• Title/Summary/Keyword: Yin-Deficiency

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THE ORIENTAL MEDICINE STUDY ON G-B SYNDROME (Centering around the etiological factors pathological mechanism and dianosis and treatment) ($Guillain-barr{\acute{e}}$ 증후군(症候群)에 대한 동의학적(東醫學的) 고찰(考察) (병인병기(病因病機)와 변증시치(辨證施治)를 중심(中心)으로))

  • Hong, Yu-Seong;Hwang, U-Jun
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1 s.29
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    • pp.118-131
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    • 1995
  • According to the oriental medicine study on G.B.S, we obtained the result as follows : 1. G.B.S was inclined in flacid paralysis and pain and numbness(痺) in oriental medicine. 2. Etiology factors of G.B.S was classified exogenous and endogenous pathogenic factors. The formers was warmth and heat(濕熱), summer heat and dampness(暑濕), dampness and heat(濕熱), and cool and dampness(寒濕), the latter was the deficiency in both the spleen and the stomach(脾胃虛弱), deficiency of Yin(vital essence) in both the liver and kidney(肝腎陰虛) the factor of dampness and heat(濕熱) was most numerous. 3. Pathological mechanism of G.B.S was close connected with the five viscera - the spleen(脾), the stomach(胃), the liver(肝), the kidney(腎), the lung(肺) 4. Differentiation of Symptom-Complexes(辨症) in the G.B.S was consumption type of nutrient fluid due to heat symptom in the lung(肺熱傷津), fullness type of dampness and heat(濕熱侵淫), defiency type in both the spleen and the kidney(脾腎不足), deficiency type in both the spleen and the stomach(脾胃虛弱), deficiency type in the liver and the kidney(肝腎兩虛) 5. Acupuncture treatment for G.B.S was mainly Yangmoung channels of both the hand and the foot.(手足陽明經)

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Developing a Standardized Patient Program using Internal Damage Fever Cases in Korean Medical Education (한의학 교육에서 내상발열(內傷發熱) 증례를 이용한 표준화환자 프로그램 개발 연구)

  • Jo, Hak-jun;Jo, Na-young
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.33-56
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : The objective of this paper is to develop a standardized patient program with a focus on diagnosis and treatment of internal damage fever in Korean Medical education. Methods : First, cases of diagnosis and treatment of internal damage fever were collected from various classical texts, then a module was developed according to pre-existing standardized patient program's protocols based on selected cases. Careful consideration was given to developing evaluation criteria on history taking and physical examination that are necessary to accurately differentiating the 9 types. Results : Nine types of differentiation models on internal damage fever were selected, which are qi deficiency from overexertion/fatigue and famish; blood deficiency from overexertion/fatigue, famish and fullness; fire stagnation from excessive eating and cold foods; food damage; yang deficiency; yin deficiency; phlegm; stagnated blood; liver qi stagnation. For each type, evaluation criteria in regards to history taking, physical examination, communication with patient, and patient education were developed. Conclusions : When developing a standardized patient program using internal damage fever cases, it would better reflect the characteristics of Korean Medicine in clinical education of Korean Medicine if the program is based on classical texts. It would also be useful in evaluating students' graduation competence in exams such as CPX.

A Study of Bianzheng Lunzhi of Dysmenorrhea (경행병(徑行病)의 변증논치(辨證論治)에 대하여)

  • Baek, Seung-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.261-271
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : Dysmenorrhea which repeat every menstrual phase give complaints like pain, vomiting, nasal bleeding and etc. But in many textbooks pathogenesis and treatment process of dysmenorrhea obscure. So the purpose of this study is to identify the conception, pathogenesis and treatment process of dysmenorrhea. Methods : After catching the limitations of preexistence theory about dysmenorrhea, I show a meaningful argument of dysmenorrhea. Results : The conception, pathogenesis and treatment process of dysmenorrhea are like this. Dysmenorrhea which occurs for menstrual phase can make deficiency of blood. There are intimate relations between uterine function and the five Zang-organs, especially heart, spleen and liver, so menstruation induces the weakness of those organs. And the insufficiency of kidney and conception-thorough vessel which have control over the uterine function can make dysmenorrhea. Conclusion : The deficiency of kidney which is responsible for holding Qi breaks down the balance of Zang-organs Yin-Yang, then dysmenorrhea appears through Zang-organs weakness of heart, spleen and liver. For the treatment of dysmenorrhea, we should consider preferentially the deficiency of kidney, afterward Bianzheng Lunzhi of the Zang-fu organs.

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Research Trends of Interstitial Lung Disease (간질성 폐질환의 연구 동향)

  • Son, Ji-Woo;Lee, Jung-Wook;Lee, Byung-Soon;No, Woon-Serb;Lee, Byung-Ju;Shin, Jo-Young;Lee, Si-Hyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Oriental Medical Informatics
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.26-38
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    • 2007
  • Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is characterized by progressive scarring of the lung leading to restriction and diminished oxygen transfer. Clinically, the presenting symptoms of ILD are nonspecific (cough and progressive dyspnea on exertion) and are often attributed to other diseases, thus delaying diagnosis and timely therapy. In this study, I analyzed the 10 chinese papers of interstitial lung diseases(ILD). The etiology are body resistance weakness(本虛) and pathogenic factor prevailing(標實). The body resistance weakness(本虛) including deficiency of the lung(肺虛), deficiency of the kidney(腎虛), deficiency of the spleen(脾虛), deficiency of Qi and Yin(氣陰兩虛), pathogenic factor prevailing(標實) including stagnation of phlegm(痰濁), blood stasis(瘀血), noxious heat(熱毒). As an treatment aim at supplementing lung and kidney(益肺腎), resolving phlegm and blood stasis(化痰瘀).

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Studies on the Standard Measure of Compound Patterns of Eight Principles for Rapid Pattern Differentiation against Epidemic Contagious Diseases (전염성 감염병에 대한 신속변증 시행을 위한 팔강복합증형 표준안 연구)

  • Gyoo Yong, Chi
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2022
  • In order to secure practising rapid pattern(證, zheng) differentiation against acute infectious diseases like corona virus disease-19(COVID-19) showing rapid variation and contagion, a simplified classification of stages centering on the exterior-interior pattern identification with 2 step-subdivision by cold, heat, deficiency, excess pattern and pathogens is proposed. Pattern differentiation by compound patterns of 8 principles is made for the non-severe stage of general cold and the early mild stage of epidemic disease. Compound pattern's names of 8 principles about external infectious diseases are composed of three stages, that is disease site-characters-etiology. Based on early stage symptoms of fever or chilling etc., exterior, interior and half exterior and half interior patterns are determined first, and then cold, heat, deficiency, excess patterns of exterior and interior pattern respectively are determined, and then more concrete differentiation on pathogens of wind, dryness, dampness and dearth of qi, blood, yin, yang accompanied with constitutional and personal illness factors. Summarizing above descriptions, 4 patterns of exterior cold, exterior heat, exterior deficiency, exterior excess and their secondary compound patterns of exterior cold deficiency and exterior cold excess and so on are classified together with treatment method and available decoction for a standard measure of eight principle pattern differentiation.

The study on the interrelationship of fixing the Ki-Gu(氣口) pulse and the Yin-Yeong(人迎) pulse in front of Kwan(關) the distance of 1 Pun(分) and the development of the Kwan-Pulse(關脈) (기구인영맥(氣口人迎脈)의 '관전일분처(關前一分處)' 비정(比定)과 관맥(關脈) 형성과정(形成過程)의 상관성(相關性)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jeong-Giu
    • The Journal of the Society of Korean Medicine Diagnostics
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2009
  • In the Ki-Gu(氣口) pulse and the Yin-Yeong(人迎) pulse are the arterial pulsation position of the Lung Channel of Hand-Taeuem(手太陰) and the Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangmyeong(足陽明). At the pulses we can examine the circulation of Ki-Hyeol(氣血), the balance of Uem-Yang(陰陽), the deficiency and excess of the diseases, whether the disease is in Uem-Channel(陰經) or Yang-Channel (陽經), whether the disease is internel injury or externel injury. In the Ki-Gu(氣口) pulse and the Yin-Yeong(人迎) pulse are in front of the Right-Kwan(右關) and the Left-Kwan(左關) the distance of 1 Pun(分) because of completion of the Chon-Ku-Pulse-Taking(寸口脈診). The purpose of examnation is same to . In the Kwan-Pulse(關脈) doesn't have the position. It has only the role of a gateway of the circulation of Ki-Hyeol(氣血), the balance of Uem-Yang(陰陽). And it is same to role of the Ki-Gu(氣口) pulse and the Yin-Yeong(人迎) pulse in . So we can think that the Kwan-Pulse(關脈) in and the Ki-Gu(氣口) pulse and the Yin-Yeong(人迎) pulse in are the same thing. And we must have the different standard when examine the condition of Sam-Cho(三焦) and the circulation of Ki-Hyeol(氣血), the balance of Uem-Yang(陰陽) because the position of the Kwan-Pulse(關脈) came out after the time of .

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The Research on the Characteristics of BMI and Sasang Constitutional on Dysmenorrhea Patients (월경통 여성의 사상체질과 비만도에 따른 변증특성 연구)

  • Cho, Hye-Sook;Lee, In-Seon;Kim, Kyu-Kon;Kim, Jong-Won
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.102-115
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of dysmenorrhea patients with the Inbody test results by Sasang constitutions. Methods: The data from the 541 participants were collected using a structured measurement of menstrual pain. Based on the survey responses, we had 329 women with dysmenorrhea as the test group and 212 women without dysmenorrhea as the control group. The clinical trials subjects were asked to respond to another questionnaire for identifying their constitutional types and undergo Inbody test. Results: The result of a comparison of the test and control groups showed that the DSOM test showed that the scores of blood deficiency, qi stagnation, blood stasis and phlegm were significantly higher in dysmenorrhea. The result of the taeumin's test groups showed that the DSOM test showed that the scores of heat were significantly higher. For the Sasang constitution, there is a difference on the cause of the outbreak. Taeumin from blood deficiency, blood stasis, dampness, heart, kidney, phlegm and lung is associated with dysmenorrhea. Soeumin from blood deficiency, qi stagnation, blood stasis, liver, heart, spleen and phlegm is associated with dysmenorrhea. The ratio of overweight of taeumin was low in blood deficiency and yin deficiency. The ratio of lowweight of soeumin was high in heat. Conclusions: The DSOM test showed that the scores of blood deficiency, qi stagnation, blood stasis and phlegm were significantly higher in dysmenorrhea.

A clinical case report of somatoform disorder patient complained nausea and vomiting (오심(惡心), 구토(嘔吐)를 주소(主訴)로 하는 신체형(身體型) 장애(障碍) 환아(患兒)의 치험(治驗) 1예(例))

  • Han Yun-Jeong;Chang Gyu-Tae;Kim Jang-Hyun
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2001
  • The somatoform disorder are distinguished by physical symptoms suggesting a medical condition, yet the symptoms are not fully explained by the medical condition, by substance use, or by another mental disorder. This is that an unconscious intrapsychic conflict, wish, or need is converted to a somatic symptom and clinically express various symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting dyspepsia, diarrhea and constipation, etc. We report a case of somatoform disorder patient, who was 9 years old female and complained of nausea, vomiting and dysdipsia. She had her case diagnosed as somatoform disorder in Yong-dong severance hospital and took anti-depressant (chlomipramine) with counseling for 2 months. After treatment, her emotional instability and depression were improved, yet the somatic symptoms remain same. We diagnosed her case as vomiting induced by deficiency of the stomach(胃虛嘔吐) and administered Bihe-yin(比和飮) to her. After administration of Bihe-yin(比和飮) for one month, her somatic symptoms of nausea, vomiting and dysdipsia were almost disappeared and she got acquired her confidence in school life.

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Changes and Distortions in the Meaning of yin and yang, cold and heat, exterior and interior, deficiency and excessiveness in the Constitutional Medicine (사상의학(四象醫學)에서의 음양(陰陽)·한열(寒熱)·표리(表裏)·허실(虛實) 병리(病理)의 변용(變用))

  • Choi, Yei-Kwen;Kim, Kyung-Yo
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.25-101
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    • 1997
  • The physiologic and pathologic theories of "The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine (黃帝內經)" were based on yin-yang theory. It has been an important constituent of traditional Chinese medicine, and the eight principal syndromes have been main guidelines in diagnosis and treatment. Recently it had an great influene on the formation of the pathophysiology of Constitutional medicine. Therefore each constitution menifests special pathophysiologic propriorities of the eight pricipal syndromes, especially specific to one's constitution. So we can recognize specific patterns of the yin and yang, cold and heat, exterior and interior, deficient and excessive syndromes through a series of processes distinguishing one's constitution. The theory of the Constitutional medicine, however, has contained those achievements in a new angle and view the problem from a little different standpoint. The dynamic relationships inevitably have caused certain changes and distortions in the meaning and application of eight principles. These are a progress in medical science, and this advance is the stirring venture of Lee jaema. This thesis has intended to show the delicate relationship between the two, and investigate into these "changes and distortions".

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Definition, Role and Method of Yinyang Pattern Differentiation (음양변증(陰陽辨證)의 정의와 기능 및 판별방법 연구)

  • Chi, Gyoo-yong;Park, Shin-hyung
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2021
  • In order to ensure the fact that eight principle pattern differentiation is used clinically as a basic guideline for Korean medicine practice, the definition, role and method of yin-yang pattern differentiation with its case report were explored at first. Yinyang Pattern Differentiation is a method of discriminating human tendencies or morbidity based on the yin and yang characteristics expressed in living bodies. And yin and yang are the two contrasting characteristics and aspects of the interaction when certain physical conditions that have a lasting effect on the human physiological metabolic function are correlated with the morbidity. Specific methods of yinyang pattern differentiation can be divided into several types of yin and yang indicators. First, time and space factors like day and night, hot and cold seasons, above and below, topographical districts. Second, colors and pulse and their/or relative clearness and muddiness, hardness and softness, moving and resting. Third, diagnose yin and yang patterns through distinguishing the true and false of a fever and cold in an emergency phase such as increase of brain pressure and shock state. Fourth, general characteristics of the propensity and constitution of a subject such as body type, speech, behavior, and physiological metabolism. And for clinical use, these were summarized again as a symptom indicators of physical signs and color, pulse, tongue and questionnaire indicators of propensity, body type, and space-time characteristics. Conclusively, it was confirmed that yinyang pattern differentiation has its own diagnostic significance which is distinct from exterior-interior, cold-heat and deficiency-excess pattern differentiation.