• 제목/요약/키워드: Water Loss Management

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RUSLE방법을 이용한 만대천유역의 토사유출량 및 기여울 산정 (Estimation of soil runoff and contribution in the mandae-cheun basin by the using RUSLE methood)

  • 박수진;최한규;국성표;임윤수
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2011년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.188-193
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    • 2011
  • This study was intended to estimate the soil runoff at the basin of Mandaechun where the measure needs to be taken to deal with the increasing muddy water resulting from soil runoff during wet season and torrential rain at the high reaches of the Soyang lake where highland vegetables are cultivated and soil replacement for improvement is carried out every two to three years. The study was carried out in such a way of identifying the topographic factors using geographical spatial data from Water Management Information System (WAMIS) and ARC-VIEW program and estimating the soil runoff by rainfall frequency using Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), and furthermore, evaluating the soil runoff contribution at the basin of Mandaechun based on estimate of the soil runoff by section.

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대면적 셀 고분자 막전해질 연료전지의 열관리를 위한 2 차원 수치 해석 모델 (Two Dimensional Numerical Model for Thermal Management of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell with Large Active Area)

  • 유상석;이영덕;안국영
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제32권5호
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    • pp.359-366
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    • 2008
  • A two-dimensional thermal model of proton exchange membrane fuel cell with large active area is developed to investigate the performance of fuel cell with large active area over various thermal management conditions. The core sub-models of the two-dimensional thermal model are one-dimensional agglomerate structure electrochemical reaction model, one-dimensional water transport model, and a two-dimensional heat transfer model. Prior to carrying out the simulation, this study is contributed to set up the operating temperature of the fuel cell with large active area which is a maximum temperature inside the fuel cell considering durability of membrane electrolyte. The simulation results show that the operating temperature of the fuel cell and temperature distribution inside the fuel cell can affect significantly the total net power at extreme conditions. Results also show that the parasitic losses of balance of plant component should be precisely controlled to produce the maximum system power with minimum parasitic loss of thermal management system.

다층건물 사용자의 누수확대 방지용 비상배수설비 설치에 대한 의견 연구 (A Study on Multi-story Building Users' Opinions about the Installation of Emergency Plumbing Equipment for Preventing the Spread of Water Leakage)

  • 연철수;서진형
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the necessity of 'emergency plumbing equipment for preventing the spread of water leakage'. It reviews social and economic costs when there is spread of water leakage and finds out that those are enormous. Expansion of water leakage causes conflicts between neighbors, economic loss and inconvenience from damages on facilities like elevator and power failure. Next, it examines the inability of existing plumbing equipment when it comes to spread of water leakage. Newly defined 'Surface Leakage' means rapid leak in the surface, and 'Internal Leakage' means seeping out slowly and gradually buried in the pipeline. It will also be analyzed by separating the concept of a leak in the two concepts of a 'Surface Leakage' and 'Internal Leakage'. It proposes emergency plumbing equipment for preventing the spread of water leakage as a solution for the expansion of water leakage. It explains general concepts of emergency plumbing equipment for preventing the spread of water leakage. It will also examine the effectiveness of the user by performing a survey of 420 multi-level building their opinion on the effects of an emergency plumbing equipments to prevent the spread of water leakage.

Effects of Controlled Drainage Systems on Soybean (Glycine max L.) Growth and Soil Characteristics in Paddy Fields

  • Lee, Sanghun;Jung, Ki-Yuol;Chun, Hyen Chung;Choi, Young Dae
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제62권2호
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    • pp.134-142
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    • 2017
  • Crop production in rice paddy fields is of great importance because of declining rice consumption and the low self-sufficiency ratio for field crops in Korea. A controlled drainage system (CDS) is recognized as an effective means to adjust water table (WT) levels as needed and control soil water content to improve the soil environment for optimum crop growth. The present study evaluated the effects of a CDS on soil characteristics, including soil water distribution and soybean development in paddy fields. The CDS was installed with two drain spacing (3 m and 6 m) at the experimental paddy field at the National Institute of Crop Science, Miryang, Korea. It was managed with two WT levels (0.3 m and 0.6 m) during the growing season. Soil water content, electrical conductivity and plant available nitrogen content in the soil were significantly greater in the 0.3 m WT management plots than in the 0.6 m plot and the control. At the vegetative stage, chlorophyll content was significantly lower with higher WT control because of excess soil moisture, but it recovered after the flowering stage. Soybean yield increased with WT management and the 0.6 m WT treatment produced the greatest grain yield, $3.38ton\;ha^{-1}$, which was 50% greater than that of the control. The CDS directly influenced outflow through the drains, which significantly delayed nutrient loss. The results of this study indicated that WT management by CDS can influence soil characteristics and it is an important practice for high yielding soybean production in paddy fields, which should be considered the crop growth stages for stable crop production.

Water Level Prediction on the Golok River Utilizing Machine Learning Technique to Evaluate Flood Situations

  • Pheeranat Dornpunya;Watanasak Supaking;Hanisah Musor;Oom Thaisawasdi;Wasukree Sae-tia;Theethut Khwankeerati;Watcharaporn Soyjumpa
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2023년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.31-31
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    • 2023
  • During December 2022, the northeast monsoon, which dominates the south and the Gulf of Thailand, had significant rainfall that impacted the lower southern region, causing flash floods, landslides, blustery winds, and the river exceeding its bank. The Golok River, located in Narathiwat, divides the border between Thailand and Malaysia was also affected by rainfall. In flood management, instruments for measuring precipitation and water level have become important for assessing and forecasting the trend of situations and areas of risk. However, such regions are international borders, so the installed measuring telemetry system cannot measure the rainfall and water level of the entire area. This study aims to predict 72 hours of water level and evaluate the situation as information to support the government in making water management decisions, publicizing them to relevant agencies, and warning citizens during crisis events. This research is applied to machine learning (ML) for water level prediction of the Golok River, Lan Tu Bridge area, Sungai Golok Subdistrict, Su-ngai Golok District, Narathiwat Province, which is one of the major monitored rivers. The eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm, a tree-based ensemble machine learning algorithm, was exploited to predict hourly water levels through the R programming language. Model training and testing were carried out utilizing observed hourly rainfall from the STH010 station and hourly water level data from the X.119A station between 2020 and 2022 as main prediction inputs. Furthermore, this model applies hourly spatial rainfall forecasting data from Weather Research and Forecasting and Regional Ocean Model System models (WRF-ROMs) provided by Hydro-Informatics Institute (HII) as input, allowing the model to predict the hourly water level in the Golok River. The evaluation of the predicted performances using the statistical performance metrics, delivering an R-square of 0.96 can validate the results as robust forecasting outcomes. The result shows that the predicted water level at the X.119A telemetry station (Golok River) is in a steady decline, which relates to the input data of predicted 72-hour rainfall from WRF-ROMs having decreased. In short, the relationship between input and result can be used to evaluate flood situations. Here, the data is contributed to the Operational support to the Special Water Resources Management Operation Center in Southern Thailand for flood preparedness and response to make intelligent decisions on water management during crisis occurrences, as well as to be prepared and prevent loss and harm to citizens.

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한국의 경사지 밭의 토양 및 물의 보전 관리 전략 (Management Strategies to Conserve Soil and Water Qualities in the Sloping Uplands in Korea)

  • 양재이;유진희;김시주;정덕영
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.435-449
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    • 2010
  • Soils in the sloping uplands in Korea are subject to intensive land use with high input of agrochemicals and are vulnerable to soil erosion. Development of the environmentally sound land management strategy is essential for a sustainable production system in the sloping upland. This report addresses the status of upland agriculture and the best management practices for the uplands toward the sustainable agriculture. More than 60% of Korean lands are forest and only 21% are cultivating paddy and upland. Uplands are about 7% of the total lands and about 62% of the uplands are in the slopes higher than 7%. Due to the site-specificity of the upland, many managerial and environmental problems are occurring, such as severe erosion, shallow surface soils with rocky fragments, and loadings of non-point source (NPS) contaminants into the watershed. Based on the field trials, most of the sloping uplands were classified as Suitability Class III-V and the major limiting factor was slope and rock fragments. Due to this, soils were over-applied with N fertilizer, even though N rate was the recommendation. This resulted in decreases in yield, degradation of soil quality and increases in N loading to the leachate. Various case studies drew management practices toward sustainable production systems. The suggested BMP on the managerial, vegetative, and structural options were to practice buffer strips along the edges of fields and streams, winter cover crop, contour and mulching farming, detention weir, diversion drains, grassed waterway, and slope arrangement. With these options, conservation effects such as reductions in raindrop impact, flow velocity, runoff and sediment loss, and rill and gully erosion were observed. The proper management practice is a key element of the conservation of the soil and water in the sloping upland.

내륙습지 총량관리제도의 고찰 및 도입 방안 제안 (Review of No Net Loss(NLL) of Wetland and Suggestion of Appropriate NLL in Korea)

  • 강유진;이준형;이태우;김덕길;서재승;김수전;김형수
    • 한국습지학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 2024
  • 내륙습지는 생물 다양성 보존, 수질 정화, 홍수 조절, 탄소 흡수 등 중요한 기능을 제공한다. 그러나 도시화와 산업화로 인해 많은 내륙습지가 훼손되고 있어, 보전과 복원의 필요성이 커지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국내외 사례를 고찰함으로써 습지 보전 및 복원을 위한 습지총량관리제도와 순손실방지(No Net Loss of Wetlands) 도입을 제안하였다. 이를 위해 미국, 캐나다, 독일, 일본, 호주의 습지 보전·관리 제도를 분석하고, 각국의 제도적 특징과 성공 요소를 도출하여 국내 상황에 맞게 적용할 방안 및 방향성을 모색하였다. 미국의 사례는 법적 틀과 민관 협력의 중요성을, 캐나다는 체계적 관리 방안을, 독일은 개발과 보전 간 균형 유지를, 일본은 협력적 보전 활동의 필요성을, 호주는 상쇄 시장의 효율성을 강조하였다. 이들 제도의 도입과 운영은 기후변화 완화, 생물 다양성 보전, 수질 개선에 기여할 것으로 기대되며, 제도의 정착을 위해 지속적인 연구와 정책적 노력이 필요하다.

Economic management of human businesses: Extending the life span of vegetables

  • Honglei Zhu;Duo Li
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제85권4호
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    • pp.461-468
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    • 2023
  • Edible coatings are one of the most innovative methods to preserve the quality and increase the shelf life of fresh fruits and vegetables. A successful edible coating should have a barrier against gases, especially oxygen and water vapor, and have good surface characteristics. Today, chitosan coating is widely used due to its properties, such as non-toxic, biodegradable, and biocompatibility. Is. Coating the surface of fruits and vegetables with chitosan increases shelf life due to reducing weight loss and reducing respiration rate and also reduces decay due to its antimicrobial and anti-fungal effect. This work discusses the effect of using chitosan coating containing chamomile extract to increase fresh vegetables'shelf life. In addition to increasing the shelf life of vegetables, this method can be used as a solution for the economic management of human resources. The results of this method confirm the successful synthesis of these nanoparticles, and the results of applying this food coating on vegetables have been successful. They have increased the shelf life of vegetables such as basil and spinach.

퇴적물 토양의 영양염류가 호소 수질에 미치는 잠재 요인 분석 (Analysis of Sediment Nutrients as Potential Sources of the Lake Water Quality)

  • 정준오;김영우
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제35권5호
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    • pp.376-385
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    • 2009
  • The characteristics of Lake Cheonhoji water and sediment were investigated in oder to utilize these as fundamental materials for the management of lake water quality. The hydrographic properties of Lake Cheonhoji which are relatively low chance of nutrients loading from the watershed and a long retention time of lake water, lead to the probability of high lake productivity. It was also observed that lake water showed stratification during summer and complete mixing during fall, even though water depth was relatively shallow. The trophic state was eutrophic to hypertrophic from summer to late fall. The overall properties of the sediment were oligohumic, high ignition loss and high composition of NAIP and Resid.-P, which might serve as potential pollution sources of lake water quality. In laboratory scale experiments, it was observed that leaching potential of nutrients in the sediment was greatly dependant upon water temperature and dissolved oxygen. Finally, water pollution in Lake Cheonhoji was considered to be largely due to the adverse cycle of uncontrollable eutrophication, which resulted in the subsequent occurrence of dead algae and animal plankton, organic sedimentation, reduction of dissolved oxygen and nutrients leaching, which again reinforced the cycle of eutrophication in the lake.

일강우를 고려한 SATEEC R 모듈 적용성 평가 (Evaluation of SATEEC Daily R Module using Daily Rainfall)

  • 우원희;문종필;김남원;최재완;김기성;박윤식;장원석;임경재
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.841-849
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    • 2010
  • Soil erosion is an natural phenomenon. However accelerated soil erosion has caused many environmental problems. To reduce soil loss from a watershed, many management practices have been proposed worldwide. To develop proper and efficient soil erosion best management practices, soil erosion rates should be estimated spatially and temporarily. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and USLE-based soil erosion and sediment modelling systems have been developed and tested in many countries. The Sediment Assessment Tool for Effective Erosion Control (SATEEC) system has been developed and enhanced to provide ease-of-use interface to the USLE users. However many researchers and decision makers have requested to enhance the SATEEC system for simulation of soil erosion and sediment reflecting effects of single storm event. Thus, the SATEEC R factors were estimated based on 5 day antecedent rainfall data. The SATEEC 2.1 daily R factor was applied to the study watershed and it was found that the R2 and EI values (0.776 and 0.776 for calibration and 0.927 and 0.911 for validation) with the daily R were greater than those (0.721 and 0.720 for calibration and 0.906 and 0.881 for validation) with monthly R, which was available in the SATEEC 2.0 system. As shown in this study, the SATEEC with daily R can be used to estimate soil erosion and sediment yield at a watershed scale with higher accuracy. Thus the SATEEC with daily R can be efficiently used to develop site-specific soil erosion best management practices based on spatial and temporal analysis of soil erosion and sediment yield at a daily-time step, which was not possible with USLE-based soil erosion modeling system.