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Anti-oxidant and anti-adipocyte differentiation of Aster glehni and Aster yomena (섬쑥부쟁이와 쑥부쟁이의 항산화 및 지방세포 분화 억제 효과)

  • Lee, Ji Yeon;Park, Jeong-Yong;Kim, Hyung Don;Lee, Seung Eun;Lee, Jeong Hoon;Lee, Yunji;Seo, Kyung Hye
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.250-257
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Aster glehnii (AG) and Aster yomena (AY) are medicinal plants that belong to the family Compositea and grow widely in Korea. Plants in the genus Aster have been used to treat snakebite wounds or bruises in oriental medicine. This study compared the effects of anti-oxidants and anti-adipocyte differentiation according to the species (the aerial parts of AG and AY). Methods: AG and AY were extracted using 70% ethanol (-E) and water (-W) at room temperature. The anti-oxidant activities were measured by total phenol contents (TPC), total flavonoid contents (TFC), DPPH and $ABTS^+$ assay. In addition, correlation analysis was performed for the anti-oxidant compounds and effect. The level of anti-adipocyte differentiation was assessed using an oil red O assay on pre-adipocytes. Results: AG-W showed higher TPC ($6.92{\mu}g/mL$) and AG-E presented higher TFC ($8.22{\mu}g/mL$) than the other extracts. Furthermore, AG-E exhibited higher radical scavenging activity in the DPPH and $ABTS^+$ assay ($IC_{50}$: 104.88 and $30.06{\mu}g/mL$). In the cytotoxicity assay, AG and AY extracts at concentrations less than $100{\mu}g/mL$ were non toxic. AG-W reduced the lipid accumulation of 3T3-L1 cells significantly after differentiation (70.49%) compared to the other extracts. Conclusion: These results show that the water extract of AG has anti-oxidant effects and reduces the differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells. Therefore, AG has utility as a functional food material for its anti-oxidant activities and ability to prevent lipid accumulation.

Type Classification and Material Properties by the Composition of Components in Gold Earrings Excavated from the Yeongnam Region (영남지역 출토 금제 귀걸이의 성분 조성에 따른 유형 분류와 금속 재료 특성)

  • Jeon, Ikhwan;Kang, Jungmoo;Lee, Jaesung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.4-21
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, 23 Silla gold earrings from the sixth and seventhand centuries, excavated from the Yeongnam region, were analyzed. Based on the silver content of the gold plate, they were classified into three types. The classifications included type I(20-50wt%), type II(10-20wt%) and type III (less than 10wt%). In the analysis process, the composition and morphological differences were identified on the surface of the gold plate. In the case of type I and II earrings, it was observed that the fine holes were concentrated in a relatively higher part of the gold content. The causes of the difference in the surface composition of the gold plate were divided into four categories: 1) surface treatment, 2) thermal diffusivity in the manufacturing process, 3) differences in composition of alluvial gold, and 4) the refining method of gold. It is possible that depletion gilding was attempted to increase the gold content while intentionally removing the other metals from the surface of the gold alloy in the portion where the gold deposit is relatively concentrated on the surface of the gold plating. The highest copper content was detected in the earring with the highest gold content of the analyzed earrings, and it was assumed that thermal diffusion had occurred between the gold plate and the metal rod during the manufacturing process rather than intentional addition. Copper was detected only in the thin ring earring type, and copper was not detected in the thick ring earring type or pendant type. It also proves that this earring has a high degree of tightness at higher temperatures, as there was an invisible edge finish on other earrings and horizontal wrinkles on the gold plate surface. In terms of the material of the gold plate, we examined whether the silver content of the gold plate was natural gold or added by alloy through analyzing the alluvial gold collected in the region. As a result of the analysis, it was found that on average about 13wt% of silver is included. This suggests that type II is natural gold, type III is refined gold, and type I seems to have been alloyed with natural gold. Here, we investigated the refining method introduced in the ancient literature, both at home and abroad, about the possibility of alloying silver after the refining process of type III earrings and then making pure gold. It was found that from ancient refining methods, silver which had been present in the natural gold was removed by reacting and combining with silver chloride or silver sulfide, and long-term efforts and techniques were required to obtain pure gold through this method. Therefore, it was concluded that the possibility of adding a small amount of silver in order to increase strength after making pure gold through a refining process is low.

The Emergence of Wooden Chamber Tombs with Stone Mound and the Changing Nature of Tombs at the Wolseong North Burial Ground of Gyeongju in the Early Silla Phase (신라 전기 적석목곽분의 출현과 경주 월성북고분군의 묘제 전개)

  • Choi, Byung Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.154-201
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    • 2016
  • During the Incipient and Early Silla phases, which witnessed the establishment and development of the ancient Silla state, the Wolseong North Burial Ground functioned as not only the central burial ground in the Gyeongju region of the capital of Silla but also as the central burial ground of the whole Silla state. Wolseong North Burial Ground is where transformations in Silla funerary architecture first occurred. As such, an empirical study of the tombs constructed at this burial ground can be regarded as a starting point from which an understanding of the development of the tomb culture of the Silla state may be achieved. This paper therefore aims to examine the changing nature of the tomb culture of the Early Silla phase through the burial data of Wolseong North Burial Ground and the Gyeongju region. Wooden chamber tombs were constructed from the late phase of Saroguk. At Wolseong North Burial Ground, which eventually developed into the central burial ground of the Gyeongju region, wooden chamber tombs embellished with stone packing emerged during the Incipient Silla phase; wooden chamber tombs with stone mounds, on the other hand, first appeared in the Early Silla phase and eventually became established as the central tomb type. A key difference between the wooden chamber tomb embellished with stone packing and the wooden chamber tomb with stone mound is that, in the case of the latter, stones were packed not only around sides of the wooden structure that acted as the burial chamber but also on top of this structure. The addition of a high earthen mound surrounded by protective ring of stones is another distinctive feature of the latter, presenting a contrast to the low mound of the former. During the Early Silla phase, two types of wooden chamber tombs with stone mounds were constructed at Wolseong North Burial Ground: those with burial chambers located above ground and those with subterranean burial chambers. Also constructed during this phase were the wooden chamber tomb embellished with packed stones, the wooden chamber tomb embellished with packed clay, simple earth cut burials, which had been used since the Incipient Silla phase, as well as the stone-lined burials with vertical entrance which first appeared in the Early Silla phase. However, of these different types of burials, it was only the wooden chamber tomb with stone mound that was covered with a 'high mound.' Differentiation between the different tomb types can also be observed in terms of location, type of burial chamber used, construction method, and tomb size. It is therefore possible to surmise that stratification between the different tomb types, which first emerged in the Incipient Silla phase, became intensified during the Early Silla phase.

The Commencement Period of the Korean Type Bronze Dagger Culture, Seen from the Condition of the Section Polishing Technique - Through the Chronology of Chinese Data - (구분마연 기술로 본 한국식동검문화의 개시 연대 - 중국 자료의 편년을 통하여 -)

  • Heo, Jun-Yang
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.4-29
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to grasp the commencement date of Korean-type bronze dagger through the chronology of Chinese data. It focuses on the fact that the same section polishing technique appears both in Korean type bronze dagger and Dongzhou type bronze dagger. Dongzhou type bronze dagger in Anqiu Shandong, in which A1 type section polishing technique is observed, was said to have been collected remains in 1958, but the clear excavation cannot be identified. Therefore, this study presents Tomb No.1 Zuojiawa Jinan, Dongzhou type bronze dagger, and associated products. As associated products, bronze weapon and bronze ware were excavated, whose periods are estimated to be in the Spring and Autumn period, the transition period of Warring States, and the former part of the China's Warring States. Accordingly, the Korean bronze dagger, excavated in the remains of the Han Peninsula appears to have run parallel with the Dongzhou type bronze dagger of the A1 type section polishing technique, excavated in China for a fixed period. In addition, the chronology of Tomb No. 61MI grave in Wanrongmiaoqian, Shanxi is estimated to range from the former part to the middle part of the China's Warring States, which is identified to be connected to the A1 type section polishing technique. Examining the data of the relative date, we can find out that the Commencement Period of the Korean type bronze dagger Culture is seen to be the transition period and the former part of the China's Warring States, which is estimated to be the 5th and 4th centuries BC. This chronology is followed by Tomb No.6512 Zhengjiawazi Shenyang, recorded as the 6th century B.C. which reveals that Liaoning type bronze dagger culture and Korean-typed Bronze Dagger Culture are naturally connected. Furthermore, the A1 type section polishing technique was distributed in the southwestern area of the Korean peninsula and Shandong, China, while the A2 type section polishing technique was distributed in the southern area of the Korean peninsula, Shanxi-Province in China, and Northern Kyushu region in Japan. Seen from the weapon-shaped bronze ware of the section polishing technique, Shanxi area(Central Plains area), China. the southwestern area of the Korean peninsula (northwest area), and Northern Kyushu region in Japan are set up as one traffic road(spreading route). This demonstrates that the section polishing technique emerged around the Han Peninsular, spreading the technique regionally.

A Survey on the Cheolwon Castle of Taebong-guk During the Japanese Colonial Period (일제강점기 태봉국 철원성 조사와 봉선사지)

  • Sim, Jaeyoaun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.258-271
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    • 2019
  • Recent changes in inter-Korean relations have encouraged South Korean archaeologists' interest in northern cultural heritage and their desire to conduct research. However, it is doubtful how much the South Korea really knows about the cultural ruins in North Korea and the cultural ruins to be found in the DMZ. In Korea, research data on the Japanese colonial period is scattered amongst national institutions and it is not possible to to collect, identify and document the data available in each institution. Typically, the data of Keiichi Ogawa(小川敬吉) is difficult to understand in its printed from. In addition, Ogawa has collected data from several national government agencies, and work is underway to collect architectural data and construct digital archives. This situation will not occur if we publish the data collected so far in digital form. Therefore, there is an urgent need to fully disclose the data related to Cheolwon which is owned by national institutions. If this data is analyzed, sufficient archaeological information can be obtained without excavation. On the other hand, one must wonder if the whole landscape of Cheolwon castle of Taebongguk cand be understood by investigating the interior of Cheolwon castle. This effort should be preceded by a survey on the ruins and the remains of the southern part of the southern boundary line. Rapid development and large-scale arrangement of cultivated land are likely to make it difficult to restore the external landscape related to the tillage demand that is required by the current situation. In the process of restoration of the actual Gyeongwon Line, it has been confirmed that serious irregularity has caused damage and the landscape has been transformed. In order to minimize these risks, it is urgent that we investigate the relics scattered in the southern part of the country, and not devote ourselves to the investigation of Cheolwon. In this regard, how much military, roads, excavation and archaeologists are prepared, centered on Cheolwon and scenery is an important question. I am curious as to how much preparation is provided to the Chulwon-gun and Gangwon-do in terms of administrative assistance, and how much archaeologists and excavation agencies are aware of the archaeological information of the inside and the southern part of the DMZ. Furthermore, how long have people been aware of the archaeological remains on the North Korean side? In order for da iscussion on Cheolwon and scenery to progress, it is necessary to carry out a precise investigation and accumulation of data on the remains in South Korea.

A Study of the Construction and Change of Chugyeongwon in Donggweol (동궐(東闕) 추경원(秋景苑)의 조영과 변천에 관한 고찰)

  • Oh, Jun-young
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.44-63
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    • 2019
  • This study empirically investigated the construction and aspects of change in Chugyeongwon, which is located in Donggweol (東闕). In detail, this study investigated the location of the construction and range of Chugyeongwon, the background and intention of the construction, and the affiliated system and aspects of spatial changes of it. The research results can be summarized as follows: First, Chugyeongwon has been assumed to be the space near Haminjeong (涵仁亭) or between Simindang (時敏堂) and Jinsudang (進修堂) in Changgyeonggung Palace. However, according to related historical materials, it is said that Chugyeongwon was located west of Dochongbu (都摠府) in Hyeopsangmun (協祥門) and near Sungmundang (崇文堂). Through Donggweoldohyeong (東闕圖形), evidence of the construction of Chugyeongwon can be found, which verifies such claims. According to The Plan of Changgyeonggung Palace (昌慶宮配置圖), in the form of modern measured drawing, Chugyeongwon today is the green space created in the south of Munjeongjeon (文政殿) and Sungmundang in Changgyeonggung Palace. Second, According to Donggweoldo (東闕圖), Chugyeongwon was a green space where trees grew on the ground within the walls. No artificial facilities were constructed inside. In addition, Chugyeongwon was located at a site with an altitude higher than the surroundings. Especially, the composition forms and location characteristics of Chugyeongwon are similar to those of the Palace Outer Garden located in Hanyang. Thus, based on this evidence about the form and other aspects of the operation of the Palace Outer Garden, it can be inferred that Chugyeongwon was constructed for the preservation and cultivation of the geographical features inside Donggweol. Third, in the late Joseon period, Chugyeongwon was assigned to Changdeokgung Palace or Changgyeonggung Palace in the same manner as was Donggung (東宮). Thus, it is very likely that Chugyeongwon served as a garden for the Royal Family in the Donggung area. The west boundary of Chugyeongwon, which originally consisted of walls and a side gate, was changed into the form in which the walls and colonnades were combined. Chugyeongwon has been modified due to various acts of development since the Japanese colonial era, and in the end, it has disappeared so that no trace can be found.

A Study on Characteristics of Reinterpretation and Tourism on Historic Sites of Buyeo Region during Japanese Colonial Era (일제강점기 부여고적의 재해석과 고적관광의 성격)

  • Kim, Jong soo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.84-97
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    • 2016
  • One of the assimilation policies of Japanese imperialism for the permanent domination in the colonial Joseon is the theory of integration of Japan and Joseon. The theory of integration of Japan and Joseon is a logic that Joseon (Korea) and Japan (Wae) were connected to the same ancestor on the basis of ancient myths. Also it is the assimilation ideology to justify the Colonial rule of those days through the objectification of historical identity or affinity of political and cultural relations of ancient Korean peninsula and Japan (Wae). Japan reorganized our history to meet the colonial point of view, as part of the assimilation policies based on the theory of integration of Japan and Joseon. On the other hand Japan attempted to objectify them through archaeological research and the reinterpretation of the historical remains. The survey, reinterpretation and tourist of the historic sites in historic cities such as Gyeongju and Buyeo were promoted in this context. In particular, the Buyeo, a capital of Baekje, was emphasized upon the close relevance and affinity between Sabi, Baekje and ancient Asuka (飛鳥) in Japan through research and reinterpretation on the Historic Sites. Based on them, Historic Sites Tourism was conducted by reconstructed historic sites toward the colonial Korean. In addition, after the Sino-Japanese war in 1937, Japan tried to realize the politics of space by upgrading and idealizing Buyeo as homeland or Shinto (神都) related to Japanese ancient mythology of the Asuka culture. This paper investigated in what context research, reinterpret and tourist of the historic sites progressed on Buyeo area and how it had soaked through the general public in the Japanese colonial era. First, it is on historic sites. Historic sites research on Buyeo area made an attempt by Sekino Tadashi in 1909 for the first time and the re-excavation of the old burial mounds and temple sites during the Japanese colonial period. Sekino set up a cultural relationship and influences between the ancient China (梁), Korea (百濟) and Japan (倭). Also, he emphasized that Sabi, Baekje largely received influence of Chinese culture and Baekje and Japan Asuka culture had closely relations and affinity. These views had been consistent during the Japanese colonial period. Second, it is the reinterpretation on Historic sites. Buyeo Historic Sites Preservation Society (Buyeo Gojeok Bojonhoe) was established in 1915 and Osaka Kintaro, curator of Baekje exhibition hall redefined the relationship between ancient Japan and Baekje as perspective of the assimilation ideology through the post contextual interpretation. In particular, they emphasized on the close relevance between Baekje's Historic sites and Japan, through the reinterpretation of Nakhwaam, Goransa and Cheongmasanseong. Third, it is the tourist on Historic sites. Buyeo Historic Sites Preservation Society played a leading role in Tourist on Historic sites at the Buyeo region. The main tourist destinations and course were restructured through a reinterpretation on the historic sites. Japan would like to show Buyeo as ideology area, homeland of ancient Japanese culture, toward the Koreans under Japanese colonial era. Thus, research, reinterpretation, and tourism on Historic sites were promoted while they were closely related to each other. The promoting body was Joseon Chongdokbu and pro-Japanese interest group. It's point was 'made' and 'shown' by the eyes of others and a rediscovery of Buyeo as representational space of colony.

The Research Status and Task of the Metalcrafts of Shoso-in Collection (정창원(正倉院) [쇼소인] 금속공예의 연구 현황과 과제)

  • Choi, Eungchon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.32-53
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    • 2018
  • The $Sh{\bar{o}}s{\bar{o}}-in$(正倉院) is the detached storage building for Japanese treasures that belongs to $T{\bar{o}}dai-ji$ in Nara, Japan. The reason why $Sh{\bar{o}}s{\bar{o}}-in$ collections are drawing attention is that Japanese artifacts, sculptures, paintings, and other objects that were introduced through the Silk Road, such as Sasanian Persia and India, and those that were introduced from the Unified Silla and Tang China. In addition, hundreds of well-preserved documents of $Sh{\bar{o}}s{\bar{o}}-in$ collections play an important role as a historical reference material covering not only the social situation of the time but also the history of exchange of cultural diplomacy and the change of Buddhist doctrine. In particular, some of collections of $Sh{\bar{o}}s{\bar{o}}-in$ were made in China and may have been imported or received as gifts, but many of the artifacts made in Baekje and Unified Silla are becoming more and more important. This paper examined the research status of $Sh{\bar{o}}s{\bar{o}}-in$ metal crafts of Korean and foreign scholars, and examined the association with the relics of $Sh{\bar{o}}s{\bar{o}}-in$ through metal crafts excavated from the Korean Peninsula. The research on the future direction of $Sh{\bar{o}}s{\bar{o}}-in$ collections should be summarized as follows. 1. Systematization of state-level support and single window for the research of $Sh{\bar{o}}s{\bar{o}}-in$ collections 2. Accurate listing and database of $Sh{\bar{o}}s{\bar{o}}-in$ collections 3. The positive implementation of joint research with Japan and invitation of researchers related to $Sh{\bar{o}}s{\bar{o}}-in$ collections 4. The exchange exhibition between the Korean National Treasures and the $Sh{\bar{o}}s{\bar{o}}-in$ collections 5. Expansion of the research base through the publication and support of books related to $Sh{\bar{o}}s{\bar{o}}-in$ collections.

The Necessity of Introducing Development Fee for Archaeology and Suggestions (매장문화재부담금제도의 도입 필요성과 방안)

  • Kim, Gwon Gu
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.224-239
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    • 2016
  • This article aims to review the major problems of the present Korean management system of archaeology and to seek desirable suggestions in order to pursue the sustainable harmony between the recovery of academic excavations and economic development. In order to continue the sustainable harmony between preserving the values of archaeological resources as limited pure public goods and economic development, the present system of developer's payment for archaeology must be replaced by the introduction of the development fee for archaeology. The excavation of archaeological resources have been done according to the market principle, that is, the lower price principle. But the principle has produced a lot of serious problems in the Korean management system of archaeology, which must result in the market failure. So the governmental intervention is urgently required. By introducing the development fee, the archaeological field units and the developers can avoid direct contact. Instead, the Heritage Management Office will operate the excavation fund raised by the development fee for archaeology in order to avoid low-price contracts, degrading excavation quality, and other related residents' complaints and social conflicts in advance. In addition, the budget for purchasing the preserved excavation sites, which are the source of the landowners' enormous complaints, must be allocated to the Heritage Management Office by the Ministry of Planning and Finance. More budget for small-sized excavations must be allocated as well in order to solve many residents' complaints. These budget increase will be the fundamentals to decrease the residents' big complaints and social conflicts in relation with the archaeological management, which will be a challenge of the Korean government. Along with the governmental efforts, the archaeological field units must do their all-out efforts to overcome many problems in excavation including low-price contracts. Finally, the wage system and working status system must be revised. Excellent young excavators must be recruited appropriately and continue to work in a safe psychological condition, which are the basis to guarantee high-quality excavation.

The Ecological Values of the Korean Demilitarized Zone(DMZ) and International Natural Protected Areas (비무장지대(DMZ)의 생태적 가치와 국제자연보호지역)

  • Cho, Do-soon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.272-287
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    • 2019
  • The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) was established in 1953 by the Korean War Armistice Agreement. It extends from the estuary of the Imjin River, in the west, to the coast of the East Sea. It is 4 km in width and 148 km in length. However, the ecosystems of the civilian control zone (CCZ) located between the southern border of the DMZ and the civilian control line (CCL) and the CCZ in the estuary of the Han River and the Yellow Sea are similar to those in the DMZ, and, therefore, the ecosystems of the DMZ and the CCZ are collectively known as the "ecosystems of the DMZ and its vicinities." The flora in the DMZ and its vicinities is composed of 1,864 species, which accounts for about 42% of all the vascular plant species on the Korean Peninsula and its affiliated islands. Conducting a detailed survey on the vegetation, flora, and fauna in the DMZ is almost impossible due to the presence of landmines and limitations on the time allowed to be spent in the DMZ. However, to assess the environmental impact of the Munsan-Gaesong railroad reconstruction project, it was possible to undertake a limited vegetation survey within the DMZ in 2001. The vegetation in Jangdan-myeon, in Paju City within the DMZ, was very simple. It was mostly secondary forests dominated by oaks such as Quercus mongolica, Q. acutissima, and Q. variabilis. The other half of the DMZ in Jangdan-myeon was occupied by grassland composed of tall grasses such as Miscanthus sinensis, M. sacchariflorus, and Phragmites japonica. Contrary to the expectation that the DMZ may be covered with pristine mature forests due to more than 60 years of no human interference, the vegetation in the DMZ was composed of simple secondary forests and grasslands formed on former rice paddies and agricultural fields. At present, the only legal protection system planned for the DMZ is the Natural Environment Conservation Act, which ensures that the DMZ would be managed as a nature reserve for only two years following Korean reunification. Therefore, firstly, the DMZ should be designated as a site of domestic legally protected areas such as nature reserve (natural monument), scenic site, national park, etc. In addition, we need to try to designate the DMZ as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve or as a World Heritage site, or as a Ramsar international wetland for international cooperation. For nomination as a world heritage site, we can emphasize the ecological and landscape value of the wetlands converted from the former rice paddies and the secondary forests maintained by frequent fires initiated by military activities. If the two Koreas unexpectedly reunite without any measures in place for the protection of nature in the DMZ, the conditions prior to the Korean War, such as rice paddies and villages, will return. In order to maintain the current condition of the ecosystems in the DMZ, we have to discuss and prepare for measures including the retention of mines and barbed-wire fences, the construction of roads and railroads in the form of tunnels or bridges, and the maintenance of the current fire regime in the DMZ.