• Title/Summary/Keyword: Velocity-area method

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Analysis and Prediction for Spatial Distribution of Functional Feeding Groups of Aquatic Insects in the Geum River (금강 수계 수서곤충 섭식기능군의 공간분포 분석 및 예측)

  • Kim, Ki-Dong;Park, Young-Jun;Nam, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study is to define a correlation between spatial distribution characteristics of FFG(Functional Feeding Groups) of aquatic insects and related environmental factors in the Geum River based on the theory of RCC(River Continuum Concept). For that objective we had used SMRA(Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis) method to analyze close relationship between the distribution of aquatic insects and the physical and chemical factors that may affect their inhabiting environment in the study area. And then, a probabilistic method named Frequency Ratio Model(FRM) and spatial analysis function of GIS were applied to produce a predictive distribution map of biota community considering their distribution characteristics according to the environmental factors as related variables. As a result of SMRA, the values of decision coefficient for factors of elevation, stream width, flow velocity, conductivity, temperature and percentage of sand showed higher than 0.5. Therefore these 6 environmental factors were considered as major factors that might affect the distribution characteristics of aquatic insects. Finally, we had calculated RMSE(Root Mean Square Error) between the predicted distribution map and prior survey database from other researches to verify the result of this study. The values of RMSE were calculated from 0.1892 to 0.4242 according to each FFG so we could find out a high reliability of this study. The results of this study might be used to develop a new estimation method for aquatic ecosystem with macro invertebrate community and also be used as preliminary data for conservation and restoration of stream habitats.

Water droplet generation technique for 3D water drop sculptures (3차원 물방울 조각 생성장치의 구현을 위한 물방울 생성기법)

  • Lin, Long-Chun;Park, Yeon-yong;Jung, Moon Ryul
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2019
  • This paper presents two new techniques for solving the two problems of the water curtain: 'shape distortion' caused by gravity and 'resolution degradation' caused by fine satellite droplets around the shape. In the first method, when the user converts a three-dimensional model to a vertical sequence of slices, the slices are evenly spaced. The method is to adjust the time points at which the equi-distance slices are created by the nozzle array. In this method, even if the velocity of a water drop increases with time by gravity, the water drop slices maintain the equal interval at the moment of forming the whole shape, thereby preventing distortion. The second method is called the minimum time interval technique. The minimum time interval is the time between the open command of a nozzle and the next open command of the nozzle, so that consecutive water drops are clearly created without satellite drops. When the user converts a three-dimensional model to a sequence of slices, the slices are defined as close as possible, not evenly spaced, considering the minimum time interval of consecutive drops. The slices are arranged in short intervals in the top area of the shape, and the slices are arranged in long intervals in the bottom area of the shape. The minimum time interval is pre-determined by an experiment, and consists of the time from the open command of the nozzle to the time at which the nozzle is fully open, and the time in which the fully open state is maintained, and the time from the close command to the time at which the nozzle is fully closed. The second method produces water drop sculptures with higher resolution than does the first method.

Seismic Imaging of a Tidal Flat: A Case Study for the Mineopo Area (조간대(갯벌)에서의 탄성파 탐사: 민어포 지역의 사례)

  • Jou, Hyeong-Tae;Kim, Han-Joon;Lee, Gwang-Hoon;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Jung, Baek-Hoon;Cho, Hyun-Moo;Jang, Nam-Do
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 2008
  • A shallow high-resolution seismic reflection survey was carried out at the Mineopo tidal flat on the western coast of Korea. The purpose of the survey was to investigate shallow sedimentary structure of the tidal flat associated with the recent sea level change. A total of 795 shots were generated at 1 m interval from a 5-kg hammer source and recorded on 48 channels of 100 Hz geophones along two mutually perpendicular profiles. The water-saturated ground condition resulted in suppressed ground rolls by significantly decreasing rigidity. In addition, seismic velocities over 1500 m/s provided easy segregation of reflected arrivals from lower velocity noise. As a consequence, seismic sections from the study area show significantly higher resolution and signal to noise ratio than conventional land seismic sections. The tidal flat consists of 5 sedimentary sequences above acoustic basement. The seismic sections reveal the continuous structure of the tidal flat formed in association with sea level rise during the Holocene.


  • Seo,Man-Cheol;Choe,Hui-Su;Lee,Chan-Hui;O,Jin-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2003
  • Twin stone pagodas of the ruins of Kamunsa temple at Kyongju city, Kyungsangbukdo were believed to be built in 682 during the Unified Shilla Kingdom. The 13.4-m-high granodiolite pagodas with the base of 6.78 m x 4.4 m are the largest three-story stone pagoda in Korea. The western pagoda which was re-organized in 1959 is observed to be on the process of severe weathering. Also, some stone contacts are represented by the shape of sharp chevron, which is probably caused by the uneven loading due to the structural unbalance. For the structure-safety diagnosis of the western pagoda, it is necessary to understand its site characteristics and surrounding subsurface environment. Combined geophysical survey such as seismic and resistivity methods was carried out around the western pagoda. The range of 55∼350 Ωm is shown around the pagoda from the electrical resistivity mapping by the Wenner method. The higher resistivities occur the southwestern area, while the lower (<100 Ωm) values indicating the weaker subsurface appear to be on the northeastern area. This result coincides with the measurement of a leaning angle of the pagoda. Along 6 seismic lines, about 3-m-thick uppermost section around the pagoda shows the P-wave velocity of 200∼700 m/s from the refraction survey. Based on the integrated geophysical survey, the foundation of the pagoda is estimated to be in the form of 11-m-side square down to the depth of 3 m.

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Doppler Shifts of the $H{\alpha}$ Line and the Ca II 854.2 nm Line in a Quiet Region of the Sun Observed with the FISS/NST

  • Chae, Jongchul;Park, Hyungmin;Yang, Heesu;Park, Young-Deuk;Cho, Kyung-Suk;Ahn, Kwangsu;Cao, Wenda
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.113.1-113.1
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    • 2012
  • The characteristics of Doppler shifts in a quiet region of the Sun are investigated by comparing between the $H{\alpha}$ line and the Caii infrared line at 854.2 nm. A small area of $16^{\prime\prime}{\times}40^{\prime\prime}$ was observed for about half an hour with the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) of the 1.6 meter New Solar Telescope (NST) at Big Bear Solar Observatory. The observed area contains a network region and an internetwork region, and identified in the network region are $H{\alpha}$ fibrils, Caii fibrils and bright points. We infer the Doppler velocity from each line profile at a point with the lambdameter method as a function of half wavelength separation ${\Delta}{\lambda}$. It is confirmed that the bisector of the spatially-averaged Caii line profile has an inverse C-shape of with a significant peak redshift of +1.8 km/s. In contrast, the bisector of the spatially-averaged $H{\alpha}$ line profile has a different shape; it is almost vertically straight or, if not, has a C-shape with a small peak blueshift of -0.5 km/s. In both the lines, the bisectors of bright network points are much different from those of other features in that they are significantly redshifted not only at the line centers, but also at the wings. We also find that the spatio-temporal fluctuation of Doppler shift inferred from the Caii line is correlated with those of the $H{\alpha}$ line. The strongest correlation occurs in the internework region, and when the inner wings rather than the line centers are used to determine Doppler shift. In this region, the RMS value of Doppler shift fluctuation is the largest at the line center, and monotonically decreases with ${\Delta}{\lambda}$. We discuss the physical implications of our results on the formation of the $H{\alpha}$ line and Caii 854.2 nm line in the quiet region chromosphere.

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Direct Bonding of SillSiO2/Si3N4llSi Wafer Fairs with a Fast Linear Annealing (선형가열기를 이용한 SillSiO2/Si3N4llSi 이종기판쌍의 직접접합)

  • 이상현;이상돈;송오성
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.301-307
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    • 2002
  • Direct bonded SOI wafer pairs with $Si ll SiO_2/Si_3N_4 ll Si$ the heterogeneous insulating layers of SiO$_2$-Si$_3$N$_4$are able to apply to the micropumps and MEMS applications. Direct bonding should be executed at low temperature to avoid the warpage of the wafer pairs and inter-diffusion of materials at the interface. 10 cm diameter 2000 ${\AA}-SiO_2/Si(100}$ and 560 $\AA$- ${\AA}-Si_3N_4/Si(100}$ wafers were prepared, and wet cleaned to activate the surface as hydrophilic and hydrophobic states, respectively. Cleaned wafers were pre- mated with facing the mirror planes by a specially designed aligner in class-100 clean room immediately. We employed a heat treatment equipment so called fast linear annealing(FLA) with a halogen lamp to enhance the bonding of pre mated wafers We kept the scan velocity of 0.08 mm/sec, which implied bonding process time of 125 sec/wafer pairs, by varying the heat input at the range of 320~550 W. We measured the bonding area by using the infrared camera and the bonding strength by the razor blade clack opening method, respective1y. It was confirmed that the bonding area was between 80% and to 95% as FLA heat input increased. The bonding strength became the equal of $1000^{\circ}C$ heat treated $Si ll SiO_2/Si_3N_4 ll Si$ pair by an electric furnace. Bonding strength increased to 2500 mJ/$\textrm{m}^2$as heat input increased, which is identical value of annealing at $1000^{\circ}C$-2 hr with an electric furnace. Our results implies that we obtained the enough bonding strength using the FLA, in less process time of 125 seconds and at lowed annealing temperature of $400^{\circ}C$, comparing with the conventional electric furnace annealing.

Image Based Damage Detection Method for Composite Panel With Guided Elastic Wave Technique Part I. Damage Localization Algorithm (복합재 패널에서 유도 탄성파를 이용한 이미지 기반 손상탐지 기법 개발 Part I. 손상위치 탐지 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Changsik;Jeon, Yongun;Park, Jungsun;Cho, Jin Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed to estimate the damage location in the composite panel by extracting the elastic wave signal reflected from the damaged area. The guided elastic wave is generated by a piezoelectric actuator and sensed by a piezoelectric sensor. The proposed algorithm adopts a diagnostic approach. It compares the non-damaged signal with the damaged signal, and extract damage information along with sensor network and lamb wave group velocity estimated by signal correlation. However, it is difficult to clearly distinguish the damage location due to the nonlinear properties of lamb wave and complex information composed of various signals. To overcome this difficulty, the cumulative summation feature vector algorithm(CSFV) and a visualization technique are newly proposed in this paper. CSFV algorithm finds the center position of the damage by converting the signals reflected from the damage to the area of distance at which signals reach, and visualization technique is applied that expresses feature vectors by multiplying damage indexes. Experiments are performed for a composite panel and comparative study with the existing algorithms is carried out. From the results, it is confirmed that the damage location can be detected by the proposed algorithm with more reliable accuracy.

Accuracy evaluation of microwave water surface current meter for measurement angles in middle flow condition (전자파표면유속계의 측정 각도에 따른 평수기 유속 측정 정확도 분석)

  • Son, Geunsoo;Kim, Dongsu;Kim, Kyungdong;Kim, Jongmin
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2020
  • Streamflow discharge as a fundamental riverine quantity plays a crucial role in water resources management, thereby requiring accurate in-situ measurement. Recent advances in instrumentations for the streamflow discharge measurement has complemented or substituted classical devices and methods. Among various potential methods, surface current meter using microwave has increasingly begun to be applied not only for flood but also normal flow discharge measurement, remotely and safely enabling practitioners to measure flow velocity postulating indirect contact. With minimized field preparedness, this method facilitated and eased flood discharge measurement in the difficult in-situ conditions such as extreme flood in active ways emitting 24.125 GHz microwave without relying on natural lights. In South Korea, a rectangular shaped instrument named with Microwave Water Surface Current Meter (MWSCM) has been developed and commercially released around 2010, in which domestic agencies charging on streamflow observation shed lights on this approach regarding it as a potential substitute. Considering this brand-new device highlighted for efficient flow measurement, however, there has been few noticeable efforts in systematic and comprehensive evaluation of its performance in various measurement and riverine conditions that lead to lack in imminent and widely spreading usages in practices. This study attempted to evaluate the MWSCM in terms of instrumen's monitoring configuration particularly regarding tilt and yaw angle. In the middle of pointing the measurement spot in a given cross-section, the observation campaign inevitably poses accuracy issues related with different tilt and yaw angles of the instrument, which can be a conventionally major source of errors for this type of instrument. Focusing on the perspective of instrument configuration, the instrument was tested in a controlled outdoor river channel located in KICT River Experiment Center with a fixed flow condition of around 1 m/s flow speed with steady flow supply, 6 m of channel width, and less than 1 m of shallow flow depth, where the detailed velocity measurements with SonTek micro-ADV was used for validation. As results, less than 15 degree in tilting angle generated much higher deviation, and higher yawing angle proportionally increased coefficient of variance. Yaw angles affected accuracy in terms of measurement area.

Retrieving Volcanic Ash Information Using COMS Satellite (MI) and Landsat-8 (OLI, TIRS) Satellite Imagery: A Case Study of Sakurajima Volcano (천리안 위성영상(MI)과 Landsat-8 위성영상(OLI, TIRS)을 이용한 화산재 정보 산출: 사쿠라지마 화산의 사례연구)

  • Choi, Yoon-Ho;Lee, Won-Jin;Park, Sun-Cheon;Sun, Jongsun;Lee, Duk Kee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_1
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    • pp.587-598
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    • 2017
  • Volcanic ash is a fine particle smaller than 2 mm in diameters. It falls after the volcanic eruption and causes various damages to transportation, manufacturing industry and respiration of living things. Therefore diffusion information of volcanic ash is highly significant for preventing the damages from it. It is advantageous to utilize satellites for observing the widely diffusing volcanic ash. In this study volcanic ash diffusion information about two eruptions of Mt. Sakurajima were calculated using the geostationary satellite, Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) Meteorological Imager (MI) and polar-orbiting satellite, Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and the Thermal InfraRed Sensor (TIRS). The direction and velocity of volcanic ash diffusion were analyzed by extracting the volcanic ash pixels from COMS-MI images and the height was retrieved by adjusting the shadow method to Landsat-8 images. In comparison between the results of this study and those of Volcanic Ash Advisories center (VAAC), the volcanic ash tend to diffuse the same direction in both case. However, the diffusion velocity was about four times slower than VAAC information. Moreover, VAAC only provide an ash height while our study produced a variety of height information with respect to ash diffusion. The reason for different results is measured location. In case of VAAC, they produced approximate ash information around volcano crater to rapid response, while we conducted an analysis of the ash diffusion whole area using ash observed images. It is important to measure ash diffusion when large-scale eruption occurs around the Korean peninsula. In this study, it can be used to produce various ash information about the ash diffusion area using different characteristics satellite images.

Aeromagnetic Interpretation of the Southern and Western Offshore Korea (한국 서남근해에 대한 항공자력탐사 해석)

  • Baag Czango;Baag Chang-Eob
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.2 no.2 s.3
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 1994
  • Analysis of the aeromagnetic data aquired by US Navy in the year 1969 permits us to predict a new sedimentary basin, Heugsan Basin, south of the known Gunsan Basin in Block Ⅱ. The basin appears to consist of three sub-basins trending NNW-SSE. The results of our analysis provide not only an independent assessment of the Gunsan Basin, but also new important information on the tectonic origin and mechanism for the two basins as well as for the entire region. The basin forming tectonic style is interpreted as rhombochasm associated with double overstepped left-lateral wrench faults. From the magnetic evidence, a few NE-SW trending major onshore faults are extended to the study area. We also interpreted the nature of the faults to be left-lateral wrenches. This new gross structural style is consistent with the results of recent Yeongdong Basin analysis by Lee. The senses of fault movement are also supported by the paleomagnetic evidence that the Philippine Sea had experienced an 80-degree clockwise rotation since the Eocene. Based on a 2 $\frac{1}{2}$ model study the probable maximum thickness of the sediments in the Gunsan Basin is approximately 7500 meters. We believe that the new Heugsan Basin was left unidentified because a high velocity layer may be overlying the basin. Because the overall structural configuration of the Heugsan Basin appears to be favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation, a detailed airborne magnetic survey is recommended in the area in order to verify the magnetic expression of this thick basin. A detailed subsequent marine gravity survey is also recommended in order to delineate the sedimentary section and to acquire supplemental data to the magnetic method only if an overlying high velocity layer is confirmed. Otherwise a high energy source seismic survey may be more effective.

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