• Title/Summary/Keyword: Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang

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Anti-inflammatory Activities of Herbal Formulas for Sasang Constitutional Medicine (사상 체질 처방의 항염증 효능 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Ah;Ha, Hye-Kyung;Lee, Ho-Young;Jung, Da-Young;Lee, Jun-Kyoung;Huang, Dae-Sun;Shin, Hyeun-Kyoo
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2010
  • 1. Objectives 4 herbal formulas (Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang, Yeoldahanso-tang, Cheongsimyeonja-tang and Taeeumjowi-tang) were applied to investigate the anti-inflammatory activities. In many studies, plant-derived anti-inflammatory efficacies have been investigate for their potential inhibitory effects on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages. This study was performed to examine the anti-inflammatory activities of 4 herbal formulas on LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. 2. Methods The productions of nitric oxide (NO), prostaglandin (PG)$E_2$, interleukin(IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-${\alpha}$ were examined in the presence of the 4 herbal formulas in RAW 264.7 cells. The cells were incubated with LPS 1 ${\mu}g/mL$ and 4 herbal formulas for 18 hrs. The anti-inflammatory activity of 4 herbal formulas were investigate by carrageenin-induced paw edema in rats. The paw volume was measured at 2 and 4 hrs following carrageenininduced paw edema in rats. 3. Results Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang and Cheongsimyeonja-tang showed inhibitory effect on $PGE_2$ production in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells and a reduction in carrageenin-induced paw edema on rats. Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang showed inhibitory effect on IL-6 in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. 4 herbal formulas not affect on NO and TNF-${\alpha}$ inhibition in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. 4. Conclusions These results suggested that Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang and Cheongsimyeonja-tang have anti-inflammatory activity.

Study on Characteristics of Acute Stroke Patient with Yangkyuksanwha-tang (급성기 중풍 환자에게 양격산화탕(凉膈散火湯) 활용의 임상적 연구)

  • Kwak, Seung-hyuk;Park, Su-kyung;Leem, Jung-Tae;Woo, Su-kyung;Jung, Woo-sang;Moon, Sang-kwan;Cho, Ki-ho;Park, Sung-wook;Ko, Chang-nam
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2010
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the acute stroke patient who take Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang, and arrange the indication of Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang. Method : We studied hospitalized patients within 4 weeks after their accident who were hospitalized at Kyunghee University Oriental Medical Center, Kyunghee University East-West Neo Medical Center, Kyungwon University Oriental Medical Center, Semyung University Oriental Medical Center from February 2010 to July 2010. We classified and found out the characteristics of acute stroke patient according to herb medicine. Result : The patient who take Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang show meaningful difference for TG, HDL-cholesterole, total lipid, AST, homocysteine, chest burning sensation, and oriental medical diagnosis. Conclusion : The result of this study show that Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang can be applied to acute stroke patient who feels chest burning sensation, and whose oriental medical diagnosis is fever type. Additory evaluations would be needed to better understand the difference between Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang group and other herb medicine group on acute stroke patients.

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Two Cases of Repetitive Episodic Tension-type Headache Patients who were Constitutionally Typed as Soyangin and Taeeumin (반복 발작성 긴장성 두통을 호소하는 소양인(少陽人) 태음인(太陰人) 치험 2례)

  • Park, Byung-Joo;Shin, Hyun-Sang;Kang, Mi-Jeong;Lee, Ji-Won;Jang, Hyun-Su;Lee, Jun-Hee;Lee, Eui-Ju;Koh, Byeong-Hee
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2010
  • 1. Objectives: This study reports two cases of repetitive episodic tension-type headache patients who were each constitutionally typed as the Taeeum type and the Soyang type and respectively treated with Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang and Galgeunhaegi-tang. 2. Methods: The patients' subjective and objective symptoms were observed daily, and the VAS scores for the main symptoms were recorded daily throughout hospitalization period. When deemed necessary, other assessment tools were engaged (Migraine-Specific Quality of Life questionnaire, Migraine Disablity Assessment questionnaire, Headache Impact Test-6, etc.). 3. Results: The Soyang Type patient's headache improved by the end of hospitalization, with a dramatic drop in the VAS score from VAS 10 to VAS 2. The Taeeum Type patient's headache also showed improvement, with an equally dramatic decrease in the VAS score from VAS 10 to VAS 2. 4. Conclusion: Although the two patients were experiencing the same symptoms of repetitive episodic tension-type headache, they were each given different medicinal interventions in accordance to their respective constitutional types. This series of cases is notable in that the two widely different medications (Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang and Galgeunhaegi-tang) were applied to specifically conforming pathologies (the Sogal symptomatology and the Ganyeol symptomatology, respectively) to produce equally dramatic improvements.

Anti-atherosclerotic Effects of Herbal Formulas for Sasang Constitutional Medicine (사상 체질 처방의 항동맥경화 효능 비교 연구 -열다한소탕, 양격산화탕, 청심연자탕, 태음조위탕-)

  • Kim, Ohn-Soon;Kim, Ye-Ji;Shin, Hyeun-Kyoo
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the anti-atherosclerotic effects of 4 herbal formulas for Sasang constitutional medicine (Yeoldahanso-tang: YDHST, Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang: YGSHT, Cheongsimyeonja-tang: CSYJT and Taeeumjowi-tang: TEJWT). Methods : The antioxidant activities of herbal formulas were studied by measuring free radical scavenging activities on ABTS and DPPH. The inhibitory effects on LDL oxidation was evaluated by the formation of TBARS, REM and fragmentation of apolipoprotein B-100 (ApoB). Effects of herbal formulas on macrophage lipid accumulation were determined in native LDL and LPS co-incubated macrophages using Oil Red O staining. Results : The scavenging activities on ABTS and DPPH of herbal formulas were increased in dose-dependent manner (YDHST>YGSHT>CSYJT>TEJWT). Herbal formulas reduced the oxidation properties of LDL induced by $CuSO_4$. YDHST, YGSHT and CSYJT showed strong suppressive effect on LDL oxidation than TEJWT. In addition, YDHST, YGSHT and CSYJT significantly inhibited foam cell formation in LDL/LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Conclusions : These results demonstrate that YDHST, YGSHT and CSYJT have potentials on anti-atherosclerosis by antioxidative effect and suppressive effect on LDL oxidation.

An Experimental Study on the Anti-stress Effect by Soyangin Hyeongbangdojeok-san and Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang (소양인 형방도적산과 양격산화탕의 항 스트레스효과에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Yeop;Choi, Ae-Ryun;Ha, Jin-Ho;Lee, Jung-Hwan;Kim, Pan-Joon;Goo, Deok-Mo
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.151-163
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    • 2008
  • 1. Objective This study was done to identify the anti-stress effect of Hyeongbangdojeok-san (HDS), Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang(YST) in Soyangin. 2. Methods Experimental animals were composed of YST, HDS+stress groups which were administered each by 200mg/kg, 400mg/kg and the Saline+stress group. On the 1st day, making the rats forced swim and on the 2nd day, applying Forced swimming test to the rats. After FST, the levels of Corticosterone in the blood were measured. For the study of learning retardation, memory ability and anxiety reaction, experimental animals were composed of YST, HDS+restraint stress groups which were administered each by 400mg/kg, no stress group and the Saline+restraint stress group. Restraint stress were applied 2 hours a day for 3 weeks. On the last day of the 3rd week, Elevated Plus Maze(EPM) was applied to the groups and Morris Water Maze(MWM) was applied to the groups for 7 days. 3. Results 1. As the results of measuring FST which reflects depression, the YST+stress group and the HDS+stress group showed significant effect in comparison with the Saline+stress group. The levels of Corticosterone in the blood were decreased only in the 400mg/kg YST+stress group. 2. As the results of measuring how long EPM which reflects anxiety reaction stayed in the open arm, there was the trend which can suppress anxiety reaction in the HDS+restraint stress group bur no statistical significance. But there was any suppression of anxiety reaction in the YST+restraint stress group. 3. According to the result of MWM, the saline+restraint stress group showed the learning retardation which means increased time arriving at goal compared to the normal group at the second and third day of measurement. On the contrary, a learning retardation was significantly decreased in the YST+restraint stress group at the third day of measurement. 4. Among the Probe trial test a memory loss occurred in the saline+restraint stress group, but memory ability was significantly increased in the YST+restraint stress group. 4. Conclusion: As the results above, Soyangin Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang has significant influence to the antidepression effect, the learning retardation, the anxiety reaction and also in the Hormone level. Hyeongbangdojeok-san has significant influence to the antidepression effect, in the Hormone level, bur not to the learning retardation and anxiety reaction. prefer to drink cold water, and who are suffering from chronic gastritis.

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Study of Hazard Materials in Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang by Decoction Method (전탕법이 양격산화탕(凉膈散火湯)의 위해물질에 미치는 연구)

  • Seo, Chang-Seob;Kim, Jung-Hoon;Ha, Hye-Kyoung;Lee, Mee-Young;Lee, Jun-Kyoung;Lee, Nam-Hun;Lee, Ho-Young;Lee, Jin-Ah;Lee, Sul-Lim;Shin, Hyeun-Kyoo
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2010
  • 1. Objectives: To compare the contents of hazardous substances such as crude, washing solution, crude after washing, decoction and remnant. 2. Methods: The heavy metal contents of each step were measured by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometer and mercury analyzer (MA-2). In order to analyze pesticides in Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang we used simultaneous multi- residue analysis of pesticides by GC/ECD, which was followed by GC/MSD analysis to confirm the identity of the detected pesticide in each sample. In addition, the contents of sulfur dioxide (SO2) were performed by Monier-Williams distillation method. 3. Results: 1) The mean values of heavy metal contents (mg/kg) for each steps in Yanggeoksanhwa-tang were as follows: crude (Pb; 1.87, As; 1.29, Cd; 0.28 and Hg; N.D.), washing solution (Pb; 1.98, As; 1.13, Cd; 0.10 and Hg; N.D.), crude after washing (Pb; 1.90, As; 1.40, Cd; 0.22 and Hg; N.D.), decoction (Pb; 1.90, As; 1.14, Cd; 0.11 and Hg; N.D.) and remnant (Pb; 2.39, As; 1.29, Cd; 0.25 and Hg; 0.01). 2) Contents (mg/kg) of residual pesticides in crude and decoction were not detected. 3) Contents (mg/kg) of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in crude, crude after washing and remnant exhibited 3.00, 2.00 and 2.00 mg/kg, respectively. However, contents of sulfur dioxide in washing solution and decoction were not detected. 4. Conclusions: These Results: will be used to establish a criterion of heavy metals, residual pesticides and sulfur dioxide of each step in Yanggeoksanhwa-tang.

A Case Report of a Soyangin Oro-facial Dyskinesia Treated with Functional Cerebrospinal Therapy (턱관절균형요법을 병행하여 치료한 소양인의 입얼굴 이상운동증 치험 1례)

  • Park, Gyung-hun;Jeon, Soo-Hyung;Kim, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2020
  • Objectives This study was conducted to find out how effective the combined treatments of Sasang constitutional medication, acupuncture, pharmacopuncture and functional cerebrospinal therapy (FCST) are for oro-facial dyskinesia. Methods A patient was diagnosed as Soyangin according to the result of Sasang constitutional diagnosis and treated by Sasang constitutional medication, acupuncture, pharmacopuncture and functional cerebrospinal therapy. The progress was evaluated with the global assessment scale (GAS) and balance sheets test. Results Oro-facial dyskinesia was almost disappeared with Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang, acupunctiure, pharmacopuncture and functional cerebrospinal therapy. Conclusions We report a case of oro-facial dyskinesia that improved with Sasang constitutional medicine, acupunctiure, pharmacopuncture and functional cerebrospinal therapy.

A Clinical Report on the Adverse Reactions of Sasangin by the Prescriptions of Soeumin.Soyangin (소음인(少陰人).소양인(少陽人) 처방에 대한 사상인(四象人)의 반응에 대한 임상보고)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jung;Kim, Jong-Yoel
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2008
  • 1. Objective The aim of this study was to survey the adverse reactions by the prescriptions of Soeumin.Soyangin and to compare the tendency of their symptoms according to Sasang constitutional type. 2. Methods The clinical data for this study were based on the medical records of total 91 cases collected from an oriental clinic during 1996-2004. Their constitutional types were diagnosed by a specialist and then confirmed by drug reactions. To evaluate reliability of the analysis, we only analysed the cases above grade C. The target prescriptions were Palmulgunja-tang, Bojungikgi-tang, Hyangsayangwi-tang, Ijung-tang, Hyeongbangsabaek-san, Jeoryeongchajeonja-tang, Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang, Yangdokbaekho-tang and the sorts of Jihwang-tang. 3. Results and Conclusion The prescriptions which were not suitable for their Sasang constitutional type induced indigestion, stomachache and evacuation troubles basically. Besides, the prescriptions of Soeumin caused some fever of the upper body and skin on Taeeumin and Soyangin. And the prescriptions of Soyangin lead to more severe digestive and evacuation troubles on Taeeumin and Soeumin. 4. Conclusion: This study need to be compensated by additional clinical studies which are more systematic and continuous. This way we can make the firm evidence for approving the difference of drug susceptibility according to the Sasang constitutional type.

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Difference in Taste of Herbal Medications among Sasang Constitution Groups (탕약 맛에 대한 사상체질별 차이 연구)

  • Son, Han-Beom;Kim, Ji-Hwan;Park, Seong-Sik;Bae, Hyo-Sang
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.288-296
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    • 2015
  • Objectives Purpose of this study was to examine difference of taste score in herbal medicine among Sasang Constitution groups. Methods Seventy-three healthy students tasted salt solution, sucrose solution, four herbal medications (Hyangsayangwi-tang, Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang, Yeoldahanso-tang, and Mihudeungsikjang-tang), and then immediately scored intension of stimuli for each taste which they felt. Data of sixty-four final participant were analyzed by SPSS version 18, as follows: frequency analysis for characteristic data of participants, Kruskal-wallis test for difference in taste score among Sasang Constitution groups, and Pearson correlation analysis for the correlation between taste score of single taste stimuli and taste scores of herbal medications. Results Significant difference was shown in sweet taste score of Hyangsayangwi-tang among Sasang Constitution groups, that Soyangin showed higher sweet taste score of Hyangsayangwi-tang than Soeumin's. No significant difference was shown in other tastes or other herbal medications. Positive correlation between taste score of sucrose solution and sweet taste score of herbal medication was shown in Soemin. Conclusions There is difference in sweet taste score of Hyangsayangwi-tang among Sasang Constitution groups. There is positive correlation between sweet taste score of sucrose solution and herbal medication. This research has limitation, so well-designed research is needed.

Research on the Usage Frequency of Sasang Constitutional Herbal Formula with Case Record Form (증례기록지를 이용한 체질처방 사용빈도 조사)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyuk;Kim, Yun-Jeong;Kim, Ho-Seok;Jeong, Kyoung-Sik;Lee, Si-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.101-106
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : The aim of this study was to survey the usage frequency of Sasang constitutional herbal formula in the clinlcal field. Methods : We searched the case report forms from 2031 subjects in the 11 oriental hospitals and 10 oriental clinic. Subjects were diagnosed by the Sasang Constitution specialist in oriental hospital, who had remarkable improvement in their chief complain after Sasang Constitution medication. We counted the usage frequency of each constitutional herbal formula. Results and Conclusions : In TE type, Cheongsimnyeonja-tang, Yeoldahanso-tang, Jowiseungcheong-tang, Taeeumjowi-tang were used in high frequency. In SE type, various herbal formula were used in a similar frequency. In SY type, Yanggyeoksanhwa-tang, Hyeongbangjihwang-tang, Dokhwaljihwang-tang were used in high frequency. Additionally, the use of specific herbal formula was concentrated in SY type.