Two sets of four parallel activated sludge reactors (ASRs) maintaining an MLSS of 3000 mg/L were operated to investigate the effect of DO, HRTs and bio-contact media (BCM) packing ratios on the removal efficiency of organic matters and nitrogen. Packing ratios of BCM to BCM-ASR systems 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 0% (suspended growth only), 10%, 15% and 20%, respectively. All systems were operated at an HRT of 4 hr, 6 hr, and 8 hr, respectively; DO concentration was maintained 0.5~1.0 mg/L and 1.5~2.0 mg/L for each HRT condition. In terms of TSS, TCODcr and SCODcr removal efficiency, all systems had a similar level of the removal efficiency under varied HRTs, and DO. But organic removal efficiency of systems with BCM was approximately 3~5% higher than systems without BCM at the same HRT and the DO. About the nitrification efficiency, with high DO (1.5~2.0 mg/L), as HRT (4 hr, 6 hr, 8 hr) or BCM packing ratio increased, the slight increment of nitrification efficiency was observed. However, under the low DO (0.5~1.0 mg/L), increase of BCM packing ratio and HRT resulted in large increase of the nitrification efficiency. At the same HRT and BCM packing ratio, the nitrification efficiency increased greatly with up to 15% as DO increased. When the HRT increased from 4hr to 8hr, the denitrification efficiency slightly increased by 5~10% only, under all DO conditions. Systems with BCM had higher denitrification efficiency, ranged 62.7~91.1% than systems without BCM showed 32.1~65.6%. And the increase in BCM packing ratio from 10% to 20% resulted in about 14~16% denitrification efficiency increment. BCM packing ratio showed great effect on the denitrification. The increase of the DO (from 0.5~1.0 mg/L to 1.5~2.0 mg/L) at the same HRT and BCM packing ratio resulted in slight decrease of denitrification efficiency with up to 7% for systems with BCM. But for systems without BCM, the denitrification efficiency decreased with up to 28%. In all system, the denitrification efficiency had more influence on the TN removal efficiency than nitrification efficiency. So, BCM packing ratio (0%, 10%, 15%, 20%) has greater effect on the TN removal than HRT and DO. The TN removal efficiency increased as packing ratio of BCM increased with up to 45%. As a result, the highest TN removal efficiency was observed 73.7% at the condition showed the highest denitrification efficiency that DO of 0.5~1.0 mg/L, an HRT of 8 hr, and 20% of BCM packing ratio was maintained.