Prevalence of tan spot of wheat caused by the fungus Pyrenophora tritici-repentis has become more prevalent in Oklahoma as no-till cultivation in wheat has increased. Hence, developing wheat varieties resistant to tan spot has been emphasized, and selecting pathogen isolates to screen for resistance to this disease is critical. Twelve isolates of P. tritici-repentis were used to inoculate 11 wheat cultivars in a greenhouse study in splitplot experiments. Virulence of isolates and cultivar resistance were measured in percent leaf area infection for all possible isolate x cultivar interactions. Isolates differed significantly (P < 0.01) in virulence on wheat cultivars, and cultivars differed significantly in disease reaction to isolates. Increased virulence of isolates detected increased variability in cultivar response (percent leaf area infection) (r = 0.56, P < 0.05) while increased susceptibility in cultivars detected increased variance in virulence of the isolates (r = 0.76, P < 0.01). A significant isolate × cultivar interaction indicated specificity between isolates and cultivars, however, cluster analysis indicated low to moderate physiological specialization. Similarity in wheat cultivars in response to pathogen isolates also was determined by cluster analysis. The use of diverse isolates of the fungus would facilitate evaluation of resistance in wheat cultivars to tan spot.
Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
Wheat flour can be categorized into bread, all-purpose, cake flour according to its protein content. Since optimal wheat flour protein content is different for each end use, it is necessary to diversify the nitrogen fertilizer methods depending on the end use and cultivar. Optimal wheat flour protein content of soft wheat (for cake flour) is lowest (<=10%) among all end use, it is necessary to develop nitrogen fertilizer methods for high yield and low protein content. In order to analyze the yield and quality changes of soft wheat as nitrogen fertilizer amount and splitting timing, soft wheat cultivar 'goso' was sown on paddy soil in jeunju, Republic of Korea ('21.10). the amount of nitrogen fertilizer was divided into 4 levels by adjusting 2kg/10a increments from 5.1 to ll.lkg/lOa, and in the N 7.1 and 9.1 kg/1 Oa(standard) treatment, N amount divided into sowing date:regrowing stage=3:7,4:6(standard), 5:5. In regrowing stage, Tiller number and N fertilizer amount at sowing date showed a correlation; y=-121.14x2+792.66x-525.41 (R2=0.77*, y: Tiller number/m2, x: N amount at sowing date(kg/10a)). Tiller number in regrowing stage was the highest when the nitrogen fertilizer amount at sowing date was 3.23kg/10a. spike number per m2 was the highest when N fertilizer was divided into sowing date:regrowing stage=3:7(N amount: 9.1kg/10a). If N fertilizer amount was fixed, grain yield was also the highest when N fertilizer was divided into sowing date :regrowing stage=3:7. Also, N amount at sowing date and grain yield showed no correlation, but N amount at regrowing stage and grain yield showed significant correlation. As N amount increased, protein content also showed a tendency to increase.
The experiment was dealt with an investigations on the agronomic potential of primary octraploid triticale in comparion with Chokwang, a major common wheat, local rye cultivar and new triticale selection Suweon #1 and Suweon #2. This octaploid triticale was originated from the cross of Jukoku #81 x Local rye cultivar. The results obtained were summarized as follows; Cold tolerance of the P-Tcl was better than those of the wheat cultivar Chokwang, triticale varieties Suweon #1 and Suweon #2, and comparable to local rye. Culm length of P-Tel was 113cm that was intermediate between the wheat and rye, and its culm thickness was thiner than the checks except the rye. Lateness of heading and maturing date of the P-Tel seemed to be over-dominant. However, flowering date after heading was 3 to 7 days earlier than the Suweon #1 and Suweon #2. Yield potential of the P-Tel was poor in comparision with the triticale cultivar Suweon #1 and Suweon #2 which was attributed to the low fertility and less number of the heads per squ are meter. If it was . improved the low fertility and less number of the valid tillers through the cross with the good secondary triticale it seemed to be an useful material for triticale breeding, expecially for improving cold tolerant winter triticale varieties in Korea.
Hamlet (PI549276) possessing 2RL was obtained by cross between a wheat cultivar ND7532 (Froid/Centurk) and a rye cultivar Chaupon. Chaupon was known to have resistant gene to biotype L of Hessian fly [Mayetiola destructor (Say)] larvae. The wheat-rye translocation line (Coker797*4/Hamlet) was also known to be resistant to biotype L of Hessian fly larvae. We analysed a set of 96 ESTs from the wheat-rye translocation line (2BS/2RL). ESTs were classified by various physiological processings, such as primary metabolism, secondary metabolism, transcription, translation, transport, signal transduction, defense, transposable element, and others. Three sequences encoding thioredoxin peroxidase, 26S rRNA, and rubisco small subunits were homologous to registered genes in rye. Although limited number of clones were used to develop ESTs, these clones and their sequence information may be useful for researchers studying general physiology and molecular biology on the translocation line.
Go Eun Lee;Kyeong-Hoon Kim;Jinhee Park;Kyeong-Min Kim;Chang-Hyun Choi;Mina Kim ;Myoung Hui Lee;Chon-Sik Kang;Jiyoung Shon;Jong-Min Ko
Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
Whole wheat is rich in dietary fiber and contains various biological activity substances such as arabinoxylan, phytic acid and phenolic compounds. However, excessive fiber contents of whole wheat has a negative effect on dough formation, making it difficult to process. In this study, we tried to improve the usability of whole wheat by suggesting an appropriate degree of purification of whole wheat from 'Saekeumkang', a domestic wheat cultivar containing protein and gluten suitable for noodle production. The contents of arabinoxylan, phytic acid, and vitamin E were measured in the polishing rate range of 5-20% of whole wheat flour. As the milling ratio increased, the flour properties improved. The arabinoxylan and phytic acid content of whole wheat were 67.95 mg/g and 0.87 mg/g, but when milled at 20%, arabinoxylan and phytic acid were 60% and 80% of whole wheat, respectively. And as the milling ratio increased, the vitamin E content tended to decrease (whole wheat: 4.063 mg/100 g, 20% milled: 2.96 mg/100 g), However, the vitamin E composition ratio did not change. On the other hand, α-tocopherol showed the greatest than other vitamin E isomers. Therefore, further studies needed to optimize milling rate to improve the final product while maintaining the approximate nutritional and functional value of the whole wheat.
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a molecular marker technique based on DNA and is extremely useful in detection of high polymorphism between closely related genotypes like Korean wheat cultivars. Six sequence characterized amplified regions (SCARs) have been developed from inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis which enabled the identification and differentiation of 13 Korean wheat cultivars from the other cultivars. We used six combinations of primer sets in our AFLP analysis for developing additional cultivar-specific markers in Korean wheat. Fifty-eight of the AFLP bands were isolated from EA-ACG/MA-CAC, EA-AGC/MA-CTG and EA-AGG/MA-CTA primer combinations. Of which 40 bands were selected to design SCAR primer pairs for Korean wheat cultivar identification. Three of 58 amplified primer pairs, KWSM006, KWSM007 and JkSP, enabled wheat cultivar identification. Consequently, 23 of 32 Korean wheat cultivars were classified by eight SCAR marker sets.
Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
High temperature is one of major environmental stress. Heat in flowering season of wheat is able to effect negatively to fertilization and also heat effect to maturity. Therefore, Heat stress effects severely to qualities of wheat and yield productivity. In this study, we evaluated to agronomic characteristics and qualities by high temperature in 13 Korean wheat varieties. Weight of 1,000 grains decreased when wheat got the heat stress. In particular, heat stress during the heading dates were more damaged than after the end of heading dates except two varieties Keumkang and Jokyoung. Plant height of each cultivar under high temperature and normal field averaged 80.5 cm and 83.0cm, respectively. The length of spike and awn in each cultivar were similar to both condition. Flour yield and gluten contents of most heat damaged wheat decreased. Under the temperature, protein contents of six varieties like as Keumkang, Baekjoong, Hojoong, Yeonbaek, Joah and Shinmichal 1 decreased but the others increased. The sedimentation values (SDSF) of four varieties decreased under the high temperature. But SDSF of 7 varieties like as Baekjung, Suan, Hojoong, Jojoong, Uri, Shinmichal and Shinmichal 1 was increased. The lightness (L) of wheat flour derived from high temperature treated wheat was darker than non-treated wheat. As a result of this research, we confirmed that agricultural traits and qualities decreased in heat damaged wheat.
Tan spot of wheat, caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Ptr), results in a yield loss through chlorosis and necrosis of healthy leaf tissue. The major objective of this study was to compare gene expression in resistant and susceptible wheat cultivars after infection with Ptr ToxA-producing race 2 and direct infiltration with Ptr ToxA proteins. Greenhouse experiments included exposure of the wheat cultivars to pathogen inoculum or direct infiltration of leaf tissue with Ptr-ToxA protein isolate. Samples from the experiments were subjected to RNA sequencing. Results showed that ToxA RNA sequences were first detected in samples collected eight hours after treatments indicating that upon Ptr contact with wheat tissue, Ptr started expressing ToxA. The resistant wheat cultivar, in response to Ptr inoculum, expressed genes associated with plant resistance responses that were not expressed in the susceptible cultivar; genes of interest included five chitinases, eight transporters, five pathogen-detecting receptors, and multiple classes of signaling factors. Resistant and susceptible wheat cultivars therefore differed in their response in the expression of genes that encode chitinases, transporters, wall-associated kinases, permeases, and wound-induced proteins, among others. Plants exposed to Ptr inoculum expressed transcription factors, kinases, receptors, and peroxidases, which are not expressed as highly in the control samples or samples infiltrated with ToxA. Several of the differentially expressed genes between cultivars were found in the Ptr resistance QTLs on chromosomes 1A, 2D, 3B, and 5A. Future studies should elucidate the specific roles these genes play in the wheat response to Ptr.
Park, Chul-Soo;Pena, Roberto J.;Baik, Byung-Kee;Kang, Chon-Sik;Heo, Hwa-Young;Cheong, Young-Keun;Woo, Sun-Hee
To investigate the genetic variation of high-and low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (BMW-GS and LMW-GS), granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) and puroindoline in 24 Korean wheat cultivars. At the BMW-GS compositions, three Glu-A1 alleles, five Glu-B1 alleles and three Glu-D1 alleles were identified. The high frequency of alleles at each locus was Glu-A1c allele (15 cultivars), Glu-B1b allele (16 cultivars) and Glu-D1f allele (16 cultivars). Four alleles were identified at the Glu-A3 and Glu-B3 loci and three at Glu-D3 locus and Glu-A3d, Glu-B3d and Glu-D3a were mainly found at each Glu-3 locus. Glu-A3d, Glu-B3d, Glu-D3b or c (4 cultivars, respectively) and Glu-A3d, Glu-B3d, Glu-D3a and Glu-A3c, Glu-B3d or h, Glu-D3a (3 cultivar, respectively) were predominantly found in Korean wheats. At the GBSS compositions, 2 waxy wheat cultivars, Shinmichal and Shinmichal1, showed null alleles on the Wx loci and other cultivars were wild type in GBSS compositions. At the puroindoline gene compositions, Korean wheat cultivars carried 3 genotypes, which 10 cultivars (41.7%) were Pina-D1a and Pinb-D1a, 11 cultivars (45.8%) had Pina-D1a and Pinb-D1b and 3 cultivars (12.5%) carried Pina-D1b and Pinb-D1a. These genetic variations could present the information to improve flour and end-use quality in Korean wheat breeding programs.
Lee, Sang Gyu;Lee, Hyeri;Lee, Jimin;Lee, Byung Cheon;Lee, Hojoung;Choi, Changhyun;Chung, Namhyun
Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
Wheat is one of the most important grains. Its consumption is increasing globally. Many countries are making efforts to increase the extent of wheat harvest. It is known that plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs) have beneficial effects on various plants. Two PGPRs including Paenibacillus pabuli strain P7S (PP7S) and Pseudomonas nitroreducens strain IHB (PnIHB) were employed to investigate effects of PGPRs on early growth of three wheat cultivars (Koso, Seakumkang, and Jokyung). While PP7S had adverse effects on Seakumkang and Jokyung, PP7S had positive effects on Koso except root length compared to control group having no treatment of PP7S. However, all treatments with PnIHB had adverse effects on germination rate, root/shoot lengths, vigor index, and dry root/shoot weights of all three wheat cultivars. These positive effects with PP7S on Koso might be related to the earlier emergence of wheat seed above soil which is known to be an indicator of increased yield. Results of the present study suggest that if proper PGPR strains are selected, they could have positive effects on early growth rate of a wheat cultivar.
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② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.