• Title/Summary/Keyword: Visualization of information

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Nondestructive Quantification of Corrosion in Cu Interconnects Using Smith Charts (스미스 차트를 이용한 구리 인터커텍트의 비파괴적 부식도 평가)

  • Minkyu Kang;Namgyeong Kim;Hyunwoo Nam;Tae Yeob Kang
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2024
  • Corrosion inside electronic packages significantly impacts the system performance and reliability, necessitating non-destructive diagnostic techniques for system health management. This study aims to present a non-destructive method for assessing corrosion in copper interconnects using the Smith chart, a tool that integrates the magnitude and phase of complex impedance for visualization. For the experiment, specimens simulating copper transmission lines were subjected to temperature and humidity cycles according to the MIL-STD-810G standard to induce corrosion. The corrosion level of the specimen was quantitatively assessed and labeled based on color changes in the R channel. S-parameters and Smith charts with progressing corrosion stages showed unique patterns corresponding to five levels of corrosion, confirming the effectiveness of the Smith chart as a tool for corrosion assessment. Furthermore, by employing data augmentation, 4,444 Smith charts representing various corrosion levels were obtained, and artificial intelligence models were trained to output the corrosion stages of copper interconnects based on the input Smith charts. Among image classification-specialized CNN and Transformer models, the ConvNeXt model achieved the highest diagnostic performance with an accuracy of 89.4%. When diagnosing the corrosion using the Smith chart, it is possible to perform a non-destructive evaluation using electronic signals. Additionally, by integrating and visualizing signal magnitude and phase information, it is expected to perform an intuitive and noise-robust diagnosis.

User-Perspective Issue Clustering Using Multi-Layered Two-Mode Network Analysis (다계층 이원 네트워크를 활용한 사용자 관점의 이슈 클러스터링)

  • Kim, Jieun;Kim, Namgyu;Cho, Yoonho
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.93-107
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we report what we have observed with regard to user-perspective issue clustering based on multi-layered two-mode network analysis. This work is significant in the context of data collection by companies about customer needs. Most companies have failed to uncover such needs for products or services properly in terms of demographic data such as age, income levels, and purchase history. Because of excessive reliance on limited internal data, most recommendation systems do not provide decision makers with appropriate business information for current business circumstances. However, part of the problem is the increasing regulation of personal data gathering and privacy. This makes demographic or transaction data collection more difficult, and is a significant hurdle for traditional recommendation approaches because these systems demand a great deal of personal data or transaction logs. Our motivation for presenting this paper to academia is our strong belief, and evidence, that most customers' requirements for products can be effectively and efficiently analyzed from unstructured textual data such as Internet news text. In order to derive users' requirements from textual data obtained online, the proposed approach in this paper attempts to construct double two-mode networks, such as a user-news network and news-issue network, and to integrate these into one quasi-network as the input for issue clustering. One of the contributions of this research is the development of a methodology utilizing enormous amounts of unstructured textual data for user-oriented issue clustering by leveraging existing text mining and social network analysis. In order to build multi-layered two-mode networks of news logs, we need some tools such as text mining and topic analysis. We used not only SAS Enterprise Miner 12.1, which provides a text miner module and cluster module for textual data analysis, but also NetMiner 4 for network visualization and analysis. Our approach for user-perspective issue clustering is composed of six main phases: crawling, topic analysis, access pattern analysis, network merging, network conversion, and clustering. In the first phase, we collect visit logs for news sites by crawler. After gathering unstructured news article data, the topic analysis phase extracts issues from each news article in order to build an article-news network. For simplicity, 100 topics are extracted from 13,652 articles. In the third phase, a user-article network is constructed with access patterns derived from web transaction logs. The double two-mode networks are then merged into a quasi-network of user-issue. Finally, in the user-oriented issue-clustering phase, we classify issues through structural equivalence, and compare these with the clustering results from statistical tools and network analysis. An experiment with a large dataset was performed to build a multi-layer two-mode network. After that, we compared the results of issue clustering from SAS with that of network analysis. The experimental dataset was from a web site ranking site, and the biggest portal site in Korea. The sample dataset contains 150 million transaction logs and 13,652 news articles of 5,000 panels over one year. User-article and article-issue networks are constructed and merged into a user-issue quasi-network using Netminer. Our issue-clustering results applied the Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) algorithm and Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), and are consistent with the results from SAS clustering. In spite of extensive efforts to provide user information with recommendation systems, most projects are successful only when companies have sufficient data about users and transactions. Our proposed methodology, user-perspective issue clustering, can provide practical support to decision-making in companies because it enhances user-related data from unstructured textual data. To overcome the problem of insufficient data from traditional approaches, our methodology infers customers' real interests by utilizing web transaction logs. In addition, we suggest topic analysis and issue clustering as a practical means of issue identification.

A Study on Informatization Performance Management: A Case of Defense Informatization Policy Evaluation (정보화 성과관리방안 연구: 국방정보화 정책평가 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hanjun;Kim, Sungtae
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.29-48
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    • 2020
  • For the visualization of outcome is relatively limited in informatization filed especially, systematic and quantifiable performance management of IT projects and policies is needed. Thus, the government developed its informatization evaluation system and has reinforced it. And Ministry of National Defense (MND) continues to strive for the settlement of the informatization performance evaluation system as well. According to Defense Informatization Law which was legislated in 2011, informatization policies should be assessed annually through informatization policy evaluation system in terms of their enforcement and outcome. However, informatization policy evaluation has not carried out since its pilot enforcement just after the legislation of the law. Hence, we conducted informatization policy evaluation aimed at performance investigation of 31 policies in '14~'18 Defense Informatization Master Plan. We sophisticated the current informatization policy system and we provide guidelines and tools to support the development of performance goal and indicators for each of the policies. Then, the policies were assessed by the evaluation committee we organized for our study, and we analyzed the problems we tackled in the whole process of evaluation and provided proposals for effectiveness enhancement of defense informatization evaluation system. The proposals will be meaningful for performance management in defense informatization sector and in public informatization sector as well.

The Development of VR based Application for Realistic Disaster Prevention Training (현실감 있는 재난재해 예방 교육을 위한 VR 기반 앱 개발)

  • Kim, Taehoon;Youn, Junhee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2018
  • The Korean peninsula has been known as an area that is free of volcanic disasters. However, recent observations and research results of volcanoes in Far East Asia, including Baedu Mountain and Japanese volcanoes, show that the Korean peninsula is no longer a safe area from volcanic disasters. Since 2012, the Korean government has been developing an IT-based construction technology, VDRS (Volcanic Disaster Response System), for effective volcanic disaster response system. The main users of VDRS are public officers in central or local governments. However, most of them have little experience and knowledge about volcanic disasters. Therefore, it is essential to develop education contents and implement training on volcanic disaster response for effective response in a real disaster situation. In this paper, we deal with the development of a mobile application based on virtual reality (VR) for realistic volcanic disaster response training. The objectives of training are the delivery of knowledge and experience for volcanic disasters. First, VR contents were generated based on spatial information. A 3D model was constructed based on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and visualization models for meterological effects and various volcanic disaster diffusion effects were implemented for the VR contents. Second, the mobile application for the volcanic disaster response training was implemented. A 12-step story board is proposed for volcanic disaster experience. The application was developed with the Unity3D engine based on the proposed story board to deliver knowledge of various volcanic disasters (volcanic ash, pyroclastic flows, volcanic mudflow etc.). The results of this paper will be used for volcanic disaster response and prevention training and for more realistic training linked with augmented reality technology in the future.

Keyword Network Analysis of Trends in Research on Climate Change Education (키워드 네트워크 분석을 활용한 기후변화 교육 관련 연구동향 분석)

  • Kim, Soon Shik;Lee, Sang Gyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.226-237
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of the research is to analyze research trends related to climate change education by network analysis based on keywords extracted from the research title. For this purpose, 62 papers were selected from Korean Citation Index(KCI) journals published from 2011 to 2020 using such keywords as "climate change" and "climate change education" in the Research Information Sharing Service. The analysis procedure consisted of selection of analysis papers, keyword extraction and purification, and keyword network analysis and visualization. Textom, Ucinet 6.0, and NetDraw were used to analyze the frequency, degree centrality, and betweenness centrality. The results of the research showed that, first, Early 'Energy and Climate Change Education' had the highest frequency of papers examining climate change education. Second, the keywords/phrases that appeared most frequently in research on climate change education were "program" "energy," "analysis," "elementary school," "elementary school," "elementary school students," "development," and "impact." Third, the analysis of the centrality of betweenness centrality showed that the index of 'program', 'primary students' and 'primary schools' were the highest, and the largest group was 'development and effect of teaching and learning programs'. Based on these results, it was concluded that future research on climate change education needs to be examined in further detail and expanded into more specific areas.

A Comparative Study on the Social Awareness of Metaverse in Korea and China: Using Big Data Analysis (한국과 중국의 메타버스에 관한 사회적 인식의 비교연구: 빅데이터 분석의 활용 )

  • Ki-youn Kim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.71-86
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this exploratory study is to compare the differences in public perceptual characteristics of Korean and Chinese societies regarding the metaverse using big data analysis. Due to the environmental impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, technological progress, and the expansion of new consumer bases such as generation Z and Alpha, the world's interest in the metaverse is drawing attention, and related academic studies have been also in full swing from 2021. In particular, Korea and China have emerged as major leading countries in the metaverse industry. It is a timely research question to discover the difference in social awareness using big data accumulated in both countries at a time when the amount of mentions on the metaverse has skyrocketed. The analysis technique identifies the importance of key words by analyzing word frequency, N-gram, and TF-IDF of clean data through text mining analysis, and analyzes the density and centrality of semantic networks to determine the strength of connection between words and their semantic relevance. Python 3.9 Anaconda data science platform 3 and Textom 6 versions were used, and UCINET 6.759 analysis and visualization were performed for semantic network analysis and structural CONCOR analysis. As a result, four blocks, each of which are similar word groups, were driven. These blocks represent different perspectives that reflect the types of social perceptions of the metaverse in both countries. Studies on the metaverse are increasing, but studies on comparative research approaches between countries from a cross-cultural aspect have not yet been conducted. At this point, as a preceding study, this study will be able to provide theoretical grounds and meaningful insights to future studies.

A study on 3D Modeling Process & Rendering Image of CAD Program-With Case study on Cellular Phone Design- (캐드에 의한 3차원 모델링 제작과정과 렌더링 이미지 연출에 관한 연구-무선 이동 전화기 디자인 사례를 중심으로-)

  • 이대우
    • Archives of design research
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    • no.18
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 1996
  • Industrial design development methods and processes have changed in accordance with Industrial Information Age. These days, problems are created by existing methods and evaluation of design value , all problems concerned with time and finances sitaution have been made a subject of discussion. Development of design processes have been changed by the development of problem recognition and solving tools, and dpsign tpchnulugy havp hppn replaced by computer technology,Thus. software design processes linking thoughtware to hardware are used in the solution of design problems with many parts. In this study, 3D Modeling samples are presented, 3D Modeling can realise ' Ideas' to '3Dimentional Virtual Ohjects'. These effect and value are anle to decisively influence the process of design problem conference-ebealuation-solution.Proxesses of actual modeling and rendering are made as follows. By compusition of simple 20 drawings and shaping them into 30 objects, 30 solid models can be made. To prssent effectivley, we can make a sample model by varying camera views,light sourses,materials and colours etc. This sample is evaluated by various cumposition, methods and PERT(Program Evaluation and Review Technique). This cuncrete sample (tentative plan)is changed within the CAD SYSTEM by design evaluation, and then converted to flowchart of mass productive conception through refined data. So, that tentative plan can be conformed to design desire actuillly, to the utmost degree. Finally, this design process can be proposed as il new method in cuntrast with current methods. The aim of this study is to suggest effective evaluation methods of design outcome among many evaluating elements.

  • PDF

A Study on GUI Design about Tablet PC: Focused on Shopping Application of China (태블릿 PC의 GUI 디자인 연구 -중국의 쇼핑 애플리케이션을 중심으로-)

  • Lu, Han-Yi;Seo, Han-Sok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.158-169
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    • 2017
  • In the context of the number of Tablet PC users which increases rapidly, online shopping application has also been a corresponding rapid development. However, as a practical matter, the differences among the consumers' ability will affect the purchase of application for the realization of user needs. Therefore, shopping application in the GUI design to improve consumers use needs to be improved to meet the demands of different users. In view of this problem, this paper has carried on the related research on the GUI design of Tablet PC application, and fully considers the visualization image elements of information transmission, then analyzed the top five shopping application in Chinese market via three visual elements - icon, label and color. In addition, it conducted a questionnaire which based on the object of Tablet PC shopping application Chinese users. Consequently, what obtained is, based on the survey findings, the GUI design proposal which reasonable reflects the shopping application with functionality and designability. Through the research results of this paper, we can get the conclusion that the three kinds of visual GUI elements-icon, label and color- have the influence on the user's usability. In addition, this study can be expected as a reference in the shopping software GUI design.

Extracting and Visualizing Dispute comments and Relations on Internet Forum Site (인터넷 토론 사이트의 논쟁댓글 및 논쟁관계 시각화)

  • Lee, Yun-Jung;Jung, In-Joon;Woo, Gyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.40-51
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    • 2012
  • Recently, many users discuss and argue with others using replying comments. This implies that a series of comments can be a new source of information since various opinions can be appeared in the dispute. It is important to understand the implicit dispute structure immanent in the comment set. In this paper, we examine the characteristics of disputes using replying comments in the Internet forum sites using a set of test articles with the comments collected from SketicalLeft and Agora, which are famous Internet forum sites in Korea. And we propose a new method for detecting and visualizing the dispute sections and relations from a large set of replying comments. To show the performance of our method, we measured precision, recall, and F-measure. According to the experimental results, the F-measures of the detection of the comments in dispute are about 0.84 (SketpcialLeft) and 0.83 (Agora); those of the detection of the commenter pairs in dispute are 0.75 (SketpcialLeft) and 0.82 (Agora), respectively. Since our method exploits the temporal order of commenters to detect the disputes, it is not dependent on the host language nor on the typos in comments. Also, our method can help the readers to grasp the structure of controversy hidden in the comment set through the visualized view.

Design of Compound Knowledge Repository for Recommendation System (추천시스템을 위한 복합지식저장소 설계)

  • Han, Jung-Soo;Kim, Gui-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.427-432
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    • 2012
  • The article herein suggested a compound repository and a descriptive method to develop a compound knowledge process. A data target saved in a compound knowledge repository suggested in this article includes all compound knowledge meta data and digital resources, which can be divided into the three following factors according to the purpose: user roles, functional elements, and service ranges. The three factors are basic components to describe abstract models of repository. In this article, meta data of compound knowledge are defined by being classified into the two factors. A component stands for the property about a main agent, activity unit or resource that use and create knowledge, and a context presents the context in which knowledge object are included. An agent of the compound knowledge process performs classification, registration, and pattern information management of composite knowledge, and serves as data flow and processing between compound knowledge repository and user. The agent of the compound knowledge process consists of the following functions: warning to inform data search and extraction, data collection and output for data exchange in an distributed environment, storage and registration for data, request and transmission to call for physical material wanted after search of meta data. In this article, the construction of a compound knowledge repository for recommendation system to be developed can serve a role to enhance learning productivity through real-time visualization of timely knowledge by presenting well-put various contents to users in the field of industry to occur work and learning at the same time.