• Title/Summary/Keyword: advanced nonlinear finite element

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Progressive Collapse-Resistant Rotational Capacity Evaluation of WUF-W Connection by Fracture Index Analysis (파괴지수분석에 의한 WUF-W 접합부의 연쇄붕괴저항 회전능력평가)

  • Kim, Seonwoong
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.353-360
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    • 2018
  • This paper is to investigate the micro-behavior of the double-span beams with WUF-W seismic connection under combined axial tension and moment and to propose the rational rotational capacity of it for progressive collapse-resistant analysis and design addressing the stress and strain transfer mechanism. To this end, the behavior of the double-span beams under the column missing event is first investigated using the advanced nonlinear finite element analysis. The characteristics of fracture indices of double-span beams with WUF-W connection under combined axial tension and flexural moment are addressed and then proposed the rational rotational capacity as the basic datum for the progressive collapse-resistant design and analysis. The distribution of fracture indices related to stress and strain for the double-span beams is investigated based on a material and geometric nonlinear finite element analysis. Furthermore, the micro-behavior for earthquake and progressive collapse is explicitly different.

A graphical user interface for stand-alone and mixed-type modelling of reinforced concrete structures

  • Sadeghian, Vahid;Vecchio, Frank
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.287-309
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    • 2015
  • FormWorks-Plus is a generalized public domain user-friendly preprocessor developed to facilitate the process of creating finite element models for structural analysis programs. The lack of a graphical user interface in most academic analysis programs forces users to input the structural model information into the standard text files, which is a time-consuming and error-prone process. FormWorks-Plus enables engineers to conveniently set up the finite element model in a graphical environment, eliminating the problems associated with conventional input text files and improving the user's perception of the application. In this paper, a brief overview of the FormWorks-Plus structure is presented, followed by a detailed explanation of the main features of the program. In addition, demonstration is made of the application of FormWorks-Plus in combination with VecTor programs, advanced nonlinear analysis tools for reinforced concrete structures. Finally, aspects relating to the modelling and analysis of three case studies are discussed: a reinforced concrete beam-column joint, a steel-concrete composite shear wall, and a SFRC shear panel. The unique mixed-type frame-membrane modelling procedure implemented in FormWorks-Plus can address the limitations associated with most frame type analyses.

Nonlinear structural finite element model updating with a focus on model uncertainty

  • Mehrdad, Ebrahimi;Reza Karami, Mohammadi;Elnaz, Nobahar;Ehsan Noroozinejad, Farsangi
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.549-580
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    • 2022
  • This paper assesses the influences of modeling assumptions and uncertainties on the performance of the non-linear finite element (FE) model updating procedure and model clustering method. The results of a shaking table test on a four-story steel moment-resisting frame are employed for both calibrations and clustering of the FE models. In the first part, simple to detailed non-linear FE models of the test frame is calibrated to minimize the difference between the various data features of the models and the structure. To investigate the effect of the specified data feature, four of which include the acceleration, displacement, hysteretic energy, and instantaneous features of responses, have been considered. In the last part of the work, a model-based clustering approach to group models of a four-story frame with similar behavior is introduced to detect abnormal ones. The approach is a composition of property derivation, outlier removal based on k-Nearest neighbors, and a K-means clustering approach using specified data features. The clustering results showed correlations among similar models. Moreover, it also helped to detect the best strategy for modeling different structural components.

Advanced analysis for planar steel frames with semi-rigid connections using plastic-zone method

  • Nguyen, Phu-Cuong;Kim, Seung-Eock
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.1121-1144
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a displacement-based finite element procedure for second-order distributed plasticity analysis of planar steel frames with semi-rigid beam-to-column connections under static loadings. A partially strain-hardening elastic-plastic beam-column element, which directly takes into account geometric nonlinearity, gradual yielding of material, and flexibility of semi-rigid connections, is proposed. The second-order effects and distributed plasticity are considered by dividing the member into several sub-elements and meshing the cross-section into several fibers. A new nonlinear solution procedure based on the combination of the Newton-Raphson equilibrium iterative algorithm and the constant work method for adjusting the incremental load factor is proposed for solving nonlinear equilibrium equations. The nonlinear inelastic behavior predicted by the proposed program compares well with previous studies. Coupling effects of three primary sources of nonlinearity, geometric imperfections, and residual stress are investigated and discussed in this paper.

Mechanical behavior of outer square inner circular concrete-filled dual steel tubular stub columns

  • Ding, Fa-xing;Wang, Wenjun;Liu, Xue-mei;Wang, Liping;Sun, Yi
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.305-317
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    • 2021
  • The mechanical behavior of the outer square inner circular concrete-filled dual steel tubular (SCCFT) stub columns under axial compression is investigated by means of experimental research, numerical analysis and theoretical investigation. Parameters such as diameter ratio, concrete strength and steel ratio were discussed to identify their influence on the mechanical properties of SCCFT short columns on the basis of the experimental investigation of seven SCCFT short columns. By establishing a finite element model, nonlinear analysis was performed to discuss the longitudinal and transverse stress of the dual steel tubes. The longitudinal stress characteristics of the core and sandwich concrete were also analyzed. Furthermore, the failure sequence was illustrated and the reasonable cross-section composition of SCCFT stub column was proposed. A formula to predict the axial load capacity of SCCFT stub column was advanced and verified by the results from experiment and the finite element.

An Analytical Study on Primary Anchor Unit for ALC Panel Curtain-wall (ALC 패널 커튼월용 부품 Primary Anchor의 해석적 연구)

  • Yoon, Myung-Ho;Ryu, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2011
  • This study aims at grasping the structural performances of primary anchor assemblage through a nonlinear finite element analysis. Primary anchor unit may be used as one of the connection devices between ALC panel curtain-wall and RC slab or main frame of a building. From the analytical results structural characteristics such as yield strength, initial stiffness and maximum strength are obtained and fully discussed.

Dynamic Behavior Analysis of Rotor-Bearing System for Rotary Compressor (로터리 압축기 회전체-베어링계의 동적 거동해석)

  • 김태학
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.244-251
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    • 1999
  • Large dynamic loads act on the rotor in rotary compressors. There are unbalance forces due to eccentric rotation parts and gas forces induced by the pressure difference between compression and suction gases. Rotor-journal bearing system is nonlinear since the stiffness and damping coef-ficients of the lubrication oil film are not constant in the bearings. in this paper the program for predicting the behaviors of rotor-journal bearing system of rotary compressor is developed. Finite element modeling is used to analyze the flexible rotor. The numerical results are compared with experimental results.

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Efficiency of various structural modeling schemes on evaluating seismic performance and fragility of APR1400 containment building

  • Nguyen, Duy-Duan;Thusa, Bidhek;Park, Hyosang;Azad, Md Samdani;Lee, Tae-Hyung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.8
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    • pp.2696-2707
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficiency of various structural modeling schemes for evaluating seismic performances and fragility of the reactor containment building (RCB) structure in the advanced power reactor 1400 (APR1400) nuclear power plant (NPP). Four structural modeling schemes, i.e. lumped-mass stick model (LMSM), solid-based finite element model (Solid FEM), multi-layer shell model (MLSM), and beam-truss model (BTM), are developed to simulate the seismic behaviors of the containment structure. A full three-dimensional finite element model (full 3D FEM) is additionally constructed to verify the previous numerical models. A set of input ground motions with response spectra matching to the US NRC 1.60 design spectrum is generated to perform linear and nonlinear time-history analyses. Floor response spectra (FRS) and floor displacements are obtained at the different elevations of the structure since they are critical outputs for evaluating the seismic vulnerability of RCB and secondary components. The results show that the difference in seismic responses between linear and nonlinear analyses gets larger as an earthquake intensity increases. It is observed that the linear analysis underestimates floor displacements while it overestimates floor accelerations. Moreover, a systematic assessment of the capability and efficiency of each structural model is presented thoroughly. MLSM can be an alternative approach to a full 3D FEM, which is complicated in modeling and extremely time-consuming in dynamic analyses. Specifically, BTM is recommended as the optimal model for evaluating the nonlinear seismic performance of NPP structures. Thereafter, linear and nonlinear BTM are employed in a series of time-history analyses to develop fragility curves of RCB for different damage states. It is shown that the linear analysis underestimates the probability of damage of RCB at a given earthquake intensity when compared to the nonlinear analysis. The nonlinear analysis approach is highly suggested for assessing the vulnerability of NPP structures.

Non-linear modeling of masonry churches through a discrete macro-element approach

  • Panto, Bartolomeo;Giresini, Linda;Sassu, Mauro;Calio, Ivo
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.223-236
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    • 2017
  • Seismic assessment and rehabilitation of Monumental Buildings constitute an important issue in many regions around the world to preserve cultural heritage. On the contrary, many recent earthquakes have demonstrated the high vulnerability of this type of structures. The high nonlinear masonry behaviour requires ad hoc refined finite element numerical models, whose complexity and computational costs are generally unsuitable for practical applications. For these reasons, several authors proposed simplified numerical strategies to be used in engineering practice. However, most of these alternative methods are oversimplified being based on the assumption of in-plane behaviour of masonry walls. Moreover, they cannot be used for modelling the monumental structures for which the interaction between plane and out-plane behaviour governs the structural response. Recently, an innovative discrete-modelling approach for the simulation of both in-plane and out of-plane response of masonry structures was proposed and applied to study several typologies of historic structures. In this paper the latter model is applied with reference to a real case study, and numerically compared with an advanced finite element modelling. The method is applied to the St.Venerio church in Reggiolo (Italy), damaged during the 2012 Emilia-Romagna earthquake and numerically investigated in the literature.

Nonlinear Behaviors of Mixed Structure Considering Advanced Connection Types (개선된 접합부 방식을 갖는 혼합구조의 비선형 거동)

  • Huh, Taik-Nyung;Yun, Ik-Jung;Kim, Mun-Kyum;Cho, Sung-Yong;Shim, Byul
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.677-682
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    • 2007
  • Nonlinear analysis of mixed structures is carried out by utilizing contact elements of a general finite element analysis computer program(ABAQUS). The present analysis focuses on the enhancing behaviors of mixed structure's connection type. Main 2 issues are related with discontinuity which reduce the stiffness of structure and proposing enhanced connection type. To validate the present study approaching 2 way, analytic one and experimental test.

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