• Title/Summary/Keyword: Visualization of information

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A Design and Implementation of Worker Motion 3D Visualization Module Based on Human Sensor

  • Sejong Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we design and implement a worker motion 3D visualization module based on human sensors. The three key modules that make up this system are Human Sensor Implementation, Data Set Creation, and Visualization. Human Sensor Implementation provides the functions of setting and installing the human sensor locations and collecting worker motion data through the human sensors. Data Set Creation offers functions for converting and storing motion data, creating near real-time worker motion data sets, and processing and managing sensor and motion data sets. Visualization provides functions for visualizing the worker's 3D model, evaluating motions, calculating loads, and managing large-scale data. In worker 3D model visualization, motion data sets (Skeleton & Position) are synchronized and mapped to the worker's 3D model, and the worker's 3D model motion animation is visualized by combining the worker's 3D model with analysis results. The human sensor-based worker motion 3D visualization module designed and implemented in this paper can be widely utilized as a foundational technology in the smart factory field in the future.

Visualization Techniques for Product Searching : using classification and property information (분류와 속성 정보를 이용한 상품 검색 시각화 기법)

  • Kang, Seong-Hee;Shim, Jun-Ho
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.35-51
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    • 2006
  • Information visualization plays an important role to provide a conceptual comprehension of the information and should be adjusted and featured to reflect the characteristics of the domain to which it is applied. Product searching in e-Commerce is not an exception. In this paper, we present visualization techniques that are specified for effectively browsing the results of product searching. We considered visualization techniques including MapNet and Cluster Map and modified them to reflect the characteristics of the product domain. We consider two types of search queries: category searching and product property searching, and make it possible to include more detailed product semantics in their search criteria. We also provide a query refinement mechanism so that even users with rack of understanding the products may rewrite their queries for better results.

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A Framework for Visualizing Social Network Influence (사회연결망 영향력 시각화를 위한 프레임워크)

  • Jang, Sun-Hee;Jang, Seok-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2009
  • This paper deals with visualization that can appropriately show the characteristics deduced from relationships between pieces of information. The visualization of influence, which is used as an important index in deducing the characteristics of relationships in social network analysis, was selected as research topic, and first, the elements that show relationships within the network and the index that show influence were classified and organized. Second, the links between relational elements that show influence in social network were examined, and an influence visualization network was created. Third, an influence visualization framework was proposed which explains the interaction between social network analysis and visualization process. The influence visualization network and framework being proposed in this paper can be used not only to understand and analyze the elements that influence social network but also to make it possible to have a rational and efficient approach to network visualization. Hopefully, they will become a new methodological approach to information design.

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Dynamic Reconfiguration of Qis Visualization Spreadsheet (동적 재구성이 가능한 Qis Visualization Spreadsheet)

  • Jee, Sung-Hyun;Kwon, Young-Hee;Youn, Kil-Joong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2005
  • The Qis visualizational spreadsheet environment is shown to be extremely effective in supporting the organized visualization of multi-dimensional data sets. The Qis consists of the reconfigurative 2D arrangement of spreadsheet elements at run time and each spreadsheet element has a novel framestack. As the feature, it supports 3D data structure of each element on the Qis. It enables the visualization spreadsheet to effectively manage, rapidly organize, and compactly encapsulate multi-dimensional data sets for visualization. Using several experiments with scientific users, the Qis has been demonstrated to be a highly interactive visual browsing tool for the analysis of multidimensional data, displaying 2D and 3D graphics, and rendering in each frame of the spreadsheet.

Analysis of Big Data Visualization Technology Based on Patent Analysis (특허분석을 통한 빅 데이터의 시각화 기술 분석)

  • Rho, Seungmin;Choi, YongSoo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 2014
  • Modern data computing developments have led to big improvements in graphic capabilities and there are many new possibilities for data displays. The visualization has proven effective for not only presenting essential information in vast amounts of data but also driving complex analyses. Big-data analytics and discovery present new research opportunities to the computer graphics and visualization community. In this paper, we discuss the patent analysis of big data visualization technology development in major countries. Especially, we analyzed 160 patent applications and registered patents in four countries on November 2012. According to the result of analysis provided by this paper, the text clustering analysis and 2D visualization are important and urgent development is needed to be oriented. In particular, due to the increase of use of smart devices and social networks in domestic, the development of three-dimensional visualization for Big Data can be seen very urgent.

A Study on the Development of a Problem Bank in an Automated Assessment Module for Data Visualization Based on Public Data

  • HakNeung Go;Sangsu Jeong;Youngjun Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2024
  • Utilizing programming languages for data visualization can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness in handling data volume, processing time, and flexibility. However, practice is required to become proficient in programming. Therefore public data-based the problem bank was developed to practice data visualization in a programming automatic assessment system. Public data were collected based on topics suggested in the curriculum and were preprocessed to make it suitable for users to visualize. The problem bank was associated with the mathematics curriculum to learn various data visualization methods. The developed problems were reviewed to expert and pilot testing, which validated the level of the questions and the potential of integrating data visualization in math education. However, feedback indicated a lack of student interest in the topics, leading us to develop additional questions using student-center data. The developed problem bank is expected to be used when students who have learned Python in primary school information gifted or middle school or higher learn data visualization.

Visualization for Digesting a High Volume of the Biomedical Literature

  • Lee, Chang-Su;Park, Jin-Ah;Park, Jong-C.
    • Bioinformatics and Biosystems
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2006
  • The paradigm in biology is currently changing from that of conducting hypothesis-driven individual experiments to that of utilizing the results of a massive data analysis with appropriate computational tools. We present LayMap, an implemented visualization system that helps the user to deal with a high volume of the biomedical literature such as MEDLINE, through the layered maps that are constructed on the results of an information extraction system. LayMap also utilizes filtering and granularity for an enhanced view of the results. Since a biomedical information extraction system gives rise to a focused and effective way of slicing up the data space, the combined use of LayMap with such an information extraction system can help the user to navigate the data space in a speedy and guided manner. As a case study, we have applied the system to datasets of journal abstracts on 'MAPK pathway' and 'bufalin' from MEDLINE. With the proposed visualization, we have successfully rediscovered pathway maps of a reasonable quality for ERK, p38 and JNK. Furthermore, with respect to bufalin, we were able to identify the potentially interesting relation between the Chinese medicine Chan su and apoptosis with a high level of detail.

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3D Visualization for Flight Situational Awareness using Google Earth (구글 어스를 이용한 비행 상황인식을 위한 3차원 시각화)

  • Park, Seok-Gyu;Park, Myeong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes 3D visualization systems for the real-time situation awareness and a state information of the aircraft. This system was embodied with OpenGL and the Google Earth of web base using situation data of the aircraft. The existing system has problem which speed decrease and visible restricted map because massive data of terrain and satellite photo. This system is supports the visualization tool which is economic and entire area for a real-time situation awareness with minimum flight information using Open-API of the Google Earth. Also provides a visible convenience to expansion-view using multiple location information. This research result could be used to system for the situation awareness of the aircraft from web environment.

Attributes and Methods for Information Visualization according as Cognitive Features of STA(Short-term Attractive) Information (STA(Short-term Attractive) 정보의 인지특성에 따른 시각화 속성과 정보 표현)

  • Han, Ji-Ae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.483-491
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to consider the display method of the STA information that holds aesthetic cultural distinctiveness with the capability of immediate recognition of information in the relationship between the exposed time and the degree of cognition. As an consideration on the display method of information in an efficient way according as 'information attributes', the purpose of this study is to identify the visualization attributes of the STA information and to seek out display methods accordingly. Based on the information design and cognitive psychology, the cognitive features of the STA information have been identified and four visualization attributes of the STA information have been found based on the preceding studies on the information attributes in line with the relationship between exposure frequency and the level of awareness. In terms of information recognition, a metaphor, metonymy, use of indexical image and context, rhetoric, and Mnemonic have been proposed as major display methods for 'Understandable' and 'Conciseness', which are the major visualization attributes of the STA information while humor, parody, distinctiveness, friendliness, kitsch, formative beauty and newness have been suggested as the major display methods of 'Relevance' and 'Valuable', which are the major visualization attributes from the perspective of sensitive perception of information. Based on the results of this study, I'm planning to come up with display methods and to proceed with analyzing the relationship of the degree of cognition in association with context.

Advanced Flow Visualization Technologies and Blue Ocean Strategy (첨단 유동가시화 기법들과 Blue Ocean 전략)

  • Lee, Sang-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.3-5
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    • 2006
  • Recently, the next-generation advanced flow visualization techniques such as holographic PIV, aynni.c PIV, echo-PIV, micro/nano-PIV, and X-ray PIV have been introduced. These advanced mea-surement techniques have a big potential as the core technology for analyzing outmost thermo-fluid flows in future. They would be indispensable in solving complicated thermo-fluid flow problems not only in industrial fields such as automotive, space, electronics, aero- and hydro-dynamics. steel, and information engineering, but also in the research fields of medical science, bio-medical engineering, environmental and energy technology etc. Especially, NT (Nano Technology) and BT (Bio Technology) strongly demand these advanced measurement techniques, because it is impossible for conventional measurement methods to observe the nano- and bio-fluidic flow phenomena. In this article, the basic principle of these high-tech flow visualization techniques and their practical applications which cannot be resolved by conventional methods, such as blood flows in a micro-tube, in vivo analysis of micro-circulation, and flow around a living body are introduced as a blue ocean strategy.

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