• Title/Summary/Keyword: Work Record

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A Study on the Analysis of the Tasks of Record Managers in Offices of Education (교육청 소속 기록연구사의 직무 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eul Ji;Lee, Hosin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.131-156
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to prepare a plan for the improvement of the tasks of record managers in offices of education by understanding the details of their work; analyzing the importance, difficulty, and performance frequency of their tasks; and investigating their working environment and the problems of record management in offices of education. For this purpose, through a literature review and an analysis of related conditions, this study drew out 5 task domains and 24 detailed record management tasks in offices of education. To investigate the level of importance, difficulty, and performance frequency of the drawn-out task domains and task factors, this study conducted a questionnaire survey on record managers working in offices of education and analyzed the survey results using the IPA technique by crossing the level of importance, difficulty, and performance frequency. Based on the survey results, to improve the tasks of record managers in offices of education, and strengthen their task competency, a plan for improvement was suggested.

A Study on the Redesign of Work Processes for the Appraisal of Long-Term Records in Record Centers (기록관의 장기보존기록물 평가를 위한 평가업무 프로세스 재설계 연구)

  • Jang, Hyun-Jong;Seo, Ji-In
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.183-200
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    • 2021
  • With the revision of the Public Records Management Act in 2020, it has become possible to appraise long-term records more than 30 years old in the record center. However, there was no discussion on the appraisal process except for the revision of the Public Records Management Act. This study aimed to propose a process for appraisal of long-term records in the record center, focused on the roles and functions of the record center, archives, and central archives. To confirm the status and problems of the records appraisal process, we analyzed record management standards and interviewed 4 archivists who have been working as specialists for over 10 years. Based on the analysis results, the appraisal process for long-term records in the record center was redesigned in consideration of the functions and roles of the record center, archives, and central archives.

Development and Status of Smartphone Application for Farm Recordkeeping

  • Park, Kye Won;Joe, Seong Yeon;Hong, Eui Yon;Park, Seong Sik
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out with the goal of improving accessibility for farmers in record management. The pre-survey for farm records found that the main reasons for lack of records were "no need" and "no time" to keep such records. Based on the results of the pre-survey of smartphone-based farm recordkeeping, the major composition articles were management books, daily work logs, analysis books and additional books compiled by setting log in, notice and suggestions. The number of smartphone-based farm record books was 4,430 nationwide. We also updated farms keeping records on seven occasions for user convenience. Regional differences in the utilization ratio of record books showed that continuous promotion and education aimed at users were key points of success for farm recordkeeping books.

The status of care satisfactions of the disabled persons with community-based rehabilitation plan (장애인의 치료만족도에 따른 지역사회중심재활에 관한 연구)

  • Lee In-Hak;Park Rae-Joon;Kim Mi-Ran
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.13-32
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    • 1998
  • A questionaire was conducted to obtain ran satisfactions in information of the 325 disabled persons among the total 9,314 handicapped people in Taejon area, and was surveyed during the period of June 1 to August 31, 1997. The results are as follows: 1. Among the studied disabled persons, $54.5\%$ of male, and $45.5\%$ of female. 2. Before disabled in occupation, $32.0\%$ of out of work group were high, $6.5\%$ of farm, student group were low. Before disabled in occupation by gender, male group is $29.9\%$ of out of work group were high, $0.6\%$ of housework group were low. female group is$34.5\%$ of out of work group were high, $4.7\%$ of student group were low(P<0.001). 3. After disabled in occupation, $75.1\%$ of out of work group wert high, $10.8\%$ of in working group were low. After disabled in occupation by gender, male group is $87.6\%$ of out of work group were high, $1.7\%$ of housework group were low. female group is $60.1\%$ of out of work group were hgh, $10.8\%$ of in working group were low(P<0.001). 4. Medical security status, $64.9\%$ of medical aid group wore high, $35.1\%$ of medical insurance group were low. Medical security status by gender, male group is $71.2\%$ of medical aid group were high, $28.8\%$ of medical insurance group were Iew. female group is $57.4\%$ of medical aid group wan high, $42.6\%$ of medical insurance were low(P<0.01). 5. Disabled record status, $68.6\%$ of record group were high, $31.4\%$ of non group were low. Disabled record status by gender, male group is $78.5\%$ of record group were high, $21.5\%$ of non record group were low. female group is $56.6\%$ of record group were high, $43.4%$ of non record group were low(P<0.001). 6. Disabled duration status, $42.2\%$ of loss than 9 year group were high, $10.2\%\;of\;20-29,\;30-39$ year group were low. Disabled duration status by gender,'male group is $44.6\%$ of less than 9 year group were high, $6.2\%$ of 20-29 year group wert low. female group is $39.2\%$ of less than 9 year were high, $39.2\%$ of 30-39 year group were low (P<0.05). 7. Cause of disabled status, $26.5\%$ of other group, $23.7\%$ of congenital group were high. $9.2\%$ of unknown group, $6.8\%$ of industry accident, $2.5\%$ of drug poisoning group were low. Cause of disabled status by gender, male group is $27.7\%$ of other group, $23.7\%$ of congenital group were high, $2.3\%$ drug poisoning group were low. female group is $25.0\%$ of other group, $20.9\%$ of congenital group were high, $2.5\%$ of drug poisoning group were low (P<0.001). 8. Disabled type status, $19.4\%$ of double disabled group were high, $2.2\%$ of muscle paralysis group were low. Disabled type status by gender, male group is $22.0\%$ of double disabled group were high, $2.3\%$ of muscle paralysis group were low. female group is $23.3\%$ of rheumatism group were high, $0.7\%$ of amputation group were low(P<0.001). 9. Smoking status, $73.2\%$ of non smoking group were high, $26.8\%$ of smoking group were low. Smoking status by gender, male group is $59.9\%$ of double non smoking group were high, $40.1\%$ of Smoking group were low, female group is $89.2\%$ of non smoking group were high, $10.8\%$ of smoking group were low(P<0.001). 10. Drinking status, $80.0\%$ of non drinking group were high, $20.0\%$ of drinking group were low. Drinking status by gender, male group is $72.3\%$ of non drinking group were high, $27.7\%$ of drinking group were low. female group is $89.2\%$ of non drinking group were high, $10.8\%$ of drinking group were low(P<0.001). 11. Stress level status, $52.9\%$ of high stress group were high, $1.8\%$ of very severe stress group were low. Stress level status by gender, male group is $50.8\%$ of high stress group were high, $2.3\%$ of very severe stress group were low. female group is $55.4\%$of high stress group were high, $1.4\%$ of very severe stress group were low. 12. Heed status, $28.0\%$ of economic support were high, $4.6\%$ of speech therapy, brace group were low. Need status by Sender, male group is $2i2\%$ of economic support group were high, $4.5\%$ of bracegroup were low. female group is$27.7\%$ of economic support group were high, $3.4\%$ of speech therapy group were low. 13. Care satisfaction comparision, 3.09, 0.55 point of IBR, 4.01, 0.45 point of CHR(P<0.001). 14. The variables which had positive correlation with IBR were gender(r=0.1406, P<0.01), age(r=0.1872, p<0.001), economic level(r=0.1246, P<0.05), disabled record(r=0.1137, P<0.05), education level(r=-0.1122. p<0.05). 15. The variables which had positive : correlation with CBR were gender(r=0.1613, P<0.01), age(r=0.2255, P<0.001). list of family(r=0.12i3, P<0.01), disabled record(r=0.1273, P<0.05). education level(r=-0.1294, P<0.01).

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A Study on Knowledge, Importance and Performance in Nursing Records of University Hospital Nurses (일 대학병원 간호사의 간호기록 작성 지식과 중요도 및 수행도에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Eun Sook;Lee, So Jung;Kim, Sin Ja;Heo, In Hui
    • Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2019
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to assess hospital nurses' knowledge, importance and performance in keeping nursing records. Methods: The research design was a descriptive study. The sample for this study was 186 nurses with at least one year of work experience at a hospital with more than 800 beds in Seoul. Knowledge was self-reported using the Nurse Charting Knowledge Scale. Importance and performance were rated on a 4-point scale of 26 items. Data were analyzed by SPSS 21.0 program and IPA. Results: This study showed significant results that knowledge, importance and performance for keeping record are related to each other. The importance and performance of nurse's records were relatively higher than the mean. In the IPA Matrix, there were 2 items requiring improvement, 13 items requiring maintenance, and 11 items with low priority. Conclusion: Therefore, awareness of the importance of record keeping and continuous education on nursing record knowledge should be provided so that nurses can improve their record keeping skills.

Big Data Utilization and Policy Suggestions in Public Records Management (공공기록관리분야의 빅데이터 활용 방법과 시사점 제안)

  • Hong, Deokyong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2021
  • Today, record management has become more important in management as records generated from administrative work and data production have increased significantly, and the development of information and communication technology, the working environment, and the size and various functions of the government have expanded. It is explained as an example in connection with the concept of public records with the characteristics of big data and big data characteristics. Social, Technological, Economical, Environmental and Political (STEEP) analysis was conducted to examine such areas according to the big data generation environment. The appropriateness and necessity of applying big data technology in the field of public record management were identified, and the top priority applicable framework for public record management work was schematized, and business implications were presented. First, a new organization, additional research, and attempts are needed to apply big data analysis technology to public record management procedures and standards and to record management experts. Second, it is necessary to train record management specialists with "big data analysis qualifications" related to integrated thinking so that unstructured and hidden patterns can be found in a large amount of data. Third, after self-learning by combining big data technology and artificial intelligence in the field of public records, the context should be analyzed, and the social phenomena and environment of public institutions should be analyzed and predicted.

A Study on Improvement of Transfer of Non-Electronic Records: Focused on Local Governments in Busan Region (비전자기록물 이관업무 개선방안 연구 - 부산지역 기초자치단체를 중심으로 -)

  • Eo, Eun-Young;Cho, Ji-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.71-92
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    • 2012
  • As records managers are assigned in accordance with act on public records management, the record management has settled down a bit, and also much effort is put to perform the record management in accordance with law. The record management includes all the works like production, classification, organization, transfer, collection, evaluation, disuse, preservation, opening to the public and application. Among them, the record transfer is an important work that performs the initial stage in which the main agent of management is changed from administration department to record center. Thus this study suggested the improvement measures for non-electronic record transfer after examining the current transfer state of 16 local governments in Busan region and also problems occurring in the process of transfer through interviews with institutional records managers.

A Study on a Concept of 'Prototype' for Enhancing the Collocation Function of Catalog (목록의 집중기능을 향상시키는 '원형' 개념에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hye-Won
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.91-107
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    • 2011
  • Work is a bibliographic entity serving a key role for the collocation function of catalog. This study analyzed the concept of work, provided a new device to complement conventional FRBR work. The 'prototype' was suggested to enhance the collocation function of catalog, the highest level in FRBR. This study explained the definition, attributes of prototype, and relationships between prototype and work within FRBR model.

The Archival Method Study For Female Worker in the 1970s : Focused on (1970년대 여성 노동자 아카이빙 방법론 연구 전시 를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hye Rin;Park, Ju Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.63
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    • pp.145-165
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    • 2020
  • , in collaboration with Mary Kelly, Kay Hunt and Margaret Harrison, tells the story of workers in the 1970s. Since the late 1960s, the world has undergone many political and social changes, and social movements have been active to protect the socially underprivileged, including women, children and workers. This phenomenon led to the diversification of the collection of the general public, the community, and the minority, and the expansion of the artist's political remarks and themes in the art world. , completed in conjunction with these social issues, surveyed and recorded the reality of workers in a factory in London and produced it as a artwork. is a collaborative work of three artists, a record of workers in the 1970s, and a record of the labor situation, factory, and even the history of the region. Therefore, this study examined the methods and features of , which dealt with the lives of women workers in the 1970s, based on social conditions.

Elastic Work Factor of CLS Specimen and Determination of $G_c$ for Graphite/Peek Composites by Using the Elastic Work Factor (CLS 시편의 탄성일인자 유도 및 이를 적용한 열가소성 Graphite/Peek 복합재의 파괴인성 $G_c$ 측정)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Yeop
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.2792-2799
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    • 1996
  • It was shown in the previous study that the numerically derived elastic work factor for CLS specimen was independent of fiber direction for a unidirectional case. Also, it was proposed the elastic work factor could be used to determine energy release rate from a single test record. In the present study, elastic work factor was derived from a simple beam theory to investigate its dependence on material property and geometric condition. Also, the elastic work factor of CLS specimen was applied experimentally to determine critical energy release rate in order to prove its validity determining critical energy release rate from a single specimen. For this purpose, critical energy release rate determined using the elastic work factor was compared with that determined by the compliance method. The results showed that while elastic work factor is affected by $t_2/t_1$ and $L_2/L_1$ it is independent of fiber angle for a unidirectional case. It was also found that critical energy release rates determined by both methods are comparable each other, thus elastic work factor approach can be used to determine energy release rate from a single test specimen.