• Title/Summary/Keyword: WebUI

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Multiple Object-Based Design Model for Quality Improvement of User Interface (사용자 인터페이스 품질 향상을 위한 다중 객체 기반 설계 모델)

  • Kim Jeong-Ok;Lee Sang-Young
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.7 s.103
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    • pp.957-964
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    • 2005
  • According to rapid growth of web environment, user interface design needs to support the complex interactions between human and computer. In the paper we suggest the object modeling method for Qualify Improvement of User Interface. We propose the 4 business event's object modeling phases such as business event object modeling, task object modeling, transaction object modeling, and form object modeling to enhance visual cohesion of UI. As a result, this 4 phases in this paper allows us to enhance visual cohesion of User Interface prototype. We have found that the visual cohesion of business events become strong and unskilled designer can develope the qualified user interface prototype. And it also improves understanding of business task and reduces prototype system development iteration.

Quality Analysis of Smart Application Contents for the Convenience of Care and Hospital Access (진료의 편의성과 병원 접근성 증진을 위한 스마트 어플리케이션 콘텐츠의 질적 분석)

  • Lee, Jae Bin;Kim, Ji Hye;Bok, Jeong Hee;Woo, Hyekyung
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2020
  • Purposes: The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the contents of hospital reservation and reception applications(apps) are qualitatively useful in meeting the needs of medical consumers and improving hospital accessibility and convenience. Methodology: (1) identify consumer needs through social data web mining, (2) describe the status of key contents of mobile apps to improve accessibility and convenience of care, and (3) verify the quality of apps through validated tools Finding: The contents of 'mobile reservation function' and 'waiting time information provision' that can contribute to reduction of delay time of care and efficiency of desk work were supported, but the level of utilization was insufficient. The quality level of the app, including the level of consumers' needs, has shown a wide gap between the apps. Implications: The recent development of mobile apps for hospital accessibility and consumer needs has shown a wide gap in the quality of apps, including information and aesthetic. Therefore, it is necessary to develop apps based on user interface(UI), user experience(UX) based designs that can promote the usefulness and convenience of apps while monitoring needs of consumers continuously.

Effect of Trust in Creators on Class Preference in Knowledge Marketplaces (지식 마켓플레이스에서 크리에이터에 대한 신뢰가 강의 선호도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Young Ju;Kim, Jin Myeong;Lee, Ui Jun;Oh, Se Hwan
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.19-45
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    • 2022
  • Purpose Since COVID-19, the demand for online class platforms has increased. However, those platforms have not been clearly defined, and related research is also limited. In the context of the knowledge marketplace (KMs), this study examined the effects of class information and trust in creators on class preferences from the perspective of consumption value theory. Design/methodology/approach By establishing a web crawler through Python, this study collected 1,174 class data in Korea's leading knowledge marketplace, Class 101, focusing on diverse class-related information and the number of Instagram followers for individual class creators. Based on class information, this research analyzed the effects of consumers' utilitarian value, social value, and hedonic value on class preference. In addition, this study examined whether consumers' trust in creators moderates the relationship between class information and class preference. Findings According to analysis results, it was found that the higher the consumers' consumption value for each class on KMs, the more positive their preference for the class. Also, it was confirmed that consumers' trust in creators moderates the relationship between class information and class preference.

Data Framework Design of EDISON 2.0 Digital Platform for Convergence Research

  • Sunggeun Han;Jaegwang Lee;Inho Jeon;Jeongcheol Lee;Hoon Choi
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.2292-2313
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    • 2023
  • With improving computing performance, various digital platforms are being developed to enable easily utilization of high-performance computing environments. EDISON 1.0 is an online simulation platform widely used in computational science and engineering education. As the research paradigm changes, the demand for developing the EDISON 1.0 platform centered on simulation into the EDISON 2.0 platform centered on data and artificial intelligence is growing. Herein, a data framework, a core module for data-centric research on EDISON 2.0 digital platform, is proposed. The proposed data framework provides the following three functions. First, it provides a data repository suitable for the data lifecycle to increase research reproducibility. Second, it provides a new data model that can integrate, manage, search, and utilize heterogeneous data to support a data-driven interdisciplinary convergence research environment. Finally, it provides an exploratory data analysis (EDA) service and data enrichment using an AI model, both developed to strengthen data reliability and maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of research endeavors. Using the EDISON 2.0 data framework, researchers can conduct interdisciplinary convergence research using heterogeneous data and easily perform data pre-processing through the web-based UI. Further, it presents the opportunity to leverage the derived data obtained through AI technology to gain insights and create new research topics.

Web-based Software Development and Distribution in YouFree (YouFree에서 웹 기반 SW 개발 및 배포)

  • Kim, Ki-Heon;Ku, Kyong-I;Chung, Moon-Young;Choi, Won-Hyuk;Kim, Won-Young;Hur, Sung-Jin
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.895-896
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    • 2009
  • 본 논문에서는 이동형 개인 맞춤 SW 플랫폼인 YouFree에서 동작하는 웹 기반 SW의 개발과 배포를 지원하는 시스템을 설계하고 구현하였다. 개발 시스템은 YouFree의 콘텐츠를 접근하고 조작하는 API와 자바스크립트로 구성된 웹 사용자 인터페이스를 편리하게 개발할 수 있는 UI 자동 생성 기능을 제공한다. 배포 시스템은 개발된 웹 기반 SW 패키지를 설치하고 제거하는 기능뿐만 아니라 의존성 있는 패키지가 함께 설치되는 기능과 새 버전의 패키지를 업그레이드 할 수 있는 기능을 지원한다.

A Study on the Low(No)-Code Platform Based on Web Crawling and NLP for Providing Framework-Specific Code (프레임워크 맞춤형 코드 제공을 위한 웹 크롤링과 NLP 기반 노코드 플랫폼 연구)

  • Chae-Rim Yoon;Song-Ie Kim;In-Bin Baik;Jin-Hwan Woo;Jae-Hyeong Song;Gi-Young Beak
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.945-946
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    • 2023
  • 4차 산업혁명과 코로나19 영향으로 개발자 수요가 급증하며, 노코드 및 로우코드 플랫폼과 자연어 처리 기반 인공지능이 주목받고 있다. 본 연구는 프로그래밍 접근성 향상을 위한 노코드 플랫폼을 탐구하며, 사용자가 UI를 통해 직관적으로 프로젝트를 구축할 수 있는 설계 방식을 제시한다. 본 연구에서는 웹 크롤링과 자연어 처리 모델 학습에 기반한 아키텍처와 방향성을 제시한다. 사용자는 화면을 구성하고 프레임워크 선택 후 프로젝트를 간단하게 구축할 수 있다. 이 연구는 전문 지식 없이도 소프트웨어 개발에 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 방법론을 제시하며, 접근성과 포용성 강화에 기여한다.

Development of Drift-Based Fragility Functions for WUF-W Moment Connection (WUF-W 모멘트 접합부의 변위비 기반 취약도 함수 개발)

  • Lee, UiJae;Cho, EunSeon;Han, Sang Whan
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.373-380
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    • 2024
  • Steel moment frame connections are vital in moment frames designed to resist forces transferred from adjoining beams and columns. The welded unreinforced flange-welded web (WUF-W) connection is one of the pre-qualified connections used for steel special moment frames (SMFs). This study developed drift-based fragility functions for WUF-W connections based on test data of 35 WUF-W connection specimens from ten previous experimental studies. Four different damage states were defined to calculate the fragility: onset of yielding, local buckling, strength loss, and fracture. Fragility functions were derived assuming that lognormal distribution was validated using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test. It was confirmed that fragility functions for WUF-W connections were accurately proposed within a specified confidence interval. The fragility functions proposed in this study exhibit smaller standard deviations compared to FEMA P58, thereby reducing the likelihood of overestimating or underestimating damage at specific drift ratios. Furthermore, these functions remain within the confidence intervals across all damage states, contributing to improved accuracy in damage analysis and loss estimation in performance-based earthquake engineering.

Design and Implementation of a Similarity based Plant Disease Image Retrieval using Combined Descriptors and Inverse Proportion of Image Volumes (Descriptor 조합 및 동일 병명 이미지 수량 역비율 가중치를 적용한 유사도 기반 작물 질병 검색 기술 설계 및 구현)

  • Lim, Hye Jin;Jeong, Da Woon;Yoo, Seong Joon;Gu, Yeong Hyeon;Park, Jong Han
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.30-43
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    • 2018
  • Many studies have been carried out to retrieve images using colors, shapes, and textures which are characteristic of images. In addition, there is also progress in research related to the disease images of the crop. In this paper, to be a help to identify the disease occurred in crops grown in the agricultural field, we propose a similarity-based crop disease search system using the diseases image of horticulture crops. The proposed system improves the similarity retrieval performance compared to existing ones through the combination descriptor without using a single descriptor and applied the weight based calculation method to provide users with highly readable similarity search results. In this paper, a total of 13 Descriptors were used in combination. We used to retrieval of disease of six crops using a combination Descriptor, and a combination Descriptor with the highest average accuracy for each crop was selected as a combination Descriptor for the crop. The retrieved result were expressed as a percentage using the calculation method based on the ratio of disease names, and calculation method based on the weight. The calculation method based on the ratio of disease name has a problem in that number of images used in the query image and similarity search was output in a first order. To solve this problem, we used a calculation method based on weight. We applied the test image of each disease name to each of the two calculation methods to measure the classification performance of the retrieval results. We compared averages of retrieval performance for two calculation method for each crop. In cases of red pepper and apple, the performance of the calculation method based on the ratio of disease names was about 11.89% on average higher than that of the calculation method based on weight, respectively. In cases of chrysanthemum, strawberry, pear, and grape, the performance of the calculation method based on the weight was about 20.34% on average higher than that of the calculation method based on the ratio of disease names, respectively. In addition, the system proposed in this paper, UI/UX was configured conveniently via the feedback of actual users. Each system screen has a title and a description of the screen at the top, and was configured to display a user to conveniently view the information on the disease. The information of the disease searched based on the calculation method proposed above displays images and disease names of similar diseases. The system's environment is implemented for use with a web browser based on a pc environment and a web browser based on a mobile device environment.

A Study on Public Interest-based Technology Valuation Models in Water Resources Field (수자원 분야 공익형 기술가치평가 시스템에 대한 연구)

  • Ryu, Seung-Mi;Sung, Tae-Eung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.177-198
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    • 2018
  • Recently, as economic property it has become necessary to acquire and utilize the framework for water resource measurement and performance management as the property of water resources changes to hold "public property". To date, the evaluation of water technology has been carried out by feasibility study analysis or technology assessment based on net present value (NPV) or benefit-to-cost (B/C) effect, however it is not yet systemized in terms of valuation models to objectively assess an economic value of technology-based business to receive diffusion and feedback of research outcomes. Therefore, K-water (known as a government-supported public company in Korea) company feels the necessity to establish a technology valuation framework suitable for technical characteristics of water resources fields in charge and verify an exemplified case applied to the technology. The K-water evaluation technology applied to this study, as a public interest goods, can be used as a tool to measure the value and achievement contributed to society and to manage them. Therefore, by calculating the value in which the subject technology contributed to the entire society as a public resource, we make use of it as a basis information for the advertising medium of performance on the influence effect of the benefits or the necessity of cost input, and then secure the legitimacy for large-scale R&D cost input in terms of the characteristics of public technology. Hence, K-water company, one of the public corporation in Korea which deals with public goods of 'water resources', will be able to establish a commercialization strategy for business operation and prepare for a basis for the performance calculation of input R&D cost. In this study, K-water has developed a web-based technology valuation model for public interest type water resources based on the technology evaluation system that is suitable for the characteristics of a technology in water resources fields. In particular, by utilizing the evaluation methodology of the Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan to match the expense items to the expense accounts based on the related benefit items, we proposed the so-called 'K-water's proprietary model' which involves the 'cost-benefit' approach and the FCF (Free Cash Flow), and ultimately led to build a pipeline on the K-water research performance management system and then verify the practical case of a technology related to "desalination". We analyze the embedded design logic and evaluation process of web-based valuation system that reflects characteristics of water resources technology, reference information and database(D/B)-associated logic for each model to calculate public interest-based and profit-based technology values in technology integrated management system. We review the hybrid evaluation module that reflects the quantitative index of the qualitative evaluation indices reflecting the unique characteristics of water resources and the visualized user-interface (UI) of the actual web-based evaluation, which both are appended for calculating the business value based on financial data to the existing web-based technology valuation systems in other fields. K-water's technology valuation model is evaluated by distinguishing between public-interest type and profitable-type water technology. First, evaluation modules in profit-type technology valuation model are designed based on 'profitability of technology'. For example, the technology inventory K-water holds has a number of profit-oriented technologies such as water treatment membranes. On the other hand, the public interest-type technology valuation is designed to evaluate the public-interest oriented technology such as the dam, which reflects the characteristics of public benefits and costs. In order to examine the appropriateness of the cost-benefit based public utility valuation model (i.e. K-water specific technology valuation model) presented in this study, we applied to practical cases from calculation of benefit-to-cost analysis on water resource technology with 20 years of lifetime. In future we will additionally conduct verifying the K-water public utility-based valuation model by each business model which reflects various business environmental characteristics.

Development of decision support system for water resources management using GloSea5 long-term rainfall forecasts and K-DRUM rainfall-runoff model (GloSea5 장기예측 강수량과 K-DRUM 강우-유출모형을 활용한 물관리 의사결정지원시스템 개발)

  • Song, Junghyun;Cho, Younghyun;Kim, Ilseok;Yi, Jonghyuk
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2017
  • The K-DRUM(K-water hydrologic & hydraulic Distributed RUnoff Model), a distributed rainfall-runoff model of K-water, calculates predicted runoff and water surface level of a dam using precipitation data. In order to obtain long-term hydrometeorological information, K-DRUM requires long-term weather forecast. In this study, we built a system providing long-term hydrometeorological information using predicted rainfall ensemble of GloSea5(Global Seasonal Forecast System version 5), which is the seasonal meteorological forecasting system of KMA introduced in 2014. This system produces K-DRUM input data by automatic pre-processing and bias-correcting GloSea5 data, then derives long-term inflow predictions via K-DRUM. Web-based UI was developed for users to monitor the hydrometeorological information such as rainfall, runoff, and water surface level of dams. Through this UI, users can also test various dam management scenarios by adjusting discharge amount for decision-making.