• Title/Summary/Keyword: Visualization Attributes

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Partition and Caching Mechanism for GML Visualization on Mobile Device (모바일 디바이스에서 GML 가시화를 위한 분할 및 캐싱 기법)

  • Song, Eun-Ha;Park, Yong-Jin;Han, Won-Hee;Jeong, Young-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.1025-1034
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we developed GridGML for efficiently supplying a GML and visualizing the map with partitioning map and caching method to a mobile device. In order to overcome the weighting of a file, which is the biggest weakness of a GML, GridGML extracts only the most necessary parts for the visualization of the map among GML attributes, and makes the file light as a class instance by applying an offset value. GridGML manages a partition based on the visualization area of a mobile device to visualize the map to a mobile device in real time, and transmits the partition area by serializing it for the benefit of transmission. Also, the received partition area is compounded in a mobile device and is visualized by being partitioned again as four visible areas based on the display of a mobile device. Then, the area is managed by applying a caching algorithm in consideration of repetitiveness for a received map for the efficient operation of resources. Also, in order to prevent the delay in transmission time as regards the instance density area of the map, an adaptive map partition mechanism is proposed for maintaining the transmission time uniformly.

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Haptization of Multidimensional Information (다중 정보의 햅틱화)

  • Yim, Sung-Hoon;Choi, Seung-Moon
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.2086-2088
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    • 2009
  • Haptization is delivering the properties of a data set to the user through the haptic sensory channels. When multidimensional information is imparted to the user, unexpected interactions between haptic attributes can cause the perceived information by the user to be distorted from what is contained in the original data set. Such possibility must be carefully considered in designing haptization methods. Previously, we developed a haptic rendering algorithm for the simultaneous presentation of object shape and stiffness for data haptization. In this research, we extend the algorithm to be applicable to several common data structures. We then shift our attention to the haptization of other haptic attributes including friction and damping.

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Development of Mobile 3D Urban Landscape Authoring and Rendering System

  • Lee Ki-Won;Kim Seung-Yub
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2006
  • In this study, an integrated 3D modeling and rendering system dealing with 3D urban landscape features such as terrain, building, road and user-defined geometric ones was designed and implemented using $OPENGL\;{|}\;ES$ (Embedded System) API for mobile devices of PDA. In this system, the authoring functions are composed of several parts handling urban landscape features: vertex-based geometry modeling, editing and manipulating 3D landscape objects, generating geometrically complex type features with attributes for 3D objects, and texture mapping of complex types using image library. It is a kind of feature-based system, linked with 3D geo-based spatial feature attributes. As for the rendering process, some functions are provided: optimizing of integrated multiple 3D landscape objects, and rendering of texture-mapped 3D landscape objects. By the active-synchronized process among desktop system, OPENGL-based 3D visualization system, and mobile system, it is possible to transfer and disseminate 3D feature models through both systems. In this mobile 3D urban processing system, the main graphical user interface and core components is implemented under EVC 4.0 MFC and tested at PDA running on windows mobile and Pocket Pc. It is expected that the mobile 3D geo-spatial information systems supporting registration, modeling, and rendering functions can be effectively utilized for real time 3D urban planning and 3D mobile mapping on the site.

Visual Mapping from Spatiotemporal Table Information to 3-Dimensional Map (시-공간 도표정보의 3차원 지도 기반 가시화기법)

  • Lee, Seok-Jun;Jung, Soon-Ki
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2006
  • Information visualization, generally speaking, consists of three steps: transform from raw data to data model, visual mapping from data model to visual structure, and transform from visual structure to information model. In this paper, we propose a visual mapping method from spatiotemporal table information, which is related to events in large-scale building, to 3D map metaphor. The process has also three steps as follows. First, after analyzing the table attributes, we carefully define a context to fully represent the table-information. Second, we choose meaningful attribute sets from the context. Third, each meaningful attribute set is mapped to one well defined visual structure. Our method has several advantages. First, users can intuitively achieve non-spatial information through the 3D map which is a powerful spatial metaphor. Second, this system shows various visual mapping method applicable to other data models in the form of table, especially GIS. After describing the whole concept of our visual mapping, we will show the results of implementation for several requests.

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Research on Assessment of Impact of Big Data Attributes to Disaster Response Decision-Making Process (빅데이터 속성이 재난대응 의사결정에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Geum Young;Jeong, Duke Hoon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.17-43
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    • 2013
  • This research is to assess the relationship Big Data attributes and disaster response process. The hypothesis are designed to form decision making between situation awareness and disaster response by defining major attribute of Big Data(Volume, Variety, Velocity, Complexity). It is proved whether there is a moderating effect in cause-and-effect relationship by visualizing Big Data. To test the hypotheses, it was conducted a questionnaire survey of civil servants in charge of disaster-related government employees, and collected 320 data(without 12 undependable responses). The research findings are suggested the attributes of accumulation, expandability, flexibility, real-time, analytical, combination of Big Data have a strong effect on disaster manager's situation awareness.

Attributes and Expression of STM(Short-term Memorable) Information (STM(Short-term Memorable) Information의 속성 및 정보표현)

  • Han, Ji-Ae;You, Si-Cheon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.201-211
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this study is to investigate the method to enhance user cognition for "STM information(Short-term Memorable Information)" that is relatively accessible to information in a short period of time in information design types. What stands out from this study is the design attributes and expression method of information in a broad perspective. By 4 visualization attributes of function variable; 'Operations', 'Events', 'Methods' and 'Use cases', STM information should be satisfied by the attribute of 'Understandable' and 'Accessibility' from the point of view of visual representation and by the attribute of 'Errorless' and 'Timeliness' from the point of view of user operation. As the expression method of each perspectives, I suggested "Attribution theory", "Cognitive model", "Maximization of Proactivity", "Minimization of surplus information" and "Using dual-code" in the point of view of visual representation, and "Context effect", "Using memory code" and "Two methods of information scanning" in the point of view of user operation. I assured that above-mentioned methods are efficient and cognitive pattern of user for STM information is found out by survey and interview.

A Previous Study on Customized Visualization Expression of Personal Health Record (개인건강기록의 맞춤형 시각화 표현을 위한 선행연구)

  • Yang, Junggi;Lee, Yong-Jun;Kim, Hae-Na;Lee, YoungHo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2014
  • In order to improvement of the perceptive of health state and the motivation, this study suggests the ways and design forms which provide PHR information customizing individual attributes as well as guidelines through a decision support system and services which integrate medical information visualization. Expression methods using the color, form, position in order to visualization based on images improved performance of information awareness by changing radar chart from existing information which provide only numerical figure. The methods providing a graphic figure which seems like beads of blood which shows the result of blood tests would also arise patient's attention. They gives the patient's information which is able to compare their health status and normal status and visualizes the records as a human figure in order to perceiving their status as well. The visualization showing the position of human body figures marks in inspection elements located in position of relevant organs. The method also uses icons represent examination results so they improve attention of the results and shorten recognize times.

Quality Visualization of Quality Metric Indicators based on Table Normalization of Static Code Building Information (정적 코드 내부 정보의 테이블 정규화를 통한 품질 메트릭 지표들의 가시화를 위한 추출 메커니즘)

  • Chansol Park;So Young Moon;R. Young Chul Kim
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.199-206
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    • 2023
  • The current software becomes the huge size of source codes. Therefore it is increasing the importance and necessity of static analysis for high-quality product. With static analysis of the code, it needs to identify the defect and complexity of the code. Through visualizing these problems, we make it guild for developers and stakeholders to understand these problems in the source codes. Our previous visualization research focused only on the process of storing information of the results of static analysis into the Database tables, querying the calculations for quality indicators (CK Metrics, Coupling, Number of function calls, Bad-smell), and then finally visualizing the extracted information. This approach has some limitations in that it takes a lot of time and space to analyze a code using information extracted from it through static analysis. That is since the tables are not normalized, it may occur to spend space and time when the tables(classes, functions, attributes, Etc.) are joined to extract information inside the code. To solve these problems, we propose a regularized design of the database tables, an extraction mechanism for quality metric indicators inside the code, and then a visualization with the extracted quality indicators on the code. Through this mechanism, we expect that the code visualization process will be optimized and that developers will be able to guide the modules that need refactoring. In the future, we will conduct learning of some parts of this process.

UML Design of Graphic User Interface for Aerial Triangulation Using ArcGIS

  • 최선옥;김정우;염재홍
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 2003
  • Efficient representation is crucial in the analysis of complex geospatial information. In case of aerial triangulation, most of currently available software are designed as black boxes where only an experienced user would be able to prepares the preformatted input file and interprete the result of the adjustment. This paper introduces a solution to this problem through the UML design of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the aerial triangulation task. The design was then implemented with ArcGIS. The error of the exterior orientation of each aerial Imagery was represented with a 3-D error ellipse, enabling the visualization of the adjustment result. The attributes of images and points (control points, tie points and image points) were maintained as a database which enables the searching and querying of adjustment information.

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Multiple Meaning of Color in Contemporary Architecture (현대 건축에 나타나는 색채의 다중적 의미)

  • Choi, Wang-Don;Yang, Sun-A
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.2 s.55
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to analyze the multiple meaning of color variously expressed in contemporary architecture. Nowadays heterogeneity, plurality and ephemerality of modem society have been well presented in contemporary architecture. The phenomenal characteristic of color is so appropriate to express the unfixed and immaterialized attributes of contemporary architecture that it can make color a major element of architecture, which, in the past, used to be a minor element for the lack of materiality. Through the analysis of contemporary important building projects in terms of color, it can be concluded that the architectural application of color shows multiple meanings as follows; phenomenal expression, visualization of complex programs and embodiment of design process, reflection of context and control of users' mentality. At the same time, these multiple meanings are complexly presented in a single building project.