• 제목/요약/키워드: ZINC 15

검색결과 542건 처리시간 0.031초

삼척지역 특산물인 곰치, 풍덕구이, 곰취, 곤드레의 향토식품 소재화를 위한 영양적 특성 연구 (Nutritional Properties, as Food Resources for Menu Development, of Cubed Snailfish, Shaggy Sea Raven, and Two Kinds of Wild Vegetables that are Staple Products in Samcheok)

  • 서정희;김종옥;김미현;이재철;양희완;이병용;김미영;윤선주;정혜련
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제25권6호
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    • pp.690-702
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구에서는 강원도 삼척지역에서 생산되는 농 수특산물인 곰치, 풍덕구이, 곰취, 곤드레의 화학적 영양학적 조성을 평가하고 이를 메뉴에 적용함으로써, 이들 4종의 식품소재 및 이를 활용한 메뉴의 식품영양학적 가치를 평가하고자 하였다. 겨울철에 수집된 삼척산 곰치와 풍덕구이는 일반성분 조성에 있어 유기물에 해당하는 단백질과 지방의 함량이 다소 낮은 경향이 관찰되었고, 이는 계절적 인자, 즉 산란기와 연관되어 있을 것으로 해석하였다. 삼척산 건조 곤드레는 100 g 당 조단백질 24.2 g, 칼슘 1356.0 mg, 철 33.9 mg이 함유되어 있었고, 이는 전국 규모로 수집되어 평가된 식품성분표 상의 수치보다 각각 4.3배, 15배, 13배나 높은 함량이었다. 또한, 필수 미량원소 중 하나인 아연은 삼척산 곤드레에서 정선산보다 6.2배나 높은 함량인 26.2 mg/100 g이 함유되어 있었다. 건조 곤드레와 더불어 곰취 나물의 경우에도 칼슘의 함량이 높았는데, 이는 삼척 지역이 석회석 생산지라 토양 내 칼슘 함량이 다른 지역보다 높다는 사실과 관련되어 있을 것으로 해석하였다. 아미노산 조성 평가에 있어서는, 4종의 식품 소재 모두 풍미와 직접적으로 관련된 아미노산인 glutamic acid, aspartic acid, glycine, alanine이 전체 아미노산 중 높은 비율을 차지함으로써, 메뉴의 단맛과 감칠맛에 기여할 것으로 평가되었다. 또한, 곰치와 풍덕구이는 n-3 PUFA와 n-6 PUFA로 구성된 고도불포화지방산(PUFA)에 속하는 지방산들이 전체 지방산 중 각각 30.6%와 31.6%를 차지하였고, 특히 곰치는 n-3 PUFA의 함량이 n-6 PUFA보다 2배 이상 높게 함유되어 있어, 지방산 조성과 연관된 영양 지표인 n-6/n-3 비율을 기준으로 한 식품의 가치 평가에서는, 영양학적으로 우수한 식품이라 할 수 있다. 앞서 평가한 이들 식품소재의 영양학적 가치가 메뉴로 적용 가능한지를 탐색한 두 번째 단계의 연구에서는, 기존 상용 메뉴의 주재료를 삼척지역 농·수 특산물로 대체하여 음식을 제조한 후 영양학적 측면에서 이들 메뉴를 평가하였다. 그 결과, 칼슘과 아연의 함량이 높았던 삼척산 곤드레를 주재료로한 곤드레 해장국은 단백질, 칼슘, 철분, 아연의 함량이 1일 권장섭취량(RI) 대비 31.5%, 49.3%, 100.0%, 77.8%로 각각 평가됨으로써, 단백질과 무기질의 함량이 매우 높은 메뉴로 확인되어 한국인의 건강식으로 개발될만한 가치가 있다고 평가되었다. 또한, 곰치어죽, 풍덕구이 조림, 곰취 산채 찜만두 1인분은 낮은 열량 임에도 불구하고 단백질과 철분의 제공량이 1일 권장섭취량의 30%를 초과하는 것으로 나타나, 빈혈 발생이 높은 성장기 어린이와 가임기 여성, 임산부 등을 대상으로 하는 영양성이 강조된 차별화된 메뉴 개발의 가능성을 시사하였다.

영양강화식품 중 무기질 함량 조사연구 (A Study on the Content of Minerals in Fortified Food)

  • 김명길;김영숙;김영수;이성봉;유경신;윤미혜;이정복
    • 한국식품위생안전성학회지
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 무기질이 강화된 식품(음료류, 면류, 시리얼류, 곡류가공품) 68건에 대하여 무기질류의 함량을 분석하여 표시량에 대한 검출량의 비율을 조사하였고 칼슘과 다른 무기질의 비율을 분석하였다. 칼슘, 철, 아연의 함량은 마이크로웨이브 장치로 분해 후 ICP-OES로 분석하였다. 칼슘을 강화한 음료류, 면류, 시리얼류, 곡류가공품 38건에 대한 칼슘의 검출량은 표시량의 82.2~293.1%이었다. 무기질류를 강화한 음료류, 면류, 시리얼류, 곡류가공품에 대한 철(42건)과 아연(24건)의 검출량은 각각 표시량의 83.3~301.0%, 90.1~314.1%이었다. 칼슘과 철의 분자량비는 과채주스 90.55(50.55~220.64), 과채음료 850.41, 혼합음료 553.49, 두유류 179.07(118.37~238.01), 국수 204.39(41.64~397.52), 유탕면류 296.97(121.64~868.88), 시리얼류 30.89(15.69~62.05) 그리고 곡류 가공품 7.73(0.22~49.92)이었다. 칼슘과 인의 중량비는 과채주스 1.44(0.96~1.98), 과채음료 1.92, 혼합음료 1.66, 두유류 4.23(2.25~7.72), 국수 1.14(0.28~1.97), 유탕면류 1.88(1.17~2.42), 시리얼류 1.29(0.87~2.92) 그리고 곡류가공품 0.30(0.06~1.57)이었다. 칼슘과 마그네슘의 중량비는 과채주스 1.85(0.87~5.04), 과채음료 28.72, 혼합음료 2.97, 두유류 5.27(2.93~9.36), 국수 3.97(1.34~7.57), 유탕면류 6.77(4.63~10.78), 시리얼류 4.40(2.30~12.55) 그리고 곡류가공품 1.17(0.23~7.48)이었다. 이와 같은 결과로 칼슘의 함량과 칼슘 강화식품에서 칼슘과 다른 무기질들의 비율에 대한 엄격한 관리가 필요하고 또한 과도한 영양 문제를 방지하기 위해 영양강화식품의 식품 표시 및 영양에 대한 더 많은 이해 방안이 모색되어야 한다는 것을 제안할 수 있다.

철과 아연 함량이 높고 향기가 있는 벼 '향철아' ('Hyangcheola', A New Fragrant Rice Variety with High Iron and Zinc Content)

  • 정응기;안억근;원용재;이정희;이상복;정종민;오세관;조영찬;이점호;서정필;현웅조;정오영;김보경;손지영
    • 한국육종학회지
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    • 제50권4호
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    • pp.472-477
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    • 2018
  • '향철아'는 2005년 하계에 철과 아연을 함유한 '조령벼'와 구수한 누룽지 향을 가지고 있는 '설향찰'을 인공교배하였다. $F_1$을 양성하며 조기에 육성계통의 유전특성을 고정하고자 꽃가루 배양을 실시하고 세대 진전 후 SR30627-HB2968-2계통을 선발하여 수원562호로 계통명을 부여하였다. 2012년부터 지역 적응시험 3년을 실시하고, 그 결과를 2014년 12월 농촌진흥청 직무육성 신품종선정위원회에 상정하여 '중모1043호'로 선정되었다. 농가에 보급 되는 과정에서 수요자의 편이성과 품종의 특성을 쉽게 알리고자 2016년에 특허청에 '향철아' 상표등록(40-1189378)하여 농가에 보급하게 되었다. '향철아'의 출수기는 보통기 재배에서 평균 출수기가 7월 28일로 '화성'보다 12일 빠른 조생종이고, 이삭길이는 22 cm, 주당 이삭수 13개로 화성과 비슷한 특성을 보였다. 이삭당 입수는 86개로 '화성'보다 적었고, 등숙률도 77.8%로 '화성'보다 낮았으며, 현미 천립중이 22.8 g으로 중립종이다. '향철아'는 도열병에 중정도 저항성을 보였고, 줄무늬잎마름병에 저항성을 보였지만 흰잎마름병, 오갈병 및 멸구류에 대한 저항성은 없었다. '향철아'는 도복에는 보통이며, 수발아는 10.1%로 '화성'보다 강했으며, 내냉성은 '화성'비슷한 수준을 보였다. '향철아'의 알칼리붕괴도는 6.5, 아밀로스함량은 19.3%로 '화성'하고 비슷하였으나 단백질함량은 8.2%로 높았다. '향철아'는 구수한 누룽지 향이 있으며, 현미 100 g당 철분 함량이 15.12 mg으로 '화성' 11.43 mg보다 높았으며, 아연 함량은 32.24 mg으로 '화성' 23.49 mg보다 많이 함유하고 있었다. '향철아'의 쌀수량은 중부평야지 4개 지역에서 보통기 보비재배 평균 4.8 MT/ha로 '화성'의 5.3 MT/ha 대비 89% 정도의 수량성을 보였다.

Effect of supplementing hydroxy trace minerals (Cu, Zn, and Mn) on egg quality and performance of laying hens under tropical conditions

  • Vasan Palanisamy;Sakthivel PC;Lane Pineda;Yanming Han
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • 제36권11호
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    • pp.1709-1717
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    • 2023
  • Objective: A pivotal study was designed to investigate the effect of Hydroxy (HYC) Cu, Zn, and Mn on egg quality and laying performance of chickens under tropical conditions. Methods: A total of 1,260 Babcock White laying hens (20-wk-old) were randomly assigned to one of 4 treatments with 15 replicates of 21 hens each in a Randomized Complete Block Design. The birds were reared for 16 weeks and were fed the corn-soybean meal diets supplemented with one of the following mineral treatments: T1, inorganic (INO, 15 ppm CuSO4, 80ppm MnSO4 and 80 ppm ZnO); T2, Hydroxy-nutritional level (HYC-Nut, 15 ppm Cu, 80 ppm Mn, 80 ppm Zn from Hydroxy); T3, Hydroxy-Low (HYC-Low, 15 ppm Cu, 60 ppm Mn, 60 ppm Zn from Hydroxy); T4, Hydroxy plus inorganic (HYC+INO, 7.5 ppm HYC Cu+7.5 ppm CuSO4, 40 ppm HYC ZnO+40 ppm ZnSO4, 40 ppm HYC Mn+40 ppm MnSO4). The egg production was recorded daily, while the feed consumption, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and egg mass were determined at the end of each laying period. The egg quality parameters were assayed in eggs collected over 48 h in each laying period. Results: Overall, no significant effect of treatments was observed on percent egg production, egg weight and FCR (p>0.05). Feed intake was significantly lower in birds fed Hydroxy plus inorganic (p<0.05) diet. The supplementation of HYC-Low significantly increased the egg mass compared to the other treatments (p<0.05). HYC supplementation alone or in combination with INO elicited a positive effect on shell thickness, shell weight, shell weight per unit surface area, yolk colour, albumen and yolk index for a certain period (p<0.05), but not throughout the whole laying period. Conclusion: Dietary supplementation of HYC-Low (15-60-60 mg/kg) showed similar effects on production performance and egg quality characteristics in laying hens as compared to 15-80-80 mg/kg of Cu-Zn-Mn from inorganic sources. This indicates that sulphate based inorganic trace minerals can effectively be substituted by lower concentration of hydroxyl minerals.

An EST survey of genes expressed in liver of rock bream(Oplegnathus fasciatus) with particular interests on the stress-responsive and immune-related genes

  • Park, Byul-Nim;Park, Ji-Eun;Kim, Ki-Hong;Kim, Dong-Soo;Nam, Yoon-Kwon
    • 한국양식학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국양식학회 2003년도 추계학술발표대회 논문요약집
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    • pp.43-43
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    • 2003
  • EST analysis was performed to identify stress-responsive and immune-related genes from rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus). cDNA libraries were constructed with liver and randomly chosen 624 clones were subjected to automated sequence analysis. Of 624 clones sequenced in total, approximately 15% of ESTs was novel sequences (no match to GenBank) or sequences with high homology to hypothetical/unknown genes. The bioinforamtic sequence analysis including functional clustering, homology grouping, contig assembly with electronic northern and organism matches were carried out. Several potential stress-responsive biomarker and/or immune-related genes were identified in all the tissues examined. It included lectins, ferritins, CP450, proteinase, proteinase inhibitors, anti-oxidant enzymes, various heat-shock proteins, warm temperature acclimation protein, complements, methyltransferase, zinc finger proteins, lysozymes, macrophage maturation associated protein, and others. This information will offer new possibilities as fundamental baseline data for understanding and addressing their molecular mechanism involved in host defense and immune systems of this species.

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Bulk and Surface of Al2O3 doped ZnO Films at Different Target Angles by DC magnetron sputtering

  • Kang, Junyoung;Park, Hyeongsik;Yi, Junsin
    • 한국진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국진공학회 2016년도 제50회 동계 정기학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.345.2-345.2
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    • 2016
  • Alumina (Al2O3) doped zinc oxide (ZnO) films (AZO) have been prepared from 2 wt.% Al2O3 doped ZnO target by DC magnetron sputtering at a 2 mTorr (0.27 Pa) chamber pressure in (15 sccm) argon ambient. We obtained films of various opto-electronic properties by variation of target angle from 32.5o to 72.5o. At lower target angle deposited films show higher values in optical gap, mobility of charge carrier, carrier concentration, crystallite grain size, transmission range of wavelength, which are favorable characteristics of AZO as a transparent conducting oxide (TCO). At higher target angle the sheet resistance, work function, surface roughness for the AZO films increases. Measured haze ratio of the films changed lower to higher and size of characteristic surface structure of as deposited film ranges from ~40 nm to ~300 nm. By a combination of low and high target angle we obtained a textured TCO film with high conductivity.

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합금화 용융아연 도금욕의 불순물 제거에 관한 연구 (A study on removing impurities in the zind bate for hot dip galvannealed coatings)

  • 진영구
    • 한국표면공학회지
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.371-378
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    • 1998
  • The zind bate contaminated in the hot dip galvannealed operation was successfully by appling the dross formation mechanism ; the Fe content was lowered from 0.028% to 0.011% and the dress size was decreased from 15~20$\mu\textrm{m}$ to under 3$\mu\textrm{m}$. The cooled metal from CGL zinc bath during operation of the galvannealed steel strip was remelted in graphite crucible at the lab and agitated after increasing Al content from 0.14% to 0.16% with decreasing the molten metal temperature from $470^{\circ}C$to $445^{\circ}C$. The agitating was done by agitator and nitrogen. The molten was analyed by SEM and EDS. It was considered that the Fe and the bottom dross($FeZN_7$) could react with aluminium to from the float dress($Fe_2Al_5$) according to the molten metal temperature down and the float dress rise to the surface of the zine bath. So the Fe and dross in the bath could be romoved out of the bath. It was confirmed that the proper purication conditions of GA zine bath is 0.02% of Al increasing, bath temperature down from $460^{\circ}C$ to $450^{\circ}C$and agitator and nitrogen.

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일부 정상 여성의 월경 전후기 불편감과 식이섭취 수준에 대한 조사 연구 (An Exploratory Study on the Perimenstrual Discomforts and Dietary Intake Level of Normal Women)

  • 김혜원
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.483-495
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the perimenstrual discomforts and dietary intake levels among normal women. Method: A prospective and descriptive study examined 38 women aged 23 46years of age. The data collection period lasted from April 1 to June 30, 2003. The participants were asked to keep a diary recording perimenstrual symptoms and food intake for 50 days. Results: There was a significant difference in physical symptoms of perimenstrual discomforts (F=6.95. p=.001). but there was no significant difference in dietary intake level according to three different phases of a menstrual cycle. The significant dietary intake variables correlated to PMS included energy, protein, Vitamin E, Vitamin $B_2$, niacin, Vitamin $B_6$, folic acid, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. They were negatively related to perimenstrual discomforts. Conclusion: Balanced diet intake will be necessary for not only the perimenstrual discomforts but also the general health promotion of the entire population. The dietary and nutritional assessment should be done prior to nursing interventions, and nutritional counseling and education should be given based on individual differences. In a further study, the effects of dietary composition on specific symptoms will be replicated with a large sample, and development of a diet intervention program for perimenstrual discomforts is recommended.

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용액공정을 이용하여 제작된 SiInZnO 박막 트랜지스터의 전기적 특성 변화 (Variation of electrical properties in solution processed SiInZnO thin film transistors)

  • 박기호;최준영;전윤수;주병권;이상렬
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2011년도 제42회 하계학술대회
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    • pp.1453-1454
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    • 2011
  • We have investigated the effect of silicon contents (0~0.4 molar ratios) on the performance of solution processed silicon-indium-zinc oxide (SIZO) thin-film transistors (TFTs). Despites its solution processed channel layer, low annealed temperature below $200^{\circ}C$ in air has been used for SIZO-TFTs. The $V_{th}$ is shifted from -4.04 to 5.15 V as increasing Si ratio in the SIZO-TFTs. The positive shift of $V_{th}$ as increasing Si contents in SIZO system indicates that Si suppresses the carrier generation in the active channel layer since $V_{th}$ is defined as the voltage required accumulating sufficient charge carriers to form a conductive channel path.

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아연 또는 비소와 경유로 오염된 토양의 복합정화공법 개발 (Development of Hybrid Remediation Method for Contaminated Soils with Zinc or Arsenic and Diesel)

  • 김혜영;박정훈
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to develope the remediation method of contaminated soils with metals and petroleum. The diesel degrading strain was isolated and identified from the soil contaminated by petroleum at industrial sites. Diesel biodegradation experiment was performed by diesel degrading bacteria in both solution and soil slurry. Contaminated soils by Zn or As and diesel were treated consecutively by steam-vapor extraction, biodegradation, and acid washing. The strain was identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and named as Pseudomonas aeruginosa TPH1. The optimal culture conditions of TPH1 were $20^{\circ}C$ and pH 7.0, 3% of diesel concentration. Biodegradation of diesel was performed using the separated strain in liquid medium, and 63% of diesel was degraded in 72 hours. And 52% of diesel was removed in the tested soils. In the treatment of contaminated soils with diesel and Zn or As, 29% ~ 44% of diesel was reduced by steamvapor extraction, 60% ~ 71% of diesel was removed after biodegradation. 47% of Zn and 96% of As were removed after acid(mixture of sulfuric and oxalic acids) washing. It is recommended that consecutive treatment method of steam-vapor extraction, biodegradation and acid washing is effective for remediation of complex contaminated soils with metals and petroleum.