• Title/Summary/Keyword: Women health

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Prenatal care utilization and expenditure among pregnant women (임부의 산전진찰 의료이용양상 및 진료비 분석)

  • Kim, Kyung-Ha;Hwang, Rah-Il;Yoon, Ji-Won;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the prenatal heath care utilization and expenditure among pregnant women. Method: This was a 5-month follow-up study using a stratified sampling and the data were drawn from the "nationwide claim database of Korean National Health Insurance Corporation". Result: This study found that pregnant women were first diagnosed with pregnancy when they were 7.1 weeks pregnant, received 12.7 times of prenatal examinations and 10.6 times of ultrasonogram. It was revealed that 67.5% of the subjects continued to receive prenatal care at the same medical institutions from the diagnosis of pregnancy to the delivery. The study also showed that the total expenditure of prenatal care per pregnant woman was 700,000 Korean Won (KRW) on average and the insurance coverage rate stood at only 20%. Pregnant women living in metropolitan area spent more on prenatal healthcare expenditure than those who living in medium-sized city or rural area. Conclusion: The results of this study implies that the government needs to provide pregnant women with continuous support by increasing health insurance coverage for prenatal care. Especially, it is considered to provide more support to the pregnant women residing in medically underserved areas.

Effects of Acculturative Stress, Parenting Stress, and Social Support on Perceived Health Status of Married Immigrant Women (문화적응 스트레스, 양육 스트레스, 사회적 지지가 결혼이주 여성의 인지된 건강정도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Eun Sim;Kim, Dong Hee
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.344-353
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The objective of this study is to identify factors associated with perceived health status of married immigrant women. Methods: Data were collected from 65 married immigrant women. The measurements were Symptom checklist-48, Acculturative Stress Scale, Parenting Stress Index(PSI), and Personal Resource Questionnaire(PQR). Descriptive, T-test, ANOVA test, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analyses were used. Results: There were significant differences in perceived health status according to satisfaction with the married life(F=8.819, p=0.000), and help from husband(F=6.308, p=.003). There was also a significant relationship between perceived health status and perceived economic status (F=8.006, p=.001), acculturative stress (r=.560, p<.01), parenting stress (r=.662, p<.01) and social support (r=-.289, p<.05). The result of multiple regression analysis showed a significant association of parenting stress with perceived health status of married immigrant women (${\beta}=0.397$, p=0.037). Conclusion: Comprehensive interventions designed to enhance the health of married immigrant women, including prevention of acculturative stress, parenting stress and improving social support may be helpful in mitigating health in married immigrant women.

A Study on Types of Health Behavior among Middle Aged Women in Rural Areas (농촌중년여성의 건강행위 유형)

  • Yang Jin-Hyang
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.484-500
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The purposes of this study were to better understand types of health behavior in middle aged women in the Korean agricultural society, understand their nursing needs, and eventually present guidelines to develop proper nursing interventions. Method: Participants for this study were 16 middle aged women from farming communities, who lived in C county and were independent and without chronic ailments. In collection and analysis of data Strauss & Cortin's (1997) research processes and methods were used. The period of data collection was between April 2001 and February 2002. Result: The results of the study showed that the core category was the family-oriented process of $yangsaeng^{1)}$, and four types of health behaviors were observed; $momboyang^{2)}$ maintenance of health through daily life, managing mental health, and managing illness. Each type was perceived to differ from the other in the terms of health behavior priority which was largely affected by the cultural surrounding, for example, degree of attention to children's education and tendency to a traditional role for women. Conclusion: In conclusion, nurses need to understand various types of health behavior in middle aged women. The findings from this study can be applied to the development of Korean nursing interventions that are based on health behavior among middle aged women in the Korean agricultural society. These interventions can then. be based upon understanding of Korean culture rather than drawn only from Western concepts of health behavior.

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Identifying Trajectories of Health-related Quality of Life in Mid-life Transition Women: Secondary Data Analysis of Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women & Families (중년전환기 여성의 건강관련 삶의 질 변화유형 분석: 여성가족패널 자료를 이용한 2차자료분석)

  • Son, Miseon
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.74-83
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify latent classes of health-related quality of life trajectories in middle-aged women and investigate predictors for latent classes. Methods: This study utilized data from the 2nd, the 4th to the 7th Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women & Families. The subjects included 1,351 women aged 40~45 years. The data was analyzed using latent class growth analysis and logistic regression. Results: Two trajectories were identified for health-related quality of life in middle-aged women; 'persistently good' and 'increasing' groups. Predictors for the 'increasing' group were lower economic status, higher depression, and lower perceived health status. Conclusion: This study showed that characteristics of the individual, symptom status, and health perceptions were associated with health-related quality of life in middle-aged women. It is necessary to provide effective intervention for latent classes of health-related quality of life trajectories based on physical, mental, and social factors.

Relationships among Knowledge, Self-efficacy, and Health Behavior of Osteoporosis and Fall Prevention in Old Aged Women

  • Ahn, Sukhee;Oh, Jiwon
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study was conducted among older women to (1) identify their levels of knowledge, self-efficacy, and health behavior in dealing with osteoporosis and falls and (2) explore the relationships between the study variables based on a health-beliefs model. Methods: With a cross-sectional survey design, we recruited 94 older women of ages from 65 to 74 at a community setting via convenience sampling. The study participants completed two sets of structured questionnaires (on osteoporosis and fall prevention). Results: The general characteristics of the study participants demonstrated that the women were at high risk for osteoporosis and falls. Overall, the levels of knowledge about osteoporosis and falls, their self-efficacy, and their preventive behaviors were average or slightly above. The relationships between the study variables showed that self-efficacy and healthy behavior, such as doing osteoporosis exercise, eating an osteoporosis diet, and avoiding falls, were related (r=38, p<.001; r=.33, p<.05; r=.26, p<.05). In addition, there were statistically significant relationships between osteoporosis and fall prevention knowledge (r=.37~.46, p<.001), self-efficacy (r=.50~.53, p<.001), and preventive behaviors (r=.50, p<.001). Conclusion: The women's scores on osteoporosis and fall knowledge, self-efficacy, and preventive behaviors suggest an urgent need for the implementation of educational programs for older women. A close relationship between self-efficacy and health behaviors implies a need for transformation of a traditional one-way lecture form.

Filipino women's diet and health study (FiLWHEL): design and methods

  • Abris, Grace P.;Hong, Sangmo;Provido, Sherlyn Mae P.;Lee, Jung Eun;Lee, Chang Beom
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2017
  • BACKGROUND: Immigration to South Korea from neighboring Asian countries has risen dramatically, primarily due to marriage between Korean men and foreign women. Although Filipino women rank fourth among married immigrant women, little is known about the health condition of this population. This manuscript focuses on the design and methods of Filipino women's diet and health study (FiLWHEL). SUBJECTS/METHODS: FiLWHEL is a cohort of Filipino women married to Korean men, aged 19 years old or over. The data collection comprised three parts: questionnaire, physical examination, and biospecimen collection. Questionnaires focused on demographic factors, diet, other health-related behaviors, acculturation and immigration-related factors, medical history, quality of life, and children's health information. Participants visited the recruitment site and answered the structured questionnaires through a face-to-face interview. We also measured their anthropometric features and collected fasting blood samples, toenails, and DNA samples. Recruitment started in 2014. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: Collection of data is ongoing, and we plan to prospectively follow our cohort participants. We expect that our study, which is focused on married Filipino women immigrants, can elucidate nutritional/health status and the effects of transitional experiences from several lifestyle factors.

Risk Factors for Endometrial Hyperplasia Concomitant Endometrial Polyps in Pre- and Post-menopausal Women

  • Topcu, Hasan Onur;Erkaya, Salim;Guzel, Ali Irfan;Kokanali, Mahmut Kuntay;Sarıkaya, Esma;Muftuoglu, Kamil Hakan;Doganay, Melike
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.13
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    • pp.5423-5425
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: To evaluate the risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia concomitant endometrial polyps in pre- and post-menopausal women. Materials and Methods: A total of 203 patients undergoing endometrial sampling before hysterectomy were evaluated in this retrospective study. Data recorded were age, gravidity, parity, body mass index (BMI: weight(kg)/$height(m)^2$), endometrial thickness (ET), menopausal status, presence of adenomyosis and diabetes mellitus. Results: Endometrial hyperplasia and polyps were detected in 13 patients. There were statistically significant differences in terms of age, menopausal status, morbid obesity and diabetes mellitus (p<0.005). Logistic regression demonstrated that menopausal status and presence of diabetes mellitus were independent risk factors. Conclusions: According to the current study; menopause and diabetes mellitus are strong risk factors for the presence of concomitant endometrial polyps and endometrial hyperplasia.

Comparisons on Motivation for Health Behavior, Health Behaviors Practices, and Activities of Daily Living between Institutionalized and Non-institutionalized Elderly Women (시설 여성 노인과 재가 여성 노인의 건강행위 동기요소, 건강행위 및 일상생활활동 비교)

  • Son, Jung Tae;Suh, Soon Rim
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purposes of this study were to compare the motivation for health behavior, health behaviors practices, and ADL of institutionalized elderly women with those of non-institutionalized elderly women. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted in convenience samples of 144 aged women(80 institutionalized and 64 non-institutionalized) using structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, $x^2$-test, and ANCOVA were used for data analysis with SPSS program. Results: The institutionalized elderly reported significantly higher motivation than the non-institutionalized elderly. In subcategories of motivation, self-efficacy of the institutionalized elderly was significantly lower than that of the non-institutionalized elderly. The non-institutionalized elderly reported significantly lower perceived benefits and significantly higher perceived barriers than institutionalized elderly. The institutionalized elderly reported significantly lower health behaviors in exercise and nutrition than the non-institutionalized elderly. Among health behaviors of the non-institutionalized elderly women, stress management marked the lowest score. Conclusion: To enhance motivation of institutionalized elderly women, interventions for building self-efficacy are needed. To promote the health behavior of the non-institutionalized elderly, stress management programs are needed. All elderly women need exercise.

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