• Title/Summary/Keyword: Worldview education

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When do Children form Views about Origins, and what Factors Affect the Formation of These Views?

  • Cho, Jung-Il;Choi, Gyu-Shik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.465-476
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    • 2007
  • Whether and when naturalistic or supernaturalistic explanations of the origins of sun and earth, humans, life and species change with development was explored in a questionnaire and interviews with 32 first graders and 32 second graders, and in a questionnaire with 34 third graders, 32 sixth graders and 38 eighth graders. Participants were also asked about factors affecting their explanations in the questionnaires. Even the first and second graders could consistently provide supernaturalistic or naturalistic explanations on both the origins of sun and earth, and of humans. There was an age-related developmental shift from supernaturalistic to naturalistic explanation. As for origins of species, most of the first and second graders held the spontaneous generationist explanation, and after the third grade their views divided into evolutionist and creationist explanations. Students' explanations of species origins were established by the sixth grade through a transitional stage in the third grade. At the first and second grade levels, books and the children's own reasoning mainly influenced the views of origins, whereas parents and school were not perceived as being important. For the third graders and higher-grade levels, several factors, including parents and religion, were perceived as being important. These results show that explanations of origins start to develop earlier than or during the first grade, and are established by the sixth grade; moreover, the formation of these views is affected by several factors in addition to development.

Public Practice and Christian Education for Covid-Generation: Uncanny and Incarnational Solidarity (코로나세대 공적 기독교교육의 방향성 연구 : 언캐니(Uncanny)와 성육신적 연대)

  • Yunsoo Joo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.74
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    • pp.33-55
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to explore the direction of Christian public practice in the post-COVID era, seeking to overcome the uncanny feeling caused by increased division and exclusion during the pandemic period. Firstly, we will investigate the unequal impact of COVID-19 on the labor market and examine ways to achieve economic justice in the post-COVID era. Subsequently, we will deliberate the role of Christianity in establishing publicness in the digital world and virtual spaces. Finally, viewing COVID-19 as a catastrophe caused by an anthropocentric worldview and exploitation driven by greed, we will explore the tasks of Christianity to overcome the crisis of the Anthropocene. Christian public practice should fulfill its mission of care and stewardship not only in social context but also in an ecological dimension. The author proposes "planetary citizenship education" for a harmonious relationship between human species and the Earth they inhabit.

The style of life shown by Elder Lee Sang-dong through the encounter between Confucianism and early Protestantism (이상동 장로가 유교와 초기 개신교 만남으로 보여준 삶의 양식)

  • Kwang Deok Ahn
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.78
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    • pp.153-189
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    • 2024
  • This study sought to find the characteristics of the Protestant faith that emerged during the early missionary work of Korean Protestants in the Andong region of Gyeongsang Province, where Confucianism was developed. In the early days of Korean Protestantism (1905-1935), it focused on the life and lifestyle of Elder Lee Sang-dong, a nobleman with a background in Toegye Confucianism, who converted from Confucianism. Elder Sang-dong Lee's life and journey of faith can be illuminated and the implications can be connected through the theology of the faith community by Christian education scholar J. h. Westerhoff III. Westerhoff viewed Christian education as forming the values and worldview of individuals in the community while the faith community adapts to society and culture. Westerhoff's view of Christian education is that these values appear as a way of life within social and cultural processes, and this life helps to reveal various aspects of life based on different environments. As Sang-dong Lee began reading the Bible, he came to believe in Jesus and accepted the worldview of the Bible. The values o f the Bible accepted in this way opened up a world view shown by the Christian Bible rather than Confucian Toegye Neo-Confucianism in the encounter between Confucianism in the late Joseon Dynasty and early Protestant church history. Thus, he lived the lifestyle of a believer who put the words of the Bible into practice in the life of a Confucianism nobleman. He founded the Posan-dong Church and started a church with a martyrdom faith community. He was the first in Andong to sing the March 1st Independence Movement on his own, advocated the Korean Independence Movement, liberated slaves and demonstrated the equality movement, and established new education at DeoksinSeosuk. By implementing it, it faithfully fulfilled its role as a teacher of the enlightenment movement and catechesis. In the early days of Korean Protestantism, Lee Sang-dong, a layman who held the office of elder rather than a minister in an institutional church, is a practical example of the values and lifestyle shown through the encounter between Confucianism and Protestantism in the Andong region, the stronghold of Confucianism. It can be seen as providing deep insight in modern church history and from the perspective of Christian education.

Problems and Alternatives of Christian Education in Korean Churches in the 21st Century (21세기 한국교회 교회교육의 문제점과 대안)

  • Lee, Jeung Gwan
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.64
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    • pp.81-107
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    • 2020
  • Church education in Korean churches is facing a very serious crisis. This crisis is a negative perception of the church as viewed by the present society. The negative perception of the church has led to children, adolescents, young adults, and even adults leaving the church. There have been countless studies on the problem of Christian education and its alternatives. However, those problems still remain a matter of church education. The alternatives do not become viable and remain a problem. To solve these problems, a paradigm shift is required, and in order to overcome the crisis of the church, it is necessary to study alternatives and its method factors and find application points. Today's church education is absolutely influenced by postmodernism and informationalization. However, church education is education for Christian identity that transmits Christian faith. This Christian education is facing challenges and crises against its religious and academic identity. Christian education has a responsibility to be aware of this reality and to present alternatives to overcome various crises facing church education. Therefore, it is the task of church education to establish standards so that we can live a life where the Bible becomes the standard. In other words, it is to give them biblical faith. Furthermore, it is necessary to point out and understand Christian faith in the Korean church, which has been evaluated as insufficient. In addition, establishing a Christian worldview and realizing the Kingdom of God that practice justice and love in society are tasks that can be accomplished efficiently through Christian education. Therefore, the Korean church should actively seek ways to support the practice of Christian education as well as church education in forming ideal Christians which is the goal of Christian education.

Information Technologies in the Formation of Environmental Consciousness in Future Professionals

  • Tomchuk, Mykhailo;Khrolenko, Maryna;Volokhata, Kateryna;Bakka, Yuliia;Ieresko, Oleg;Kambalova, Yanina
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.331-339
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    • 2022
  • The global process of transition from industrial to information society, as well as socio-economic changes taking place in Ukraine, require significant changes in many areas of state activity. It is especially connected with the reforms in the sphere of education. Today, national programs provide for the development of education on the basis of new progressive concepts, the introduction of the educational process of new pedagogical technologies and scientific achievements, the creation of a new system of information education, entrance of Ukaine into the transcontinental computer information system. Information technologies are qualitatively changing the key resources of development: this is no longer a space with fixed production, but primarily mobile finance and intelligence. They have a direct impact on the formation of personal growth, professional content and self-organization, emotional and psychological maturity and consciousness, and so on. One of the main factors in ensuring the stability and social education of the country's citizens is the culture of security, the formation and development of which is an urgent problem today. Comprehensive and systematic development of security culture will significantly increase the readiness of the population, the level of environmental, labor and patriotic education, reduce human losses, material damage from emergencies. Ecological education can be carried out more successfully only gradually and in accordance with the socio-psychological periods of one's development: kindergarten - school - college - university. The creation of such a system of environmental education should be enshrined as the basis of state environmental policy as a constitutional norm with the usage of information technology. Graduates of universities, who are the future of our country, after mastering the skills of basic environmental education must have a high level of environmental culture, which is, in turn, part of general human culture, and investigate environmental issues from the standpoint of their profession. It is known that with the help of environmental education the collective intelligence of society is formed, which can predict human activities and processes occurring in nature, and in some way to help with the elimination of crises. It is through environmental education that another system of human values is being formed, which places great emphasis on intangible wealth and solidarity, and great responsibility of humanity for the ecological state of the native country; provides a higher standard of living as a result of sustainable development, through the introduction of information technology in this system. To improve the quality of life, we need better knowledge, which must be implemented through information technology at the international level.

The Role of Fundamentalization of Education in Improving the Future Specialists Professional Training with Usage of Multimedia Technologies

  • Palshkov, Kostiantyn;Kochubei, Olena;Tsokur, Olga;Tiahur, Vasyl;Tiahur, Liubomyra;Filimonova, Tetiana;Kuzminskyi, Anatolii
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2022
  • The article considers the fundamentalization of education in improving the future specialists professional training with usage of multimedia technologies by various scientists. Various points of view and approaches to defining the concepts of fundamentalization of education and multimedia technologies are identified. The concept of fundamentalization of professional training of a future specialist is based on the goals and functions of fundamentalization and - on the ways and means of achieving it, etc. Most authors agree only in their views that the fundamentalization of education is aimed at improving the quality of education and the education of the individual. Others involve the formation of a culture and worldview, increasing the creative and intellectual potential, forming the professional competence of a specialist and the potential for further education, and so on. The term multimedia refers to interactive systems that provide processing of moving and still video images, animated graphics, high-quality audio and speech. It is found out that professional training of a specialist by means of multimedia technologies includes not only the activities of the teacher and student, which form the learning process, but also the independent activity of the subject, self-development, assimilation of experience by the subject through analysis, comprehension and transformation of the field of activity in which he is included. It is revealed through the implementation of which approaches to the fundamentalization of higher professional education, it becomes possible to fully present theoretical training courses and effectively pass practical training by students, which contributes to improving the quality of training of future specialists in higher education institutions. Theoretical analysis of scientific views indicates a fairly serious attention of scientists to the problem of professional readiness of specialists and the possibility of higher educational institutions in preparing for it. At the same time, professional readiness is considered from different positions: as an active state of a person, which manifests itself in activity; as a result of activity; as goals of activity; as a quality that characterizes the attitude to solving professional problems and social situations; as a prerequisite for purposeful activity; as a form of activity of the subject; as an integral formation of personality; as a component of socio-professional culture; as a complex professionally significant neoplasm of the individual.

Secondary School Students' Epistemological View and Ontological View about Nature (중등학생들의 자연에 대한 인식론적 관점과 존재론적 관점)

  • Won, Jeong-Ae;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1158-1172
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    • 2004
  • This study searched secondary school students' epistemological views and ontological views about nature and the root causes of such their views. The subjects were 156 secondary school students and data were gathered by the questionnaire developed based on preceding researches. As a result, many secondary school students had epistemological views of unknowable nature. There were various root causes of their epistemological views such as regularity and harmony of nature, predictable and circular natural phenomenon, causation, the relation between human and nature. On the other hand, a lot of secondary school students had ontological view of supernatural nature. Their religious beliefs were very powerful influence their supernatural ontological views. The nature is the object of science and the physical world. Because those views supply science educators basic backgrounds how leaners understand science class, secondary school students' epistemological views and ontological views are precious information. From now on, it is necessary to study relations between students' epistemological views and ontological views and their science class processes.

Electronic Media and New Configurations of the Content of Modern Educational Practices

  • Skurativskyi, Vadym;Shyrman, Roman;Sharolapova, Nina;Nehreskul, Ihor;Molokanova, Olha
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.401-407
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    • 2022
  • Electronic media are an integral part of modern civilization; educational practices are no exception, which should change the content orientations, structures and methodological approaches in accordance with the requirements of the educational market. This makes it relevant to find effective and successful configurations in the process of implementing modern educational practices. The purpose of the research lies in determining the basic principles of electronic media and their place in modern education, identifying the effectiveness of teaching disciplines with application of electronic media, as well as establishing the level of assessment by students of the need to involve different types of electronic media in the educational process and professional practice. The research methodology is complex; the descriptive method and methods of observation, analysis and synthesis have been used in the academic paper. The method of pedagogical experiment has become the principal one; the method of questionnaires and statistical methods have been also used. The hypothesis of the academic paper lies in the fact that the involvement of electronic media in the educational process makes it more effective and requires conceptual changes in educational practices. The result of the research manifests in the identification of new opportunities for the use of electronic media, leading to conceptual shifts in the framework of modern educational policies. In the future, it will be appropriate to consider the theoretical aspects of changing worldview models in education and the use of new media in the educational process, their effectiveness and relevance.

The Study on the meaning of laughter in Korean Mask Play (민속극에서 웃음의 의미 연구 - 영남지역 민속극을 중심으로)

  • Sim, SangGyo
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.42
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    • pp.291-319
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, I looked for the parts where laughter appeared in the Mundoong, Yangban, Yeongno, and Grandfather and Grandmother of Tongyeong Ogwangdae and Dongrae Yaryu, and investigated the meaning of those parts. Laughter in mask play has made him more tolerant of human injustice and foolishness. I softened the critical content and naturally revealed what I thought should be hidden. Through a short and noisy plot, the opposing forces, the inner conflict of the Mundoong, Yangban, Yeongno, and Grandfather and Grandmother were shown in a realistic and realistic way. The worldview that creates the structure of realism is typically skeptical and ironic, and the worldview that creates the comical structure related to laughter aims for the ultimate emergence of a new order based on unity and harmony. Masking is thought to be a work in the stage of moving from the latter to the former. Therefore, it is judged that laughter in mask play served as an important medium for Korean art thought to have a realist view of the world. This is because various expression methods that induce laughter are working to reveal negativity, reveal the illusion of contemporary values, and naturally expose restraint and taboo suppression. In laughter, there is a path that transforms perception by fusing several elements. There was realism at the end of the pathway to new perception.

University Students' Understanding of the Nature of Science (과학적 소양의 관점에서 본 대학생들의 과학의 본성에 대한 이해)

  • Park, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Kum-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.390-399
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to examine university students' understanding of the nature of science, an aspect of scientific literacy, which is the goal of modern science education. To accomplish this, the differences and similarities by gender and major. on college students' understanding of the nature of science were investigated. 'Understanding of the Nature of Science' developed by Lee (2003) was implemented for this study. The instrument has three sub-scales; a scientific world view, scientific inquiry, and scientific enterprise. The instrument is only expected to give, and provides meaningful information on student understanding of the nature of science. A total of 120 college students, majoring in science education, liberal arts, and physical exercise participated in this study. Science education major students were verified to have a better understanding of the nature of science followed by liberal arts students and then physical exercise students. Moreover, men revealed slightly more comprehension that of women. More than 80% of students, majoring in science education, answered 11 out of 23 questions, approximately 50%. In the area of scientific inquiry, both science education and liberal arts students showed more comprehension that those in physical exercise. All participants showed relatively lower comprehension of the definition of scientific contribution than other subjects, but displayed a greater comprehension of the ethics of science. On the other hand, most students have relatively low apprehension in the contribution of science, while higher apprehension in the ethics of science.