• Title/Summary/Keyword: Visible assessment

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A Study on Framing Techniques of Landscape Assessment Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process - The Assessment on the Landscape Control Points - (AHP 기법을 활용한 경관평가법 작성에 관한 연구 - 경관통제점에서의 평가 -)

  • Suh Joo-Hwan;Yang Hee-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 2004
  • This study creates the LCP (Landscape Control Point) through the survey of spot sites for the quality of landscape assessment, which is based on an objective and departmentalized data base; the landscape assessment was achieved by production of weight value with the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) technique, selection of requisites for the landscape assessment with the IVERSON method and visual area analysis with GIS (Geographic Information System). Futhermore, validity of the landscape assessment was verified by analysis of the correlation between physical amount and aesthetic amount. The purpose of this study is to suggest the basic essential data for landscape assessment and landscape planning by the characteristics of landscape based on verification of the suggested landscape assessment methods. The results of this study are summarized below. 1. In the adaptation of landscape assessment using GIS, the landscape assessment points of LCP 18, 17 and 16, which have more visible elements such as hill area, mountain area, and forest and farm land, were indicated to be higher than the others. In contrast, the landscape assessment points of LCP 13, 6 and 10, which have less visible elements, were relatively lower than the others. 2. In the visible preference measuring method, LCP 4, 14, and 16 showed high points of landscape assessment with 3.46, 3.4, and 3.18 each. With the more natural environments such as hill area, mountain area, and forest and farm land, higher results were shown. In contrast, LCP 7, 1, and 9 showed low points of landscape assessment with 2.24, 2.36, and 2.53 each. 3. In this study, a coefficient of 0.746 was gained by the analysis of correlation between the points of landscape assessment method and the points of visual preference from a slide show. This has 99 percent of probability in statistical data. 4. In conclusion, with the demonstration of the correlation between the landscape assessment method based on the AHP technique and the aesthetic amount (preference proportion), the practical use of landscape assessment can be demonstrated by the suggested landscape assessment method.

A User Experience Study for Active Senior based on Interface Assessment (Interface Assessment를 통한 액티브 시니어의 사용자 경험 분석)

  • Huang, Yi Fan;Kim, Hyung Woo
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2017
  • Differ from elder generation, active senior possesses the active characteristics of young people. In this research, the active senior users' UX problem was analyzed by Sundar's 'Interface Assessment'. According to Interface Assessment, the user's subjective user experience in GUI interactive can be divided into five elements, which are 'Visible', 'Desired Outcome', 'Immediate Feedback', 'Intuitiveness', 'Perceived Ease of Use'. Based on these five elements, user's behavior and perception experience during interface using were analyzed to classify UX problems. Next, Correlation Analysis was conducted to find out the relationship between the elements of Interface Assessment and user's subjective experience using PSSUQ as comparing data, and SPSS 22 version as statistic software. The result of this research was presented below: First, active senior user's biggest UX problem can be classified with 'Desired Outcome' in App using. Second, the correlation between the two elements, 'Desired Outcome', 'Perceived Ease of Use', and the PSSUQ result was statistically significant, but the correlation between the other three elements, 'Visible', 'Immediate Feedback', 'Intuitiveness', and the PSSUQ result were not statistically significant. According to the result, active senior users do have different characteristics compared with elder generation. The UX problems classified with 'Desired Outcome' and 'Perceived ease of use' apparently affect user's subjective experience, while the problems classified with 'Visible', 'Immediate feedback', 'Intuitiveness' show no evidence in affecting user's subjective experience. This phenomenon could be explained by the cumulative effects of PC or smartphone use. Through the analysis of multiple UX elements in this paper, better App interface could be developed according to active senior's needs.

Visible Assessment of Earthquake-induced Geotechnical Hazards by Adopting Integrated Geospatial Database in Coastal Facility Areas (복합 공간데이터베이스 적용을 통한 해안 시설영역 지진 유발 지반재해의 가시적 평가)

  • Kim, Han-Saem;Sun, Chang-Guk
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2016
  • Earthquake event keeps increasing every year, and the recent cases of earthquake hazards invoke the necessity of seismic study in Korea, as geotechnical earthquake hazards, such as strong ground motion, liquefaction and landslides, are a significant threat to structures in industrial hub areas including coastal facilities. In this study, systemized framework of integrated assessment of earthquake-induced geotechnical hazard was established using advanced geospatial database. And a visible simulation of the framework was specifically conducted at two coastal facility areas in Incheon. First, the geospatial-grid information in the 3D domain were constructed with geostatistical interpolation method composed of multiple geospatial coverage mapping and 3D integration of geo-layer construction considering spatial outliers and geotechnical uncertainty. Second, the behavior of site-specific seismic responses were assessed by incorporating the depth to bedrock, mean shear wave velocity of the upper 30 m, and characteristic site period based on the geospatial-grid. Third, the normalized correlations between rock-outcrop accelerations and the maximum accelerations of each grid were determined considering the site-specific seismic response characteristics. Fourth, the potential damage due to liquefaction was estimated by combining the geospatial-grid and accelerations correlation grid based on the simplified liquefaction potential index evaluation method.

The Analysis of Coastal Landscape according to Development of Woljeong-ri Village in Jeju (제주 월정리 해안변 개발에 따른 해안경관 실태 분석 연구)

  • Seong, Da-Jeong;Park, Chung-Keun
    • Journal of the Regional Association of Architectural Institute of Korea
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2018
  • The coastal village in Woljeong-ri, Jeju is highly preferred by tourists because of its unique natural landscape different from inland areas. Especially, the number of buildings in the coastal area of the village is increasing due to escalating commercial value. Buildings are densely developed, along the seaside, resulting in privatization of coastal landscape. This results in blocking of landscape and psychological exchanges between the coastal village and coast. This study analyzed the actual conditions of coastal landscape before and after 2010, when the number of tourists and demand for development were increased in the coastal area of the coastal village in Woljeong-ri, Jeju. In this study, open index, visible horizontal index, elevation angle, elevation blockage and visible facade index were used to compute objective indicators of coastal landscape status. The analysis reveals visible facade index, a complex landscape assessment indicator, was increased by 7 times after 2010 as compared with before 2010. As such, there are many coastal villages in Jeju similar to Woljeong-ri that have a high landscape value and are in need of management. A comprehensive measure including a system for management of coastal landscape is urgently required to create narrative landscape in Jeju.

Assessment on the Performance of Search And Rescue Service of KPS

  • Lee, Jung-Hoon;Lee, Sanguk;Won, Jong-Hoon
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2019
  • COsmicheskaya Sisteyama Poiska Avariynich Sudov Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking (COSPAS-SARSAT) is an international communication support program to perform search and rescue (SAR) operations in emergency situations by using satellite signals relayed from a beacon. The legacy COSPAS-SARSAT was originally composed of low altitude and geostationary Earth orbit satellites; thus, a limited number of directional dish antennas was sufficient to cover the limited number of visible satellites at the local user terminal. However, the second generation COSPAS-SARSAT newly added the medium Earth orbit satellites, e.g., Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) to the existing system, so that the number of visible satellites increase dramatically, and the system upgrade to cover all the visible satellites is foreseen. The additional use of planned Korea Positioning System (KPS) to existing GNSS is envisaged to provide a better performance of their SAR service. This paper presents the benefits of the additional use of KPS together with the phased array antennas at the local user terminal of the COSPAS-SARSAT. This is to effectively response to the increase of the number of visible satellites. Numerical simulation is included to evaluate the performance improvement of COSPAS-SARSAT in terms of the number of visible satellites, geometry between satellites and user, and position estimation accuracy.

Assessment of visibility of facial wrinkle reduction by various types of observers

  • Westerink, J.H.D.M.
    • Proceedings of the SCSK Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.448-456
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    • 2003
  • The prime objective of many facial wrinkle-reduction treatments is to achieve visible improvement. Thus the visibility of before/after treatment differences is often part of an efficacy assessment. This paper investigates whether the background knowledge of the people acting as observers in such assessments is of impact on the results: e.g. the subjects themselves are familiar with their faces, skin professionals have much experience in judging skin quality, and thus both might be more sensitive to small changes. In a clinical study 44 Female subjects were regularly treated during a period of 12 weeks with one of three wrinkle-reduction methods: K, Land M (placebo). Photographs were taken before treatment and at 6 and 12 weeks. The photographs were judged by 3 types of observers:ㆍ24 Lay observers were given the 0&6-week and the 0&12-week photo pairs of all subjects to indicate the one with the least wrinkles in a two-alternative forced-choice (TAFC) procedure.ㆍThe subjects themselves were given the 0&6-weel and the 0&12-week pair of their own photos (8 replications) to indicate the photo with the least wrinkles (TAFC).ㆍA trained panel of skin professionals (N=3) each gave 9-point Fitzpatrick wrinkle-severity scores for all individual 0-week and 12-week photos. We found that the lay observers perceived the same differences as the subjects themselves: significant improvements after 12 weeks for treatment K (p<0.0005 and p=0.005, respectively), no visible effects for treatments Land M, and, most importantly, a significant difference between treatments K and M/placebo (p=0.02 and p=0.04, respectively). Also the trained panel found this difference between K and M (p=0.013), but here it was due to a significant deterioration over time of the 'placebo-treated' wrinkles (M, p=0.03). Thus in conclusion we have found no indications that extra knowledge - in the form of familiarity with the own face or in the form of professional training - results in the identification of more treatments that show significantly visible wrinkle-reduction.

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Landscape Assessment and Interpretation in Rural Area Through Analysis of the Physical Housing Environments -Focused on the Province Gyeonggi- (농촌의 물리적 주거환경 특성분석에 따른 경관평가와 해석에 관한 연구 -경기도 농촌을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Sang-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2010
  • Physical housing environments of the rural area including houses and its connected facilities have much changed for decades. Such changes had an effect on the landscape of the rural area to much extent. As houses were renovated or rebuilt in rural area, the landscape were also remade. It could be expected that these changes of the physical housing environments are related with both urban developments and demands of the rural area itself. Thus, some rural areas in Gyeonggi province as the most related cases with urban area were chosen for a case study. On the methodology of the landscape assessment, the landscape factors related with housing environments were reviewed and some connected queistions were also interviewed. Landscape Assessment should include various social and cultural aspects, but in this thesis the visible factors are integrated. So considering many support policy oriented for physical investment and improving in rural areas, landscape assessment and interpretation are very helpful and meaningful.


  • H., Young-Chan;R., Seo-Joon;L., Dong-Wook;H., Soon-Taek
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 1998
  • This Study was performed to get the suitable oil dispersion agent by assessment of color strength of organic pigment in non-aqueous systems. Organic pigment is used as a color expression material with other body pigments in the make-up products. But occasionally aggregation or agglomeration occurs for the lack of affinity with medium, This function is the cause of disturbing homogeneous dispersion, and then bring about an instability of products. Our study, research of dispersion mechanism between the pigment and oil phase, has been executed to solve this problem, and find a oil dispersion agent having optimum dispersion condition. Generally dispersion is related to between the solid-liquid mutual properties and electrical phenomena associated with solid-liquid interface. This factor is determined to input energy, milling time, optical properties, particle size, rheological properties, etc. Ideal dispersion state is told that coloring primary solid particle is homogeneously dispersed in medium. Good dispersed colorants are strongly and clearly appeared. We are already known that the particle size of organic pigment, chemical properties and viscosity of medium, refractive index. Consequently We determine the affinity of medium and organic pigment by measuring of color strength in the same mechanical condition. UV-VISIBLE RECORDING SPECTRO PHOTOMETER is used for measuring apparatus. We can decided the dispersion level of oil dispersion agent by measuring absorbance of color strength in the visible range that diluted medium for colloid colorant particles.

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Visible Distortion Predictors Based on Visual Attention in Color Images

  • Cho, Sang-Gyu;Hwang, Jae-Jeong;Kwak, Nae-Joung
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.300-306
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    • 2012
  • An image attention model and its application to image quality assessment are discussed in this paper. The attention model is based on rarity quantification, which is related to self-information to attract the attention in an image. It is relatively simpler than the others but results in taking more consideration of global contrasts between a pixel and the whole image. The visual attention model is used to develop a local distortion predictor, named color visual differences predictor (CVDP), in color images in order to effectively detect luminance and color distortions.

Multi-path simulation for satellite-based positioning systems using 3D digital map of urban area

  • Hakamata, Tomohiro;Suh, Yong-Cheol;Konishi, Yusuke;Shibasaki, Ryosuke
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1015-1017
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    • 2003
  • Recently, DGPS or RTK-GPS techniques enable us to use satellite based positioning systems with high accuracy. But in urban area, navigation systems suffer from problems such as signal blockage by high-rise buildings, multi-path problems, and so on. So we have to know numbers of visible satellites and quality of signals received at the ground level in urban area as accurate as possible. In this paper, we developed a simulation system called LoQAS [Location service Quality Assessment System, 2002, the University of Tokyo] which can simulate numbers of visible satellites and DOP values using accurate satellite orbital data and 3-D digital map. In this time, we evaluated this system and extended it to deal with reflected signals to assess multi-path problems.

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