• 제목/요약/키워드: Visuo-auditory stimulation

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.025초

시청각 자극의 시간적 인지 판단 (Temporal-perceptual Judgement of Visuo-Auditory Stimulation)

  • 유미;이상민;박용군;권대규;김남균
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2007
  • In situations of spatio-temporal perception about visuo-auditory stimulus, researches propose optimal integration hypothesis that perceptual process is optimized to the interaction of the senses for the precision of perception. So, when the visual information considered generally dominant over any other sense is ambiguous, the information of the other sense like auditory stimulus influences the perceptual process in interaction with visual information. Thus, we performed two different experiments to certain the conditions of the interacting senses and influence of the condition. We consider the interaction of the visuo-auditory stimulation in the free space, the color of visual stimulus and sex difference of testee with normal people. In first experiment, 12 participants were asked to judge the change in the frequency of audio-visual stimulation using a visual flicker and auditory flutter stimulation in the free space. When auditory temporal cues were presented, the change in the frequency of the visual stimulation was associated with a perceived change in the frequency of the auditory stimulation as the results of the previous studies using headphone. In second experiment, 30 male and 30 female were asked to judge the change in the frequency of audio-visual stimulation using a color of visual flicker and auditory flutter stimulation. In the color condition using red and green. Both male and female testees showed same perceptual tendency. male and female testees showed same perceptual tendency however, in case of female, the standard deviation is larger than that of male. This results implies that audio-visual asymmetry effects are influenced by the cues of visual and auditory information, such as the orientation between auditory and visual stimulus, the color of visual stimulus.

시청각 자극 및 인체 반응 계측 시스템 개발 (Development of System of the Visuo-Auditory Stimulation and Human Responses Measurement)

  • 유미;정선용;박용군;이상민;권대규;홍철운;김남균
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2005년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.535-538
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this work is to study a process organization on space cognition by visio-auditory stimulation. We develop the system of visuo-auditory stimulation and Humans responses measurement to observe the relationship between the sensory and the motor system fur the localization of visual and auditory target direction in the space. The experiments is performed in a soundproof chamber, 2163 red, green and yellow LED(Luminescent Diode, Brightness: $20cd/m^2$ 1 degree apart each other)arrayed in front of half-circle panel were used and 57 Speaker(5 degree apart each other) arrayed in the hidden of half-circle panel. Physiological parameters such as EOG (Electro-Oculography), head movement and their synergic control are measured by BIOPAC system and Optotrak Certus. This result shows that the response latency time of the perception motion in the center is laster than the periphery of panel. These results can be used in the study of characterizing the spatial cognition.

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