• Title/Summary/Keyword: Virtual Machine (VM)

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Design and Implementation of the Virtual Machine for the Redesigned Java Class File (재설계된 자바 클래스 파일을 위한 가상기계의 설계 및 구현)

  • Ko Kwang-Man
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.12A no.3 s.93
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2005
  • The virtual machine is a programming environment that supports device and platform independence. So far, virtual machines such as JVM and KVM have been used in a variety of environments for the Java language. Some virtual machines similar to them are also being developed and used. This paper Presents the experiences of extracting elements essential for small sized devices such as PDA from Java Class files(*.class) and designing a converted class file(*.rclass) for runtime efficiency by modifying its class file format and developing its translator. In addition, a virtual machine is developed to receive the translated class file entered and output the runtime results.

Cost Efficient Virtual Machine Brokering in Cloud Computing (가격 효율적인 클라우드 가상 자원 중개 기법에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Dong-Ki;Kim, Seong-Hwan;Youn, Chan-Hyun
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.3 no.7
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    • pp.219-230
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    • 2014
  • In the cloud computing environment, cloud service users purchase and use the virtualized resources from cloud resource providers on a pay as you go manner. Typically, there are two billing plans for computing resource allocation adopted by large cloud resource providers such as Amazon, Gogrid, and Microsoft, on-demand and reserved plans. Reserved Virtual Machine(VM) instance is provided to users based on the lengthy allocation with the cheaper price than the one of on-demand VM instance which is based on shortly allocation. With the proper mixture allocation of reserved and on-demand VM corresponding to users' requests, cloud service providers are able to reduce the resource allocation cost. To do this, prior researches about VM allocation scheme have been focused on the optimization approach with the users' request prediction techniques. However, it is difficult to predict the expected demands exactly because there are various cloud service users and the their request patterns are heavily fluctuated in reality. Moreover, the previous optimization processing techniques might require unacceptable huge time so it is hard to apply them to the current cloud computing system. In this paper, we propose the cloud brokering system with the adaptive VM allocation schemes called A3R(Adaptive 3 Resource allocation schemes) that do not need any optimization processes and kinds of prediction techniques. By using A3R, the VM instances are allocated to users in response to their service demands adaptively. We demonstrate that our proposed schemes are able to reduce the resource use cost significantly while maintaining the acceptable Quality of Service(QoS) of cloud service users through the evaluation results.

A Hybrid Cloud Testing System Based on Virtual Machines and Networks

  • Chen, Jing;Yan, Honghua;Wang, Chunxiao;Liu, Xuyan
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1520-1542
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    • 2020
  • Traditional software testing typically uses many physical resources to manually build various test environments, resulting in high resource costs and long test time due to limited resources, especially for small enterprises. Cloud computing can provide sufficient low-cost virtual resources to alleviate these problems through the virtualization of physical resources. However, the provision of various test environments and services for implementing software testing rapidly and conveniently based on cloud computing is challenging. This paper proposes a multilayer cloud testing model based on cloud computing and implements a hybrid cloud testing system based on virtual machines (VMs) and networks. This system realizes the automatic and rapid creation of test environments and the remote use of test tools and test services. We conduct experiments on this system and evaluate its applicability in terms of the VM provision time, VM performance and virtual network performance. The experimental results demonstrate that the performance of the VMs and virtual networks is satisfactory and that this system can improve the test efficiency and reduce test costs through rapid virtual resource provision and convenient test services.

Executing System of Virtual Machine Code using Decompiling Method (역컴파일링 기법을 이용한 가상기계 코드 실행 시스템)

  • Ahn, Duk-Ki;Yi, Chang-Hwan;Oh, Se-Man
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.14A no.2
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2007
  • Generally, virtual machine platform is composed of a compiler, an assembler, and VM(Virtual Machine). To develop it, the design of VMC(Virtual Machine Code) is an essential task. And it is very important to verify the virtual machine platform. To do this and furthermore to execute VMC, it needs to implement VMC execution system using compiling method, interpreting method, or decompiling method. In this paper, we suggested and implemented the executing system of VMC using decompiling method out of three methods to execute the VMC. In our implementation, the VMC is SIL(Standard Intermediate Language) that is an intermediate code of EVM(Embedded Virtual Machine). Actually, we verified the usefulness of the decompiling method. And the decompiling method suggested in this paper can be used to minimize the mistake in developing Virtual machine platform.

An Anomaly Detection Framework Based on ICA and Bayesian Classification for IaaS Platforms

  • Wang, GuiPing;Yang, JianXi;Li, Ren
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.3865-3883
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    • 2016
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) encapsulates computer hardware into a large amount of virtual and manageable instances mainly in the form of virtual machine (VM), and provides rental service for users. Currently, VM anomaly incidents occasionally occur, which leads to performance issues and even downtime. This paper aims at detecting anomalous VMs based on performance metrics data of VMs. Due to the dynamic nature and increasing scale of IaaS, detecting anomalous VMs from voluminous correlated and non-Gaussian monitored performance data is a challenging task. This paper designs an anomaly detection framework to solve this challenge. First, it collects 53 performance metrics to reflect the running state of each VM. The collected performance metrics are testified not to follow the Gaussian distribution. Then, it employs independent components analysis (ICA) instead of principal component analysis (PCA) to extract independent components from collected non-Gaussian performance metric data. For anomaly detection, it employs multi-class Bayesian classification to determine the current state of each VM. To evaluate the performance of the designed detection framework, four types of anomalies are separately or jointly injected into randomly selected VMs in a campus-wide testbed. The experimental results show that ICA-based detection mechanism outperforms PCA-based and LDA-based detection mechanisms in terms of sensitivity and specificity.

Development of Virtual Machine for Spacecraft Computer (인공위성 탑재 컴퓨터를 위한 가상머신의 개발)

  • Jeong, Hyeon-A;Joe, Hyun-Woo;Dupre, Vincent;Cheon, Yee-Jin;Kang, Soo-Yeon;Kim, Hyung-Shin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2011.06b
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    • pp.361-363
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    • 2011
  • 인공위성 탑재 컴퓨터는 위성 운영의 핵심 서브 시스템으로, 탑재 컴퓨터에 내장되는 OBS (On-Board Software) 의 복잡도가 증하고, 새로운 프로세서가 지속적으로 채택됨에 따라 재사용 가능한 소프트웨어의 필요성이 요구되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 소프트웨어의 재활용성을 제고하는 방법 중 하나로 Java VM과 유사한 가상머신인 SpaceApp VM을 제안하고 이를 구현하였다. SpaceApp 은 SpaceApp VM이 실행시키는 프로그램으로 Java의 WORA (Write Once Read Anywhere)의 개념을 위성 분야에 적용시킨 것이다. 본 연구에서는 SpaceApp VM의 설계와 개발에 대하여 설명한다.

An analysis of Network I/O Performance for Effective VM Management under Cloud CDN Environment (클라우드 CDN 환경에서의 효과적인 VM 관리를 위한 네트워크 I/O 성능 분석)

  • Hyeon, Myeongseok;Kim, Heejae;Youn, Chan-Hyun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2015.04a
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    • pp.156-159
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    • 2015
  • 최근 콘텐츠 전송 네트워크(content delivery network, CDN)와 클라우드 컴퓨팅(cloud computing)을 결합하여 효과적으로 콘텐츠를 전달하기 위한 방법이 대두되고 있으며 이와 같이 클라우드 컴퓨팅과 결합하여 서비스되는 CDN을 클라우드 CDN 이라고 칭한다. 본 논문에서는 클라우드 CDN 환경에서의 효과적인 가상 머신 (virtual machine, VM) 관리를 위한 캐시서버(caching server)로써의 VM의 네트워크 I/O 성능 분석을 다룬다. 해당 성능 분석은 엔드 유저(end-user)들과 캐시서버 간 동영상 스트리밍(streaming)을 통하여 이루어졌으며 해당 캐시 서버의 네트워크 I/O 성능에 영향을 주는 다양한 경우에 대하여 진행되었다. 본 논문에서의 성능 분석은 클라우드 CDN 환경에서의 데이터센터(datacenter) 선택 및 요청 라우팅(routing) 등에 적용될 수 있다.

Adaptive VM Allocation and Migration Approach using Fuzzy Classification and Dynamic Threshold (퍼지 분류 및 동적 임계 값을 사용한 적응형 VM 할당 및 마이그레이션 방식)

  • Mateo, John Cristopher A.;Lee, Jaewan
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2017
  • With the growth of Cloud computing, it is important to consider resource management techniques to minimize the overall costs of management. In cloud environments, each host's utilization and virtual machine's request based on user preferences are dynamic in nature. To solve this problem, efficient allocation method of virtual machines to hosts where the classification of virtual machines and hosts is undetermined should be studied. In reducing the number of active hosts to reduce energy consumption, thresholds can be implemented to migrate VMs to other hosts. By using Fuzzy logic in classifying resource requests of virtual machines and resource utilization of hosts, we proposed an adaptive VM allocation and migration approach. The allocation strategy classifies the VMs according to their resource request, then assigns it to the host with the lowest resource utilization. In migrating VMs from overutilized hosts, the resource utilization of each host was used to create an upper threshold. In selecting candidate VMs for migration, virtual machines that contributed to the high resource utilization in the host were chosen to be migrated. We evaluated our work through simulations and results show that our approach was significantly better compared to other VM allocation and Migration strategies.

A Study on Structure of Open Mobile Cloud (개방형 모바일 클라우드 구조 연구)

  • Kim, Woo-Joong;Youn, Chan-Hyun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.234-235
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    • 2012
  • 본 논문에서는 모바일 단말에 최적화원 VM(Virtual Machine)인 경량화된 PVI(Private Virtual Instance)를 프로비저닝하여 가상단발상의 Rich 앱에 고성능 컴퓨팅, 스토리지, 네트워크를 제공하고 모바일 클라우드 서비스를 위한 개방형 개발 환경 및 서비스 환경을 제공하는 새로운 모바일 클라우드 모델을 제안한다.