work application intention and recommendation intention. Moreover, it was discovered that learner position and participation motivation have a partial moderating impact on the relationship between IT education service quality factors and educational satisfaction. This study holds academic implications in that it is one of the first studies to apply the SERVPERF model (rather than the SERVQUAL model, which has been widely adopted by prior studies) is to demonstrate the influence of IT education service quality on learners' educational satisfaction, work application intention, and recommendation intention in an IT education environment. The results of this study are expected to provide practical guidance for IT education service providers who wish to enhance learners' educational satisfaction and service management efficiency.

Retail Product Development and Brand Management Collaboration between Industry and University Student Teams (산업여대학학생단대지간적령수산품개발화품패관리협작(产业与大学学生团队之间的零售产品开发和品牌管理协作))

  • Carroll, Katherine Emma
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.239-248
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    • 2010
  • This paper describes a collaborative project between academia and industry which focused on improving the marketing and product development strategies for two private label apparel brands of a large regional department store chain in the southeastern United States. The goal of the project was to revitalize product lines of the two brands by incorporating student ideas for new solutions, thereby giving the students practical experience with a real-life industry situation. There were a number of key players involved in the project. A privately-owned department store chain based in the southeastern United States which was seeking an academic partner had recognized a need to update two existing private label brands. They targeted middle-aged consumers looking for casual, moderately priced merchandise. The company was seeking to change direction with both packaging and presentation, and possibly product design. The branding and product development divisions of the company contacted professors in an academic department of a large southeastern state university. Two of the professors agreed that the task would be a good fit for their classes - one was a junior-level Intermediate Brand Management class; the other was a senior-level Fashion Product Development class. The professors felt that by working collaboratively on the project, students would be exposed to a real world scenario, within the security of an academic learning environment. Collaboration within an interdisciplinary team has the advantage of providing experiences and resources beyond the capabilities of a single student and adds "brainpower" to problem-solving processes (Lowman 2000). This goal of improving the capabilities of students directed the instructors in each class to form interdisciplinary teams between the Branding and Product Development classes. In addition, many universities are employing industry partnerships in research and teaching, where collaboration within temporal (semester) and physical (classroom/lab) constraints help to increase students' knowledge and experience of a real-world situation. At the University of Tennessee, the Center of Industrial Services and UT-Knoxville's College of Engineering worked with a company to develop design improvements in its U.S. operations. In this study, Because should be lower case b with a private label retail brand, Wickett, Gaskill and Damhorst's (1999) revised Retail Apparel Product Development Model was used by the product development and brand management teams. This framework was chosen because it addresses apparel product development from the concept to the retail stage. Two classes were involved in this project: a junior level Brand Management class and a senior level Fashion Product Development class. Seven teams were formed which included four students from Brand Management and two students from Product Development. The classes were taught the same semester, but not at the same time. At the beginning of the semester, each class was introduced to the industry partner and given the problem. Half the teams were assigned to the men's brand and half to the women's brand. The teams were responsible for devising approaches to the problem, formulating a timeline for their work, staying in touch with industry representatives and making sure that each member of the team contributed in a positive way. The objective for the teams was to plan, develop, and present a product line using merchandising processes (following the Wickett, Gaskill and Damhorst model) and develop new branding strategies for the proposed lines. The teams performed trend, color, fabrication and target market research; developed sketches for a line; edited the sketches and presented their line plans; wrote specifications; fitted prototypes on fit models, and developed final production samples for presentation to industry. The branding students developed a SWOT analysis, a Brand Measurement report, a mind-map for the brands and a fully integrated Marketing Report which was presented alongside the ideas for the new lines. In future if the opportunity arises to work in this collaborative way with an existing company who wishes to look both at branding and product development strategies, classes will be scheduled at the same time so that students have more time to meet and discuss timelines and assigned tasks. As it was, student groups had to meet outside of each class time and this proved to be a challenging though not uncommon part of teamwork (Pfaff and Huddleston, 2003). Although the logistics of this exercise were time-consuming to set up and administer, professors felt that the benefits to students were multiple. The most important benefit, according to student feedback from both classes, was the opportunity to work with industry professionals, follow their process, and see the results of their work evaluated by the people who made the decisions at the company level. Faculty members were grateful to have a "real-world" case to work with in the classroom to provide focus. Creative ideas and strategies were traded as plans were made, extending and strengthening the departmental links be tween the branding and product development areas. By working not only with students coming from a different knowledge base, but also having to keep in contact with the industry partner and follow the framework and timeline of industry practice, student teams were challenged to produce excellent and innovative work under new circumstances. Working on the product development and branding for "real-life" brands that are struggling gave students an opportunity to see how closely their coursework ties in with the real-world and how creativity, collaboration and flexibility are necessary components of both the design and business aspects of company operations. Industry personnel were impressed by (a) the level and depth of knowledge and execution in the student projects, and (b) the creativity of new ideas for the brands.

Analysis of the Eyeglasses Supply System for Ametropes in ROK Military (한국군 비정시자용 안경의 보급체계 분석)

  • Jin, Yong-Gab;Koo, Bon-Yeop;Lee, Woo-Chul;Yoon, Moon-Soo;Park, Jin-Tae;Lee, Hang-Seok;Lee, Kyo-Eun;Leem, Hyun-Sung;Jang, Jae-Young;Mah, Ki-Choong
    • The Korean Journal of Vision Science
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.579-588
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    • 2018
  • Purpose : To analyze the eyeglasses supply system for ametropic soldiers in ROK military. Methods : We investigated and analyzed the supply system of eyeglasses for the ametropic soldiers provided by the Korean military. The refractive powers and corrected visual acuity were measured for 37 ametropic soldiers who wear insert glasses for ballistic protective and gas-masks supplied by the military based on their habitual prescriptions. Full correction of refractive error was prescribed for subjects having less than 1.0 of distance visual acuity, and comparison was held for inspecting the changes in corrected visual acuity. Suggestions were provided for solving the issues regarding current supplying system, and this study investigated the applicabilities for utilizing professional optometric manpower. Results : The new glasses supplied by army for ametropic soldiers were duplicated from the glasses they worn when entering the army. The spherical equivalent refractive powers of the conventional, ballistic protective and gas-mask insert glasses supplied for 37 ametropic soldiers were 3.47±1.69D, 3.52±1.66D and 3.55±1.63D, respectively, and the spherical equivalent refractive power of full corrected glasses was 3.79±1.66D, which showed a significant difference(p<0.05). The distant corrected visual acuity measured at high and low contrast(logMAR) of conventional, ballistic protective and gas-mask insert glasses were 0.06±0.80, 0.21±0.82, 0.15±0.74, 0.34±0.89, 0.10±0.70 and 0.22±0.27, respectively, while the corrected visual acuity by full corrected glasses were increased to 0.02±1.05, 0.10±0.07, 0.09±0.92, 0.26±0.10, 0.04±1.00 and 0.19±1.00, respectively. There was a significant difference(p<0.05) except for the case of the low contrast corrected visual acuity of the conventional and gas-mask insert glasses. The procedure for ordering, dispensing, and supplying military glasses consists of 5 steps, and it was found that approximately two weeks or more are required to supply from the initial examination. Conclusion : The procedure of supplying the military glasses showed three issues: 1) a lack of refraction for prescription system, 2) relatively long length of time required for supplying the glasses, 3) an inaccurate power of supplied glasses. In order to solve those issues, in the short term, education is necessarily required for soldiers on the measurement of the refractive powers, and in the near future, further standard procedures for prescription of glasses as well as the securement of optometric manpower are expected.

Dismantling and Restoration of the Celadon Stool Treasure with an Openwork Ring Design (보물 청자 투각고리문 의자의 해체 및 복원)

  • KWON, Ohyoung;LEE, Sunmyung;LEE, Jangjon;PARK, Younghwan
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.200-211
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    • 2022
  • The celadon stools with an openwork ring design which consist of four items as one collection were excavated from Gaeseong, Gyeonggi-do Province. The celadon stools were designated and managed as treasures due to their high arthistorical value in the form of demonstrating the excellence of celadon manufacturing techniques and the fanciful lifestyles during the Goryeo Dynasty. However, one of the items, which appeared to have been repaired and restored in the past, suffered a decline in aesthetic value due to the aging of the treatment materials and the lack of skill on the part of the conservator, raising the need for re-treatment as a result of structural instability. An examination of the conservation condition prior to conservation treatment found structural vulnerabilities because physical damage had been artificially inflicted throughout the area that was rendered defective at the time of manufacturing. The bonded surfaces for the cracked areas and detached fragments did not fit, and these areas and fragments had deteriorated because the adhesive trickled down onto the celadon surface or secondary contaminants, such as dust, were on the adhesive surface. The study identified the position, scope, and conditions of the bonded areas at the cracks UV rays and microscopy in order to investigate the condition of repair and restoration. By conducting Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR) and portable x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy on the materials used for the former conservation treatment, the study confirmed the use of cellulose resins and epoxy resins as adhesives. Furthermore, the analysis revealed the addition of gypsum(CaSO4·2H2O) and bone meal(Ca10 (PO4)6(OH)2) to the adhesive to increase the bonding strength of some of the bonded areas that sustained force. Based on the results of the investigation, the conservation treatment for the artifact would focus on completely dismantling the existing bonded areas and then consolidating vulnerable areas through bonding and restoration. After removing and dismantling the prior adhesive used, the celadon stool was separated into 6 large fragments including the top and bottom, the curved legs, and some of the ring design. After dismantling, the remaining adhesive and contaminants were chemically and physically removed, and a steam cleaner was used to clean the fractured surfaces to increase the bonding efficacy of the re-bonding. The bonding of the artifact involved applying the adhesive differently depending on the bonding area and size. The cyanoacrylate resin Loctite 401 was used on the bonding area that held the positions of the fragments, while the acrylic resin Paraloid B-72 20%(in xylene) was treated on cross sections for reversibility in the areas that provided structural stability before bonding the fragments using the epoxy resin Epo-tek 301-2. For areas that would sustain force, as in the top and bottom, kaolin was added to Epo-tek 301-2 in order to reinforce the bonding strength. For the missing parts of the ring design where a continuous pattern could be assumed, a frame was made using SN-sheets, and the ring design was then modeled and restored by connecting the damaged cross section with Wood epos. Other restoration areas that occurred during bonding were treated by being filled with Wood epos for aesthetic and structural stabilization. Restored and filled areas were color-matched to avoid the feeling of disharmony from differences of texture in case of exhibitions in the future. The investigation and treatment process involving a variety of scientific technology was systematically documented so as to be utilized as basic data for the conservation and maintenance.

A Study on Snack Intake Behavior by the Stress Level of High School Students in Jeonnam Area (전남지역 고등학생의 스트레스 수준에 따른 간식 섭취 행태 연구)

  • Park, Hye Sook;Jung, Lan Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.141-164
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the stress perception, dietary habits, lifestyle and snack intake behaviors of students to help dietary education of high school students in Jeonnam area. The data were collected from high school students in Jeonnam area and 503 questionnaires were used for analysis. The main results of this study are as follows. First, the mean scores of high school students' perception of stress were 2.92 points for male students and 3.07 points for female students, and female students were statistically significantly higher than male students(p<.01). Stress perceptions showed significant differences in school stress(p<.001) and family stress(p<.05) according to gender, and female students gained more stressed than male students. Second, the dietary habits and lifestyle characteristics of high school students by gender showed significant difference between male students and female students at the one meal time(p<.001), the amount of meal(p<.05), the tendency of eating habits(p<.001), the salty taste of food(p<.05), the exercise frequency per week(p<.001) and the exercise time per day(p<.001), respectively. One meal time was shorter for male students than for female students, and the amount of meals was more suitable amount for female students than male students. Also, male students ate more regularly than female students and female students preferred more stimulating foods than male students. Male students ate slightly bland salty taste, and female students ate standard salty taste. The exercise frequency per week and the exercise time per day were more in male students than in female students. Third, the snack intake characteristics of high school students by gender showed significantly different between male students and female students at the cost of snack per day(p<.01), the time to eat snacks(p<.01) and the favorite snacks(p<.001), respectively. The cost of snack per day was higher for female students than for male students in case of less than 4,000 won. The time for eating snack showed that 'Irregularly' was high for male students and 'In the evening after lunch' was high for female students. The favorite snacks were cookies, candies and chocolates for male and female students. Forth, the dietary habits and lifestyle characteristics of high school students by stress level showed significantly different at the frequency of daily meals(p<.05), the tendency of eating habits(p<.01) and the salty taste of food(p<.05), respectively. The frequency of daily meals was more than four times in case of the 'High stress' and 'Low stress' groups. The tendency of eating habit was low in regular meal rate in 'High stress' group. Fifth, the snack intake characteristics of high school students by stress level showed significantly different in the frequency of snacks per day(p<.05) and the favorite taste of snacks(p<.05). In case of the frequency of daily snack intake, 'More than 4 times' was highest in 'High stress' group and 'Low stress' group. The favorite taste of snacks showed that the spicy taste was highest in the 'High stress' group and the 'Low stress' group.

A Study of Influence of Filgrastim on PET/CT In Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma (미만성 거대 B 세포 림프종 환자에서 Filgrastim 사용이 PET/CT 영상에 미치는 영향에 대한 고찰)

  • NamKoong, Hyuk;Park, Hoon-Hee;Ban, Yung-Gak;Kang, Sin-Chang;Kim, Sang-Kyoo;Lim, Han-Sang;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: It has been known that PET/CT is very valuable in follow-up study of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Generally, in DLBCL, radiotherapy and chemotherapy has been progressed, because the lesion hasn‘t been limited to one site. And, it has lead to the decrease of leukocyte like neutropenia, due to myelosuppression of chemotherapy. So, in that case, administration of Filgrastim (Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; G-CSF) is universal. However, in short time after administration, PET/CT has limitation to offer accurate images, through the uptake of 18F-FDG is increased in the region that is activated bone marrow by hematopoietic growth. Therefore, the aim of this study is that PET/CT in a certain period of time after administration of Filgrastim is able to show normal degree of 18F-FDG uptake. Materials and Methods: 10 patients under follow-up study of diffuse large B cell lymphoma were examined in this study from January, 2007 to January, 2009 (Male: 4 persons; Female: 6 persons; The mean age: 53.8 years old; The mean weight: 57.3 Kg). Using PET/CT (Discovery STe; GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA), whole body images were acquired in 1 hour after 18F-FDG injection. For image analysis, each ROI (120mm2) was drawn on C6 (the sixth C-spine), L4 (the forth L-spine), liver, spleen, and lung, then SUV (Standard Uptake Value)s were measured. We compared with each uptake between in 1-day and 5~7 days after administration of Filgrastim at same patient, so confirmed significance about these by SPSS version 12. Results: In case of C6, L4, spleen, every SUV of 1 day later was remarkably higher than that of 5~7 days later, but liver and lung were similar. Also, the images acquired after 5~7 days distinct remarkably and show normal degree of 18F-FDG uptake, because uptake of bone was almost disappeared. Conclusions: In this study, each SUV was prominent difference as a period of time after Filgrastim’s administration. And Filgrastim makes concentrate uptake of 18F-FDG in bone, but, after 5~7 days, bone‘s uptake was greatly decreased. Therefore, we are able to infer a certain period of time that shows normal degree of uptake, by numerical value proven. Also, we consider that this study contribute to advanced study about the other agent like Pegfilgrastim, Lenograstim besides Filgrastim, afterwards.

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Construction of Event Networks from Large News Data Using Text Mining Techniques (텍스트 마이닝 기법을 적용한 뉴스 데이터에서의 사건 네트워크 구축)

  • Lee, Minchul;Kim, Hea-Jin
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.183-203
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    • 2018
  • News articles are the most suitable medium for examining the events occurring at home and abroad. Especially, as the development of information and communication technology has brought various kinds of online news media, the news about the events occurring in society has increased greatly. So automatically summarizing key events from massive amounts of news data will help users to look at many of the events at a glance. In addition, if we build and provide an event network based on the relevance of events, it will be able to greatly help the reader in understanding the current events. In this study, we propose a method for extracting event networks from large news text data. To this end, we first collected Korean political and social articles from March 2016 to March 2017, and integrated the synonyms by leaving only meaningful words through preprocessing using NPMI and Word2Vec. Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic modeling was used to calculate the subject distribution by date and to find the peak of the subject distribution and to detect the event. A total of 32 topics were extracted from the topic modeling, and the point of occurrence of the event was deduced by looking at the point at which each subject distribution surged. As a result, a total of 85 events were detected, but the final 16 events were filtered and presented using the Gaussian smoothing technique. We also calculated the relevance score between events detected to construct the event network. Using the cosine coefficient between the co-occurred events, we calculated the relevance between the events and connected the events to construct the event network. Finally, we set up the event network by setting each event to each vertex and the relevance score between events to the vertices connecting the vertices. The event network constructed in our methods helped us to sort out major events in the political and social fields in Korea that occurred in the last one year in chronological order and at the same time identify which events are related to certain events. Our approach differs from existing event detection methods in that LDA topic modeling makes it possible to easily analyze large amounts of data and to identify the relevance of events that were difficult to detect in existing event detection. We applied various text mining techniques and Word2vec technique in the text preprocessing to improve the accuracy of the extraction of proper nouns and synthetic nouns, which have been difficult in analyzing existing Korean texts, can be found. In this study, the detection and network configuration techniques of the event have the following advantages in practical application. First, LDA topic modeling, which is unsupervised learning, can easily analyze subject and topic words and distribution from huge amount of data. Also, by using the date information of the collected news articles, it is possible to express the distribution by topic in a time series. Second, we can find out the connection of events in the form of present and summarized form by calculating relevance score and constructing event network by using simultaneous occurrence of topics that are difficult to grasp in existing event detection. It can be seen from the fact that the inter-event relevance-based event network proposed in this study was actually constructed in order of occurrence time. It is also possible to identify what happened as a starting point for a series of events through the event network. The limitation of this study is that the characteristics of LDA topic modeling have different results according to the initial parameters and the number of subjects, and the subject and event name of the analysis result should be given by the subjective judgment of the researcher. Also, since each topic is assumed to be exclusive and independent, it does not take into account the relevance between themes. Subsequent studies need to calculate the relevance between events that are not covered in this study or those that belong to the same subject.

Multimodality Treatement in Patients with Clinical Stage IIIA NSCLC (임상적 IIIA병기 비소세포폐암의 다각적 치료의 효과)

  • Lee, Yun Seun;Jang, Pil Soon;kang, Hyun Mo;Lee, Jeung Eyun;Kwon, Sun Jung;An, Jin Yong;Jung, Sung Soo;Kim, Ju Ock;Kim, Sun Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.57 no.6
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    • pp.557-566
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    • 2004
  • Background : To find out effectiveness of multimodality treatments based on induction chemotherapy(CTx) in patients with clinical stage IIIA NSCLC Methods : From 1997 to 2002, 74 patients with clinical stage IIIA NSCLC underwent induction CTx at the hospital of Chungnam National University. Induction CTx included above two cycles of cisplatin-based regimens(ectoposide, gemcitabine, vinorelbine, or taxol) followed by tumor evaluation. In 30 complete resection group, additional 4500-5000cGy radiotherapy(RTx) was delivered in 15 patients with pathologic nodal metastasis. 29 out of 44 patients who were unresectable disease, refusal of operation, and incomplete resection were followed by 60-70Gy RTx in local treatment. Additional 1-3 cycle CTx were done in case of induction CTx responders in both local treatment groups. Results : Induction CTx response rate were 44.6%(complete remission 1.4% & partial response 43.2%) and there was no difference of response rate by regimens(p=0.506). After induction chemotherapy, only 33 out of resectable 55 ones(including initial resectable 37 patients) were performed by surgical treatment because of 13 refusal of surgery by themselves and 9 poor predicted reserve lung function. There were 30(40.5%) patients with complete resection, 2(2.6%) persons with incomplete resection, and 1(1.3%) person with open & closure. Response rate in 27 ones with chest RTx out of non-operation group was 4.8% CR and 11.9% PR. In complete resection group, relapse free interval was 13.6 months and 2 year recur rate was 52%. In non-complete resection(incomplete resection or non-operation) group, disease progression free interval was 11.2 months and 2 year disease progression rate was 66.7%. Median survival time of induction CTx 74 patients with IIIA NSCLC was 25.1months. When compared complete resection group with non-complete resection group, the median survival time was 31.7 and 23.4months(p=0.024) and the 2-year overall survival rate was 80% and 41%. In the complete resection group, adjuvant postoperative RTx subgroup significantly improved the 2-year local control rate(0% vs. 40%, p= 0.007) but did not significantly improve overall survival(32.2months vs. 34.9months, p=0.48). Conculusion : Induction CTx is a possible method in the multimodality treatments, especially followed by complete resection, but overall survival by any local treatment(surgical resection or RTx) was low. Additional studies should be needed to analysis data for appropriate patient selection, new chemotherapy regimens and the time when should RTx be initiated.

The Analysis of the Current Status of Medical Accidents and Disputes Researched in the Korean Web Sites (인터넷 사이트를 통해 살펴본 의료사고 및 의료분쟁의 현황에 관한 분석)

  • Cha, Yu-Rim;Kwon, Jeong-Seung;Choi, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Chong-Youl
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.297-316
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    • 2006
  • The increasing tendency of medical disputes is one of the remarkable social phenomena. Especially we must not overlook the phenomenon that production and circulation of information related to medical accidents is increasing rapidly through the internet. In this research, we evaluated the web sites which provide the information related to medical accidents using the keyword "medical accidents" in March 2006, and classified the 28 web sites according to the kinds of establishers. We also analyzed the contents of the sites, and checked and compared the current status of the web sites and problems that have to be improved. Finally, we suggested the possible solutions to prevent medical accidents. The detailed results were listed below. 1. Medical practitioners, general public, and lawyers were all familiar with and prefer the term "medical accidents" mainly. 2. In the number of sites searched by the keyword "medical accidents", lawyer had the most sites and medical practitioners had the least ones. 3. Many sites by general public and lawyers had their own medical record analysts but there was little professional analysts for dentistry. 4. General public were more interested in the prevention of medical accidents but the lawyers were more interested in the process after medical accidents. The sites by medical practitioners dealt with the least remedies of medical accidents, compared with other sites. 5. General public wanted the third party such as government intervention into the disputes including the medical dispute arbitration law or/and the establishment of independent medical dispute judgment institution. 6. In the comparison among the establishers of web sites, medical practitioners dealt with the least examples of medical accidents. 7. The suggestion of cases in counseling articles related to dental accidents were considered less importantly than the reality. 8. Whereas there were many articles about domestic cases related to the bloody dental treatment, in the open counseling articles the number of dental treatment regarding to non insurance treatment was large. 9. In comparing offered information of medical accidents based on the establishers, general public offered vocabularies, lawyers offered related laws and medical practitioners offered medical knowledge relatively. 10. They all cited the news pressed by the media to offer the current status of domestic medical accidents. Especially among the web sites by general public, NGOs provided the plentiful statistical data related to medical accidents. 11. The web sites that collect the medical accidents were only two. As a result of our research, we found out that, in the flood of information, medical disputes can be occurred by the wrong information from third party, and the medical practitioners have the most passive attitudes on the medical accidents. Thus, it is crucial to have the mutual interchange and exchange of information between lawyer, patients and medical practitioners, so that based on clear mutual comprehension we can solve the accidents and disputes more positively and actively.