We inquired into the prescription including Radix Aconiti(附子) on the records of the past. According to the role of Radix Aconiti(附子), we can divide into four group. (1) In the case of excess in the upper and deficiency in the lower(上盛下虛), heat in the upper and cold in the lower(上熱下寒), Radix Aconiti(附子) supplies the fire from the gate of life(命門火) and the fire of deficiency type(虛火) is recurred into the origine(根源) by it. (2) In the case that Yang(陽) is kept externally by Yin(陰)-excess in the interior(陰盛格陽), and there is heat syndrome in the exterior with cold syndrome in the interior(裏寒外熱), Radix Aconiti(附子) can remove cold(祛寒) and revitalizes(回陽). (3) In the case of the heat of excess type syndrome(實熱證), Radix Aconiti(附子) treats heat-syndrome(熱證) with heat-clearing(淸熱) drug. (4) In the case of wind-syndrome(風證) and phlegm-syndrome(痰證), Radix Aconiti(附子) supplies the kidney-Yang(元陽) and promotes movement of the other drugs. According to frequency in use of drugs, we can divide into four group. (1) In e case of the fire of deficiency type(虛火), Radix Aconiti(附子) is used with drugs of invigorating-Yin(補陰), invigorating-Yang(補陽) and diuresis(利水), such as Rhizoma rehmanniae(熟地黃), Cortex cinnamomi(肉桂), Fructus comi(山茱萸), Poria, etc. (2) In the case that Yang is kept externally by Yin(陰)-excess in the interior(陰盛格陽), Radix Aconiti(附子) is used with drugs of dispelling cold(祛寒) and revitalization(回陽), such as Rhizoma zingiberis siccatum(乾薑), Radix glycyrrhizae(甘草), Radix ginseng(人蔘), etc. (3) In the case of the heat of excess type syndrome(實熱證), Radix Aconiti(附子) is used with drugs of heat-clearing(淸熱), such as Rhizoma coptidis(黃蓮). (4) In the case of wind-syndrome(風證) and phlegm-syndrome(痰證), Radix Aconiti(附子) is used with drugs of dispersing(發散), invigorating(補氣), enriching the blood(補血), removing the phlegm(去痰), heat-clearing(淸熱). such as Radix oxterici koreani(羌活), Radix ledebouriellae(防風), Radix ginseng(人蔘), Radix angelicae gigantis(當歸), etc. Especially in many of cases, Radix Aconiti(附子) is used with drugs of nourishing-Yin(滋陰), but it is hardly used with drugs of treating middle-jiao energy(中氣).