• Title/Summary/Keyword: Videothoracoscope

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Availability of 2mm videothoracoscope in Bullectomy of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax (원발성 자연 기휴의 기포절제술에서 2mm 비디오 흉강경의 유효성)

  • Lee, Yuen-Jae;Park, Chul;Kim, Jong-Seok;Kim, Han-Yong;Yoo, Byung-Ha
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.621-625
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    • 2001
  • For many years, 10mm videothoracoscope has been widely used in bullectomy of primary spontaneous pneumothorax. However we used a 2mm videothoracoscope to minimize operative wound. Thus, we compared the clinical results of bulllectomy using 2mm videothoracoscope with bullectomy using 10mm videothoracoscope. Material and method: We analyzed 118 patients who underwent VATS for primary spontaneous pneumothorax from April, 1998 to December, 2000. 2mm videothoracoscope was used in 53 patients(Group A) and 10mm videothoracoscope was used in 65 patients(Group B). The mean age was 20.2$\pm$6.9 years old in group A and 20.1$\pm$6.1 years old in group B. The mean follow up was 10.9$\pm$3.8 months in group A and 11.4$\pm$4.3 months in group B. Result: The operation time was shorter in group A than group B(55.7$\pm$22.9 minutes, 71.2$\pm$21.4 minutes, p<0.05). The duration of postoperative hospital stay was shorter in group A than group B(7.2$\pm$3.2 days, 9.2$\pm$3.6 days, p<0.05). The duration of postoperative chest tube indwelling was shorter in group A than group B(4.7$\pm$3.1 days, 6.3$\pm$2.8 days, p<0.05). The duration of postoperative air leakage(0.6$\pm$2.1 days, 1.0$\pm$2.4 days, p>0.05), the amount of analgesics(1.38$\pm$1.0 ampules, 1.7$\pm$1.4 ampules, p>0.05), the amount of analgesics(1.38$\pm$1.0 ampules, 1.7$\pm$1.4 ampules, p>0.05), postperative complications(2 cases, 7cases, p>0.05) and recurrences(1 case, 1 case, p>0.05) were not statistically different between two groups. Operative wound was smaller in group A than B. Conclusion: There were non adverse results in group A than group B. Furthermore, bullectomy using 2mm videothoracoscope brought us minimized operative wound and good cosmetic results. Thus, we could recommend bullectomy using 2mm videothoracoscope in primary spontaneous penumothorax.

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Videothoracoscopic Operation - 59 Cases Experience - (비디오 흉강경을 이용한 흉부수술 - 59례 보고 -)

  • 김해균;이두연;윤용한;배기만
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.86-88
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    • 1993
  • We have experienced 59 cases of videothoracoscopic operation for 7 months from January to August 1992 at Yongdong Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of medicine. There were pneumothorax in 21 cases, mediastinal mass in 12 cases, diffuse intestitial lung disease in 7 cases, Buerger's disease in 1 case, metastatic lung cancer in 1 case and sclerosing hemangioma in 1 case. We had performed a variety of procedures (bullectomy in 21 cases, sympathectomy in 17 cases, mass excision in 12 cases, lung biopsy in 8 cases, lobectomy in 1 case). The patients were uneventful in post-operative courses.

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Bullectomy Using 2 mm Videothoracoscope in Primary Spontaneous Pheumothorax (원발성 자연기흉에서 2 mm 비디오흉강경을 이용한 기포절제술)

  • Lee, Yuen-Jae;Park, Cheul;Kim, Han-Yong;Yoo, Byung-Ha
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.260-263
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    • 2001
  • 비디오흉강경을 통한 기포절제술이 술후 통증, 창상으로 인한 감염등의 합병증을 줄였고, 미관상의 효과와 더불어 짧은 입원기간으로 빠른 사회로의 복귀를 가져왔다. 1999년 11월 18일부터 2000년 4월 19일까지 6개월동안 수술적응증이 되는 20례의 원발성 자연기흉 환자를 개흉술로의 전환 없이 2mm 비디오 흉강경을 이요하여 기포 절제술을 시행하였다. 수술창성은 단순 흉강삽관술을 시행하였을때와 거의 흡사했다. 원발성 자연기흉 환자에서는 병변이 상엽에 국한되어 있는 경우가 대부분이고, 늑막유착이 없거나 심하지 않아서 2mm비디오 흉강경으로도 기포절제술이 가능하게 되어 수술창상을 줄일수 있었다.

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