• Title/Summary/Keyword: almost increasing sequences

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An Application of Absolute Matrix Summability using Almost Increasing and δ-quasi-monotone Sequences

  • Ozarslan, Hikmet Seyhan
    • Kyungpook Mathematical Journal
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2019
  • In the present paper, absolute matrix summability of infinite series is studied. A new theorem concerning absolute matrix summability factors, which generalizes a known theorem dealing with absolute Riesz summability factors of infinite series, is proved using almost increasing and ${\delta}$-quasi-monotone sequences. Also, a result dealing with absolute $Ces{\grave{a}}ro$ summability is given.

Restoration of Faxed Images Degraded by Noises

  • 윤명영;김주성
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 1998
  • The importance of fax imagerestoration is constantly increasing with the widespreasd use of facsimile machines in almost every sector of modern society. Recently, Handley and Doutherty proposed a morphological method for restoration of fax images, Their method removed effectively the only salient noise in the fax images. However, it could not remove the white and pepper noise that can appear in fax images since they treated fax images as deterministic sequences rather than random fields. Furthermore, this approach suffers from computational burden since it does not use recursive restoration technique. To cope with those difficulties, in this paper, we propose a new restoration scheme for restoring fax images using Kalman fitering which provides and efficient recursive processor. The proposed restoration method is based on the wide-sense Markov random fields (WSM).In order to verify the performance of the proposed restoration method, several experiments with the CCITT Group 3 fax machine were conducted with the generated document .Experimental results revealed that our proposed restoration method was shown to be superior to Handley et.al's method for restoring fax images.

Effect of Reverse Transformation on Mechanical Behavior of Low Carbon High Manganese Steels (저탄소 고망간강의 기계적 거동에 미치는 역변태 처리의 영향)

  • Hong, H.;Lee, O.Y.;Lee, K.B.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.278-287
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    • 1997
  • The TRIP behavior in tensile deformation of retained austenite formed by reverse transformation treatment in 0.15%C-6%Mn-(Ti, Nb) steels has been investigated. The shape of retained austenite was almost a fine lath type with $0.1{\sim}0.3{\mu}m$ width and the two distinctly different transformation sequences of retained austenite, i) retained austenite${\rightarrow}$martensite and ii) retained austenite${\rightarrow}$deformation twin${\rightarrow}$martensite were revealed. The strength-elongation combination was increased with increasing the holdig time at low temperatures ($625^{\circ}C$) but decreased abruptly with increasing holding time at high temperatures ($675^{\circ}C$), owing to the lowering of ductility. The strength-elongation combination and TRIP effect was lower in tensile deformation in the range of $100{\sim}250^{\circ}C$ than room temperature. The tensile strengh and elongation of a reverse transformed steels with addition of Ti or Nb was 93kg/, 40% respectively, which is higher over 10% of strength without ductility loss than in 0.15%C-6%Mn steels.

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Influence of Applied Electric Fields and Drive Frequencies on The Actuating Displacement of a Plate-type Piezoelectric Composite Actuator (평판형 압전 복합재료 작동기의 작동 변위에 미치는 인가전압 및 구동주파수의 영향)

  • Goo Nam-Seo;Woo Sung-Choong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.30 no.5 s.248
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    • pp.576-584
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    • 2006
  • The actuating performance test of plate-type piezoelectric composite actuators having different lay-up sequences was experimentally carried out at simply supported and fixed-free boundary conditions. The actuating displacement of manufactured plate-type piezoelectric composite actuator (PCA) was measured using a non-contact laser displacement measurement system. Our results revealed that the actuating displacement with increasing applied electric field at a drive frequency of 1Hz increased non-linearly at the simply supported boundary condition whereas it almost linearly increased at the fixed-free boundary condition. On the other hand, the actuating displacement of piezoelectric composite actuator depended on the applied electric field in a drive frequency range from 1Hz to 10Hz, but its behavior was different in higher drive frequencies beyond 15Hz due to the occurrence of resonance. On the basis of the above experimental results, the bending characteristics of PCAs revealed different behavior depending on applied electric fields, drive frequencies as well as boundary conditions. Therefore, by investigating drive frequencies together with applied electric fields, actuating performance can be easily controlled and PCAs which were fabricated for this study will be sufficiently applied to pumping devices.

Studies on the Bleaching Efficiency in Newsprint Using Formamidine Sulfinic Acid

  • Choi, Won-Jung;Kim, Hyoung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Conference
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    • 2006.06b
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    • pp.381-386
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    • 2006
  • Many different types of bleaching chemicals and processes have been globally used for deinked pulp. Besides chlorine-free bleaching chemicals, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium dithionite that could be used without restriction for almost all types of fibers, chlorine-containing chemicals such as chlorine dioxide and sodium hypochlorite have also used throughout the world. Even though hydrogen peroxide is commonly used in newsprint, it could not effectively increase brightness. Experimental evaluation on the possibility of using formamidine sulfinic acid (FAS), a reducing agent, for bleaching a wood-containing deinked pulp has been carried out in this study. The effect of bleaching efficiency for FAS on operational conditions and chemical concentrations compaired to hydrogen peroxide in one and two stages was studied. FAS bleaching showed higher brightness at high temperature and low consistency, and vice versa for peroxide one. Bleaching with sodium silicate and DTPA in FAS and peroxide stage showed better results than cases without them. Sodium silicate and chelant seemed minimize the influence of transition metal ions, including manganese and iron ions, which induce both bleaching agents to decompose. As a result, FAS as a reducing agent seems more effective than hydrogen peroxide for increasing brightness and reducing yellowness. FAS and FAS sequence seemed more efficient than the other two stages of bleaching sequences with regard to the best brightness level obtained. When bleaching was conducted with FAS, COD load was just about one-third compared to peroxide, and brightness stability of the bleached pulp appeared better than peroxide after UV light irradiation.

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Thickness Effect on the Compressive Strength of T800/924C Carbon Fibre-Epoxy Laminates (T800/924C 탄소-에폭시 복합재판의 압축강도에 대한 두께 효과)

  • Lee, J.;C. Kong;C. Soutis
    • Composites Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.7-17
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    • 2004
  • In this study, the effect of laminate thickness on the compressive behaviour of composite materials is investigated through systematic experimental work using the stacking sequences, $[O_4]_{ns},{\;}[45/0/-45/90]_{ns}$ and $[45_n/0_n/-45_n/90_n]_s$ (n=2 to 8). Parameters such as fibre volume fraction, void content, fibre waviness and interlaminar stresses, influencing compressive strength with increasing laminate thickness are also studied experimentally and theoretically. Furthermore the stacking sequence effects on failure strength of multidirectional laminates are examined. For this purpose, two different scaling techniques are used; (1) ply-level technique $[45_n/0_n/-45_n/90_n]s$ and (2) sublaminate level technique $[45/0/-45/90]_{ns}$. An apparent thickness effect existes in the lay-up with blocked plies, i.e. unidirectional specimens ($[O_4]_{ns}) and ply-level scaled multidirectional specimens ($[45_n/0_n/-45_n/90_n]_s$). Fibre waviness and void content are found to be main parameters contributing to the thickness effect on the compressive failure strength. However, the compressive strength of the sublaminate level scaled specimens ($[45/0/-45/90]_{ns}$) is almost unaffected regardless of the specimen thickness (since ply thickness remains constant). From the investigation of the stacking sequence effect, the strength values obtained from the sublaminate level scaled specimens are slightly higher than those obtained from the ply level scaled specimens. The reason for this effect is explained by the fibre waviness, void content, free edge effect and stress redistribution in blocked $0^{\circ}$ plies and unblocked $0^{\circ}$ plies. The measured failure strengths are compared with the predicted values.