• Title/Summary/Keyword: Weibull-Poisson distribution

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Field data analyses for repairable products (수리가능한 제품의 사용현장 데이터 분석)

  • 배도선;윤형제;최인수
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.133-145
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    • 1995
  • This paper is concerned with the method of estimating lifetime distribution from field data for repairable products with multiple modes of failure, and is an extension of Bai et al.(1995). The log linear function is considered as a model for describing the relation between failure time of a product and covariates. Using the nonhomogeneous poisson process, general methods for obtaining pseudo maximum likelihood estimators(PMLEs) for the parameters are outlined and specific formulas for Weibull distribution are obtained. Effects of follow-up percentage on the PMLEs are investigated. Extension to case-cohort design is also considered.

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Joint Modeling of Death Times and Number of Failures for Repairable Systems using a Shared Frailty Model (공유환경효과를 고려한 수리가능한 시스템의 수명과 고장회수의 결합모형 개발)

  • 박희창;이석훈
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 1998
  • We consider the problem of modeling count data where the observation period is determined by the life time of the system under study. We assume random effects or a frailty model to allow for a possible association between the death times and the counts. We assume that, given a random effect or a frailty, the death times follow a Weibull distribution with a hazard rate. For the counts, given a frailty, a Poisson process is assumed with the intensity depending on time. A gamma distribution is assumed for the frailty model. Maximum likelihood estimators of the model parameters are obtained. A model for the time to death and the number of failures system received is constructed and consequences of the model are examined.

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Joint Modeling of Death Times and Counts with Covariate (공변량을 포함한 사망시간과 치료횟수의 결합모형의 개발)

  • Park, Hee-Chang;Park, Jin-Pyo
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 1998
  • In this paper we suggest the joint model of death times and counts with covariates. We assume that the death times follow a Weibull distribution with rate that depends on covariates. For the counts, a Poisson process is assumed with the intensity depending on time and the covariates. We obtain the maximum likelihood estimators of model parameters. This model is applied to data set of patients with breast cancer who received a bone marrow transplant.

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A New Methodology for Software Reliability based on Statistical Modeling

  • Avinash S;Y.Srinivas;P.Annan naidu
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.157-161
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    • 2023
  • Reliability is one of the computable quality features of the software. To assess the reliability the software reliability growth models(SRGMS) are used at different test times based on statistical learning models. In all situations, Tradational time-based SRGMS may not be enough, and such models cannot recognize errors in small and medium sized applications.Numerous traditional reliability measures are used to test software errors during application development and testing. In the software testing and maintenance phase, however, new errors are taken into consideration in real time in order to decide the reliability estimate. In this article, we suggest using the Weibull model as a computational approach to eradicate the problem of software reliability modeling. In the suggested model, a new distribution model is suggested to improve the reliability estimation method. We compute the model developed and stabilize its efficiency with other popular software reliability growth models from the research publication. Our assessment results show that the proposed Model is worthier to S-shaped Yamada, Generalized Poisson, NHPP.

A Simulation Model for the Intermittent Hydrologic Process(I) - Alternate Renewal Process (ARP) and Continuous Probability Distribution - (간헐(間歇) 수문과정(水文過程)의 모의발생(模擬發生) 모형(模型)(I) - 교대재생과정(交代再生過程)(ARP)과 연속확률분포(連續確率分布) -)

  • Lee, Jae Joon;Lee, Jung Sik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.509-521
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    • 1994
  • This study is an effort to develop computer simulation model that produce precipitation patterns from stochastic model. A stochastic model is formulated for the process of daily precipitation with considering the sequences of wet and dry days and the precipitation amounts on wet days. This study consists of 2 papers and the process of precipitation occurrence is modelled by an alternate renewal process (ARP) in paper (I). In the ARP model for the precipitation occurrence, four discrete distributions, used to fit the wet and dry spells, were as follows; truncated binomial distribution (TBD), truncated Poisson distribution (TPD), truncated negative binomial distribution (TNBD), logarithmic series distribution (LSD). In companion paper (II) the process of occurrence is developed by Markov chain. The amounts of precipitation, given that precipitation has occurred, are described by a Gamma. Pearson Type-III, Extremal Type-III, and 3 parameter Weibull distribution. Daily precipitation series model consists of two models, A-Wand A-G model, by combining the process of precipitation occurrence and a continuous probability distribution on the precipitation of wet days. To evaluate the performance of the simulation model, output from the model was compared with historical data of 7 stations in the Nakdong and Seomjin river basin. The results of paper (1) show that it is possible to design a model for the synthetic generation of IX)int precipitation patterns.

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Quantitative microbial risk assessment of Campylobacter jejuni in jerky in Korea

  • Ha, Jimyeong;Lee, Heeyoung;Kim, Sejeong;Lee, Jeeyeon;Lee, Soomin;Choi, Yukyung;Oh, Hyemin;Yoon, Yohan
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.274-281
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The objective of this study was to estimate the risk of Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) infection from various jerky products in Korea. Methods: For the exposure assessment, the prevalence and predictive models of C. jejuni in the jerky and the temperature and time of the distribution and storage were investigated. In addition, the consumption amounts and frequencies of the products were also investigated. The data for C. jejuni for the prevalence, distribution temperature, distribution time, consumption amount, and consumption frequency were fitted with the @RISK fitting program to obtain appropriate probabilistic distributions. Subsequently, the dose-response models for Campylobacter were researched in the literature. Eventually, the distributions, predictive model, and dose-response model were used to make a simulation model with @RISK to estimate the risk of C. jejuni foodborne illness from the intake of jerky. Results: Among 275 jerky samples, there were no C. jejuni positive samples, and thus, the initial contamination level was statistically predicted with the RiskUniform distribution [RiskUniform (-2, 0.48)]. To describe the changes in the C. jejuni cell counts during distribution and storage, the developed predictive models with the Weibull model (primary model) and polynomial model (secondary model) were utilized. The appropriate probabilistic distribution was the BetaGeneral distribution, and it showed that the average jerky consumption was 51.83 g/d with a frequency of 0.61%. The developed simulation model from this data series and the dose-response model (Beta Poisson model) showed that the risk of C. jejuni foodborne illness per day per person from jerky consumption was $1.56{\times}10^{-12}$. Conclusion: This result suggests that the risk of C. jejuni in jerky could be considered low in Korea.

The Study for NHPP Software Reliability Growth Model based on Exponentiated Exponential Distribution (지수화 지수 분포에 의존한 NHPP 소프트웨어 신뢰성장 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Cheul
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.11 no.5 s.43
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2006
  • Finite failure NHPP models presented in the literature exhibit either constant, monotonic increasing or monotonic decreasing failure occurrence rates per fault. In this paper, Goel-Okumoto and Yamada-Ohba-Osaki model was reviewed, proposes the exponentiated exponential distribution reliability model, which maked out efficiency substituted for gamma and Weibull model(2 parameter shape illustrated by Gupta and Kundu(2001) Algorithm to estimate the parameters used to maximum likelihood estimator and bisection method, model selection based on SSE, AIC statistics and Kolmogorov distance, for the sake of efficient model, was employed. Analysis of failure using NTDS data set for the sake of proposing shape parameter of the exponentiated exponential distribution was employed. This analysis of failure data compared with the exponentiated exponential distribution model and the existing model (using arithmetic and Laplace trend tests, bias tests) is presented.

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Exploring Factors Related to Metastasis Free Survival in Breast Cancer Patients Using Bayesian Cure Models

  • Jafari-Koshki, Tohid;Mansourian, Marjan;Mokarian, Fariborz
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.22
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    • pp.9673-9678
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    • 2014
  • Background: Breast cancer is a fatal disease and the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women with an increasing pattern worldwide. The burden is mostly attributed to metastatic cancers that occur in one-third of patients and the treatments are palliative. It is of great interest to determine factors affecting time from cancer diagnosis to secondary metastasis. Materials and Methods: Cure rate models assume a Poisson distribution for the number of unobservable metastatic-component cells that are completely deleted from the non-metastasis patient body but some may remain and result in metastasis. Time to metastasis is defined as a function of the number of these cells and the time for each cell to develop a detectable sign of metastasis. Covariates are introduced to the model via the rate of metastatic-component cells. We used non-mixture cure rate models with Weibull and log-logistic distributions in a Bayesian setting to assess the relationship between metastasis free survival and covariates. Results: The median of metastasis free survival was 76.9 months. Various models showed that from covariates in the study, lymph node involvement ratio and being progesterone receptor positive were significant, with an adverse and a beneficial effect on metastasis free survival, respectively. The estimated fraction of patients cured from metastasis was almost 48%. The Weibull model had a slightly better performance than log-logistic. Conclusions: Cure rate models are popular in survival studies and outperform other models under certain conditions. We explored the prognostic factors of metastatic breast cancer from a different viewpoint. In this study, metastasis sites were analyzed all together. Conducting similar studies in a larger sample of cancer patients as well as evaluating the prognostic value of covariates in metastasis to each site separately are recommended.

NHPP Software Reliability Model based on Generalized Gamma Distribution (일반화 감마 분포를 이용한 NHPP 소프트웨어 신뢰도 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Cheul
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.6 s.38
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2005
  • Finite failure NHPP models presented in the literature exhibit either constant, monotonic increasing or monotonic decreasing failure occurrence rates Per fault. This Paper Proposes reliability model using the generalized gamma distribution, which can capture the monotonic increasing(or monotonic decreasing) nature of the failure occurrence rate per fault. Equations to estimate the parameters of the generalized gamma finite failure NHPP model based on failure data collected in the form of interfailure times are developed. For the sake of proposing shape parameter of the generalized gamma distribution, used to the special pattern. Data set, where the underlying failure process could not be adequately described by the knowing models, which motivated the development of the gamma or Weibull model. Analysis of failure data set for the generalized gamma modell, using arithmetic and Laplace trend tests . goodness-of-fit test, bias tests is presented.

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Joint Modeling of Death Times and Counts Considering a Marginal Frailty Model (공변량을 포함한 사망시간과 치료횟수의 모형화를 위한 주변환경효과모형의 적용)

  • Park, Hee-Chang;Park, Jin-Pyo
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.311-322
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    • 1998
  • In this paper the problem of modeling count data where the observation period is determined by the survival time of the individual under study is considered. We assume marginal frailty model in the counts. We assume that the death times follow a Weibull distribution with a rate that depends on some covariates. For the counts, given a frailty, a Poisson process is assumed with the intensity depending on time and the covariates. A gamma model is assumed for the frailty. Maximum likelihood estimators of the model parameters are obtained. The model is applied to data set of patients with breast cancer who received a bone marrow transplant. A model for the time to death and the number of supportive transfusions a patient received is constructed and consequences of the model are examined.

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