• Title/Summary/Keyword: Water Depth storage

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Evaluation of the CO2 Storage Capacity by the Measurement of the scCO2 Displacement Efficiency for the Sandstone and the Conglomerate in Janggi Basin (장기분지 사암과 역암 공극 내 초임계 이산화탄소 대체저장효율 측정에 의한 이산화탄소 저장성능 평가)

  • Kim, Seyoon;Kim, Jungtaek;Lee, Minhee;Wang, Sookyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.469-477
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    • 2016
  • To evaluate the $CO_2$ storage capacity for the reservoir rock, the laboratory scale technique to measure the amount of $scCO_2$, replacing pore water of the reservior rock after the $CO_2$ injection was developed in this study. Laboratory experiments were performed to measure the $scCO_2$ displacement efficiency of the conglomerate and the sandstone in Janggi basin, which are classified as available $CO_2$ storage rocks in Korea. The high pressurized stainless steel cell containing two different walls was designed and undisturbed rock cores acquired from the deep drilling site around Janggi basin were used for the experiments. From the lab experiments, the average $scCO_2$ displacement efficiency of the conglomerate and the sandstone in Janggi basin was measured at 31.2% and 14.4%, respectively, which can be used to evaluate the feasibility of the Janggi basin as a $scCO_2$ storage site in Korea. Assuming that the effective radius of the $CO_2$ storage formations is 250 m and the average thickness of the conglomerate and the sandstone formation under 800 m in depth is 50 m each (from data of the drilling profile and the geophysical survey), the $scCO_2$ storage capacity of the reservoir rocks around the probable $scCO_2$ injection site in Janggi basin was calculated at 264,592 metric ton, demonstrating that the conglomerate and the sandstone formations in Janggi basin have a great potential for use as a pilot scale test site for the $CO_2$ storage in Korea.

A Study of Carvernous Limestone Aquifer of Jeon Cheon Basin (전천 석회암 대수층에 관한 연구)

  • 한종상
    • Water for future
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 1983
  • In the Jeon Cheon Basin, unconsolidated alluvium and marine clay beds overlying Tertiary conglomerate and impermeable mudstone, and Cambro-Ordovician sedimentary rocks composed of mainly cavernous limestones, and age-unknowned crystalline rocks are occured. Most productive rock is Cambro-Ordovician limestones containing a lot of solution openings and secondary porosities and shows its transmissivity of 1836$m^2$/day and storativity of 1.47 $\times$ $10^{-3}$. The storage of deep seated groundwater in linestone aquifer is estimated about 1059 $\times$ $10^6$ metric tons, being equivalent to 6 years total precipitation of the basin. The safe yield of the groundwater to be abstracted from the aquifer is about 126,000 tons/day. To pump at least 100,000 tons/day of groundwater from the said aquifer, a well field comprising 34 deep wells ranging in depth from 80 to 100 meter and penetrating the cavernous limestone aquifer shall be established at middle and down stream area.

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Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic PDMS Sponges Prepared Through Physicochemical Treatments (물리화학적 처리에 따른 PDMS 특성 조절)

  • Nam, Kyungmok;Park, Sungmin;Kim, Jonghun;Yoon, Sang-Hee
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.40 no.8
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    • pp.737-742
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    • 2016
  • An elastomer (especially PDMS) sponge is considered to be a promising selective absorber in cleaning up oil spills. The performance of a PDMS sponge in capturing and separating oil from (sea) water depends on several parameters such as surface roughness, physicochemical treatments, and hydrostatic stability. Here, we first present a method of fabricating the PDMS sponges having numerous micro-sized pores that act as absorption and storage spaces for the target material, and then we report an experimental effort undertaken to control the surface physicochemistry (i.e., hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity) of the PDMS sponges by adjusting the size of the pores and the concentration of the surfactant (i.e., silwet L-77). From the experimental results, we develop an in-depth understanding of the mechanism for controlling the surface physicochemistry of PDMS using water-soluble micro-sized particles and a surfactant. The surface energy and absorbing behavior of the PDMS sponges are also extensively discussed.

Characteristics of pressure fluctuation by plunge pool depth of intake facility in deep rainwater storage and drainage system (대심도 빗물저류배수터널 유입시설 감세지 깊이에 따른 압력변화 특성 연구)

  • Jun Oh Oh;Sang Mi Jun;Jea Hyeon Park;Yong Jang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.108-108
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    • 2023
  • 기후변화 및 도시화로 인해 도시 내에서 증가하는 홍수로 인명 및 재산피해가 꾸준히 발생하고 있다. 특히 2022년 8월 8일 서울특별시 및 경기도 지역에 내린 폭우로 인해 8명 이상의 인명피해와 1300억원 이상의 재산피해가 발생하였다. 이러한 도시홍수를 근본적으로 방어하기 위하여 미국, 일본 등의 국가에서는 대심도 빗물저류배수터널을 활용하고 있다. 국내에서도 2011년 서울특별시 강서구 및 양천구에 발생하는 홍수를 방어하기 위하여 국내 최초 대심도 빗물저류배수터널인 '신월 빗물저류배수시설'을 건설하여 현재 운영 중에 있다. 대심도 빗물저류배수터널은 초기 개수로 흐름에서 만관 후 관수로 흐름으로 전이되는 구조물로 계획과 운영이 매우 어려운 시설이다. 이에 미국, 일본, 중국, 이탈리아 등 국가에서 대심도 빗물저류배수터널과 관련한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 대심도 빗물저류배수터널의 유입시설 중 감세부에 해당하는 수직갱과 감세지의 깊이에 따른 감세지 바닥 압력변화를 알아보기 위하여 수리실험을 수행하였다. 그 결과 감세지 깊이가 깊어질수록 바닥면의 압력이 증가하는 것으로 분석되었으며 바닥면의 압력이 감세지 깊이만큼의 정수압을 포함하는 경우 정수압 대비 최대 2.0배, 정수압을 포함하지 않는 경우 정수압 대비 최대 1.0배 인 것으로 분석되었다. 수직갱 깊이에 대한 실험 결과는 수직갱 깊이가 짧아질수록 압력이 감소하는 경향을 보이는 것으로 분석되었는데 이는 회전수 및 회전력과 관련 있는 것으로 판단된다. 향후 수직갱 직경, 수직갱 깊이에 대한 추가 연구가 필요한 것판단되며 이를 통하여 수직갱 깊이-감세지 깊이에 대한 정량적인 연구와 분석을 통해 경제적이고 안정적인 대심도 빗물저류배수터널 감세지 설계가이드라인을 제시하고자 한다.

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Hydrogeological Characteristics of the Wangjeon-ri PCWC area, Nonsan-city, with an Emphasis on Water Level Variations (논산시 왕전리 수막재배지역의 지하수위 변화)

  • Cho, Byong-Wook;Yun, Uk;Lee, Byeong-Dae;Ko, Kyung-Seok
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.195-205
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    • 2012
  • We evaluated the results of pumping tests, the amount of groundwater used by Protected Cultivation with Water Curtain (PCWC), and monthly depth to water table (DTW) at the Wangjeon-ri area, Nonsan City, to elucidate the cause of a decrease in pumping rate during the winter PCWC season. The transmissivity and storage coefficient at eight sites where the major aquifer is alluvium, vary from 119.9 to $388.1m^2/d$ and $1.5{\times}10^{-4}$ to $5.5{\times}10^{-4}$, respectively. The pumping rate for PCWC during three months (Dec. to Feb.) averaged about $8,100m^3/d$ and the maximum water level in the area varied by about 10 m. Groundwater levels had fully recovered by August-five months after pumping for PCWC had ceased. These observations indicate that the pumping rate during the winter PCWC season was excessive compared with groundwater productivity in the area. Groundwater level in the central PCWC area varied from -3.0 to 4.38 m, exceeding the water level of the Nosung Stream for only three months (Aug. to Oct.). This result indicates that Nosung Stream recharges the area during the period from November to July. To solve the problem of reduced pumping rate during the winter PCWC season, it would be necessary to reduce the amount of groundwater used for PCWC or to develop an artificial recharge system using recycled groundwater.

Self Assembly and Formation of Bi-continuous Cubic Liquid Crystalline Phase (바이컨티니어스 큐빅상 액정의 생성과 자기조직화)

  • Kim, In-Young;Choi, Hwa-Sook;Lee, So-Ra;Choi, Seong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.478-485
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    • 2014
  • This study is to form the self assembly of cubic crystalline phase to penetrate into the skin epidermis. The various performance synthesized diglyceryl phytylacetate (DGPA) having hydroxyl group (-OH) and 4 methyl chains with phytyl group was carried out as an amphoteric lipid such as emulsifying power, self assembly. Emulsifying activity of DGPA was very stabilized on only 1% of small content, it could make a W/O emulsion containing high internal phase incorporated with water. Cubic liquid crystal structure with DGPA on three-phase diagram was formed, when mixed DGPA, dimethicone (2CS), and water. Through three-phase diagram forming the cubic liquid crystal area, hexagonal structure zone, and mixing water phase and hexagonal structure area, reversed micelle area were respectively certified. Its structure was proved by the SAXS (small angled x-ray scattering) analysis. As an application, formation of cubosome containing 10% of magnesium ascorbylphosphate and 5% of pyridoxine tris-hexyldecanoate was encapsulated. Occlusive effect of cubosome had above 1.7 times better than reversed micelle. From using poloxamer of dispersing agent, phase structure recovered from W/O emulsion to cubic liquid crystal phase when storage in $33^{\circ}C$ incubator. Therefore, our this study is expected to be as epidermal-dermal skin absorbers in skin care cosmetics and pharmaceuticals industries as raw materials to form a cubic crystal phase through a more in-depth research to DGPA having amphoteric lipid property.

The Development of Multi-channel Electrical Conductivity Monitoring System and its Application in the Coastal Aquifer (다채널 전기전도도 모니터링 시스템의 개발과 연안지역 공내수 모니터링에 대한 적용 사례)

  • Shin, Je-Hyun;Hwang, Se-Ho;Park, Kwon-Gyu;Park, Yun-Seong;Byun, Joong-Moo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.156-162
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    • 2005
  • Particularly in research related to seawater intrusion the change of fluid electrical conductivity is one of major concerns, and effective monitoring can help to optimize a water pumping performance in coastal areas. Special considerations should be given to the mounting of sensors at proper depth during the monitoring design since the vertical distribution of fluid electrical conductivity is sensitive to the characteristics of seawater intrusion zone. This tells us the multi-channel electrical conductivity monitoring is of paramount consequence. It, however, is a rare event when this approach becomes routinely available in that commonly used commercial stand-alone type sensors are very expensive and inadequate for a long term monitoring of electrical conductivity or water level due to their restricted storage and difficulty of real-time control. For this reason, we have developed a real-time monitoring system that could meet these requirements. This system is user friendly, cost-effective, and easy to control measurement parameters - sampling interval, acquisition range, and others. And this devised system has been utilized for the electrical conductivity monitoring in boreholes, Yeonggwang-gun, Korea. Monitoring has been consecutively executed for 24 hours, and the responses of electrical conductivity at some channels have been regularly increased or decreased while pumping up water. It, with well logging data implemented before/after pumping water, verifies that electrical conductivity changes in the specified depths originate from fluid movements through sand layer or permeable fractured rock. Eventually, the multi-channel electrical conductivity monitoring system makes an effective key to secure groundwater resources in coastal areas.

Environmentally Associated Spatial Distribution of a Macrozoobenthic Community in the Continental Shelf off the Southern Area of the East Sea, Korea (한국 동해 남부해역 대륙붕에 서식하는 대형저서동물군집 공간분포를 결정하는 환경요인)

  • Lee, Jung-Ho;Lee, Jung-Suk;Park, Young-Gyu;Kang, Seong-Gil;Choi, Tae Seob;Gim, Byeong-Mo;Ryu, Jongseong
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to understand environmental factors that determine spatial distribution of macrozoobenthic community in the southern area (ca 100-500 m depth) of East Sea, Korea, known as a candidate site for carbon storage under the seabed. From sixteen locations sampled in the summer of 2012, a total of 158 species were identified, showing density of $843indiv/m^2$ and biomass of $26.2g\;WW/m^2$, with increasing faunal density towards biologically higher diverse locations. Principal component analysis showed that a total of 33 environmental parameters were reduced to three principal components (PC), indicating sediment, bottom water, and depth, respectively. As sand content was increasing, number of species increased but biomass decreased. Six dominant species including two bivalve species favored high concentrations of ${\Omega}$ aragonite and ${\Omega}$ calcite, indicating that the corresponding species can be severely damaged by ocean acidification or $CO_2$ effluent. Cluaster analysis based on more than 1% density dominant species classified the entire study area into four faunal assemblage (location groups), which were delineated by characteristic species, including (A) Ampelisca miharaensis, (B) Edwardsioides japonica, (C) Maldane cristata, (D) Spiophanes kroeyeri, and clearly separated in terms of geography, bottom water and sediment environment. Overall, a discriminant function model was developed to predict four faunal assemblages from five simply-measured environmental variables (depth, sand content in sediment, temperature, salinity and pH in bottom water) with 100% accuracy, implying that benthic faunal assemablages are closed linked to certain combinations of abiotic factors.

Evaluation of the Sealing Capacity of the Supercritical CO2 by the Measurement of Its Injection Pressure into the Tuff and the Mudstone in the Janggi Basin (초임계이산화탄소(scCO2) 주입압력 측정에 의한 장기분지 응회암과 이암의 scCO2 차폐능 평가)

  • An, Jeongpil;Lee, Minhee;Wang, Sookyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.303-311
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    • 2017
  • The laboratory scale experiment was performed to evaluate the sealing capacity of the capping rock such as tuff and mudstone, measuring the intial supercritical $CO_2$ ($scCO_2$) injection pressure and the $scCO_2$-water-rock reaction for 90 days. The drilling cores sampled from 800 m in depth around the Janggi basin, Korea were used for the experiment. The mineralogical changes of mudstone and tuff were measured to evaluate the geochemical stability during the $scCO_2$-water-rock reaction at $CO_2$ storage condition (100 bar and $50^{\circ}C$). The rock core was fixed in the high pressurized stainless steel cell and was saturated with distilled water at 100 bar of pore water pressure. The effluent of the cell was connected to the large tank filled with 3 L of water and 2 L of $scCO_2$ at 100 bar, simulating the subsurface injection condition. The $scCO_2$ injection pressure, which was higher than 100 bar, was controlled at the influent port of the cell until the $scCO_2$ begin to penetrate into the rock and the initial injection pressure (> 100 bar) of $scCO_2$ into the rock was measured for each rock. The mineralogical compositions of mudstones after 90 days reaction were similar to those before the reaction, suggesting that the mudstone in the Janggi basin has remained relatively stable for the $scCO_2$ involved geochemical reaction. The initial $scCO_2$ injection pressure (${\Delta}P$) of a tuff in the Janggi basin was 15 bar and the continuous $scCO_2$ injection into the tuff core occurred at higher than 20 bar of injection pressure. For the mudstone in the Janggi basin, the initial $scCO_2$ injection pressure was higher than 150 bar (10 times higher than that of the tuff). From the results, the mudstone in Janggi basin was more suitable than the tuff to shield the $scCO_2$ leakage from the reservoir rock at subsurface.

A Program of Water Quality Management for Agricultural Reservoirs by Trophic State (농업용 저수지의 부영양화와 수질관리방안)

  • Lee, Kwang-Sik;Yoon, Kyung-Sup;Kim, Ho-Il;Kim, Hyung-Joong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.166-171
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    • 2003
  • A total of 498 agricultural reservoirs ranging from $164{\times}10^3\;m^3$ to $253{\times}10^6\;m^3$ in storage volume were investigated from 1990 to 2001 with respect to Chl-${\alpha}$, COD concentration and pollutant loading of BOD, TN, and TP. The lakes and reservoirs could be classified to 4 types using the relationships between the ratio of storage volume per water surface area(ST/WS) and Chl-${\alpha}$ concentration. It is recommended that the improvement of polluted lakes should be performed in the order of integrated consolidation type ${\rightarrow}$ watershed consolidation type ${\rightarrow}$ in-lake consolidation type ${\rightarrow}$ Management type and reservoir should be constructed to be over $5{\sim}6\;m$ in depth(ST/WS ratio) for preventing the eutrophication of agricultural reservoirs. We propose that water quality criteria for agricultural water is changed from less than 8 mg/L to less than 6 mg/L for safety value, $6{\sim}10\;mg/L$ for concern value, and more than 10 mg/L for countermeasure value in COD concentration, respectively.