• 제목/요약/키워드: Water Quality Control

검색결과 2,546건 처리시간 0.028초

오염부하지속곡선을 이용한 팔당호 수질항목별 중점관리 시점 선정 (Determination of Important Parameter Control Term for Paldang Lake Water Quality Management using Load Duration Curves)

  • 김동우;장미정;박지형;한인섭
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제29권6호
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    • pp.762-776
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    • 2013
  • Load duration curve was applied to determine important water quality parameter control term for improvement of Paldang lake water quality. Load duration curve was analyzed with long term data from 1985 to 2012 including water quality, flow rate and climate state of Paldang water environment. From the result of flow rate patterns of paldang lake, differences between high and low flow rate of each year showed tendency of increase because rainfall characteristics of paldang lake watershed were changed by climate exchange. Both of land use state of upper Paldang lake watershed and number of limit excess from load duration curve indicated that seasonal action related with land use such as agricultural fertilizer distribution in upper watershed affected Paldang lake water quality. So focused BOD (biological oxygen demand) management during spring season from march to June is required to control organic materials in Paldand lake. The main affecting factor of TOC (total organic carbon) increase in Paldang lake was initial rainfall after march. T-N (total nitrogen) kept increasing during research period, so enhancement of T-N standard is needed to T-N control. Initial rainfall and increase of temperature during spring season from March to June showed a positive correlation with TP (total phosphorus) and Chl-a, respectively.

Fuzzy Neural Network에 응집제 투입률의 자동결정 (Automatic Determination of Coagulant Dosing Rate Using Fuzzy Neural Network)

  • 정우섭;오석영
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 1997
  • Recently, as the raw water quality becomes to be polluted and the seasonal and local variation of water quality becomes to be severe, an exact control of coagulant dosing have been required in the water treat- ment plant. The amounts of coagulant is related to the raw water quality such as turbidity, alkalinity, water temperature, pH and edectrical conductivity. However the process of chemical reaction has not been clarified so far, so the dosing rate has been decided by jar-test, which is taken one or two hours. For the sake of this coagulant dosing control, fuzzy neural network to fuse fuzzy logic and neural network was proposed, and the scheme was applied to automatic determination of coagulant dosing rate. This controller can automatically identify the if-then rules and tune the membership functions by utilizing expert's cintrol data. It is shown that determination of coagulant dosing rate according to real time sensing of water quality is very effect.

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Effect of bamboo shoot dietary fiber on gel properties, microstructure and water distribution of pork meat batters

  • Li, Ke;Liu, Jun-Ya;Fu, Lei;Zhao, Ying-Ying;Zhu, He;Zhang, Yan-Yan;Zhang, Hua;Bai, Yan-Hong
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제33권7호
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    • pp.1180-1190
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    • 2020
  • Objective: To develop healthier comminuted meat products to meet consumer demand, the gel properties, rheological properties, microstructure and water distribution of pork meat batters formulated with various amounts of bamboo shoot dietary fiber (BSDF) were investigated. Methods: Different levels of BSDF (0% to 4%) were added to pork batters, and the pH, color, water-holding capacity, texture and rheological properties of pork batters were determined. Then, pork batters were analyzed for their microstructure and water distribution using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR). Results: Compared with the control, BSDF addition into meat batters showed a significant reduction in L*-value and a significant increase in b*-value (p<0.05). BSDF addition of up to 4% reduced the pH value of pork batters by approximately 0.15 units; however, the cooking loss and expressible water loss decreased significantly (p<0.05) with the increased addition of BSDF. The hardness and gel strength were noticeably enhanced (p<0.05) as the content of BSDF increased. The rheological results showed that BSDF added into pork batters produced higher storage modulus (G') and loss modulus (G") values. The SEM images suggested that the addition of BSDF could promote pork batters to form a more uniform and compact microstructure. The proportion of immobilized water increased significantly (p<0.05), while the population of free water was decreased (p<0.05), indicating that BSDF improved the water-holding capability of pork batters by decreasing the fraction of free water. Conclusion: BSDF could improve the gel properties, rheological properties and water distribution of pork meat batters and decrease the proportion of free water, suggesting that BSDF has great potential as an effective binder in comminuted meat products.

맞춤형 테트라블록을 이용한 야계사방구조물이 계류수질에 미치는 영향 (Influences of the Construction of the Torrent Control Structure using Customized Tetrapods on the Stream Water Quality at Valley)

  • 박재현;마호섭;김기흥;윤호중
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제100권1호
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2011
  • 이 연구는 경상남도 산청군 홍계 계곡에 설치한 맞춤형 테트라블럭을 이용한 야계사방구조물의 설치 전 후의 계류수질 변화를 밝힘으로써 산림내 계류수질 보전 및 관리방안 마련을 위한 기초 자료를 제공하기 위하여 수행하였다. 연구결과, 맞춤형 테트라블록(Tetrapod)을 이용한 야계사방구조물을 시공한 후에도 계류수의 pH는 하천수질환경기준 상수원수 1급수의 범위 내였다. 맞춤형 테트라블록을 이용한 야계사방구조물의 시공 후 계류수의 용존산소량 (Dissolved Oxygen)은 거의 변화하지 않았으며, 전기전도도(Electrical Conductivity)는 오염원이 없는 맑고 깨끗한 일반적인 계류수에서의 전기전도도의 범위 내에 포함되었다. 맞춤형 테트라블록을 이용한 야계사방구조물을 설치한 후 계류수 하류의 평균 음이온량(Average of total amount of anion)은 약 3.07/2.30~3.60 mg/L로 맞춤형 테트라블록을 이용한 야계사방구조물을 설치하기 전과의 차이는 약 0.24 mg/L로 그 양도 미미한 것으로 분석되었다. 아울러 맞춤형 테트라블록을 이용한 야계사방구조물을 설치한 계류수는 오염되지 않은 일반적인 계류수에서의 수질과 유사하여, 이러한 야계사방구조물 설치에 따른 계류수질 오염의 영향은 나타나지 않은 것으로 분석되었다.

대리변수를 이용한 한반도 수질 및 수생태계 부문의 기후변화 취약성 평가 (Vulnerability Assessment of Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystem to Climate Change in Korea using Proxy Variables)

  • 이건행;정유진;김경현;유정아;이은정
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.444-452
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    • 2012
  • This study aims at assessing vulnerability of water quality and aquatic ecosystem to climate change by using proxy variables. Vulnerability to climate change is defined as a function of exposure to climate, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. Detailed proxy variables were selected considering availability and then standardized by re-scaling concept. After adequate weights were assigned to standardized proxy variables by Delphi technique, vulnerability index was calculated. As results, vulnerability of adjacent regions to coastal areas include water quality and aquatic ecosystem is relatively higher than that of inland areas, and especially adjacent region to the western and southeast seas, and Jeju show high vulnerabilities. Vulnerability in the future was performed based on A1B scenario (IPCC, 2000). Temporally, the increase of vulnerability from 2050s to 2100s may be larger than the increase from 2000s to 2050s. Because vulnerability index was estimated through the relationship among various proxy variables, it is important to consider characteristics of local region with measurements and policies for reduction of sensitivity and enhancement of adaptive capacity on climate change. This study is expected to be useful in planning adaptation measures and selecting priority to the policy on climate change.

농업용저수지에서 마름의 사멸에 따른 수질변화 관찰 (Monitoring of Water Quality in Agricultural Reservoirs According to Trapa japonica Death Effect)

  • 최은희;유선아;김형중
    • 한국환경농학회지
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.148-151
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    • 2016
  • BACKGROUND: There are few studies on the impacts of hydrophytes on water quality, so there is a need to research the effects of death of hydrophytes on the worsening of water quality. This study aimed to monitor the effects of Trapa japonica death on reservoir water quality.METHODS AND RESULTS: T.japonica shows the life cycle that highest growth in summer and rapid death in fall decomposing their body in general. T.japonica contains comparatively large portion of nutrients and minerals. Through the field survey using Mesocosm to identify the effects of excessive population of T.japonica on water quality, the water quality of plots planted T.japonica is gradually worse compared with the control plot. And the result of Wilcoxon-test also shows that the negative effect of T.japonica on water quality with significant (p<0.05).CONCLUSION: It is necessary to control the population growth of T.japonica in order to prevention of water pollution in fall.

어항의 정온도 향상과 수질개선을 위한 기초적 연구 (A Fundamental Study on the Improvement of Harbour Tranquility and Water Quality of Fishing Port)

  • 류청로;김종화;박종화
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.341-352
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this research is to develop the design/control method that can be used for the improvement of harbour tranquility and water quality of fishing ports. For this end, firstly, the hydraulic environmental characteristics of fishing ports in the coastal waters of the Korean Peninsula are analysed and discussed combined with disasters of facilities and vessels in the ports. Secondly the problems of water quality control is pointed out considered with the improvement measures of harbour tranquility such as the methods of lengthen of main breakwaters and construction of wave absorbing structures. Finally, the control characteristics of composite functions of water quality and tranquility of fishing port are discussed and the improved control method si proposed using the experimental results for the various measures. The proposed measure is proved to be a applicable method to improve these two main functions on the design of fishing port.

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하천 수질 매개변수의 자동보정을 위한 QL2-XP 모형 개발 (QL2-XP Model for the Automatic Calibration in Water Quality Modeling)

  • 한건연;박경옥
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2005년도 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.474-477
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    • 2005
  • The Industrial development and the Increase in population have brought out a rapid increase of wastewater discharge. To deal with this matter, much estimate has been spend on construction and management of a large scale sewage treatment plant. Although every effort has been carried out, river water quality has no significantly improved. Especially. the aggravation of the water quality in dry season is brought out a serious social problem. The purpose of this study Is the development of an optimal water quality management technique considering the efficient control of the multiple pollutant load associated with the total pollutant load control. A GUI(Graphical User Interface) system named 'QL2-XP' model is developed by object-oriencted language for the user convenience and practical usage. Suggested GUI system consist of hydraulic analysis. water quality analysis, optimized model calibration processes, and postprocessing the simulation results.

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수질자동측정망 자료의 신뢰성 제고를 위한 정도관리 (Quality Control to Improve Reliability of Automatic Water Quality Data)

  • 임병진;홍은영;김현욱
    • 생태와환경
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.338-344
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    • 2010
  • 상수원 및 수계의 수질관리 업무를 효율적이고 능동적으로 수행하고, 수질오염사고 발생시 신속한 대응조치를 할 수 있는 조기경보체계 구축을 위하여 주요 상수원 및 하천 등에 수질자동측정망을 설치하여 운영하고 있다. 수온, pH, EC, DO, TOC 항목에 대한 정도평가를 실시하여, 수질자동 측정 자료에 대한 정확도를 확보하여 신뢰도를 제고하고자 하였다. 수질자동측정기기와 수동측정기기에 대한 측정값을 비교한 결과, 대체로 일반항목(수온, pH, EC, DO) 및 TOC의 상대정확도가 20% 이내의 목표를 만족하였다. 그러나 수질자동측정소의 저류수조의 측정기기(내부)와 채수지점의 측정기기(외부)의 측정값 차이를 분석한 결과, 채수거리가 먼 측정소의 DO에 대한 내부-외부의 상대정확도는 목표값을 다소 벗어나는 것으로 나타났다. 채수관로에 조류 및 미생물 부착에 의한 오염이 원인으로 판단되어 역세척하여 측정한 결과, 측정된 DO 농도는 최대 53%까지 상승하는 효과를 나타냈다. 따라서 채수관로 관리가 수질자동측정 자료의 신뢰성을 확보하는데 중요함을 알 수 있었다.

농업용수 수질기준 T-N 항목 설정을 위한 벼생육 실험 (Experiments of Rice Cultivation for Establishment of Total Nitrogen(T-N) Item of Agricultural Water Standards)

  • 최선화;김호일;윤경섭;최이송;오종민
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.301-306
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    • 2004
  • The present water quality standards for agricultural were established without considering the effects of water quality on the safety, growth, yield and quality of crops. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of irrigation water quality on the growth, yield, and grain quality of rice, and to acquire basic knowledges to set up water quality standards for irrigation. The field and pot experiments were conducted with irrigation water that was previously adjusted four concentrations (control, 5, 10, 20 mg/L) and six concentrations (control, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 mg/L) by $NH_4NO_3$ solution and replicated three and four times with randomized block design, respectively. The results of this study showed that the inorganic nutrient of rice plant, rice protein contents and number of panicle tended to increase as the T-N concentration in irrigation water was increased. In addition, grain yield at T-N 10 mg/L and 20mg/L were significantly higher than the control at the field experiment. From the pot experiment at T-N 30 mg/L, the percentage of head rice was slightly lower due to the increase of green kernel and white belly/core kernel.