• Title/Summary/Keyword: air quality evaluation

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The Evaluation of Catalytic Trap Oxidizer on a City Bus (市內버스 煤煙防止를 위한 觸媒酸化濾過裝置의 實用化 硏究)

  • Cho, Kang-Rae;Kim, Yang-Kyun;Eom, Myung-Do;Kim, Chong-Chun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 1989
  • In order to reduce the smoke emission from the in-service city bus, this study was evaluated the particulate reduction efficiency and regeneration ability of the catalitic trap oxidizer (CTO) on the city bus (D0846HM engine) equipped with it. Before the on-road CTO test, the laboratory test of CTO on engine test-bench was performed. Reduction efficiencies of smokes and particulates were 54 and 45%, and those of gaseous pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) were 90 and 60%. In order to evaluate the regeneration ability of the CTO by the catalytic oxidation of trapped particulate, field test was performed on the in-service road. The regeneration temperature was 350$^\circ$ which was same with the exhaust temperature of city bus.

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A Study on the Indoor Air Quality in the bedroom with respect to Temperature and Humidity conditions (온도 및 습도 조건에 따른 침실 공기환경에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Gyu;Kim, Se-Hwan
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2011
  • People spend most of their time inside buildings recently, so the indoor air quality is one of the most important factors to human health. Furthermore, minimum energy use with proper ventilation systems for pleasant indoor environment is necessary because of energy shortage over the world. The concern to maintain proper indoor air quality at home has been increased, and a proper indoor air quality is continuously requested by the residents. By measuring and analyzing the density fluctuation of $CO_2$ through indoor humidity and testing personal reactions regarding comfort condition, we can obtain a way to effective ventilation. Heat and carbon dioxide emissions from resident's metabolism and construction materials could be the causes of indoor air pollution. If these materials stay indoors for a long time, it could directly influence the resident's health condition with diseases. It also leads massive energy use. Therefore, the way to save energy and to have effective control of indoor ventilation is needed. This study presented the control method of bedroom ventilation by $CO_2$ concentration change and subjective evaluation.

Evaluation Methods for Chemical Emissions from TV Products and Establishing Criteria for the Perceived Indoor Air Quality (컬러TV 제품의 오염물질 방출특성 평가방법과 관리 기준안 설정에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Hyo-Seok;Yoon, Dong-Won;Lee, Yoon-Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.304-313
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    • 2010
  • During recent years, various studies have demonstrated that indoor chemical pollution causes health problem and also negatively affect the performance of work by occupants. Building materials have been concerned as indoor chemical sources. Some of guidelines and certification system has been developed and resulted as dramatic decrease of harmful indoor chemicals such as formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds. Also, Home furniture and electrical devices has been concerned as one the primary influence the indoor chemical concentration in residential spaces. It is found that various kinds of electric home appliances have a significant source of chemical emission in indoor environments. In this study, the methodologies of detecting harmful chemicals from various kinds of products has been developed with large chamber measurement system and suggest some of the evaluation method for the chemicals from the home appliances as TV sets.

A Study on Indoor Environmental Quality Evaluation in Apartment Buildings - Focus on Apartment Buildings in USA - (공동주택에서의 실내환경의 질 평가에 관한 연구 - 미국 공동주택 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Sung-Hoon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2009
  • Residential Buildings should provide high-quality, comfortable environments to support the activities of their occupants. The indoor environment of residential buildings, which includes thermal, lighting, acoustic, and indoor air quality, has a significant impact on health and quality of life. The comfortable living environment in residential buildings result from appropriately combining these environmental quality factors, and the performance of building systems must be compatible with the activities of the occupants. The objective of this research is to investigate and analyze the relationship between physical environmental conditions and occupant responses for improving environmental quality (EQ) in apartment buildings with four different building orientations (i.e. E, W, S, N) in two different seasons (i.e. winter and summer). The occupant survey was conducted in actual apartment buildings. The Physical environmental conditions in apartment buildings differed substantially depending on space, outdoor weather conditions and building orientations. Each space within the same apartment building had different environmental conditions. Combinations of unbalanced physical environmental conditions in apartment building decrease occupants' satisfactions and their perceptions of overall residential quality. Occupants' satisfaction and their responses to physical characteristics of their residential environment is related to thermal, lighting, acoustic, and indoor air conditions in their buildings. The result from this research will help designers and researchers to identify problems and develop solutions for improving environmental quality from the occupants' point of view.

A Study on Development of the Meteorological Data Preprocessing Program for Air Pollution Modeling (대기오염 모델링을 위한 기상자료 전처리 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Ik-Hyun;Bae, Sung-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2015
  • Recently, rapid urbanization and industrialization had increased the air pollution in major cities by increasing the fuel consumption. Air pollution models have been widely used for air quality management in many countries. Also, a lot of related studies have been conducted using air dispersion models. In this study, The meteorological preprocessing program was developed to convert the korea meteorological data to the U.S. meteorological data and to expand the usability of air dispersion models of U.S. EPA. In addition, the usability evaluation was carried out through a case study. In the results of the evaluation of the program, this program was accurately convert the Korea meteorological data to the U.S. meteorological data, and the prediction was carried out without a error in air quality modeling. Therefore, the program showed a high utilization as meteorological data pre-processing tool.

The Effects of Drying Method and Spice Extracts Added to Beef Jerky on the Quality Characteristics of Beef Jerky (건조방법과 향신료 추출물 첨가가 육포의 품질특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Chu-Ja;Park, Chan-Sung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.800-809
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    • 2007
  • To develope Hanbang beef jerky as health food, six kinds of beef jerky were prepared by adding sugar (A), licorice (B) and three kinds of spice extracts (clove: C, fennel fruit: D and Chungyang green pepper extract: E) and mixture of all extracts (F). The effects of the drying method and added spice extracts on the quality characteristics of the beef jerky were evaluated. In general, the air-blast dried beef jerky contained $31{\sim}33%$ moisture, $50.0{\sim}51.2%$ crude protein, $7.2{\sim}7.8%$ crude lipid and $3.0{\sim}3.3%$ crude ash. For the mineral content of the air-blast dried jerky, the most prevalent mineral was Na $(1540.08{\sim}1838.17$ mg%), followed by K, P, Mg, and Ca. The Ca content of the beef jerky was highest in the mixed extract group (88.53 mg%), and the lowest content was in sugar-added group (53.12 mg%). For the color properties, the L-value (lightness), a-value (redness) and b-value (yellowness) were higher in the air-blast dried beef jerky than in the hot air dried samples. The drying methods showed their greatest affect on the redness (a) for all six jerkies (p<0.001). For the preference by sensory evaluation, the beef jerky samples with added sugar (A) and licorice extract (B) had significantly higher scores than the beef jerky samples with the added spice extracts, for both of air-blast drying and hot air drying (p<0.05). Preference for the air-blast dried beef jerkies with added clove (C) and fennel fruits (D) were significantly higher, in terms of taste, color, softness and aftertaste as compared to the respective hot air dried jerkies (p<0.01). Considering all the obtained results, we concluded that licorice and spice extracts can be used as natural preservatives in the development of health foods and the air-blast drying method is recommended to improve the quality characteristics of beef jerky.

A Study on Statistical Parameters for the Evaluation of Regional Air Quality Modeling Results - Focused on Fine Dust Modeling - (지역규모 대기질 모델 결과 평가를 위한 통계 검증지표 활용 - 미세먼지 모델링을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Cheol-Hee;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Jang, Min;Chun, Sungnam;Kang, Suji;Ko, Kwang-Kun;Lee, Jong-Jae;Lee, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.272-285
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    • 2020
  • We investigated statistical evaluation parameters for 3D meteorological and air quality models and selected several quantitative indicator references, and summarized the reference values of the statistical parameters for domestic air quality modeling researcher. The finally selected 9 statistical parameters are MB (Mean Bias), ME (Mean Error), MNB (Mean Normalized Bias Error), MNE (Mean Absolute Gross Error), RMSE (Root Mean Square Error), IOA (Index of Agreement), R (Correlation Coefficient), FE (Fractional Error), FB (Fractional Bias), and the associated reference values are summarized. The results showed that MB and ME have been widely used in evaluating the meteorological model output, and NMB and NME are most frequently used for air quality model results. In addition, discussed are the presentation diagrams such as Soccer Plot, Taylor diagram, and Q-Q (Quantile-Quantile) diagram. The current results from our study is expected to be effectively used as the statistical evaluation parameters suitable for situation in Korea considering various characteristics such as including the mountainous surface areas.

The influence on air quality of the surroundings by the facility of the district heating (집단 에너지 시설에 의한 주변 대기질 영향)

  • 연익준;주소영;이민희;손종렬;김광렬
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2002
  • The comparison of the air quality with the evaluation of the environmental assessment before and after operations of the heat source and of the flue-gas desulfurization facilities were studied. First of all, several sites were selected for the representative sample points, and then they were examined air quality of the surroundings. The results were that TSP(total suspended particulate) analysis after an operation of the heat source facility was $74~81{\mu}g/m^3$, PM-10 was $31~94{\mu}g/m^3$, and $SO_2$concentration was 0.002~0.009ppm, respectively. As the result of examination to the concentrations of diffused pollutants, there was no relations between TSP concentration of sample points and the effect of air quality according to the heating source. When we compared the neighbored area of the heating source with the other area, the concentration of air pollutants after an operation of the facility of the heating source was similar to the heating source, the neighbored area, and the other area. So we concluded that there was no the effect of the air pollution by producted pollutants from the heating source.

Effects of Adding Glutinous Barley Flour on Quality Characteristics of Yakgwa (흰찰쌀보릿가루의 첨가가 약과의 품질특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Ra, Ha-Na;Lee, In-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.604-611
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    • 2019
  • This study was undertaken to examine the quality characteristics of glutinous barley flour (GBF) Yakgwa produced by air frying. To achieve this, the pH of the dough as well as expansion ratio, color, texture, and sensory evaluation of Yakgwa were measured. The pH of the Yakgwa dough significantly decreases with increasing amount of GBF, over the range 5.35-5.45. Lightness (L), redness (a), and yellowness (b) also decrease with increasing amount of GBF. Furthermore, significant decrease was observed in the hardness, proportionate to the ratio of GBF added (p<0.001). Generic descriptive sensory evaluation results reveal that samples with high ratio of GBF show increased grain aroma, burnt aroma, grain flavor, nutty flavor, astringency, chalky taste, and hardness. The acceptance test determined the GBF-20 sample group to be high in flavor and texture (p<0.05). Therefore, it would be appropriate to apply to 20% GBF for alternative and the addition of GBF would be considered to have positive effects on the quality characteristics of Yakgwa using air fryer.

Air Quality Assessment for Development Plan after the Special Act on Licensing of Industrial Complexes (산업단지 「인·허가 특례법」 이후 개발계획에 따른 국내 대기질 영향예측)

  • Moon, Nankyoung;Kim, Soontae;Seo, Jihyun
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.1209-1222
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    • 2017
  • On June 5, 2008, the "Act on Special Cases Concerning the Simplification of Authorization and Permission Procedures for Industrial Complexes" (Act No. 9106) was enacted. When it was implemented in August 2008, many industrial complex development projects were established, and the number of industrial complexes growth rates of 3-6% during 2003-2007 rose to around 15% in 2008. With the increase in industrial complexes, the environmental impacts of individual projects were examined, but comprehensive regional reviews of environmental impacts were not undertaken. In this study, we determined changes in air quality by applying the industrial complex development plan that completed the consultation at the end of 2010 to assess the comprehensive regional environmental impacts and presented the adequacy review plan for future industrial development plans based on the study's results. When considering these industrial complex development plans, emissions in North Jeolla and South Chungcheong Provinces and Daegu City have increased significantly. Air quality analyses showed that the 24 h mean $SO_2$ concentration in Daegu increased by more than 50% in summer compared to air quality concentrations in summer. The 24 h mean $PM_{10}$ and $NO_2$ concentrations increased by approximately 12 and 30%, respectively, in North Jeolla Province in summer. Areas exceeding the air quality standard for 1 h mean $O_3$ concentration increased by more than $3,500km^2$. Based on the above analysis, changes in air quality should be anticipated through a comprehensive evaluation of long-term development plans. Furthermore, control of air quality in accordance with the development of future industrial complexes is possible.