• Title/Summary/Keyword: acidity

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Investigation of the Effect of Acidity and Polyethylene Glycol on Electrochemical Deposition of Trivalent Chromium Ions

  • Phuong, N.V.;Kwon, S.C.;Lee, J.Y.;Kim, M.;Lee, Y.I.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.47-48
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    • 2011
  • The effect of solution acidity and organic additives, polyethylene glycol (PEG), on the trivalent chromium electroplating was systematically investigated in the view point of solution stability, electroreduction of trivalent chromium ions and characterization of deposition layer. It was found that, the concentration of fraction chromium complexes in the trivalent chromium bath containing formic acid is strongly depended on pH value. PEG molecules were stable in trivalent chromium bath containing formic acid via studies on electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and UV-Vis. However, the presence of PEG molecules decreased the reductive current of hydrogen evolution, increasing of current efficiency higher about 10 % compared with solutions without PEG. Moreover, PEG additives developed the nodular morphology during electroreduction of trivalent chromium ions with the increase of solution acidity and enhanced its current efficiency by maintaining the consumption of complexant, formic acid, at a low speed. In this study, the effect of solution acidity was emphasized important, there, it controlled the formation of complexes in the solution, cathodic film (CF) during deposition, and properties of deposited layer. By electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM), studies show that chromium electrodeposition occurs via the formation of intermediate complexes and adsorption on the cathode surface, which hinder the penetration of ions from bulk solution to the cathode surface.

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The Efficiency of Dohwa-tang on Peptic Ulcer of Rat and Transportability in the Large Intestine of Mouse (도화탕(桃花湯)이 백서(白鼠)의 소화성(消化性) 궤양(潰瘍) 및 장관수송능(腸管輸送能)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Soo-Jung;Kim, Jin-Kyu;Back, Jung-Han;Kang, Seok-Bong;Lee, Ik-Haeing
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.207-213
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    • 2001
  • Objectives : In order to study the clinical efficiency of Dohwatang, based on Oriental Medical References, using experimental animals, we studied ulcers, gastric juice secretion, free acidity, total acidity, and the action of transport rates in the intestine. Methods : We used rats administered with the above herbs. Results : Dohwa-tang showed remarkable inhibitory effects on peptic ulcers, gastric juice secretion, free acidity, and total acidity in pyloricligated rat. It also showed remarkable inhibitory effects on the transportability in the large intestine of rats. But Dohwa-tang didn't show any remarkable difference on stressed rats. Conclusions : Dohwatang works better for chronic pyloristenosis-peptic ulcer and for diarrhea than acute stress ulcer.

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The Ecological Vegetation by the Neutralizing Treatment Techniques of the Acid Sulfate Soil (특이산성토의 중화처리기법에 따른 생태적 녹화)

  • Cho, Sung-Rok;Kim, Jae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2019
  • This study was composed of four treatments [no treatment, phosphate + limestone layer treatment, phosphate + sodium bicarbonate + cement layer treatment, and phosphate + sodium bicarbonate + limestone layer treatment] for figuring out vegetation effects on the acid drainage slope. Treated acid neutralizing techniques were effective for neutralizing acidity and vegetative growth in order of [first: phosphate + sodium bicarbonate + limestone layer treatment, second: phosphate + sodium bicarbonate+cement layer treatment, third: phosphate + limestone layer treatment and fourth: no treatment] on the acid drainage slope. We found out that sodium bicarbonate treatment was additory effect on neutralizing acidity and increasing vegetaive growth besides phosphate and neutralizing layer treatments. In neutralizing layer treatments, Limestone layer was more effective for vegetation and acidity compared to cement layer treatment. Cement layer showed negative initial vegetative growth probably due to high soil hardness and toxicity in spite of acid neutralizing effect. Concerning plants growth characteristics, The surface coverage rates of herbaceous plants, namely as Lotus corniculatus var. japonicus and Coreopsis drummondii L were high in the phosphate + sodium bicarbonate + limestone layer treatment while Festuca arundinacea was high in the phosphate + sodium bicarbonate + cement layer treatment. We also figured out that soil acidity affected more on root than top vegetative growth.

Prediction Acidity Constant of Various Benzoic Acids and Phenols in Water Using Linear and Nonlinear QSPR Models

  • Habibi Yangjeh, Aziz;Danandeh Jenagharad, Mohammad;Nooshyar, Mahdi
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.2007-2016
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    • 2005
  • An artificial neural network (ANN) is successfully presented for prediction acidity constant (pKa) of various benzoic acids and phenols with diverse chemical structures using a nonlinear quantitative structure-property relationship. A three-layered feed forward ANN with back-propagation of error was generated using six molecular descriptors appearing in the multi-parameter linear regression (MLR) model. The polarizability term $(\pi_1)$, most positive charge of acidic hydrogen atom $(q^+)$, molecular weight (MW), most negative charge of the acidic oxygen atom $(q^-)$, the hydrogen-bond accepting ability $(\epsilon_B)$ and partial charge weighted topological electronic (PCWTE) descriptors are inputs and its output is pKa. It was found that properly selected and trained neural network with 205 compounds could fairly represent dependence of the acidity constant on molecular descriptors. For evaluation of the predictive power of the generated ANN, an optimized network was applied for prediction pKa values of 37 compounds in the prediction set, which were not used in the optimization procedure. Squared correlation coefficient $(R^2)$ and root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.9147 and 0.9388 for prediction set by the MLR model should be compared with the values of 0.9939 and 0.2575 by the ANN model. These improvements are due to the fact that acidity constant of benzoic acids and phenols in water shows nonlinear correlations with the molecular descriptors.

An experimental study on the effect of Samchulgunbitang affecting gastro-intestine and central nervous system (삼출건비탕(蔘朮健脾湯)이 위장관(胃腸管)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Tae-Gyun;Ko, Seong-Gyu;Baik, Tae-Hyeun
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1997
  • An experimental study was done to investigate the spontaneous movements to the isolated ileum with liquid extracts of Samchulgunbitang. Then the action of gastric ulcer, gastric-juice secretion, the free acidity, total acidity, pepsin output, the transport ability in the intestine, analgesic effect and sleeping time were measured. The following results were obtained; 1. As to the spontaneous movements in the isolated ileum, the effect of contraction against suppression was recognized. 2. The effects of contraction against suppression induced by acetylcholine chloride and barium chloride were recognized on the gastric funds strip significantly. 3. The preventive effect of Samchulgunbitang on the pylorus-lightedulcer in rat was recognized significantly. 4. The anti-ulcer effect of Samchulgunbitang was not recognized on the gastric ulcer caused by indomethacin. 5. The effects of decreasing on the secretion gastric juice, the free acidity, total acidity and pepsin output of Samchulgunbitang were recognized significantly. 6. The transport rate in the small intestine of Samchulgunbitang was decreased. 7. The transport rate in the large intestine of Samchulgunbitang was increased. 8. The analgesic effect of Samchulgunbitang caused by acetic acid was recognized significantly. 9. The sleeping time caused by pentobarbital-Na of Samchulgunbitang was prolonged significantly. According to the results, it is considered that the Samchulgunbitang has effects of gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis, hyper-acidity, gastroptosis such as abdominal discomfort, gastric acid, indigestion and anorexia.

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Effects of Soil Environments by Location on the Cambium Electric Resistance of Pinus thunbergii in Urban Park and Open Space (도시공원녹지의 입지별 토양특성이 곰솔의 형성층 전기저항에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Seung-Burm;Nam, Jung-Chil;Kim, Seok-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to propose rational methods in order to maintain vegetation condition and soil environment based on the analysis of tree growth in relation to the soil environment, which is one of the most significant environmental factors on vegetation condition in urban parks and open spaces. The result of the study can be described as below;The soil on every study site had strong acidity. In particular, study sites around industrial district and central business district showed extreme soil acidity. Therefore, soil management system is needed in urban parks and green spaces around those areas. Among Cambium Electric Resistance classified by locations of urban parks and open spaces, one in the costal area was the lowest. The Cambium Electric Resistance in the industrial area was the highest. Therefore, soil condition and locational environment in the industrial area are highly related to the Cambium Electric Resistance. Among the factors, which affect Cambium Electric Resistance in different locations, inorganic content was found to be the main factor in all of the study sites. Inorganic content was an important factor to the Cambium Electric Resistance in study sites located in industrial and central business districts. In the study sites located in costal area, Soil acidity was found to be other important factors that affect Cambium Electric Resistance. To improve the soil acidity, soil buffering ability should be improved from activating microorganisms in the soil by using lime and organic material, Since it takes a long time to make a change in the soil structure, well planed maintenance system is required by mid-term or long-term plans.

A study on the change up chlorophyll due to the fermentation of Kim chi (열무김치 숙성에 따른 chloropyll 변화에 관한 연구)

  • 오승희
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 1985
  • This investigation was attempted to determine changes in chlorophyll. Pheophytin content PH and titratable acidity during young redish Kim chi fermentation. Young redishes divied in to leaf and vein and fermented in dark room for 35 days at 10$^{\circ}C$ after pickling each group. Samples were collected at 5 days interval for the chemical analysis. The following results were obtained. 1. Chlorophyll content in young redish was decreased by decreasing PH during fermentation periods. Chlorophyll content decreased from 11.60mg/g to 7.62mg/g in leaf, from 0.48mg/g to 0.33mg/g in vein respectively during 35 days fermentation periods. In contrast to chlorophyll. pheophytin content increased as chlorophyll content decreased during the period. The ratio of chlorophyll a and b content in young redish about 3 : 1 in leaf and vein and decreased nearly the same ratio during fermentation periods. In case of pheophytin a and b it was increased without any relation with the ratio chlorophyll a and b. In generally, the optimum PH for eating was known 4.3 to 5.0. Young redish Kim chi was reached the optimun PH at 15 to 25 days of fermentation at 10$^{\circ}C$. At this periods. Chlorophyll content varied from 11.32mg/g to 9.30mg/g for leaf and from 0.43mg/g to 3.37mg/g for vein, respectively. 2. Titratable acidity(as lactic acid) was increased to 0.54% in leaf at 20 days fermentation period during Kim chi fermentation. and nearly unchanged until 30days. At the end of fermentation period the titratable acidity was about 0.30%. Titratable acidity was increased as decreasing pH. and the correlation coefficients was -0.92 in leaf and -0.77 in Vien. 3. Correlation between titratable acidity and chlorophll, pheophytin content was not significant statistically.

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The PWM Control Which used Microprocessor for Intensity Control of Acid Ion Water (산성이온수 농도제어를 위한 Microprocessor를 이용한 PWM 제어)

  • Kwon, Yunjung;Nam, Sangyep
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.7
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2013
  • We are used with the alkaline ion water which an application field does to object for drinking water compare with the alkaline ion water which asked ion acid electrolysis so as to be very different. This is used with sterilization disinfection use by residual chlorine in case of strong acidity according to ph intensity, and in case of middle acidity use by washing and face washing, and mix with meal materials in case of weak acidity widely usable in cooking. Acid ion water generates as we electrolyze water. Chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide etc. was generated at electrolysis process, and we have toward sterilizing power. Derelicts such as chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur etc. are gathered from a negative ion, and we make acid ion water to + electrode direction in electrolysis. We used a diaphragm in order to disconnect too acid water and alkaline water. We implemented so that the acid water which it came down to three kinds of PWM voltage to PWM (pulse width modulation) control, and implementation method of ph intensity change authorized ph intensity between weak acidity to electrode in strong acidity as we used Microprocessor, and intensity was adjusted successively by PWM control was generated.

Visual Qulity Estimation of Strawberry (딸기의 육안적 품질평가)

  • 박인경;김미향;이명숙;김순동
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 1993
  • The objeative of this study was to investigate the possibility of estimation of internal quality by observing visible state of strawberry. Several tests such as color("L", "A", H,V,C), degree of blackred ness, opening state of calyx, vitamin C content, brix degree, acidity, freshness, overall quality, chlorophyll content, and anthocyanin content were performend during circulation at 20$^{\circ}C$. Acidity(R=-0.96), chloroph-yll content(r=-0.99), vitamin C content(r=-0.98), freshness(r=-0.96), and overall quality(-0.99), degree of blackredness(r=0.98) and opening state of calyx(=0.98), color saturation(r=0.99), degree of blackredness(r=0.98) and opening state of calyx(=0.98) increased during circulation at 20$^{\circ}C$. in correlation between visible indicators andd internal qualities, "L" valu and brix degree was r=-0.74, "a" and brix degree was r=0.93 Hue and anthocyanin content was r=0.74, value and chlorophyll content, brix degree were r=-0.91, r=-0.77, chroma and brix degree was r=0.96. The correlations between color saturation and vitamin C content(r=-0.96), chlorophyll content(r=-0.98), freshness(r=-0.98), overall quality(r=-0.94), loss of total polyphenol(0.94) and acidity(r=-0.94) showed high correlation. The correlatiions between degree of blackrednes and vitamin C content(r=-0.99), chlorophyll content(r=-0.94), anthocyanin content(=-0.74), freshness(r=-0.97) overall quality (r=-0.95), loss of total polyphenol(r=0.93) and acidity(r=-0.91) chlorophyll content(r=-0.99), freshness(r=-0.98), overall quality(r=-0.92), loss of total polyphenol(r=0.99) and acidity(r=0.83) showed high correlation.

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Study on the coating weight and corrosion resistance of Zinc phosphate for surface treatment of ammunition (탄약 표면 처리용 아연계 인산염 피막의 중량 및 내식성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Myung-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Yong;Lee, Hyun-Hee;Lee, Young-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.603-610
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    • 2017
  • Steel used for various industrial fields including ammunition is vulnerable to corrosion so surface treatments are required such as plating, painting and chemical conversion coating. Zinc phosphate, used for ammunition manufacturing, is used to stick the stable compound on the surface by chemical conversion of metal. The quality of phosphate coating depends on many factors such as total acidity and iron content. In this study, we studied the influence of total acidity and iron content on coating weight and corrosion resistance of phosphate coating. The surface structure of the coating becomes dense and corrosion resistance is improved with increasing iron content. However, total acidity influences only the thickness and phosphate coating weight. In conclusion, this study suggests the optimal range of total acidity and iron content to manufacture the ammunition.