• Title/Summary/Keyword: Window Material

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Effect of Target Angle and Thickness on the Heel Effect and X-ray Intensity Characteristics for 70 kV X-ray Tube Target

  • Kim, Gyehong;Lee, Rena
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.272-276
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    • 2016
  • To investigate the optimum x-ray tube design for the dental radiology, factors affecting x-ray beam characteristics such as tungsten target thickness and anode angle were evaluated. Another goal of the study was to addresses the anode heel effect and off-axis spectra for different target angles. MCNPX has been utilized to simulate the diagnostic x-ray tube with the aim of predicting optimum target angle and angular distribution of x-ray intensity around the x-ray target. For simulation of x-ray spectra, MCNPX was run in photon and electron using default values for PHYS:P and PHYS:E cards to enable full electron and photon transport. The x-ray tube consists of an evacuated 1 mm alumina envelope containing a tungsten anode embedded in a copper part. The envelope is encased in lead shield with an opening window. MCNPX simulations were run for x-ray tube potentials of 70 kV. A monoenergetic electron source at the distance of 2 cm from the anode surface was considered. The electron beam diameter was 0.3 mm striking on the focal spot. In this work, the optimum thickness of tungsten target was $3{\mu}m$ for the 70 kV electron potential. To determine the angle with the highest photon intensity per initial electron striking on the target, the x-ray intensity per initial electron was calculated for different tungsten target angles. The optimum anode angle based only on x-ray beam flatness was 35 degree. It should be mentioned that there is a considerable trade-off between anode angle which determines the focal spot size and geometric penumbra. The optimized thickness of a target material was calculated to maximize the x-ray intensity produced from a tungsten target materials for a 70 keV electron energy. Our results also showed that the anode angle has an influencing effect on heel effect and beam intensity across the beam.


  • Lee, Y.H.;Cho, Y.A.;Kwon, Y.S.;Yeom, G.Y.;Shin, S.H.;Park, K.J.
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.862-868
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    • 1996
  • Cadmium sulfide is commonly used as the window material for thin film solar cells, and can be prepared by several techniques such as sputtering, spray pyrolysis, close spaced sublimation (CSS), thermal evaporation, solution growth methods, etc. In this study, CdS films were deposited by thermal evaporation, close spaced sublimation, and solution growth methods, respectively, and the effects of the methods on physical properties of polycrystalline CdS deposited on ITO/glass were investigated. Also, the effects of variously prepared CdS thin films on the physical properties of CdTe deposited on the CdS were investigated. The thickness of polycrystalline CdS films was maintained at $0.3\mu\textrm{m}$ except for the solution grown CdS when $0.2\mu\textrm{m}$ thick CdS was deposited. After the deposition, all the samples were annealed at $400^{\circ}C$ or $500^{\circ}C$ in H2 atmosphere. To investigate physical properties of the deposited and annealed CdS thin films, UV-VIS spectro-photometry, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), and cross sectional transmission electron microscopy(XTEM) were used to analyze grain size, crystal structure, preferred orientation, optical properties, etc. The annealed CdS showed the bandedge transition at 510nm and the optical transmittance high than 80% for all of the variously deposited films. XRD results showed that CdS thin films variously deposited and annealed had the same hexagonal structures, however, showed different preferred orientations. CSS grown CdS had [103] preferred orientation, thermally evaporated CdS had [002], and CdS grown by the solution growth had no preferred orientation. The largest grain size was obtained for the CSS grown CdS while the least grain size was obtained for the solution grown CdS. Some of the physical properties of CdTe deposited on the CdS thin film such as grain size at the junction and grain orientation were affected by the physical properties of CdS thin films.

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Analytical Study on Re-solidification Materials(Ammonium Carbonate Intermediates) for NOx Reduction of Exhaust Emissions in Diesel Engine with Solid SCR (디젤엔진 배출가스 질소산화물 저감을 위한 Solid SCR용 Ammonium Carbonate 중간생성물인 재응고 물질의 분석 연구)

  • Shin, Jong Kook;Lee, Hoyeol;Yoon, Cheon Seog;Kim, Hongsuk
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.152-159
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    • 2014
  • Urea solution as a reductant of SCR has been widely used to reduce NOx emissions from diesel engine. But it has lots of problems which are freezing at low temperature due to liquid state, deposition of solid formation in the exhaust, dosing device, and complex package such as mixers for uniform concentration of ammonia. In order to overcome these obstacle, ammonium carbonate which is one of solid ammonium materials to produce ammonia gas directly by sublimation process is considered. Simple reactor with visible widow was designed to predict equilibrium temperature and pressure of ammonium carbonate. To simulate real operation conditions under automobile environment, several cycles of heating and cooling condition were settled, two different re-solidification materials were extracted from the reactor and visible window. Analytical study is performed to characterize these unknown materials by XRD(X-Ray Diffraction), FT-IR(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), and EA(Elemental Analyzer). From analytical results, re-solidification materials from heating and cooling cycles are very similar to original material of ammonium carbonate.

Preliminery study of waveform control in ERW process (전기저항용접의 파형제어에 관한 기초연구)

  • Cho, Min-Hyun;Kim, Dong-Chul;Kang, Mun-Jin;Eun, Seung-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.32-32
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    • 2009
  • Electric Resistance Welding (ERW) process is the most efficient process to manufacture the linepipe. To develop the high performance ERW linepipe using the high strength and the high alloy steels, the modulation of input power waveform such as sinusoidal waveform is introduced because the conventional ERW technology is not sufficient enough to produce the high quality linepipe due to its strength and high alloy contents (high Ceq). In this article, the material used for the experiment was API X60 with 8.2mm thickness, and ERW simulator at POSCO was used to develop a waveform control system for the power modulation. The frequency of power modulation was varied from 50Hz to 150Hz with the fixed amplitude of ${\pm}2%$ power. The non-modulated power input and the modulated power input cases are conducted to demonstrate the variation of the narrow gap length and the arcing frequency due to power modulation. From results of the non-modulated power input case, the excessive power causes the longer narrow gap length and the low arcing frequency due to the large heat input and the strong electro magnetic force that increase the weld defect. On the contrary, the small narrow gap length and the high arcing frequency reduce the weld defect. After modulating the power input with 50Hz and 100Hz at the fixed power, the arcing frequency increases, but the narrow gap length does not change much. The high arcing frequency prevents the formation of weld defect because the sweeping frequently cleans the oxides on the narrow gap edges. As a result, the manufacturing window can be expanded by the power modulation that provides the stable ERW process for the quality improvement of the linepipe made from the high strength/high alloy steels.

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Design of a low frequency, high power acoustic transducer to use in the echo sounder (어군탐지기용 저주파.고출력 음향 변환기의 설계)

  • 이대재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2000
  • A low frequency, high power hydroacoustic transducer with 7 tonpilz piston elements assembled in a circular array suitable for marine application, such as the transmission of underwater information and the development of new fisheries resources in the deep sea zone was designed. A modified Mason's model was applied to monitor and to simulate the transducer behavior at each step during the fabrication. The in air, and in water constructed tonpilz transducer was tested experimentally and numerically by changing the size and the type of the material for head, tail and acoustic window. Also, the developed transducer was excited by pulse signals and the received waveform was analyzed. The resonance peaks in the transmitting voltage response(TVR) of a single tonpilz element without housing were observed at 11.33kHz in air and 10.93kHz in air and 10.93 kHz in water, respectively, with the overall electrical-acoustic efficiency of 43.7%. The value of TVR of single tonpilz element with aluminum housing in water was 129.87dB re 1 $\mu$Pa/V at 12.25 kHz with the frequency bandwith of 2.15 kHz and half beam angle of 30.2$^{\circ}$at -3dB.The resonance peaks in the transmitting voltage response of the 7 element circular transducer were observed at 11.50 kHz in air and 11.45 kHz in water, respectively. The value of TVR in water 144.84 dB re 1$\mu$Pa/V at 11.5kHz with the frequency bandwith of 4.25 kHz and the half beam angle of $22.3^{\circ} $ at -3dB.Reasonable agreement between the experimental measurements and the theoretical predictions for the directivity patterns, TVRs and the impedance characteristics of the designed transducer was achieved.

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The Use of FDG PET for Nodal Staging of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (비소세포폐암 환자의 국소 림프절 전이 발견을 위한 FDG PET의 이용)

  • 백희종;박종호;최창운;임상무;최두환;조경자;원경준;조재일
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.10
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    • pp.910-915
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    • 1999
  • Background: Positron emission tomography(PEFT) using fluorine-18 deoxyglucose(FDG), showing increased FDG uptake and retention in malignant cells, has been proven to be useful in differentiating malignant from benign tissues. We indertook the prospective study to compare the accuracy of the whole-body FDG PET with that of the conventional chest computed tomography(CT) for nodal staging of non-small-cell lung cancers(NSCLC). Material and Method: FDG PET and contrast enhanced CT were performed in 36 patients with potentially resectable NSCLC. Each Imaging study was evaluated independently, and nodal stations were localized according to the AJCC regional lymph nodes mapping system. Extensive lymph node dissection(1101 nodes) of ipsi- and contralateral mediastinal nodal stations was performed at thoracotomy and/or mediastinoscopy. Image findings were compared with the histopathologic staging results and were analyzed with the McNema test(p) and Kappa value(k). Result: The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of CT for ipsilateral mediastinal nodal staging were 38%, 68%, 25%, 79%, and 61%, and those of PET were 88%, 71%, 47%, 95%, and 75%(p>0.05, K=0.29). When analyzed by individual nodal group(superior, aortopulmonary window, and inferior), the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of CT were 27%, 82%, 22%, 85%, and 73%, and those of PET were 60%, 87%, 92%, and 82%(p<0.05, k=0.27). Conclusion: FDG PET in addition to CT appears to be superior to CT alone for mediastinal staging of non-small cell lung cancers.

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Atomic layer deposition of In-Sb-Te Thin Films for PRAM Application

  • Lee, Eui-Bok;Ju, Byeong-Kwon;Kim, Yong-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.132-132
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    • 2011
  • For the programming volume of PRAM, Ge2Sb2Te5(GST) thin films have been dominantly used and prepared by physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor deposition (CVD), atomic layer deposition (ALD). Among these methods, ALD is particularly considered as the most promising technique for the integration of PRAM because the ALD offers a superior conformality to PVD and CVD methods and a digital thickness control precisely to the atomic level since the film is deposited one atomic layer at a time. Meanwhile, although the IST has been already known as an optical data storage material, recently, it is known that the IST benefits multistate switching behavior, meaning that the IST-PRAM can be used for mutli-level coding, which is quite different and unique performance compared with the GST-PRAM. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate a possibility of the IST materials for the application of PRAM. So far there are many attempts to deposit the IST with MOCVD and PVD. However, it has not been reported that the IST can be deposited with the ALD method since the ALD reaction mechanism of metal organic precursors and the deposition parameters related with the ALD window are rarely known. Therefore, the main aim of this work is to demonstrate the ALD process for IST films with various precursors and the conformal filling of a nano size programming volume structure with the ALD?IST film for the integration. InSbTe (IST) thin films were deposited by ALD method with different precursors and deposition parameters and demonstrated conformal filling of the nano size programmable volume of cell structure for the integration of phase change random access memory (PRAM). The deposition rate and incubation time are 1.98 A/cycle and 25 cycle, respectively. The complete filling of nano size volume will be useful to fabricate the bottom contact type PRAM.

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Deconstructing Global Intellectual Property Rights Regimes over Biodiversity (생물다양성과 지적재산권, 그리고 국제통상에 관한 지리학적 고찰)

  • Kim Sook-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.2 s.113
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    • pp.195-211
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    • 2006
  • During the 1986-1994 Uruguay Round negotiations under the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (later World Trade Organization), the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) was adopted by participating countries. TRIPS has not only allowed intellectual property to be introduced into international trade arenas, but also extended the scope of protection to biodiversity such as plant genetic material, arguing that intellectual property rights (IPRs) would help conserve biodiversity. In this paper, I aim to deconstruct the global IPRs regimes over biodiversity by adopting geographers' sensitivity to place and scale as an analytical window. By investigating how all the issues regarding IPRs over biodiversity that are raised by diverse disciplines, such as environmental ethics, environmental economics and political economy approach, are scale-related, I demonstrate how biodiversity IPRs, and its introduction into international trade agreements, though separate issues with no inevitable relationship to one another, have been put together for the construction of global IPRs regimes. I argue that the notion on the construction of scale (i.e., rhetorical and discursive construct of globalization) can contribute to revealing how fragile global environmental conservation regimes are.

Property of Composite Silicide from Nickel Cobalt Alloy (니켈 코발트 합금조성에 따른 복합실리사이드의 물성 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Yeob;Song, Oh-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2007
  • For the sub-65 nm CMOS process, it is necessary to develop a new silicide material and an accompanying process that allows the silicide to maintain a low sheet resistance and to have an enhanced thermal stability, thus providing for a wider process window. In this study, we have evaluated the property and unit process compatibility of newly proposed composite silicides. We fabricated composite silicide layers on single crystal silicon from $10nm-Ni_{1-x}Co_x/single-crystalline-Si(100),\;10nm-Ni_{1-x}Co_x/poly-crystalline-\;Si(100)$ wafers (x=0.2, 0.5, and 0.8) with the purpose of mimicking the silicides on source and drain actives and gates. Both the film structures were prepared by thermal evaporation and silicidized by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) from $700^{\circ}C\;to\;1100^{\circ}C$ for 40 seconds. The sheet resistance, cross-sectional microstructure, surface composition, were investigated using a four-point probe, a field emission scanning probe microscope, a field ion beam, an X-ray diffractometer, and an Auger electron depth profi1ing spectroscopy, respectively. Finally, our newly proposed composite silicides had a stable resistance up to $1100^{\circ}C$ and maintained it below $20{\Omega}/Sg$., while the conventional NiSi was limited to $700^{\circ}C$. All our results imply that the composite silicide made from NiCo alloy films may be a possible candidate for 65 nm-CMOS devices.

Electrical Characteristics of Charge Trap Flash Memory with a Composition Modulated (ZrO2)x(Al2O3)1-x Film

  • Tang, Zhenjie;Zhang, Jing;Jiang, Yunhong;Wang, Guixia;Li, Rong;Zhu, Xinhua
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.130-134
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    • 2015
  • This research proposes the use of a composition modulated (ZrO2)x(Al2O3)1-x film as a charge trapping layer for charge trap flash memory; this is possible when the Zr (Al) atomic percent is controlled to form a variable bandgap as identified by the valence band offsets and electron energy loss spectrum measurements. Compared to memory devices with uniform compositional (ZrO2)0.1(Al2O3)0.9 or a (ZrO2)0.92(Al2O3)0.08 trapping layer, the memory device using the composition modulated (ZrO2)x(Al2O3)1-x as the charge trapping layer exhibits a larger memory window (6.0 V) at the gate sweeping voltage of ±8 V, improved data retention, and significantly faster program/erase speed. Improvements of the memory characteristics are attributed to the special energy band alignments resulting from non-uniform distribution of elemental composition. These results indicate that the composition modulated (ZrO2)x(Al2O3)1-x film is a promising candidate for future nonvolatile memory device applications.