• Title/Summary/Keyword: Wave scattering

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Seismic Behavior of Bridges Considering Ground Motion Spatial Variation (공간적으로 변화하는 입력지진으로 인한 교량의 지진거동특성)

  • Bae, Byung Ho;Choi, Kwang Kyu;Kang, Seung Woo;Song, Si Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.759-768
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    • 2015
  • The ground motions of large dimensional structures such as long span bridges at different stations during an earthquake, are inevitably different, which is known as the ground motion spatial variation effect. There are many causes that may result in the spatial variability in seismic ground motion, e.g., the wave passage effect due to the different arrival times of waves at different locations; the loss of coherency due to seismic waves scattering in the heterogeneous medium of the ground; the site amplification effect owing to different local soil properties. In previous researches, the site amplification effects have not been considered or considered by a single-layered soil model only. In this study, however, the ground motion amplification and filtering effects are evaluated by multi-layered soil model. Spatially varying ground motion at the sites with different number of layers, depths, and soil characteristics are generated and the variation characteristics of ground motion time histories according to the correlation of coherency loss function and soil conditions are evaluated. For the bridge system composed of two unit bridges, seismic behavior characteristics are analyzed using the generated seismic waves as input ground motion. Especially, relative displacement due to coherency loss and site effect which can cause the unseating and pounding between girders are evaluated. As a result, considering the soil conditions of each site are always important and should not be neglected for an accurate structural response analysis.

A Study on Temperature Dependence of Tunneling Magnetoresistance on Plasma Oxidation Time and Annealing Temperature (플라즈마 산화시간과 열처리 조건에 따른 터널링 자기저항비의 온도의존특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Hoon;Lee, Seong-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 2004
  • We have studied to understand the barrier and interface qualities and structural changes through measuring temperature dependent spin-polarization as functions of plasma oxidation time and annealing time. Magnetic tunnel junctions consisting of SiO2$_2$/Ta 5/CoFe 17/IrMn 7.5/CoFe 5/Al 1.6-Ox/CoFe 5/Ta 5 (numbers in nm) were deposited and annealed when necessary. A 30 s,40 s oxidized sample showed the lowest spin-polarization values. It is presumed that tunneling electrons were depolarized and scattered by residual paramagnetic Al due to under-oxidation. On the contrary, a 60s, 70 s oxidized sample might have experienced over-oxidation, where partially oxidized magnetic dead layer was formed on top of the bottom CoFe electrode. The magnetic dead layer is known to increase the probability of spin-flip scattering. Therefore it showed a higher temperature dependence than that of the optimum sample (50 s oxidation). temperature dependence of 450 K annealed samples was improved when the as-deposited one compared. But the sample underwent 475 K and 500 K annealing exhibits inferior temperature dependence of spin-polarization, indicating that the over-annealed sample became microstucturally degraded.

Full-Wave Analysis, Design and Fabrication of Duplexer by Mode Matching Method for Ka-Band Transponder (모드정합법에 의한 Ka-밴드 위성중계기용 듀플렉서의 Full-Wave 분석 및 설계${\cdot}$제작에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Min;Ra, Keuk-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics D
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    • v.36D no.8
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents the design and fabrication of the duplexer for a Ka-band satellite transponder which is analyzed transmission characteristics by calculating the generalized scattering matrix using mode matching method. It is composed of 2 bandpass filters, coupled with H-plane T-junction having symmetrical inductive iris and E-plane metal insert structures. Compared with the size and weight of the Rx and Tx filter loaded with a transponders respectively, those of the duplexer can be effectively reduced. In a high power transmission, the variation of the filter characteristics is minimized by the scheme that irises are extended to the exterior of H-plane of the waveguide. This scheme needs no extra heat sinks for dissipating high power. The duplexer is designed to improve the simplification, durability and reliability by eliminating tuning screws, which have been used to compensate for the characteristics of fabricated filters. The bandpass filters of the duplexer show the insertion loss of less than 1.2 dB and the return loss in excess of 15 dB. The isolations of more than 65 dB have been achieved between Rx and Tx filter.

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High-power Yb Fiber Laser with 3.0-kW Output (3.0 kW 고출력 발진 단일 모드 Yb 광섬유 레이저)

  • Park, Jong Seon;Park, Eun Ji;Oh, Ye Jin;Jeong, Hoon;Kim, Ji Won;Jung, Yeji;Lee, Kangin;Lee, Yongsoo;Cho, Joonyong
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2021
  • We report high-power continuous-wave operation of a Yb-doped fiber laser at 1070 nm, pumped by high-power laser diodes at 976 nm. Based on theoretical calculation of the stimulated Raman scattering and temperature distribution in the fiber, we construct a bidirectionally pumped Yb-fiberlaser system incorporating a pair of fiber Bragg gratings and a cladding light stripper. The fiber laser yields 3.0 kW of continuous-wave output at 1070 nm in a diffraction-limited beam with M2 ≈ 1.26 for 4.1 kW of incident pump power, corresponding to a slope efficiency of 81.5%. The prospects for further power scaling are discussed.

Visible and SWIR Satellite Image Fusion Using Multi-Resolution Transform Method Based on Haze-Guided Weight Map (Haze-Guided Weight Map 기반 다중해상도 변환 기법을 활용한 가시광 및 SWIR 위성영상 융합)

  • Taehong Kwak;Yongil Kim
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.283-295
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    • 2023
  • With the development of sensor and satellite technology, numerous high-resolution and multi-spectral satellite images have been available. Due to their wavelength-dependent reflection, transmission, and scattering characteristics, multi-spectral satellite images can provide complementary information for earth observation. In particular, the short-wave infrared (SWIR) band can penetrate certain types of atmospheric aerosols from the benefit of the reduced Rayleigh scattering effect, which allows for a clearer view and more detailed information to be captured from hazed surfaces compared to the visible band. In this study, we proposed a multi-resolution transform-based image fusion method to combine visible and SWIR satellite images. The purpose of the fusion method is to generate a single integrated image that incorporates complementary information such as detailed background information from the visible band and land cover information in the haze region from the SWIR band. For this purpose, this study applied the Laplacian pyramid-based multi-resolution transform method, which is a representative image decomposition approach for image fusion. Additionally, we modified the multiresolution fusion method by combining a haze-guided weight map based on the prior knowledge that SWIR bands contain more information in pixels from the haze region. The proposed method was validated using very high-resolution satellite images from Worldview-3, containing multi-spectral visible and SWIR bands. The experimental data including hazed areas with limited visibility caused by smoke from wildfires was utilized to validate the penetration properties of the proposed fusion method. Both quantitative and visual evaluations were conducted using image quality assessment indices. The results showed that the bright features from the SWIR bands in the hazed areas were successfully fused into the integrated feature maps without any loss of detailed information from the visible bands.

Quantum Chemical Calculations of the Effect of Si-O Bond Length on X-ray Raman Scattering Features for MgSiO3 Perovskite (양자화학계산을 이용한 Si-O 결합길이가 MgSiO3 페로브스카이트의 X-선 Raman 산란 스펙트럼에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Yi, Yoo Soo;Lee, Sung Keun
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2014
  • Probing the electronic structures of crystalline Mg-silicates at high pressure is essential for understanding the various macroscopic properties of mantle materials in Earth's interior. Quantum chemical calculations based on the density functional theory are used to explore the atomic configuration and electronic structures of Earth materials at high pressure. Here, we calculate the partial density of states (PDOS) and O K-edge energy-loss near-edge structure (ELNES) spectra for $MgSiO_3$ perovskite at 25 GPa and 120 GPa using the WIEN2k program based on the full-potential linearized projected augmented wave (FP-LPAW) method. The calculated PDOS and O K-edge ELNES spectra for $MgSiO_3$ Pv show significant pressure-induced changes in their characteristic spectral features and relative peak intensity. These changes in spectral features of $MgSiO_3$ Pv indicate that the pressure-induced changes in local atomic configuration around O atoms such as Si-O, O-O, and Mg-O length can induce the significant changes on the local electronic structures around O atoms. The result also indicates that the significant changes in O K-edge features can results from the topological densification at constant Si coordination number. This study can provide a unique opportunity to understand the atomistic origins of pressure-induced changes in local electronic structures of crystalline and amorphous $MgSiO_3$ at high pressure more systematically.

Acoustic Band Structures in Two-dimensional Phononic Crystals with a Square Lattice in Water (수중에서 정방형 격자를 갖는 2차원 포노닉 크리스탈의 음향 밴드 구조)

  • Kim, Yoon Mi;Lee, Kang Il;Kang, Hwi Suk;Yoon, Suk Wang
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.335-342
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    • 2015
  • Phononic crystals are composite materials consisting of a periodic arrangement of scattering inclusions in a host material. One of the most important properties of phononic crystals is the existence of band gaps, i.e., ranges of frequencies at which acoustic waves cannot propagate through the structure. The present study aims to investigate theoretically and experimentally the acoustic band structures in two-dimensional (2D) phononic crystals consisting of periodic square arrays of stainless steel solid cylinders with a diameter of 1 mm and a lattice constant of 1.5 mm in water. The theoretical dispersion relation that depicts the relationship between the frequency and the wave vector was calculated along the ${\Gamma}X$ direction of the first Brillouin zone using the finite element method to predict the band structures in the 2D phononic crystals. The transmission and the reflection coefficients were measured in the 2D phononic crystals with 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 layers of stainless steel cylinders stacked in the perpendicular direction to propagation at normal incidence. The theoretical dispersion relation exhibited five band gaps at frequencies below 2 MHz, the first gap appearing around a frequency of 0.5 MHz. The location and the width of the band gaps experimentally observed in the transmission and the reflection coefficients appeared to coincide well with those determined from the theoretical dispersion relation.

Active-Sensing Based Damage Monitoring of Airplane Wings Under Low-Temperature and Continuous Loading Condition (능동센서 배열을 이용한 저온 반복하중 환경 항공기 날개 구조물의 손상 탐지)

  • Jeon, Jun Young;Jung, Hwee kwon;Park, Gyuhae;Ha, Jaeseok;Park, Chan-Yik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2016
  • As aircrafts are being operated at high altitude, wing structures experience various fatigue loadings under cryogenic environments. As a result, fatigue damage such as a crack could be develop that could eventually lead to a catastrophic failure. For this reason, fatigue damage monitoring is an important process to ensure efficient maintenance and safety of structures. To implement damage detection in real-world flight environments, a special cooling chamber was built. Inside the chamber, the temperature was maintained at the cryogenic temperature, and harmonic fatigue loading was given to a wing structure. In this study, piezoelectric active-sensing based guided waves were used to detect the fatigue damage. In particular, a beamforming technique was applied to efficiently measure the scattering wave caused by the fatigue damage. The system was used for detection, growth monitoring, and localization of a fatigue crack. In addition, a sensor diagnostic process was also applied to ensure the proper operation of piezoelectric sensors. Several experiments were implemented and the results of the experiments demonstrated that this process could efficiently detect damage in such an extreme environment.

New Gain Function Based on Attenuation Characteristics of Ballast Track for GPR Analysis (GPR 분석을 위한 자갈궤도 자갈의 감쇄특성을 이용한 이득함수 개발)

  • Shin, Jihoon;Choi, Yeongtae;Jang, SeungYup
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2017
  • Ballasted track has been used as track system for more than 100 years. Ballasted track has advantages of low construction cost, flexible maintenance, low noise and vibration, and so on. However, ballasted track leads to continuous settlement which causes maintenance. Recently, increase in speed, traffic volume, and weight of train requires more frequent maintenance. Fouling, well-known phenomenon of accumulation of fine materials due to intrusion of subgrade and breakage of ballast materials, expedites the settlement (i.e., irregular settlement) of track. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) can be one of non-destructive tools that can evaluate fouling level of ballast. In this paper, a gain function based on the attenuation characteristics of ballast material is suggested in conjunction with Hilbert transform. Lab box tests and full-scale tests indicate that the suggested method reasonably classifies clean, fouled layers, and subgrade. However, additional study to eliminate effect of sleeper and to include the scattering features of the electromagnetic wave in ballast voids should be required in order to enhance the accuracy.

Frequency Dependence of High-frequency Bottom Reflection Loss Measurements (고주파 해저면 반사손실의 주파수 종속성 측정)

  • 박순식;윤관섭;최지웅;나정열
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.652-659
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    • 2003
  • High-frequency(40∼120 kHz) reflection loss measurements on the water-sandy sediment with a flat interface were conducted in a water tank for various grazing angles. The water tank(5×5×5 m) was filled with a 0.5 m-thick-flat bottom of 0.5ø-mean-grain-size sand. Reflection losses, which were experimentally obtained as a function of grazing angle and frequency, were compared with the forward loss model, APL-UW model (Mourad & Jackson, 1989). For frequencies below 60 kHz, the observed losses well agree with the reflection loss model, however, in cases for frequencies above 70 kHz, the observed losses are greater by 2∼3 dB than the model results. The model calculation, which does not fully account for the vertical scale of roughness due to grain size, produce less bottom losses compared to the observations that correspond to large roughness based on the Rayleigh parameter in the wave scattering theory. In conclusion, for the same grain-size-sediment, as frequencies increase, the grainsize becomes the scale of roughness that could be very large for the frequencies above 70 kHz. Therefore, although the sea bottom was flat, we have to consider the frequency dependence of an effect of roughness within confidential interval of grain size distribution in reflection loss model.