• Title/Summary/Keyword: Video sequence

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Object-Based Video Segmentation Using Spatio-temporal Entropic Thresholding and Camera Panning Compensation (시공간 엔트로피 임계법과 카메라 패닝 보상을 이용한 객체 기반 동영상 분할)

  • 백경환;곽노윤
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2003
  • This paper is related to a morphological segmentation method for extracting the moving object in video sequence using global motion compensation and two-dimensional spatio-temporal entropic thresholding. First, global motion compensation is performed with camera panning vector estimated in the hierarchical pyramid structure constructed by wavelet transform. Secondly, the regions with high possibility to include the moving object between two consecutive frames are extracted block by block from the global motion compensated image using two-dimensional spatio-temporal entropic thresholding. Afterwards, the LUT classifying each block into one among changed block, uncertain block, stationary block according to the results classified by two-dimensional spatio-temporal entropic thresholding is made out. Next, by adaptively selecting the initial search layer and the search range referring to the LUT, the proposed HBMA can effectively carry out fast motion estimation and extract object-included region in the hierarchical pyramid structure. Finally, after we define the thresholded gradient image in the object-included region, and apply the morphological segmentation method to the object-included region pixel by pixel and extract the moving object included in video sequence. As shown in the results of computer simulation, the proposed method provides relatively good segmentation results for moving object and specially comes up with reasonable segmentation results in the edge areas with lower contrast.

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Design and Implementation of the Higher-quality Terrestrial 3DTV Broadcasting Standard Specification Based on Synchronization with Non-Real-Time Contents (고화질 스테레오스코픽 영상 서비스를 위한 비실시간 콘텐츠 연동 지상파 3DTV 방송 표준규격 설계 및 검증)

  • Lee, Jangwon;Kim, Kyuheon;Yim, Hyun-Jeong;Cheong, Won-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37C no.12
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    • pp.1185-1194
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a new terrestrial 3DTV broadcasting standard specification based on synchronization with non-real-time contents in order to overcome quality limitations of the current 3DTV services that are arisen from the limited bandwidth of the legacy broadcasting channel. In the services using the proposed specification, one view sequence of a stereoscopic video content is delivered as a non-real-time content in idle time, and the other view sequence is transmitted in real time broadcasting signal, thereafter two sequences are synchronized in a receiver for display. Thus, it is possible to provide higher-quality stereoscopic video content services than the current 3DTV services. In order to realize these services, a new mechanism is required which enables synchronization between the data that are from different transmission media and time. Therefore, this paper suggests a solution by multiplexing the synchronization signals of non-real-time contents into broadcasting signals with real-time streams together. This solution can provide a accurate synchronization mechanism by minimum updates of legacy broadcasting systems while maintaining compatibility with legacy services.

Corresponding Points Tracking of Aerial Sequence Images

  • Ochirbat, Sukhee;Shin, Sung-Woong;Yoo, Hwan-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2008
  • The goal of this study is to evaluate the KLT(Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi) for extracting and tracking the features using various data acquired from UAV. Sequences of images were collected for Jangsu-Gun area to perform the analysis. Four data sets were subjected to extract and track the features using the parameters of the KLT. From the results of the experiment, more than 90 percent of the features extracted from the first frame could successfully track through the next frame when the shift between frames is small. But when the frame to frame motion is large in non-consecutive frames, KLT tracker is failed to track the corresponding points. Future research will be focused on feature tracking of sequence frames with large shift and rotation.

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Kinematic Analysis of Badminton Smashing Between the Skilled and the Unskilled (숙련자와 미숙련자의 배드민턴 스매시 동작의 운동학적 비교 분석)

  • Ryew, Che-Cheong;Kim, Ik-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.139-160
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest the guideline for scientific and quantitative skill acquisition methods of badminton smashing so that the novice could learn the motions of badminton smashing efficiently. The subject participated consisted of total 6 middle school students of the stilled(3) and the unskilled(3). The cinematographical experimental & Analysis equipments used in the study were composed of two Model D-5100 Video Cameras, a control point, a synchronization timer and Kwon3d motion analysis system. The conclusions obtained were as follows, 1. It was necessary for the unskilled to learn the smashing impact phase in situation of max. velocity of COG in order to minimize the timing loss phase. 2. Particularly. The power from segments of Power Zone must participate in utilization in sequence of order of trunk-upper arm- forearm-hand-racket segment in both the skilled and the unskilled.. 3. Therefore it was necessary for the unskilled to do smashing practice for cumulated sum of absolute & relative velocity transfer into shuttle cock after adjusting anterior-posterior tilting angle and max timing, in sequence of segment recruited.

An Analysis of Sexual Health Education for Korean Adolescents (청소년대상 영상매체 성교육자료분석 -비디오를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Koang-Ok;Yang, Soon-Ok;Im, Mi-Lim
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.441-457
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to provide fundamental information for the development of new sex education image media through the analysis of those tools produced by Planned Parenthood Federation of Korea. Twenty three video tapes related to the sex education were analysed. The data were sampled on the basis of the sex education instructions for primary and secondary schools published by the Seoul Office of Education in 1996 and the list of sex education information composed by the Planned Parenthood Federation of Korea with the following requirements. 1) The education materials are oriented to the middle and high school students as well a juveniles and are being used in public health centers and schools. 2) The education materials are not confined to the single subject such as AIDS or contraception. Because this study is focused on the analysis of image media, an analysis method widely and effectively used in public media study was chosen. The frequency analysis and percentage treatment were done by an SAS program. The results of the study are as follows : 1. An analysis of the material structure type showed that the frequency of the following subjects in 15 video tapes, composed as drama and cartoon, had this decreasing orde : sex behavior, sex relation ships, sex health, human development, personal technique, and society and culture. 2. The eight tapes of explanation and counseling showed a different sequence from that of the drama and cartoon material, primarily treating human development with 5419 seconds (47.9%) of type. The following were also considered in decreasing order: at 2000seconds (17.6%) sex behavior, at 1366 seconds (12.1%) sex health, at 1240 seconds (11.0%) society and culture, at 667 seconds (6.0%) relation ships, and at 611 seconds (5.4%) personal technique. 3. In a thematic analysis those education materials dealing with human development show this frequency sequence: anatomic physiology, reproduction, and adolescence. In relation, ships the sequence is dates, love, marriage and vows, and family. For personal technique, it is expressed as asking for help, and an empnasis on moral values. For sex behavior, they focus on abstinence, the co-responsibility of sex behavior, the sexual response of the human, and sexual nightmares. For the sex health area, the focus is contraception with abortion and reproductive health following that. In society and culture diversity is considered. 4. An analysis of the differences in production and content between 1980s and 1990s was also done. For materials produced in the 1980s the frequency of the subjects follows this order: sex behavior, human development, relation ships, sex health, personal technique, and society and culture with sub subjects such as abstinence, dating, adolescence, anatomic physiology, reproduction, calls for help, and the sexual response of a human being. For materials produced in the 1990s, highest frequency was sex behavior, the same as the 1980s. The rest of the material follows this decreasing order: relationships, human development, sex health, society and culture, and personal technique with sub subjects such as dating, co-resposibility in sex behavior, abstinence, and love frequently considered.

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Design of Moving Picture Retrieval System using Scene Change Technique (장면 전환 기법을 이용한 동영상 검색 시스템 설계)

  • Kim, Jang-Hui;Kang, Dae-Seong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2007
  • Recently, it is important to process multimedia data efficiently. Especially, in case of retrieval of multimedia information, technique of user interface and retrieval technique are necessary. This paper proposes a new technique which detects cuts effectively in compressed image information by MPEG. A cut is a turning point of scenes. The cut-detection is the basic work and the first-step for video indexing and retrieval. Existing methods have a weak point that they detect wrong cuts according to change of a screen such as fast motion of an object, movement of a camera and a flash. Because they compare between previous frame and present frame. The proposed technique detects shots at first using DC(Direct Current) coefficient of DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform). The database is composed of these detected shots. Features are extracted by HMMD color model and edge histogram descriptor(EHD) among the MPEG-7 visual descriptors. And detections are performed in sequence by the proposed matching technique. Through this experiments, an improved video segmentation system is implemented that it performs more quickly and precisely than existing techniques have.

Adaptive Shot Change Detection Technique Using Mean of Feature Value on Variable Reference Block (가변 참조 구간의 평균 특징값을 이용한 적응적인 장면 전환 검출 기법)

  • Kim, Won-Hee;Moon, Kwang-Seok;Kim, Jong-Nam
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.272-279
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    • 2008
  • Shot change detection is an important technique for effective management of video data, so detection scheme requires adaptive detection techniques to be used actually in various video. In this paper, we propose an adaptive shot change detection algorithm using the mean of feature value on variable reference blocks. Our algorithm determines shot change detection by defining adaptive threshold values with the feature value extracted from video frames and comparing the feature value and the threshold value. We obtained better detection ratio than the conventional methods maximally by 15% in the experiment with the same test sequence. We also had good detection ratio for other several methods of feature extraction and could see realtime operation of shot change detection in the hardware platform with low performance was possible by implementing it in TVUS model of HOMECAST company. Thus, our algerian in the paper can be useful in PMP(portable multimedia player) or other portable players.

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DSP Embedded Early Fire Detection Method Using IR Thermal Video

  • Kim, Won-Ho
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.3475-3489
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    • 2014
  • Here we present a simple flame detection method for an infrared (IR) thermal camera based real-time fire surveillance digital signal processor (DSP) system. Infrared thermal cameras are especially advantageous for unattended fire surveillance. All-weather monitoring is possible, regardless of illumination and climate conditions, and the data quantity to be processed is one-third that of color videos. Conventional IR camera-based fire detection methods used mainly pixel-based temporal correlation functions. In the temporal correlation function-based methods, temporal changes in pixel intensity generated by the irregular motion and spreading of the flame pixels are measured using correlation functions. The correlation values of non-flame regions are uniform, but the flame regions have irregular temporal correlation values. To satisfy the requirement of early detection, all fire detection techniques should be practically applied within a very short period of time. The conventional pixel-based correlation function is computationally intensive. In this paper, we propose an IR camera-based simple flame detection algorithm optimized with a compact embedded DSP system to achieve early detection. To reduce the computational load, block-based calculations are used to select the candidate flame region and measure the temporal motion of flames. These functions are used together to obtain the early flame detection algorithm. The proposed simple algorithm was tested to verify the required function and performance in real-time using IR test videos and a real-time DSP system. The findings indicated that the system detected the flames within 5 to 20 seconds, and had a correct flame detection ratio of 100% with an acceptable false detection ratio in video sequence level.

On-line Prediction Algorithm for Non-stationary VBR Traffic (Non-stationary VBR 트래픽을 위한 동적 데이타 크기 예측 알고리즘)

  • Kang, Sung-Joo;Won, You-Jip;Seong, Byeong-Chan
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.156-167
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we develop the model based prediction algorithm for Variable-Bit-Rate(VBR) video traffic with regular Group of Picture(GOP) pattern. We use multiplicative ARIMA process called GOP ARIMA (ARIMA for Group Of Pictures) as a base stochastic model. Kalman Filter based prediction algorithm consists of two process: GOP ARIMA modeling and prediction. In performance study, we produce three video traces (news, drama, sports) and we compare the accuracy of three different prediction schemes: Kalman Filter based prediction, linear prediction, and double exponential smoothing. The proposed prediction algorithm yields superior prediction accuracy than the other two. We also show that confidence interval analysis can effectively detect scene changes of the sample video sequence. The Kalman filter based prediction algorithm proposed in this work makes significant contributions to various aspects of network traffic engineering and resource allocation.

Initial QP Determination Algorithm using Bit Rate Model (비트율 모델을 이용한 초기 QP 결정 알고리즘)

  • Park, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.1947-1954
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    • 2012
  • The first frame is encoded in intra mode which generates a larger number of bits. In addition, the first frame is used for the inter mode encoding of the following frames. Thus the initial QP for the first frame affects the first frame as well as the following frames. Traditionally, the initial QP is determined among four constant values only depending on the bpp. In the case of low bit rate video coding, the initial QP value is fixed to 40 regardless of the output bandwidth. Although this initialization scheme is simple, yet it is not accurate enough. An accurate initial QP prediction scheme should not only depends on bpp but also on the complexity of the video sequence and the output bandwidth. In the proposed scheme, we determine the initial QP according to the ratio of the first frame to the total bits allocated to a GOP. To estimate the QP of the allocated bits, Rate-QP model is used. It is shown by experimental results that the new algorithm can predict the optimal initial QP more accurately and generate the PSNR performance better than that of the existing JVT algorithm.