• Title/Summary/Keyword: action observation

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Ship Collision Avoidance Support Model in Close Quarters Situation( I ) (근접상황 선박충돌회피지원모델에 관한 연구( I ))

  • Yang Hyoung-Seon;Yea Byeong-Deok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.28 no.10 s.96
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    • pp.827-832
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    • 2004
  • Up to now a lot of the study on ship collision avoidance systems have proceeded actively. However the rate of ship collision accidents hasn't decreased yet. If there is collision risk in close quarters situation in spite of maneuvering ship for collision avoidance according to the system, only use of TCP A and DCP A as input factor for collision risk decision is not useful to avoiding collision action. For the recent 5 years by the analysis of first observation distance about approaching ship in domestic collision accidents, nearly $45\%$ of accidents is close first observation less than 2 miles. Therefore it is essential part for safety navigations to study for collision avoidance action in close encounter. In this paper, as a fundamental study of supporting collision avoidance maneuvering for navigators, we proposed ship collision avoidance support model in close quarters situation through analysis qf collision accidents to effectively get rid of the causes.

The Feedback Mirror Therapy in Stroke Patients Effect of Muscle Activity and Function of the Upper Extremity (거울되먹임 융합 치료가 뇌졸중 환자의 상지 근활성도와 상지 기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Uhm, Yo-Han
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the effect that muscle activity of upper extremity and functional test in the case of the stroke patient by using the feedback mirror therapy. Sixteen subjects were recruited and randomly divided into two groups. one group was trained feedback mirror therapy and other group was action observation training. This process was carried out five times a week for eight weeks. To upper extremity test was used to MFT, FMA and in order to test UT, DM, BB, FCR, ECRL used to muscle activity. After the training, exclude FCR an upper extremity motor function of target showed significant difference between two groups and especially an experimental group showed significant muscle activity and MFT, FMA score improvement of UT, DM, BB, ECRL. Therefore, feedback mirror therapy is more upper extremity motor function and muscle activity improvement effect than action observation training.

A Purchase Pattern Analysis Using Bayesian Network and Neural Network (베이지안 네트워크와 신경망을 이용한 구매패턴 분석)

  • Hwang Jeong-Sik;Pi Su-Young;Son Chang-Sik;Chung Hwan-Mook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.306-311
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    • 2005
  • To analyze the consumer's purchase pattern, we must consider a factor which is a cultural, social, individual, psychological and so on. If we consider the internal state by the consumer's purchase, Both the consumer's purchase action and the purchase factor can be predicted, so the corporation can use effectively in suitable goods development in a consumer's preference. These factors need a technology that treat uncertain information, because it is difficult to analyze by directly information processing. Therefore, bayesian network manages elements those the observation of inner state such as consumer's purchase is difficult. In addition, it is interpretable about data that the observation is impossible. In this paper, we examine the seller's know-how and the way of consumer's purchase to analyze consumer's purchase action pattern through goods purchase. Also, we compose the bayesian network based on the examined data, and propose the method that predicts purchase patterns. Finally, we remove the data including unnecessary attribute using the bayesian network, and analyze the consumer's Purchase pattern using Kohonen's SOM method.

The effect of Anticonvulsion, Antipyretic, Analgesic, Sedative and GABAergic system on mice by ChongsimOndamTang (청심온담탕(淸心溫膽湯)이 백서(白鼠)의 항경련(抗經攣), 해열(解熱), 진통(鎭痛), 진정(鎭靜) 및 GABAergic system에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim Jae-Hyeong;Lee Sang-Ryong
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.95-109
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    • 1997
  • In order to prove the experimental effectiveness of ChongsimOndamTang by categotizing COTⅠ, COTIⅡ, COTⅢ and COTⅣ according to the volume of COT extract,the anticonvulsion action, the antipyretic action, the analgesic action,the sedative action, and the activity of GABA transaminase, the actuvity concentration of GABA,the activity of GAD in GABAergic system comparing data with control group and observation data show the results as follows.1. The anticonvulsion effect on the convulsion induced by strychine it was significantly effective in COTⅣ and the time to death after the occurrence of the convulsion it was significantly effective in COTⅢ and COTⅣ, and the time to death after the occurrence the convulsion induced by the electrical shock of ECT unit it was significantly effective in all sample groups.2. The hypothemic effect was significantly effective in COT Ⅲ after 1 hour and 2 hour and was significantly effective COTⅣafter 1 hour and 4 hour, and the antipyretic effect on the febrile induced by endotoxin it was significantly effective in COTⅢ every 3 hour and was significantly effective in COTⅣ after 3 hour and 4 hour.3. The analgesic effect was significantly effective in COTⅢ and COTⅣ by decreasing the number of writhing syndrome.4. The sedative effect was decreased significantly all in COTⅢ and COTⅣ after 60 min, 90 min and 120 min.5. The activity of GABA transaminase was decreased significantly in COTⅡ and COTⅢ. 6. The activity concrntration of GABA was increased signifivantly in COTⅡ and COTⅢ. 7. The activity of GAD was increased significantly in COTⅡ and COTⅢ. The results show that ChongsimOndamTang can be an effective cure in mice on the anticonvulsion,the antipyretic , the analgesic,the sedative and the control of the GABAergic system in brain, and it can be used of the epilepsy and convulsive diseases clinically.

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Case Study on Dynamics of RDA PLA Model with Agri-SMEs (농업인 참여식 실천학습모델 개발과 성과분석 -농촌진흥청 강소농 사업을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Sa Gyun;Lee, Mi Hwa;Park, Heun Dong
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.551-579
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    • 2012
  • This case study aims to explore how RDA PLA model affects the agri-SMEs' empowerment. As an agri-business management renovation program from main workshop it was conducted on March to December 2011 with agri-SMEs and extension officials nationwide by RDA. Especially, as a packaged action learning process in the model used participatory action research. This study collected data with participants observation, interviews, situational analysis and systematic review of discourse in qualitative method. For the validity and identifying empirical results, this study used statistic analysis as a mixed method. Further including various pedagogic methods and business coaching skills, this model was conducted from workshop in RDA, in turn, on-farm business coaching as follow-up, CoPs' activities, and local ATCs extension services by each actors. The dynamic process and effects of each process led some change for farmers' innovative knowledge, skills, attitude, practice and aspiration on their farm business. RDA PLA model development based on the previous practices and research, which provided a configurated picture in the holistic action learning process. In statistic research, this study focused on 279 farmers as respondents who had participated in the program. It shows that their income and benefits increased from their renovative practices on farm business. Following the sampling group, it was surveyed by four indicators - products, customer, quality and cost. The level of contribution of education on economic impact 15% is quoted from previous paper. Even in some limitations of public sector, RDA PLA model actively suggests the paradigm shift of agricultural HRD and development of alternative extension-service system.

Mode of Action of the Bacteriocan from Lactobacillus sp. GM7311 against Gram Negative Bacteria (Lactebacillus sp. GM7311이 생산하는 박테리오신의 Gram 음성균에 대한 작용형태)

  • KANG Ji-Hee;LEE Myung-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.139-143
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    • 1999
  • The antimicrobial action of bacteriocin produced by lactobacillus sp. GM7311 against three Gram negative bacteria, Proteus mirabilis, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Escherichia coli, was investigated, When the bacteriocin was added to the culture at different stages, viable cells of all of the indicator strains tested were decreased, even though the most inhibited indicator cell growth stages were different. Transmission electron microscopic observation of indicator strains treated with bacteriocin revealed cell Iysis, indicating the cell membrane appears to be the primary site of action. The amino acids concentration of indicator strains treated with bacteriocin were diminished and fatty acids compositions were changed as compared with controls.

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The Proposal of the Conceptual Model for Cognitive Action of Smart Device (스마트 디바이스의 인지적 행동에 대한 개념모델 제안)

  • Song, Seung-Keun;Kim, Tae-Wan;Kim, Chee-Yong
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.529-536
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    • 2010
  • Currently many people are awfully concerned about smart device in domestic and foreign mobile market. The need of smart device has been rapidly increased. Unlike a feature phone smart devices provide us with an intuitive interface which is easy to control. They are enable to smoothly interact between user and device. Though higher market outlook, there is a lack of empirical research on user interface in touch screen based on smart device. In this paper, we propose the touch interface conceptual model concentrating on user based on the result of previous research. Materials of this research are three kinds of smart devices which are currently released. Through expert's depth interview and observation of user, user's cognitive actions in smart device are defined. Since the method of the touch interface which is suitable for the action has been derived, we have proposed the conceptual model of user's cognitive action. This research imply to offer the excellent design guideline in order to implement touch interface to optimize user experience in touch screen based on smart device to release in the future.

A case study on elementary school students' opportunity of class presentation by observation (수업관찰을 통해 본 학생의 발표 기회와 교육적 논의 -부산광역시의 한 초등학교 학급의 수업 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Dal-Hyo
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.343-357
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    • 2008
  • Generally, schooling is implemented by instruction in the classroom. And instruction is made progress by concrete interaction through teacher's question and students' answer or presentation. According to a lot of researches on teacher-student interaction, student's opportunity of class presentation is influenced by students' self-esteem, learning attitude, academic achievement, and relationships. And students' opportunity of class presentation is very important not only students but also social equality and democracy. Therefore, teachers have to recognize the importance of students' opportunity of class presentation. However, according to many referential researches, students' opportunity of class presentation is differentiated by students' academic ability and social-economic status. The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether students' opportunity of class presentation was differentiated by students' academic ability and social-economic status or not. The method of this study was used checklist, interview, and class observation for a month. This study indicates that in spite of some exceptional cases, many students were taken the opportunity of class presentation differently by his/her academic ability and social-economic status. And teacher does not recognize that whether she gives student's opportunity of class presentation differently or not. To be a good teacher, teacher should reflect that teaching students is not easy, and teaching students is very important. And teacher should recognize that her speaking, action, and interaction with students including students' opportunity of class presentation influences students' self-esteem, learning attitude, academic achievement, and relationships.

Antioxidant and hepatoprotective action of the crude ethanolic extract of the flowering top of Rosa damascena

  • Alam, MA;Nyeem, MAB;Awal, MA;Mostofa, M;Alam, MS;Subhan, N;Rahman, M Mostafizur
    • Advances in Traditional Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.164-170
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    • 2008
  • The hepatoprotective activity of the alcoholic extract of Rosa damascena was studied against paracetamol induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats. Liver damage was assessed by estimating serum enzyme activities of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and histopathology of liver tissue. Pre- and post-treatment with ethanolic extracts showed a dose-dependent reduction of paracetamol induced elevated serum levels of enzyme activity. The mechanism underlying the protective effects was assayed in vitro and the R. damascena extracts displayed dosedependent free radical activity using DPPH ($IC_{50}=162.525\;{\mu}g/ml$) and TBA method. The hepatoprotective action was confirmed by histopathological observation. The ethanolic extracts reversed paracetamol induced liver injury. These results suggest that the hepatoprotective effects of R. damascena extracts are related to its antioxidative activity.

The Experiences of Mother's of Children with Epilepsy

  • Kim, Sohee
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2018
  • This is qualitative research using grounded theory to examine the experiences that mothers of children with epilepsy can have. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and memo-taking with a total of 13 participants in this study-10 mothers taking care of children with epilepsy and 3 principal informants-and the data were analyzed using the method developed by Strauss and Corbin (1998). As a result of data analysis, 163 concepts, 26 subcategories and 8 categories were formed through open coding. Such categories were analyzed by the paradigm of the grounded theory, and as a result the experiences of the mothers of epileptic children were based on a causal condition of 'confrontation' and the central phenomenon of 'Wandering around the forest under a yoke'. The contextual conditions, which exerted influence on phenomena, were 'stigma cognition', 'personality traits' and 'health of children.' The action/interaction strategy selected by participants was 'Quietly pulling through: Bracing myself, Getting to know my enemy and myself, Taking care while hiding, Putting out one step at a time, Establishing a foothold. The intervening condition affecting action/interaction was 'the support system', and its result was 'watching.'