• Title/Summary/Keyword: Viewing Performance

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The Error Diffusion halftoning Method Using Information of Edge Enhancement (에지 강조 정보를 이용한 오차확산 해프토닝)

  • Kwak Nae Joung;Ahn Jae Hyeong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.3 s.303
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2005
  • Edge enhanced image is needed for processing images for special purpose such as a circuit diagram or a design composed of lines. Error diffusion halftoning, among digital halftoning methods to represent a continuous grayscale image for the binary output device such as printers, facsimiles, LCD televisions and etc. also makes edges of objects blurred. This paper proposes the method to enhance the edge of a binary image for the binary output device as well as a circuit diagram or a design. Based on that the human eyes perceive the local average luminance rather than the pixel's luminance itself, the proposed system uses a local activitymeasure (LAM), which is the difference between a pixel luminance and the average of its $3{\times}3$ neighborhood pixels' luminances weighted according to the spatial positioning. The system also usesinformation of edge enhancement(IEE), which is computed from the LAM multiplied by the average luminance. The IEE is added to the quantizer's input pixel and feeds into the halftoning quantizer. The quantizer produces the halftone image having the enhanced edge. The simulation results show that the proposed method produces more fine halftoning images than conventional methods due to the enhanced edges. Also the performance of the proposed method is compared with that of the conventional method by measuring the edge correlation and the local average accordance over a range of viewing distances.

Region Selective Transmission Method of MMT based 3D Point Cloud Content (MMT 기반 3차원 포인트 클라우드 콘텐츠의 영역 선별적 전송 방안)

  • Kim, Doohwan;Kim, Junsik;Kim, Kyuheon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the development of image processing technology, as well as hardware performance, has been continuing the research on 3D point processing technology that provides users with free viewing angle and stereoscopic effect in various fields. Point cloud technology, which is a type of representation of 3D point, has attracted attention in various fields because it can acquired/expressed point precisely. However, since Hundreds of thousands, millions of point are required to represent one 3D point cloud content, there is a disadvantage that a larger amount of storage space is required than a conventional 2D content. For this reason, the MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group), an international standardization organization, is continuing to research how to efficiently compress, store, and transmit 3D point cloud content to users. In this paper, a V-PCC bitstream generated by a V-PCC (Video-based Point Cloud Compression) encoder proposed by the MPEG-I (Immersive) group is composed of an MPU (Media Processing Unit) defined by the MMT. In addition, by extending the signaling message defined in the MMT standard, a parameter for a segmented transmission method of the 3D point cloud content by area and quality parameters considering the characteristic of the 3D point cloud content, so that the quality parameters can be selectively determined according to the user's request. Finally, in this paper, we verify the result through design/implementation of the verification platform based on the proposed technology.

The Effect of the Consumption Value of Classical Music Concert Audience on the Re-Spectating Intention through Flow and Satisfaction (클래식 관객의 소비가치가 관람몰입과 만족 그리고 재관람의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Byeon, Jiyun;Kim, Doyun;Ryu, Seungwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to understand the value pursued when consuming performances for classical music performance audiences, to identify the difference in influence by type, and to expand into the base of academic research focusing on audiences who are consumers in classical music performances, which was the existing supplier-centered. Also, this study tried to verify the effect of consumption value on flow and satisfaction. and we aimed to prove whether consumption value leads to re-spectating intention through structural relationship. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on the audience who watched classical music performances within one year by applying consumption value theory, and the analysis was conducted using smartPLS 3.0. As a result, functional value and emotional value had an effect on flow. The second one is that functional value had a positive effect on satisfaction. The third fact is that social value had a negative effect. Overall, the structural relationship between flow, satisfaction, and re-spectating intention had a strong effect on each other. Implications of this study are that the market characteristics and current status of classical music performances were examined, and that an effective marketing strategy to increase the re-spectator rate was sought by finding out the factors of audience's consumption value that affect viewing satisfaction.

Chromatic adaptation model for the variations of the luminance of the same chromaticity illuminants (동일 색도 광원의 휘도 변화에 따른 색 순응 모델)

  • Kim Eun-Su;Jang Soo-Wook;Lee Sung-Hak;Sohng Kyu-lk
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.4 s.304
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose the chromatic adaptation models (CAM) for the variations of the luminance levels. A chromatic adaptation model, CAM$\Delta$Y , is proposed according to the change of luminance level under the same illuminants. The proposed model is obtained by the transform the test colors of the high luminance into the corresponding colors of the low luminance. In the proposed model, the optimal coefficients are obtained from the corresponding colors data of the Breneman's experiments. In the experimental results, we confined that the chromaticity errors, $\Delta$u'v', between the predicted colors by the proposed model and the corresponding colors of the Breneman's experiments are 0.004 in u'v' chromaticity coordinates. The prediction performance of the proposed model is excellent because this error is the threshold value that two adjacent color patches can be distinguished. Additionally, we also propose equal-whiteness CCT curves (EWCs) by CAM$\Delta$Y according to the luminance levels of the surround viewing conditions. And the proposed EWCs can be used as the theoretical standard which determines the reference white of the color display devices.

Accelerating GPU-based Volume Ray-casting Using Brick Vertex (브릭 정점을 이용한 GPU 기반 볼륨 광선투사법 가속화)

  • Chae, Su-Pyeong;Shin, Byeong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2011
  • Recently, various researches have been proposed to accelerate GPU-based volume ray-casting. However, those researches may cause several problems such as bottleneck of data transmission between CPU and GPU, requirement of additional video memory for hierarchical structure and increase of processing time whenever opacity transfer function changes. In this paper, we propose an efficient GPU-based empty space skipping technique to solve these problems. We store maximum density in a brick of volume dataset on a vertex element. Then we delete vertices regarded as transparent one by opacity transfer function in geometry shader. Remaining vertices are used to generate bounding boxes of non-transparent area that helps the ray to traverse efficiently. Although these vertices are independent on viewing condition they need to be reproduced when opacity transfer function changes. Our technique provides fast generation of opaque vertices for interactive processing since the generation stage of the opaque vertices is running in GPU pipeline. The rendering results of our algorithm are identical to the that of general GPU ray-casting, but the performance can be up to more than 10 times faster.

Edge-Enhanced Error Diffusion Halftoning using Local mean and Spatial Activity (국부 평균과 공간 활성도를 이용한 에지 강조 오차확산법)

  • Kwak Nae-Joung;Kwon Dong-Jin;Kim Young-Gil;Ahn Jae-Hyeong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.13B no.2 s.105
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2006
  • Digital halftoning is the technique to obtain a bilevel-toned image from continuous-toned image. Among halftoning methods, the error diffusion method gives better subjective quality than other halftoning ones. But it also makes edges of objects blurred. To overcome the defect, we proposes the modified error diffusion to enhance the edges using the property that human vision perceives the local average luminance and doesn't perceive a little variation of the spatial variation. The proposed method computes a spatialactivity, which is the difference between a pixel luminance and the average of its $3{\times}3$ neighborhood pixels' Iuminance weighted according to the spatial positioning. The system also usesof edge enhancement (IEE), which is computed from the normalized spatial activitymultiplied by the average luminance. The IEE is added to the quantizer's input pixel and feeds into the halftoning quantizer. The quantizer produces the halftone image having the enhanced edge. The computer experimental results show that the proposed method produces clearer bilevel-toned images than conventional methodsand the edge of objects is preserved well. Also the performance of the preposed method is improved, compared with that of the conventional method by measuring the edge correlation and the local average accordance at some ranges of viewing distance.

A Study on the Automatic Digital DB of Boring Log Using AI (AI를 활용한 시추주상도 자동 디지털 DB화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ka-Hyun;Han, Jin-Tae;Yoon, Youngno
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.37 no.11
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 2021
  • The process of constructing the DB in the current geotechnical information DB system needs a lot of human and time resource consumption. In addition, it causes accuracy problems frequently because the current input method is a person viewing the PDF and directly inputting the results. Therefore, this study proposes building an automatic digital DB using AI (artificial intelligence) of boring logs. In order to automatically construct DB for various boring log formats without exception, the boring log forms were classified using the deep learning model ResNet 34 for a total of 6 boring log forms. As a result, the overall accuracy was 99.7, and the ROC_AUC score was 1.0, which separated the boring log forms with very high performance. After that, the text in the PDF is automatically read using the robotic processing automation technique fine-tuned for each form. Furthermore, the general information, strata information, and standard penetration test information were extracted, separated, and saved in the same format provided by the geotechnical information DB system. Finally, the information in the boring log was automatically converted into a DB at a speed of 140 pages per second.

Implementation of Responsive Web-based Vessel Auxiliary Equipment and Pipe Condition Diagnosis Monitoring System (반응형 웹 기반 선박 보조기기 및 배관 상태 진단 모니터링 시스템 구현)

  • Sun-Ho, Park;Woo-Geun, Choi;Kyung-Yeol, Choi;Sang-Hyuk, Kwon
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.562-569
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    • 2022
  • The alarm monitoring technology applied to existing operating ships manages data items such as temperature and pressure with AMS (Alarm Monitoring System) and provides an alarm to the crew should these sensing data exceed the normal level range. In addition, the maintenance of existing ships follows the Planned Maintenance System (PMS). whereby the sensing data measured from the equipment is monitored and if it surpasses the set range, maintenance is performed through an alarm, or the corresponding part is replaced in advance after being used for a certain period of time regardless of whether the target device has a malfunction or not. To secure the reliability and operational safety of ship engine operation, it is necessary to enable advanced diagnosis and prediction based on real-time condition monitoring data. To do so, comprehensive measurement of actual ship data, creation of a database, and implementation of a condition diagnosis monitoring system for condition-based predictive maintenance of auxiliary equipment and piping must take place. Furthermore, the system should enable management of auxiliary equipment and piping status information based on a responsive web, and be optimized for screen and resolution so that it can be accessed and used by various mobile devices such as smartphones as well as for viewing on a PC on board. This update cost is low, and the management method is easy. In this paper, we propose CBM (Condition Based Management) technology, for autonomous ships. This core technology is used to identify abnormal phenomena through state diagnosis and monitoring of pumps and purifiers among ship auxiliary equipment, and seawater and steam pipes among pipes. It is intended to provide performance diagnosis and failure prediction of ship auxiliary equipment and piping for convergence analysis, and to support preventive maintenance decision-making.

Environmental Analysis for Discovering Specialized Local Sports Tourism (지역 특화 스포츠관광 발굴을 위한 환경 분석)

  • Yang, Eun-Seok;Choi, Kyoung-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2021
  • This is an environmental analysis study for discovering specialized local sports tourism and aims to provide implications for the development of sports tourism industry in the Chuncheon region by analyzing the current status of domestic and overseas sports tourism and presenting overseas cases of specialized regional sports tourism. Therefore, through SWOT analysis and secondary data survey, implications for the development direction according to facilities, programs, and public relations and marketing were derived. Sports tourism contributes to vitalization of local economy by converging with local tourism centering on sports participation or viewing. Thus, it must be organized with differentiated products taking into account the characteristics of the area. An investigation of the main components of domestic and overseas sports tourism shows that mega sports events or specialized local leisure sports are connected to tourism resources for commercialization. In Korea, 3 to 4 local areas are discovered and supported annually through the specialized local sports tourism promotion program. This study suggests a development plan by evaluating and analyzing the performance of the Chuncheon Spo-Tour program. In terms of facility, it is necessary to construct accommodation facilities that harmonize with the natural environment, develop new programs connected to Songam Sports Town, and reinforce existing equipment. In terms of program, it is necessary to develop canoe/kayak water courses utilizing Uiam-Lake, train professionals to operate programs, and develop programs that take into consideration seasonal characteristics as well as the level of each participants. In terms of PR/marketing, it is important to build competitiveness by using ICT, improving public awareness of the sites, and adopting reasonable pricing policies. The development of specialized local sports tourism products through remedies and efforts will contribute to vitalization of local economy.

A Study on the Media Recommendation System with Time Period Considering the Consumer Contextual Information Using Public Data (공공 데이터 기반 소비자 상황을 고려한 시간대별 미디어 추천 시스템 연구)

  • Kim, Eunbi;Li, Qinglong;Chang, Pilsik;Kim, Jaekyeong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.95-117
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    • 2022
  • With the emergence of various media types due to the development of Internet technology, advertisers have difficulty choosing media suitable for corporate advertising strategies. There are challenging to effectively reflect consumer contextual information when advertising media is selected based on traditional marketing strategies. Thus, a recommender system is needed to analyze consumers' past data and provide advertisers with personalized media based on the information consumers needs. Since the traditional recommender system provides recommendation services based on quantitative preference information, there is difficult to reflect various contextual information. This study proposes a methodology that uses deep learning to recommend personalized media to advertisers using consumer contextual information such as consumers' media viewing time, residence area, age, and gender. This study builds a recommender system using media & consumer research data provided by the Korea Broadcasting Advertising Promotion Corporation. Additionally, we evaluate the recommendation performance compared with several benchmark models. As a result of the experiment, we confirmed that the recommendation model reflecting the consumer's contextual information showed higher accuracy than the benchmark model. We expect to contribute to helping advertisers make effective decisions when selecting customized media based on various contextual information of consumers.