• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vinyl cord

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The Analysis of Fire Dispersion Characteristics of Vinyl and Rubber Cords Used Indoors (옥내용 비닐코드 및 고무코드의 화재확산특성 분석)

  • Choi, Chung-Seog;Shong, Kil-Mok;Kim, Dong-Ook;Kim, Dong-Woo;Kim, Young-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.130-135
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    • 2005
  • The electrical fire frequently happens through careless use such as poor contact, mechanical stress on power cord sets. In this paper, we simulated a wall-model in order to investigate the patterns of fire dispersion on power cord sets which consists of vinyl cord and rubber cord, etc. The fire progress and dispersive patterns were measured by a high speed imaging system(HG-100K, REDLAKE, USA). From the results, the fire pattern of power cord sets was progressed in order of flashover, scattering and disconnection. The short-circuit of the vinyl cords happened easier than the rubber cords by the external flame. In case vinyl cord is disconnected. the fire progress is not observed because the ignition energy decreases. Whereas, the fire progressed continuously in case of the rubber cord.

The fire patterns of vinyl and rubber cords shorted by external flame (외부화염에 의해 단락된 비닐코드 및 고무코드의 화재 패턴)

  • Kim, Dong-Woo;Shong, Kil-Mok;Kim, Dong-Ook;Kim, Young-Seok;Choi, Chung-Seog
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.07c
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    • pp.1655-1657
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    • 2004
  • The electrical fire frequently happens through carelessness of a vinyl and rubber cords such as a poor contact, a mechanical stress and so on. Electrical fire occupies the greater part(about 30%) of all fires in Korea. In this paper, we compared to the fire dispersive patterns of vinyl and rubber cords according to the external flame in the wall-model. The fire progress and dispersive patterns were measured by a high speed imaging system(HG-100K, REDLAKE, USA). From the results, short-circuit of the vinyl cords are easy to happen than the rubber cords by the external flame. The pattern of fire was progressed a flashover, scattering and disconnection. The fire progress on the vinyl cord is not observed because the ignition energy decreases. However, the fire was progressed continuously on the rubber cord.

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Modification of SBR Latex and its Adhesion Characteristic (SBR Latex의 개질 및 접착특성)

  • Kim, Goo-Ni;Chun, Yong-Chul;Oh, Sang-Taek;Park, Seung-Hyeun;Lee, Chang-Ho;Yoo, Chong-Sun;Min, Byung-Kwon
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.444-452
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    • 1994
  • Emulsion graft copolymerizations of vinyl monomers, butyl acrylate(BA), methyl methacrylate(MMA), 2-ethylhexyl acrylate (EHA), glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate(HEMA), methacrylonitrile(MAN), dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate(DAMA) or 2-vinyl pyridine(VP), onto carboxyl-terminated SBR latex were carried out under different experimental conditions. In case of synthesizing SBR-g-poly(butyl acrylate), the degree of grafting was increased with increasing the amount of emulsifier, polymerization temperature and the amount of initiator. Pull-out strength of resorcinol-formaldehyde-latex(RFL) adhesives formulated with modified latexes was very higher than that of RFL adhesive formulated with ungrafted latex. When the modified latexes with GMA, HEMA, MAN, DAMA or VP were used, the break occurred at cords. Peel strength of RFL adhesives formulated with SBR-g-poly(GMA), SBR-g-poly(HEMA) or SBR-g-poly(VP) was higher by about 1.3 times than that of RFL adhesives formulated with unmodified SBR against nylon cord and was higher by about 2.0 times against polyester cord.

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Study of the Method to Examine the Cause of Damage to a Flat-Type Vinyl Cord (VFF) According to the Type of Energy Source (에너지원의 종류에 따른 비닐평형코드(VFF)의 소손원인 판정기법에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Chung-Seog
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2011
  • This study presented the structure and characteristics of vinyl cords used for wiring electric equipment and appliances and analyzed the photographs of damaged flat-type vinyl cords (VFF, $1.25mm^2$) and the metallic cross-sectional structure of melted conductors. Normal VFFs were made by twisting several strands together and the surface of the conductor was red brown. In addition, from the analysis of the metallic structure of the conductor, it was found that its grains had been elongated. The surface of a VFF damaged by normal flame showed no sheen with carbonized insulation material fused on the conductor surface. In addition, from the analysis of the cross-sectional structure of the melted area, it was found that voids of a certain shape were formed on it but that the cord's own elongation structure could not be checked. The cross-sectional analysis of the melted conductor damaged by the external flame applied to a VFF to which electric current was being applied showed no elongation structure for each cord, and revealed that irregular voids and a columnar structure had grown. The surface of the VFF damaged by overcurrent was uniformly carbonized and the cross-sectional structure analysis of the melted conductor revealed that the dendritic structure had grown. The analysis of the characteristics of the VFF melted by short-circuit showed that even though some part of the surface was contaminated, it showed little sheen and that the area rebounded by melting was round in shape. In addition, the cross-sectional structure analysis using a metallurgical microscope showed the boundary surface and columnar structure and revealed an amorphous structure like normal copper at areas other than the melted conductor.

A Study on the Identification of Electrical Eire -Focused on Distance Analysis of Electrical Wires by Overcurrent- (전기화재의 감식에 관한 연구 -과전류 사고시 전선의 이격거리 분석을 통하여-)

  • 이상호;김준식;오홍석
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we have simulated the force between the two electrical wires using the finite element method(FEM) according to the value of current and distance when overcurrent flows in the vinyl-insulated vinyl-cabtyre cord(flat-type, 600 V, VCTFK, $2C{\times}1.25mm^2$). And we will present the basic data for the identification of electrical fire by experiment for maximum distance between the two wires according to current and time using large current supply device(Model : EHT_EFAD, Korea) in case of overcurrent.

A Study on the Short-Circuit Characteristics of Vinyl Cords Damaged by External Flame (외부화염에 의해 소손된 비닐 코드의 단락 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Chung-Seog;Kim Hyang-Kon;Shong Kil-Mok
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we studied on the short-circuit process, surface structure, and component variation of vinyl cords. In the results of high speed imaging system (HSIS) analysis, as soon as wire covering was damaged by heat, the conductor of wire came in contact with the other conduct of wire, and the short-circuit occurred. Stereomicroscope and SEM analysis indicated that the source part of wire showed V-type form. The molten beads of load part were bigger than those of source part. In the results of EDX analysis, Cu and O were detected in the source part, whereas covering material (Cl, Ca), Cu and O were detected in the load part. The results will help us to find out the cause of electrical fire.

The Characteristics Analysis of Damaged Pattern by Repeated Stress of VCTFK (VCTFK의 반복피로에 의한 소손 패턴의 특성 해석)

  • Choi Chung-Seog;Shong Kil-Mok;Kim Dong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.19 no.4 s.68
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we analyzed on the characteristics of the stranded wire disconnected by repeated stress. The stranded wires that were used in the experiment are PVC insulated flexible cords(VCTFK: Vinyl Insulated Vinyl Cabtyre Cord Flat-type) of $0.75mm^2,\;1.25mm^2,\;and\;2.0mm^2$. They are used to connect the load in low voltage. The stranded wires disconnected by repeated stress were magnified with optical microscope. Using X-ray, the disconnected wire were photo-graphed. we compared mechanical characteristics of the stranded wire between disconnected tendency and allowable current. On the mechanical strength of vinyl cap tire ellipse type cords under bending stress, VCTFK of $1.25mm^2$ was the strongest of them. When it was bent $826.3\pm7$ times, it appeared the disconnected tendency that element wires of VCTFK of $1.25mm^2$ are more about 1.67 times than element wires of VCTFK of $0.75mm^2$. In mechanical strength, VCTFK of $1.25mm^2$ is higher about 1.7 times than VCTFK of $0.75mm^2$. Therefore, we found out that mechanical strength was higher, when the wire had a lot of element wires. In comparison with bending stress, VCTFK of $1.25mm^2$ is the strongest among samples, and it is the most useful in wires of movable type.

Comparative Study on Maternal Health Status With Island and Land Women in A Middle City Area (중도시내(中都市內) 도서(島嶼)와 육지거주부인(陸地居住婦人)의 모성보건실태비교(母性保健實態比較))

  • Kim, Kyu-Chul
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 1976
  • To compare the maternal health status between women in island and land, the study was conducted to adjacent land (kukdong) and island (kyonghodong) areas in Yosoo city during April 1976. The results obtained from 174 interviewee in island and 192 in land areas were the same as follow, 1. General characteristics of both area. Age: Land, group 20-29 year of age was the largest. Island, 30-39 year of age was the largest. Education; Low educated group, less than primary grade (land 88.6%, island 93.1%), was predominant in both area. Occupation of herself; agriculture and labor was the main occupation (land 50%, island 82.2%) in both area. Occupation of husband: labor and fishery was general (81.2%) in land, and agriculture and fishery was general (81.6%) in island. Duration of residence; Land, 25.0% being resided here more than 10 years. Island, 64.3% being resided here more than 10 years. 2. Marriage, Pregnancy, and Present children. Average age at marriage; Land, 20.7 years. Island, 20.9 years. Average frequency of pregnancy; Land, 4.4 times. Island, 4.3 times. Wastage of pregnancies: Land, 236 per 1000 pregnancies. Island, 151 per 1000 pregnancies. Wastage occupied by induced abortion; land, 73.5%. island, 60.5%. Number and sex of present children; Land, 3.3 per family, sex ratio 52.4 to 47.6. Island, 3.6 per family, sex ratio 53.3 to 46.7. 3. Prenatal and postnatal care. Prenatal consutation: Land, 16.1% received by doctor or midwife. Island 9.2% received by doctor or midwife. Complications during last pregnancy; Land, 46.6% complained. Island, 51.1% complained. Return to work within 1 week after delivery; Land, 40.6%. Island, 50.6%. 4. Delivery environment Home delivery; Land, 97.4% Island, 97.3%. Delivery attdended by non medical professions at home; Land, 80.2% Island, 93.7%. Solo home delivery; Land, 13.0%, Island, 12.9%. Delivery attended by layman without taking any disinfective preparations; Land, 48.1%, Island, 49.1%. Material mainly used to cut umbilical cord at home; Land, scissors (97.4%). Island, scissora (98.8%). Cord cutting material used without giving any disinfective preparations; Land, 79.9%, Island, 84.0%. Delivery sheets used at home; Cement bag paper (land 50.0%, island, 31.3%). Vinyl sheets (land,17.5%, island, 27.6%). News paper (land, 3.2%. island, 11.7%). No sheets (land 19.5%. island, 12.9%). etc. Maternal Meal; Seaweed soup with rice was the most general in both area. (land 95.3%, island, 91.4%).

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A Study on Delivery Environments and Immunization practice of the Maternal St Child Health Services in a Rural Area (일부농촌지역의 모자보건사업중 분만상태와 예방접종실시에 관한 조사 연구)

  • 주채복
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.92-103
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    • 1975
  • This study was conducted to find out status of delivery environments, delivery attendants, and various immunization practices towards 513 babies who were born during the period from January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1974, in Dongnae Area, Shindong Myon, Chunseong Gun, Ganwon Do. The results and findings obtained from the study are summarized as follows : 1. Of all deliveries, 10.7% of the babies were reported born at the hospitals. 2. Deliveries attended by qualified professionals such as, doctors, midwives or public health nurses, were 22.2% of the total deliveries. Those who delivered alone without having anyone's assistants were as much as 9.7%, The percentage of the deliveries attended by the professional groups were increased year by year among the younger group mothers with the babies birth order being first or second place. 3. Sewing scissors were most frequently used as a tool for cutting the umbilical cord indicating 87.5% in this area. Sterilized tools were used among 50.3% of the women. 4. The usage af vinyl sheet and cement bag paper were frequently used as a delivery sheet, indicating 32.3%. Delivery set which was distributed by the health center was used 18.0%. (excluded the deliveries attended by professional attendants) 5. Immunization practices for the infant were observed as relatively high rate: 92.8% of the infant received D. p. T., 81, 3u/o received against poliomyelitis, 52.8% for small pox, 78.9% with B. C. G., and 18.5%against measles. The percentage af babies complected 3 times shot for D. P. T. and 2 times shot for poliomyelitis vaccine turned out be to 67.8% and 87.5%, respectively.

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