• Title/Summary/Keyword: Web Art

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Comparative Study of Machine learning Techniques for Spammer Detection in Social Bookmarking Systems (소셜 복마킹 시스템의 스패머 탐지를 위한 기계학습 기술의 성능 비교)

  • Kim, Chan-Ju;Hwang, Kyu-Baek
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.345-349
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    • 2009
  • Social bookmarking systems are a typical web 2.0 service based on folksonomy, providing the platform for storing and sharing bookmarking information. Spammers in social bookmarking systems denote the users who abuse the system for their own interests in an improper way. They can make the entire resources in social bookmarking systems useless by posting lots of wrong information. Hence, it is important to detect spammers as early as possible and protect social bookmarking systems from their attack. In this paper, we applied a diverse set of machine learning approaches, i.e., decision tables, decision trees (ID3), $na{\ddot{i}}ve$ Bayes classifiers, TAN (tree-augment $na{\ddot{i}}ve$ Bayes) classifiers, and artificial neural networks to this task. In our experiments, $na{\ddot{i}}ve$ Bayes classifiers performed significantly better than other methods with respect to the AUC (area under the ROC curve) score as veil as the model building time. Plausible explanations for this result are as follows. First, $na{\ddot{i}}ve$> Bayes classifiers art known to usually perform better than decision trees in terms of the AUC score. Second, the spammer detection problem in our experiments is likely to be linearly separable.

The Usage of Modern Information Technologies for Conducting Effective Monitoring of Quality in Higher Education

  • Oseredchuk, Olga;Nikolenko, Lyudmyla;Dolynnyi, Serhii;Ordatii, Nataliia;Sytnik, Tetiana;Stratan-Artyshkova, Tatiana
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2022
  • Information technologies in higher education are the basis for solving the tasks set by monitoring the quality of higher education. The directions of aplying information technologies which are used the most nowadays have been listed. The issues that should be addressed by monitoring the quality of higher education with the use of information technology have been listed. The functional basis for building a monitoring system is the cyclical stages: Observation; Orientation; Decision; Action. The monitoring system's considered cyclicity ensures that the concept of independent functioning of the monitoring system's subsystems is implemented.. It also ensures real-time task execution and information availability for all levels of the system's hierarchy of vertical and horizontal links, with the ability to restrict access. The educational branch uses information and computer technologies to monitor research results, which are realized in: scientific, reference, and educational output; electronic resources; state standards of education; analytical materials; materials for state reports; expert inferences on current issues of education and science; normative legal documents; state and sectoral programs; conference recommendations; informational, bibliographic, abstract, review publications; digests. The quality of Ukrainian scientists' scientific work is measured using a variety of bibliographic markers. The most common is the citation index. In order to carry out high-quality systematization of information and computer monitoring technologies, the classification has been carried out on the basis of certain features: (processual support for implementation by publishing, distributing and using the results of research work). The advantages and disadvantages of using web-based resources and services as information technology tools have been discussed. A set of indicators disclosed in the article evaluates the effectiveness of any means or method of observation and control over the object of monitoring. The use of information technology for monitoring and evaluating higher education is feasible and widespread in Ukrainian education, and it encourages the adoption of e-learning. The functional elements that stand out in the information-analytical monitoring system have been disclosed.

AI Art Creation Case Study for AI Film & Video Content (AI 영화영상콘텐츠를 위한 AI 예술창작 사례연구)

  • Jeon, Byoungwon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 2021
  • Currently, we stand between computers as creative tools and computers as creators. A new genre of movies, which can be called a post-cinema situation, is emerging. This paper aims to diagnose the possibility of the emergence of AI cinema. To confirm the possibility of AI cinema, it was examined through a case study whether the creation of a story, narrative, image, and sound, which are necessary conditions for film creation, is possible by artificial intelligence. First, we checked the visual creation of AI painting algorithms Obvious, GAN, and CAN. Second, AI music has already entered the distribution stage in the market in cooperation with humans. Third, AI can already complete drama scripts, and automatic scenario creation programs using big data are also gaining popularity. That said, we confirmed that the filmmaking requirements could be met with AI algorithms. From the perspective of Manovich's 'AI Genre Convention', web documentaries and desktop documentaries, typical trends post-cinema, can be said to be representative genres that can be expected as AI cinemas. The conditions for AI, web documentaries and desktop documentaries to exist are the same. This article suggests a new path for the media of the 4th Industrial Revolution era through research on AI as a creator of post-cinema.

An Overview of Research Trends in 'Aesthetic Science-Education': Focused on Bibliographic Analysis Using Bibliometrix Package in the R Program (미적 과학교육 연구 동향 분석 -R 프로그램의 Bibliometrix 패키지를 활용한 상세 서지분석을 중심으로-)

  • Kyungsuk, Bae;Jun-Young, Oh;Jaehyeok, Choi;Yejin, Moon;Yeon-A, Son
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.543-555
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to identify the trends in 'Aesthetic Science-Education' research through bibliographic analysis and provide future implications for research in this field. To this research, 100 studies were extracted using the search function of the Web of Science provided by Clarivate Analytics. Detailed bibliometrics was analyzed using the Bibliometrix package of the R program. As a result of the analysis, the average number of papers increased from 1993 to 2022, and academic journals in which related papers were published were evenly distributed locally. As a result of keyword analysis, papers with top citations, author collaboration networks, and literature co-citation networks, Aesthetic Science-Education could be classified as inducing aesthetic experience by integrating art in science education, and categories using 'formalist aesthetic' and 'emotional response'. The implications derived from this study are as follows: first, the aesthetic aspects of science should be actively studied to emphasize 'Agency' and 'Active Learning' in future science education. Second, it is necessary to develop a new approach to science education by further utilizing the 'formalist aesthetic' of science in science education. Third, the aesthetic aspect of science can change the perception of the Nature of Science of teachers, pre-service science teachers, and students. Fourth, it is necessary to discover implications for utilizing aesthetic aspects in science education through extensive research on the aesthetic aspects of science for teachers, students, and pre-service teachers. This study is meaningful because it provides an overview of the 'Aesthetic Science-Education' research to realize the above implications.

Service Provider Ranking Based on Visual Media Ontology (시각 미디어 온톨로지에 기반한 서비스 제공자 랭킹)

  • Min, Young-Kun;Lee, Bog-Ju
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.15B no.4
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2008
  • It is important to retrieve effectively the visual media such as pictures and video in the internet, especially to the application areas such as electronic art museum, e-commerce, and internet shopping malls. It is also needed in these areas to have content-based or even semantic-based multimedia retrieval instead of simple keyword-based retrieval. In our earlier research, we proposed a semantic-based visual media retrieval framework for the effective retrieval of the visual media from the internet. It uses visual media metadata and ontology based on the web service to achieve the semantic-based retrieval. In this research, there are more than one visual media service providers and one central service broker. As a preliminary step to the visual media data retrieval, a method is proposed to retrieve the service providers effectively. The method uses the structure of the ontology tree to obtain the providers and their rankings. It also uses the size of sub nodes and child nodes in the tree. It measures the rankings of providers more effectively than previous method. The experimental results show the accuracy of the method while keeping compatible speed against the existing method.

A Low-Energy Ultra-Wideband Internet-of-Things Radio System for Multi-Standard Smart-Home Energy Management

  • Khajenasiri, Iman;Zhu, Peng;Verhelst, Marian;Gielen, Georges
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.354-365
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    • 2015
  • This work presents an Internet of Things (IoT) system for home energy management based on a custom-designed Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband (IR-UWB) transceiver that targets a generic and multi-standard control system. This control system enables the interoperability of heterogeneous devices: it integrates various sensor nodes based on ZigBee, EnOcean and UWB in the same middleware by utilizing an ad-hoc layer as an interface between the hardware and software. The paper presents as a first the design of the IR-UWB transceiver for a portable sensor node integrated with the middleware layer, and also describes the receiver connected to the control system. The custom-designed low-power transmitter on the sensor node is fabricated with 130 nm CMOS technology. It generates a signal with a 1.1 ns pulse width while consuming $39{\mu}W$ at 1 Mbps. The UWB sensor node with a temperature measurement capability consumes 5.31 mW, which is lower than the power level of state-of-the-art solutions for smart-home applications. The UWB hardware and software layers necessary to interface with the control system are verified in over-the-air measurements in an actual office environment. With the implementation of the presented sensor node and its integration in the energy management system, we demonstrate achievement of the broad flexibility demanded for IoT.

A Study of consumer's behavior and classifications by advertising techniques of mobile character (모바일 캐릭터의 광고기법에 따른 타켓별 유형분류와 소비자 반응 연구)

  • 강대인;주효정
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.393-402
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    • 2004
  • The mobile advertisement has varied on lifestyle of people, who live aninformation-oriented society with portable equipment such as web phone and PDA(Personal Digital Assistant). Also, the advertising has expended mobile techniques and its application field unpredictably. The intrinsic characteristic of misdistribution, reach, and convenience in mobile advertisement add up the capacity of a location, information and individualize. This market condition leads the basic audio focused formal mobile advertisement to the new mobile Internet environment with an additional able of data communication. Moreover, the type of SMS (Short Message Service), Graphic, Wep Push, and ridchmedia, which based on music, basic graphic, voice, and letters transfer by mobile terminal and the mobile character is present inevitably correlation with pixel art and animation in 2D(Two Dimensions) techniques. Thus, this research appoints the importance and its role of mobile advertisement that is core of the business marketing in new media era. To activate mobile market, the mobile companies classify the characteristic of consumers with developed commercial use of mobile character and research their behavior to meet optimal mobile character in business.

  • PDF

Method of Motion Graphic Design Approach from Postmodern Point of View (포스트모던적 관점에서 본 모션그래픽 디자인 접근 방안)

  • Kim Gyo-Wan;Hong Su-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.9
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    • pp.124-131
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    • 2006
  • Motion graphic is also developing into its own genre in graphic design by establishing individual industrial fields. images and graphics but also recognize even motions and sounds as communication elements delivering a message. Nevertheless, web communication designers have yet to experimentally test the visual motion priniciples or the audio sound expressions in terms of technology. If the dance are used, they may be new communication approaches in the age of multi-media, which allows for communication of visual and audio information or images. With such conceptions in mind, this study was aimed at reviewing the structural relationship between visual motion principles of the kinetic and the sound images to combine the audio and video effects. To this end, the basic structure of dance and music were substituted into the dance to determine their relevancy, and thereupon, examine the effective sound expression methods and techniques depending on movements of the objects in the monitor. Thus, this study, by inquiring into the uniqueness of choreography in motion graphic, presents the possibility of limitless expression of designer creation and inner world, and the ultimate goal lies in assuring the artistic value of motion graphic and its position as a synthetic art.

  • PDF

Storage Schemes for XML Query Cache (XML 질의 캐쉬의 저장 기법)

  • Kim, Young-Hyun;Kang, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.551-562
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    • 2006
  • XML query caching for XML database-backed Web applications began to be investigated recently. Despite its practical significance, efficiency of the storage schemes for cached query results has not been addressed. In this paper, we deal with the storage schemes for XML query cache. A fundamental problem that needs to be considered in designing an efficient storage structure for XML query cache is that there exist performance tradeoffs between the two major types of operations on a cached query result. The two are (1) retrieving the whole of it to return the query result and (2) updating just a small portion of it for its incremental refresh against the updates done to its source. We propose eight different storage schemes for XML query cache, which are categorized into three groups: (1) the schemes based on the plain text file, (2) the schemes based on the persistent DOM (PDOM) file, and (3) a scheme employing an RDBMS. We implemented all of them, and compared their performance with each other. We also compared our proposal with a storage scheme based on a current state-of-the-art XML storage scheme, showing that ours is more efficient.

A Large-scale Test Set for Author Disambiguation (저자 식별을 위한 대용량 평가셋 구축)

  • Kang, In-Su;Kim, Pyung;Lee, Seung-Woo;Jung, Han-Min;You, Beom-Jong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.455-464
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    • 2009
  • To overcome article-oriented search functions and provide author-oriented ones, a namesake problem for author names should be solved. Author disambiguation, proposed as its solution, assigns identifiers of real individuals to author name entities. Although recent state-of-the-art approaches to author disambiguation have reported above 90% performance, there are few academic information services which adopt author-resolving functions. This paper describes a large-scale test set for author disambiguation which was created by KISTI to foster author resolution researches. The result of these researches can be applied to academic information systems and make better service. The test set was constructed from DBLP data through web searches and manual inspection, Currently it consists of 881 author names, 41,673 author name entities, and 6,921 person identifiers.