• 제목/요약/키워드: Wire Height

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와이어 본더에서의 초저 루프 기술 (The Low Height Looping Technology for Multi-chip Package in Wire Bonder)

  • 곽병길;박영민;국성준
    • 반도체디스플레이기술학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2007
  • Recent new packages such as MCP(Multi-Chip Package), QDP(Quadratic Die Package) and DDP(Dual Die Package) have stack type configuration. This kind of multi-layer package is thicker than single layer package. So there is need for the low height looping technology in wirebonder to make these packages thinner. There is stiff zone above ball in wirebonder wire which is called HAZ(Heat Affect Zone). When making low height loop (below $80\;{\mu}m$) with traditional forward loop, stiff wire in HAZ(Heat Affected Zone) above ball is bended and weakened. So the traditional forward looping method cannot be applied to low height loop. SSB(stand-off stitch) wire bonding method was applied to many packages which require very low loops. The drawback of SSB method is making frequent errors at making ball, neck damage above ball on lead and the weakness of ball bonding on lead. The alternative looping method is BNL(ball neckless) looping technology which is already applied to some package(DDP, QDP). The advantage of this method is faster in bonding process and making little errors in wire bonding compared with SSB method. This paper presents the result of BNL looping technology applied in assembly house and several issues related to low loop height consistence and BNL zone weakness.

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인터벤션에서 Calibration Mode에 대한 오차율 비교 (Comparison on the Error Rates of Calibration Modes in Intervention)

  • 공창기;류영환
    • 한국방사선학회논문지
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.619-626
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    • 2020
  • 이 연구의 목적은 경피적 혈관내 풍선 확장술이나 스텐트 삽입술에서 Balloon이나 Stent의 직경 및 길이를 예측 할 때 사용되는 정량적인 평가 도구인 Calibration Mode중 Catheter Calibration Mode, Auto Calibration Mode 그리고 Segment Calibration Mode에서의 오차율에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. Calibration의 정량적인 평가를 위해 정교하게 제작된 직경 × 길이(2 mm × 80 mm) Copper Wire와 5, 10, 15, 30, 40 mm의 Metal Ball을 이용하여 실험하였고, 아크릴 팬텀은 25 mm, 50 mm, 75mm, 100 mm, 125 mm, 150mm, 175 mm, 200 mm로 하여 각각의 높이에서 혈관조영 촬영장치로 Subtraction 영상을 획득하여 장비 회사에서 제공하는 소프트웨어인 Stenosis Analysis Tools을 이용하여 측정하였다. Catheter Calibration Mode에서의 오차율을 평가하기 위한 방법으로 Copper Wire를 각각의 아크릴 팬텀위에 올려놓고 촬영하였으며, Copper Wire 직경 2 mm를 Catheter의 직경으로 Setting하였고, 길이 8 mm Copper Wire의 길이를 Multi-segments로 측정하여 분석한 결과 1.13 ~ 5.63%의 오차율이 나타났다. Auto Calibration Mode에서의 오차율을 평가하기 위한 방법으로 각각의 아크릴 팬텀을 높이에서 아크릴 높이에 대한 수치를 입력하고, 8 mm Copper Wire의 길이를 Multi-segments 측정하여 분석한 결과 0 ~ 0.26%의 오차율이 나타났다. Segment Calibration Mode에서의 오차율을 평가하기 위한 방법으로 테이블 바닥에 있는 각각의 Metal Ball을 각각 Calibration하고, 각각의 아크릴 팬텀 위에 올려 있는 8 mm Copper Wire의 길이를 측정하여 아크릴 팬텀 높이 변화에 대한 8 mm Copper Wire 길이를 Mutli-segments 측정하여 분석한 결과 1.05 ~ 19.04%의 오차율이 나타났다. 그리고 Auto Calibration Mode에서 OID 변화에 대한 실험은 아크릴 팬텀의 높이는 100mm로 고정하고 OID만 450 mm ~ 600 mm로 변화를 하였을때 오차율은 0.13 ~ 0.38%로 나타났다. 결론적으로 소프트웨어에서 제공하는 정량적인 혈관의 치수평가를 하기 위한 이들 Calibration Mode 중 Auto Calibration Mode에서 높이 값을 입력하는 것이 오차율이 가장 적은 Calibration 방법임을 확인하였으며, Metal ball이나 기타 다른 물체를 이용하여 Calibration을 하기 위해서는 시술부위와 동등한 높이에 놓고 Calibration을 하는 방법이 오차율을 가장 줄일 수 있는 방법으로 사료된다.

자동차 엔진 밸브 스프링에 사용되는 비원형 스프링 선의 단면 형상 최적화 (Shape Optimization of the Cross Section for a Non-circular Spring Wire of Valve Springs for an Automotive Engine)

  • 김도중;김영경
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2011
  • Valve springs with non-circular cross-section are widely used in automotive engines. Because of the reduced height, the oval cross-section provides some merits in its install height and stress distribution. This paper introduces a new method to generate optimal shape of the non-circular cross-section. For given width and height, arbitrary shape of the cross-section are described using the Hermite spline curves. Cross-section area and maximum stress level are chosen as performance indices, and nonlinear optimization problems are formulated with inequality constraints. Compared to a production spring wire, cross-section area can be reduced about 2.4 [%] without increasing maximum stress level. In addition, the other approach gives an optimum cross-section which reduces maximum stress level of 2.0 [%] without increasing cross-section area.

Strengthening of axially loaded concrete columns using stainless steel wire mesh (SSWM)-numerical investigations

  • Kumar, Varinder;Patel, P.V.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제60권6호
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    • pp.979-999
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    • 2016
  • Stainless steel wire mesh (SSWM) is an alternative material for strengthening of structural elements similar to fiber reinforced polymer (FRP). Finite element (FE) method based Numerical investigation for evaluation of axial strength of SSWM strengthened plain cement concrete (PCC) and reinforced cement concrete (RCC) columns is presented in this paper. PCC columns of 200 mm diameter with height 400 mm, 800 mm and 1200 mm and RCC columns of diameter 200 mm with height of 1200 mm with different number of SSWM wraps are considered for study. The effect of concrete grade, height of column and number of wraps on axial strength is studied using finite element based software ABAQUS. The results of numerical simulation are compared with experimental study and design guidelines specified by ACI 440.2R-08 and CNR-DT 200/2004. As per numerical analysis, an increase in axial capacity of 15.69% to 153.95% and 52.39% to 109.06% is observed for PCC and RCC columns respectively with different number of SSWM wraps.

전기철도의 전차선로 형상검측을 위한 광학기반 검측 장치 구현 (Implementation of Optical-based Measuring Instrument for Contact Wire Geometry in Electric Railway)

  • 박영;조용현;정호성;이기원;김형철;권삼영;박현준;김원하
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제21권9호
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    • pp.868-871
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    • 2008
  • We propose an optical-based measuring instrument of catenary system in electric railway. This system was made to utilize line scan camera as inspecting system to measure the stagger and height of overhead contact wire in railway and composed with optical type source and FPGA-based image acquisition system with PCI slot. Vision acquisition software has been used for the application to programming interface for image acquisition, display, and storage with a frequency of sampling. To check the validity of our approach for the intended application, we monitored height and stagger in the overhead wire of a high-speed catenary system in Korea. The proposed optical-based measuring instrument to measure the contact wire geometry such as the hight and stagger shows promising on-field applications for online condition motoring. We expect that a new generation of real-time instruments with demanding various conditions motoring requirement in railway can be easily integrated into optical-based measuring instrument system.

골격성 고정원을 이용한 상악 6전치 후방 견인시 힘의 적용점 변화에 따른 치아 이동 양상에 관한 유한 요소법적 분석 (Three-dimensional finite element analysis of initial tooth displacement according to force application point during maxillary six anterior teeth retraction using skeletal anchorage)

  • 김찬년;성재현;경희문
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.339-350
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구에서는 활주법을 이용한 전치부 후방 견인시 micro-implant의 다양한 수직적 위치와 전치부에서 힘의 적용점에 따른 치아 이동 양상을 관찰하여 공간 폐쇄시 전치부의 설측 경사와 정출력을 방지할 수 있는 micro-implant의 위치와 전치부 힘의 적용점의 위치를 알아보고자 하였다. 유한 요소 모델을 이용하여 제1소구치가 발거된 상악 치열궁 형태를 제작하고 $.022"{\times}.028"$ 슬롯 브라켓을 모형화하여 치아에 부착시켰다. $.019"{\times}.025"$ stainless steel 선재를 3차원 beam모형으로 제작하고 상악 측절치와 견치 브라켓 사이의 선재 상에 $.032"{\times}.032"$ 크기의 stainless steel hook을 수직으로 8mm의 높이로 형성하였으며, 선재로부터 2mm높이에서 1mm간격으로 8mm까지 힘 적용점을 설정하였다. 지름 1.2mm,길이 6mm의 micro-implant를 제2소구치와 제1대구치 사이의 치조골에 선재로부터 4mm에서 10mm까지 2mm간격으로 4개를 위치시켰다 각각의 micro-implant와 전치부 hook에 150gm의 힘을 적용시켜 다양한 힘 적용점에 따른 치아의 초기 변위를 분석하여 다음의 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 1. Micro-implant 높이가 4m일 경우 5mm이하의 전치부 hook 높이에서는 전치부 설측 경사 이동이 일어났으며 전치부 hook 높이가 6m이상 되었을 때 전치부 순측 경사 이동이 일어났다. 2. Micro-implant높이가 6mm일 경우 5mm이하의 전치부 hook높이에서 전치부 설측 경사 이동이 일어났으며 전치부 hook 높이가 6mm 이상 되었을 때 전치부 순측 경사 이동이 일어났다 이것은 4mm micro-implant에서의 실험결과와 유사한 이동 양상을 나타내었지만, micro-implant높이가 6mm일 때 전치부 설측 경사 이동이 좀더 감소하였다. 3. Micro-implant높이가 8m일 경우 전치부 hook높이가 2mm일 때 전치의 설측 경사 이동이 일어났으며 3mm이상의 전치부 hook 높이에서 순측 경사 이동이 비례적으로 증가하였다. 4. Micro-implant높이가 10mm일 경우 전치부 hook 높이가 2mm 이상에서 전치의 순측 경사 이동이 비례적ㅇ로 증가하였다. 5. 전치부 hook 높이가 증가할수록 전치의 순측 경사 이동이 증가되지만 선재의 뒤틀림에 의한 변형이 증가되므로 견치와 소구치 부위에서 정출력이 발생하는 바람직하지 못한 치아 이동 양상이 일어났다. 6. Micro-implant를 이용한 상악 5전치 후방 견인시 구치부의 이동은 선재와 브라켓 사이의 마찰력에 의해서 원심경사 이동이 발생하였다.

배선 단선과 에어 누설에 관련된 자동차 ECS 시스템의 고장사례 고찰 (Study of Failure Examples of Automotive Electronic Control Suspension System Including Cases with Wiring Disconnection and Air Leakage)

  • 이일권;박종건;신명신;장주섭
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.180-185
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the tribological characteristics of the Electronic control suspension System in a car. In the first example, the cilp used to attach the front electronic control suspension(ECS) system's control actuator was fastened very tightly. Thus, the wire was cut because of continual rotation of the shock-up shover piston rod used to adjust the height of the car. This verified the disconnection phenomenon where wire damaged makes it impossible for the ECS system to send signal to the actuator. The second example, involved a minute hole that allowed gas to leak from the ECS system. As a result, the height of the car verified the down phenomenon. In the third example, the resistance of a wire measured at $0.21{\Omega}$, when the G sensor was disconnected from the system. This verified the system shutdown and lighting of the ECS warning lamp because of body interference caused by a slight pressure on the battery cover. Therefore, quality control is always necessary to ensure safety and durability of a car.

배선 길이 변화에 따른 뇌서지 전파 특성에 대한 실험 연구 (Experimental Study on The Propagation Characteristics of Lightning Surge According to Variation of Wire Length)

  • 서호준;이동희
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전기물성ㆍ응용부문C
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    • 제53권12호
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    • pp.616-619
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    • 2004
  • Electrical circuits with semiconductor are very weak against lightning surge. The surge protective devices for electronic circuit and AC power lines are becoming more widely used. To achieve effective method of surge protection, there are needs for correlation between lightning surge and indoor wire length or installation height of indoor wire. The aim of this present work is to investigate the propagation characteristics of lightning surge according to variation of wire length. As a consequence, the maximum voltage at the end of the open wire in proportion to length of indoor wire. Therefore this result may be raw data for establishment of surge protection system.

브래지어의 패턴 구성요소 분석 및 제작법 연구 (The Analysis of Pattern Components of Brassiere and Study on Its Making)

  • 이소영
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to offer basic data for designing and making of brassiere with the consideration of the physiological nature of man. Each of 3/4-cup wired upward-support-type Mold Bra of 75 size with basic pad made at three representative domestic companies (A, B and C Company) was selected for analysis of pattern and components. The following is the result of this study. 1. That Company A's bra had the highest cup, relatively narrow width, the widest front-center and the highest front center at front pad. That of Company B had relatively short wing over the base and much difference at the height of cup depending on the presence of wire. That of Company C had low and wide cup, the widest bust span and the front center width, the front center height of front pad, the base length of front pad and the length of wings were observed to be of the figures between those of Company A and B. 2. The Bra of Company A had the biggest front center angle of $6^{\circ}$, while that of Company C had the biggest wing angle of $18^{\circ}$. The Bra of Company B showed the biggest difference of patterns depending on the presence of wire. Those of Company A and C showed very similar shape when wire was inserted. 3. The order of making brassiere is following: making of exterior mold cup${\rightarrow}$ sewing exterior cup and circumference of mold${\rightarrow}$ sewing base and wings${\rightarrow}$ sewing binding tape to base${\rightarrow}$ sewing cup and main pad${\rightarrow}$ sewing binding tape to upper sides and upper part of wings${\rightarrow}$ sewing wire-tape to interior base of cup${\rightarrow}$ inserting of wire inside wire-tape${\rightarrow}$ sewing hook & eye on the back of wings${\rightarrow}$ sewing shoulder string.

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와이어 하네스의 압착공정에서 설계변수가 압축률에 미치는 영향 연구 (Effects of Design Variables on Compression Rate of Wire in Connector Crimping Process of Wire Harness Using FEM)

  • 구선모;최현순;김영석
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.305-310
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    • 2010
  • Recently industry of motor vehicle is making a gradual progress of automotive electric components. According to this step, wire harness equipped at motor vehicle is also increased. The most important component at the wire harness is electric connector. At the manufacturing process of electric connector, exactly at the crimping process, design variables, such as clamping-height, clamping-width and clamping die shape are critical parameters to assure satisfactory harness shape in clamping process of electric connector. In this study we have performed FEM simulation for clamping process and clarified the effect of design variables on compression rate of wire.